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Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2022). Review of Ecological Form: System and Aesthetics in the Age of Empire, edited by Nathan K. Hensley and Philip Steer, with an afterword by Karen Pinkus (In Press). Victorian Studies Indiana University Press
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2016). Tod(es-)Maschine Hai. PhiN. Philologie im Netz: Beihefte, 10, pp. 61-76. Freie Universität Berlin
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2012). The Tempest Re-Envisioned: Encounters with the Sea in Iris Murdoch and Derek Jarman. Shakespeare Seminar, 9, pp. 53-65. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2011). The Tempest Re-Envisioned: Encounters with the Sea in Iris Murdoch and Derek Jarman. Shakespeare Seminar, 9, pp. 55-65. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2005). The Wonders and Perils of Air: Crossing Magic Realities in Salman Rushdie's Fiction. e-sharp, 4
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2023). Salman Rushdie’s Audiences, Reception, and the Literary Market. In: Salman Rushdie in Context. Literature in Context (pp. 331-343). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2018). Victorian Cultural Sustainability. In: Cultural Sustainability: Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences (pp. 184-193). Routledge
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2017). Die unheimliche Natur: Schauer- und Sensationsroman als Spielarten einer ökologischen Ästhetik. In: Ökologische Genres: Naturästhetik - Umweltethik - Wissenspoetik. Umwelt und Gesellschaft: Vol. 16 (pp. 181-194). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2016). Dickens in America. In: Straub, Julia (ed.) Handbook of Transatlantic North American Studies (pp. 448-469). De Gruyter
Richter, Virginia; Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2015). Introduction. ’Twixt Land and Sea: Approaches to Littoral Studies. In: Kluwick, Ursula; Richter, Virginia (eds.) The Beach in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures: Reading Littoral Space. (pp. 1-20). Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2015). Food for Sharks: Abjection on the Beach. In: Kluwick, Ursula; Richter, Virginia (eds.) The Beach in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures: Reading Littoral Space. (pp. 139-154). Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2015). “Climate Change, the Novel, and the Bildungsroman: The Relation of Things in an Emergent World.”. In: Emig, Rainer; Gohrisch, Jana (eds.) Anglistentag 2014 Hannover: Proceedings. Anglistentag Proceedings (pp. 329-340). Trier: WVT
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2014). Talking About Climate Change: The Ecological Crisis and Narrative Form. In: Garrard, Greg (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Ecocriticism. Oxford Handbooks (pp. 502-516). Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199742929.013.029
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2014). The Coast as a Site of Ecological Haunting in Iris Murdoch’s The Sea, The Sea and Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca. In: Horatschek, Anna-Margaretha; Rosenberg, Yvonne; Schäbler, Daniel (eds.) Navigating Cultural Spaces: Maritime Places. Spatial Practices: Vol. 18 (pp. 237-255). Amsterdam: Brill/Rodopi
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2013). The (Inter)Disciplinarity of Postcolonial Research. In: Gohrisch, Jana; Grunkemeier, Ellen (eds.) Postcolonial Studies Across the Disciplines. Cross/Cultures: Vol. 170 (pp. 341-347). Amsterdam: Rodopi
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2008). Rohinton Mistry: Family Matters. In: Peters, Susanne; Stierstorfer, Klaus; Volkmann, Laurenz (eds.) Novels. Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture 2 (pp. 393-410). Trier: WVT
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2007). Jane’s Angry Daughters: Anger in Anita Brookner’s Hotel du Lac, Margaret Drabble’s The Waterfall, Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine and Jamaica Kincaid’s Lucy. In: Rubik, Margarete; Mettinger-Schartmann, Elke (eds.) A Breath of Fresh Eyre: Intertextual and Intermedial Reworkings of Jane Eyre. IFAVL: Vol. 111 (pp. 129-148). Amsterdam: Brill/Rodopi
Kluwick, Ursula Maria; Richter, Virginia (eds.) (2015). The Beach in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures: Reading Littoral Space. Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate
Troxler, Marion Irena; í Jákupsstovu, Gudrun; Kluwick, Ursula Maria; Scheller, Katharina (6 June 2024). Launch of Digital Shores – An Interactive Atlas of Beach Narratives (Unpublished). In: A Million Atoms of Soft Blue: Rethinking Water and Littoral Space in the Humanities. Bern, Switzerland. 06.06-07.06.2024.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (30 November 2023). ‘Nebel, Wolken und Phasenübergänge: Die Agenz des Wassers in der englischen Literatur.’ (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. University of Erlangen.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (29 November 2023). The Beach as a Space of Contradiction: Encounters in the Littoral Contact Zone (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. University of Bremen.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (11 October 2023). The Blue Humanities: Literature as an Agent of Change (Keynote) (Unpublished). In: EurOCEAN 2023/European Marine Board. Vigo, Spain. 10.-11.10.2023.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (11 October 2023). How literature and the arts can serve as agents of change (Roundtable) (Unpublished). In: EurOCEAN 2023/European Marine Board. Vigo, Spain. 10.-11.10.2023.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (4 October 2023). Transmedia Afterlives: Representing Migrant Deaths (Unpublished). In: Lecture. University of Graz.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (15 September 2023). Changing Water Cultures: Spas and the Seaside in British Nineteenth-Century Novels (Unpublished). In: The Water Cultures of Europe and the Mediterranean, 1500-1900. Venice, Italy. 13.-15.9.2023.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (6 August 2023). Environmental (In)Justice on the Beach (Unpublished). In: EACLALS 2023, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. Paris. 