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Wurz, P.; Fatemi, S.; Galli, A.; Halekas, J.; Harada, Y.; Jäggi, N.; Jasinski, J.; Lammer, H.; Lindsay, S.; Nishino, M. N.; Orlando, T. M.; Raines, J. M.; Scherf, M.; Slavin, J.; Vorburger, A.; Winslow, R. (2022). Particles and Photons as Drivers for Particle Release from the Surfaces of the Moon and Mercury. Space science reviews, 218(3) Springer 10.1007/s11214-022-00875-6
Schmid, D.; Lammer, H.; Plaschke, F.; Vorburger, A.; Erkaev, N. V.; Wurz, Peter; Narita, Y.; Volwerk, M.; Baumjohann, W.; Anderson, B. J. (2022). Magnetic Evidence for an Extended Hydrogen Exosphere at Mercury. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127(11) Wiley 10.1029/2022JE007462
Orsini, S.; Livi, S. A.; Lichtenegger, H.; Barabash, S.; Milillo, A.; De Angelis, E.; Phillips, M.; Laky, G.; Wieser, M.; Olivieri, A.; Plainaki, C.; Ho, G.; Killen, R. M.; Slavin, J. A.; Wurz, Peter; Berthelier, J.-J.; Dandouras, I.; Kallio, E.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Szalai, S.; ... (2021). SERENA: Particle Instrument Suite for Determining the Sun-Mercury Interaction from BepiColombo. Space science reviews, 217(1) Springer 10.1007/s11214-020-00787-3
Szabo, P. S.; Biber, H.; Jäggi, N.; Wappl, M.; Stadlmayr, R.; Primetzhofer, D.; Nenning, A.; Mutzke, A.; Fleig, J.; Mezger, K.; Lammer, H.; Galli, A.; Wurz, P.; Aumayr, F. (2020). Experimental Insights Into Space Weathering of Phobos: Laboratory Investigation of Sputtering by Atomic and Molecular Planetary Ions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125(12) Wiley 10.1029/2020je006583
Wurz, Peter; Lasi, Davide; Thomas, Nicolas; Piazza, Daniele; Galli, André; Jutzi, Martin; Barabash, S.; Wieser, M.; Magnes, W.; Lammer, H.; Auster, U.; Gurvits, L. I.; Hajdas, W. (2017). An Impacting Descent Probe for Europa and the Other Galilean Moons of Jupiter. Earth, moon, and planets, 120(2), pp. 113-146. Springer 10.1007/s11038-017-9508-7
Pfleger, M.; Lichtenegger, H. I. M.; Wurz, Peter; Lammer, H.; Kallio, E.; Alho, M.; Mura, A.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Martin-Fernandez, J. A. (2015). 3D-modeling of Mercury's solar wind sputtered surface-exosphere environment. Planetary and space science, 115, pp. 90-101. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2015.04.016
Vorburger, Audrey Helena; Wurz, Peter; Lammer, H.; Barabash, S.; Mousis, O. (2015). Monte-Carlo simulation of Callisto's exosphere. Icarus, 262, pp. 14-29. Elsevier 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.07.035
Erikson, A.; Santerne, A.; Renner, S.; Barge, P.; Aigrain, S.; Alapini, A.; Almenara, J.-M.; Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Benz, Willy; Bonomo, A. S.; Bordé, P.; Bouchy, F.; Bruntt, H.; Cabrera, J.; Carone, L.; Carpano, S.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Deleuil, M.; ... (2012). Planetary transit candidates in the CoRoT-SRc01 field. Astronomy and astrophysics, 539, A14. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201116934
Wurz, P.; Abplanalp, D.; Tulej, M.; Lammer, H. (2012). A neutral gas mass spectrometer for the investigation of lunar volatiles. Planetary and space science, 74(1), pp. 264-269. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2012.05.016
Schaufelberger, A.; Wurz, P.; Lammer, H.; Kulikov, Yu N. (2012). Is hydrodynamic escape from Titan possible? Planetary and space science, 61(1), pp. 79-84. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2011.03.011
Tinetti, G.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Henning, T.; Meyer, M.; Micela, G.; Ribas, I.; Stam, D.; Swain, M.; Krause, O.; Ollivier, M.; Pace, E.; Swinyard, B.; Aylward, A.; van Boekel, R.; Coradini, A.; Encrenaz, T.; Snellen, I.; Zapatero-Osorio, M. R.; Bouwman, J.; Cho, J. Y-K.; ... (2012). EChO. Experimental astronomy, 34(2), pp. 311-353. Springer 10.1007/s10686-012-9303-4
Guenther, E.W.; Cabrera, J.; Erikson, A.; Fridlund, M.; Lammer, H.; Mura, A.; Rauer, H.; Schneider, J.; Tulej, M.; von Paris, P.; Wurz, P. (2011). Constraints on the exosphere of CoroT-7b. Astronomy and astrophysics, 525, A24. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201014868
Mura, A.; Wurz, P.; Schneider, J.; Lammer, H.; Griessmeier, J.M.; Khodachenko, M.L.; Weingrill, J.; Guenther, E.; Cabrera, J.; Erikson, A; Fridlund, M.; Milillo, A.; Rauer, H.; von Paris, P. (2011). Comet-like tail-formation of exospheres of hot rocky exoplanets: Possible implications for CoRoT-7b. Icarus, 211(1), pp. 1-9. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.icarus.2010.08.015
Alibert, Yann; Broeg, C.; Benz, Willy; Wuchterl, G.; Grasset, O.; Sotin, C.; Eiroa, C.; Henning, T.; Herbst, T.; Kaltenegger, L.; Leger, A.; Liseau, R.; Lammer, H.; Beichman, C.; Danchi, W.; Fridlund, M.; Lunine, J.; Paresce, F.; Penny, A.; Quirrenbach, A.; ... (2010). Origin and Formation of Planetary Systems. Astrobiology, 10(1), pp. 19-32. Larchmont, N.Y.: Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/ast.2009.0372
Bonomo, A.S.; Santerne, A.; Alonso, R.; Gazzano, J.-C.; Havel, M.; Aigrain, S.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Barbieri, M.; Barge, P.; Benz, Willy; Bordé, P.; Bouchy, F.; Bruntt, H.; Cabrera, J.; Collier Cameron, A.; Carone, L.; Carpano, S.; Csizmadia, S.; Deleuil, M.; ... (2010). Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. X. CoRoT-10b: a giant planet in a 13.24 day eccentric orbit. Astronomy and astrophysics, 520, A65. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201014943
Borde, P.; Bouchy, F.; Deleuil, M.; Cabrera, J.; Jorda, L.; Lovis, C.; Csizmadia, S.; Aigrain, S.; Almenara, J.M.; Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Barge, P.; Benz, Willy; Bonomo, A.S.; Bruntt, H.; Carone, L.; Carpano, S.; Deeg, H.; Dvorak, R.; ... (2010). Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission XI. CoRoT-8b: a hot and dense sub-Saturn around a K1 dwarf. Astronomy and astrophysics, 520(A66), A66. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201014775
Deeg, H.J.; Moutou, C.; Erikson, A.; Csizmadia, S.; Tingley, B.; Barge, P.; Bruntt, H.; Havel, M.; Aigrain, S.; Almenara, J.M.; Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Barbieri, M.; Benz, Willy; Bonomo, A.S.; Borde, P.; Bouchy, F.; Cabrera, J.; Carone, L.; ... (2010). A transiting giant planet with a temperature between 250 K and 430 K. Nature, 464(7287), pp. 384-387. London: Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature08856