6.-10.6.2023.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (12 July 2023). The Beach as Common Ground? Storied Matter in Littoral Space (Unpublished). In: ASLE Conference 2023. University of Portland. 8.-12.7.2023.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (19 May 2023). The Global Inequalities of Infrastructure: Migrants and Tourists on the Beach (Unpublished). In: GAPS 2023. University of Konstanz. 18.-20.5.2023.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (16 March 2023). Climate Change and Form: 21st-Century Anthropocene Water Fictions (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. University of Fribourg.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria; Huber, Irmtraud (2022). Material Agency: Early Modern Perspectives: An Outlook (Unpublished). In: ESSE Conference 2022. University of Mainz. 1. September 2022.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2022). Swimming with Shakespeare: A Blue Reading of The Tempest and Twelfth Night. (Unpublished). In: Our Own Shakespeare Lecture Series. University of Innsbruck. 27.04.2022.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria; Richter, Virginia (27 November 2020). The Beach in the Long Twentieth Century (Unpublished). In: The Ecological Imperative. Bern (Zoom). 27.-28.11.2020.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (9 November 2019). Paradiesische Gewässer (Unpublished). In: Sprache (Prep) Paradies. Köln. 8.-9.11.2019.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (5 October 2019). Moving Matter: Drinking Disease in Victorian Literature (Unpublished). In: Locating Intersections of Medicine and Mobility in 19th-Century Britain. Erlangen. 4.-5-1.2019.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria; Gurr, Jens Martin (23 September 2019). ‘Panel Introduction: Literature and Interdisciplinarity.’ (Unpublished). In: Anglistentag 2019. Leipzig. 22.-25.9.2019.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (10 September 2019). ‘Water in the Anthropocene .’ (Unpublished). In: Anthropocene (Post)Humanities. Bayrische Akademie München. 10.-11.9.2019.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2 June 2019). ‘The Postcolonial Mediterranean.’ (Unpublished). In: Postcolonial Oceans – Contradictions and Heterogeneities in the Epistemes of Salt Water. GAPS/IACPL Annual Conference. Bremen. 30.5.-2.6.2019.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (5 April 2019). ‘Aquatic Science and Gothic Waterscapes in the Victorian Novel.’ (Unpublished). In: British Society for the Study of Literature and Science 2019. Royal Holloway, London, United Kingdom. 4.-5-4-2019.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (29 November 2018). Menschen im Nebel. Meteopotologische Überlegungen zu einem unheimlichen Phänomen (Unpublished). In: Literarische Meteorologie / Meteopoetologie. FU Berlin, Deutschland. 29.-30.11.2018.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (14 June 2018). “Bodies Arriving on the Beach.” (Unpublished). In: Narrating and Constructing the Beach. LMU München, Deutschland. 14.-16.06.2018.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (12 November 2016). “Victorian Cultural Sustainability.” (Unpublished). In: Cultural Dimensions of Sustainability. Universität Bern, Schweiz. 10.-12.11.2016.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (15 June 2016). Introduction (Unpublished). In: Rhetorik der Nachhaltigkeit: Konzepte und Diskurse nachhaltiger Zukunftsgestaltung in Medien, Politik und diversen Fachdisziplinen. Freiburg im Brsg., Deutschland. 15.-17.06.2016.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (November 2015). The Aesthetics of Bodies in Translation: From The Water-Babies to Real Humans (Unpublished). In: Medial Bodies Between Fiction and Faction: Reinventing Carnality. Universität Freiburg/Breisgau. 06.-08.11.2015.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (16 October 2015). Interdiscursive Relations: Infiltration as a Case Study (Unpublished). In: Invited Lecture. Universität Wien. 16.10.2015.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (14 February 2015). Tod(es) Maschine Hai (Unpublished). In: Mensch Maschine Tier: Entwürfe posthumaner Interaktionen. 5th Conference of the DFG-Network Ethik und Ästhetik in literarischen Repräsentationen ökologischer Transformationen.. Universität Mannheim. 14.02.2015.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (4 October 2014). Our Mutual Friend, Our Mutual Problem: Die Themse als moralökologisches Problem in Dickens' Gesellschaftsroman (Unpublished). In: Ökologische Genres. 4th Conference of the DFG-Network Ethik und Ästhetik in literarischen Repräsentationen ökologischer Transformationen. Bayreuth. 04.10.2014.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (23 September 2014). Climate Change Narratives and Identity Formation (Unpublished). In: Anglistentag 2014. Leibniz University Hanover. 23.09.2014.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (5 September 2014). Material Ecocriticism and the Great Stink (Unpublished). In: Victorian Sustainability. British Association for Victorian Studies. University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. 05.09.2014.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2012). The Dickensian Thames in Word and Image (Unpublished). In: Dickens and the Visual Imagination. University of Surrey, UK. 9.7.2012.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2012). Oh, the river! Dickens’s Moral Thames” (Unpublished). In: The Other Dickens: Victorian and Neo-Victorian Contexts. University of Portsmouth, UK. 6.7.2012.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2012). Magic Realism, Salman Rushdie, and the Practice of 'Reading Back' (Unpublished). In: EARS - EUCOR English Seminar on Indian literatures in English. University of Strasbourg. 13.4.2012.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2012). Victorian London - Water, Hygiene, and Charles Dickens (Unpublished). In: Gastvortrag. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. 24. Mai 2012.
Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2016). Fictions of Fluctuation: Water in the Victorian Age (Unpublished). (Habilitation, Department of English, Faculty of Humanities)