Lammer, H.; Dvorak, R.; Deleuil, M.; Barge, P.; Deeg, H.J.; Moutou, C.; Erikson, A.; Csizmadia, S.; Tingley, B.; Bruntt, H.; Havel, M.; Aigrain, S.; Almenara, J.M.; Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Barbieri, M.; Benz, Willy; Bonomo, A.S.; Bordé, P.; ... (2010). Exoplanet discoveries with the CoRoT space observatory. Solar system research, 44(6), pp. 520-526. New York, N.Y.: Pleiades Publ. 10.1134/S0038094610060055
Whittaker, I.; Guymer, G.; Grande, M.; Pintér, B.; Barabash, S.; Federov, A.; Mazelle, C.; Sauvaud, J. A.; Lundin, R.; Russell, C. T.; Futaana, Y.; Fränz, M.; Zhang, T. L.; Andersson, H.; Grigoriev, A.; Holmström, M.; Yamauchi, M.; Asamura, K.; Baumjohann, W.; Lammer, H.; ... (2010). Venusian bow shock as seen by the ASPERA-4 ion instrument on Venus Express. Journal of geophysical research, 115(A9), n/a-n/a. American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2009ja014826
Hedelt, P.; Ito, Y.; Keller, H.U.; Reulke, R.; Wurz, P.; Lammer, H.; Rauer, H.; Esposito, L. (2010). Titan’s atomic hydrogen corona. Icarus, 210(1), pp. 424-435. Elsevier 10.1016/j.icarus.2010.06.012
Wurz, P.; Whitby, J.A.; Rohner, U.; Martín-Fernández, J.A.; Lammer, H.; Kolb, C. (2010). Self-consistent modelling of Mercury’s exosphere by sputtering, micro-meteorite impact and photon-stimulated desorption. Planetary and space science, 58(12), pp. 1599-1616. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2010.08.003
Ekenbäck, A.; Holmström, M.; Wurz, P.; Grießmeier, J.-M.; Lammer, H.; Selsis, F.; Penz, T. (2010). Energetic neutral atoms around HD 209458b: estimations of magnetospheric properties. Astrophysical journal, 709(2), pp. 670-679. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/0004-637x/709/2/670
Queloz, D.; Bouchy, F.; Moutou, C.; Hatzes, A.; Hébrard, G.; Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Barbieri, M.; Barge, P.; Benz, W.; Bordé, P.; Deeg, H.J.; Deleuil, M.; Dvorak, R.; Erikson, A.; Ferraz Mello, S.; Fridlund, M.; Gandolfi, D.; Gillon, M.; ... (2009). The CoRoT-7 planetary system: two orbiting super-Earths. Astronomy and astrophysics, 506(1), pp. 303-319. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/200913096
Moutou, C.; Pont, F.; Bouchy, F.; Deleuil, M.; Almenara, J.M.; Alonso, R.; Barbieri, M.; Bruntt, H.; Deeg, H.J.; Fridlund, M.; Gandolfi, D.; Gillon, M.; Guenther, E.; Hatzes, A.; Hébrard, G.; Loeillet, B.; Mayor, M.; Mazeh, T.; Queloz, D.; Rabus, M.; ... (2009). Planetary transit candidates in the CoRoT initial run: resolving their nature. Astronomy and astrophysics, 506(1), pp. 321-336. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/200911911
C.S. Cockell, C.S.; Léger, A.; Fridlund, M.; Herbst, T.M.; Kaltenegger, L.; Absil, O.; Beichman, C.; Benz, W.; Blanc, M.; Brack, A.; Chelli, A.; Colangeli, L.; Cottin, H.; Coudé du Foresto, F.; Danchi, W.C.; Defrère, D.; den Herder, J.-W.; Eiroa, C.; Greaves, J.; Henning, T.; ... (2009). Darwin - A Mission to Detect and Search for Life on Extrasolar Planets. Astrobiology, 9(1), pp. 1-22. Larchmont, N.Y.: Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/ast.2007.0227
Futaana, Y.; Barabash, S.; Yamauchi, M.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Lundin, R.; Luhmann, J.G.; Brain, D.; Carlsson, E.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Winningham, J.D.; Frahm, R.A.; Wurz, P.; Holmström, M.; Gunell, H.; Kallio, E.; Baumjohann, W.; Lammer, H.; Sharber, J.R.; Hsieh, K.C.; Andersson, H.; ... (2008). Mars Express and Venus Express multi-point observations of geoeffective solar flare events in December 2006. Planetary and space science, 56(6), pp. 873-880. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2007.10.014
Holmström, M.; Ekenbäck, A.; Selsis, F.; Penz, T.; Lammer, H.; Wurz, P. (2008). Energetic neutral atoms as the explanation for the high-velocity hydrogen around HD 209458b. Nature, 451(7181), pp. 970-972. London: Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature06600
Kallio, E.; Zhang, T.L.; Barabash, S.; Jarvinen, R.; Sillanpää, I.; Janhunen, P.; Fedorov, A.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Mazelle, C.; Thocaven, J.-J.; Gunell, H.; Andersson, H.; Grigoriev, A.; Brinkfeldt, K.; Futaana, Y.; Holmström, M.; Lundin, R.; Yamauchi, M.; Asamura, K.; Baumjohann, W.; ... (2008). The Venusian induced magnetosphere: A case study of plasma and magnetic field measurements on the Venus Express mission. Planetary and space science, 56(6), pp. 796-801. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2007.09.011
Kallio, E.; Wurz, P.; Killen, R.; McKenna-Lawlord, S.; Milillo, A.; Mura, A.; Massetti, S.; Orsini, S.; Lammer, H.; Janhunen, P.; Ip, W.-H. (2008). On the impact of multiply charged heavy solar wind ions on the surface of Mercury, the Moon and Ceres. Planetary and space science, 56(11), pp. 1506-1516. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2008.07.018
Fedorov, A.; Ferrier, C.; Sauvaud, J.A.; Barabash, S.; Zhang, T.L.; Mazelle, C.; Lundin, R.; Gunell, H.; Andersson, H.; Brinkfeldt, K.; Futaana, Y.; Grigoriev, A.; Holmström, M.; Yamauchi, M.; Asamura, K.; Baumjohann, W.; Lammer, H.; Coates, A.J.; Kataria, D.O.; Linder, D.R.; ... (2008). Comparative analysis of Venus and Mars magnetotails. Planetary and space science, 56(6), pp. 812-817. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2007.12.012
Galli, A.; Wurz, P.; Bochsler, P.; Barabash, S.; Grigoriev, A.; Futaana, Y.; Holmström, M.; Gunell, H.; Andersson, H.; Lundin, R.; Yamauchi, M.; Brinkfeldt, K.; Fraenz, M.; Krupp, N.; Woch, J.; Baumjohann, W.; Lammer, H.; Zhang, T.L.; Asamura, K.; Coates, A.J.; ... (2008). First observation of energetic neutral atoms in the Venus environment. Planetary and space science, 56(6), pp. 807-811. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2007.12.011
Martinecz, C.; Fränz, M.; Woch, J.; Krupp, N.; Roussos, E.; Dubinin, E.; Motschmann, U.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.; Holmström, M.; Andersson, H.; Yamauchi, M.; Grigoriev, A.; Futaana, Y.; Brinkfeldt, K.; Gunell, H.; Frahm, R.A.; Winningham, J.D.; Sharber, J.R.; Scherrer, J.; ... (2008). Location of the bow shock and ion composition boundaries at Venus - initial determinations from Venus Express ASPERA-4. Planetary and space science, 56(6), pp. 780-784. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2007.07.007
Bouchy, F.; Queloz, D.; Deleuil, M.; Loeillet, B.; Hatzes, A.P.; Aigrain, S.; Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Barge, P.; Benz, W.; Bordé, P.; Deeg, H.J.; De la Reza, R.; Dvorak, R.; Erikson, A.; Fridlund, M.; Gondoin, P.; Guillot, T.; Hébrard, G.; ... (2008). Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. III. The spectroscopic transit of CoRoT-Exo-2b with SOPHIE and HARPS. Astronomy and astrophysics, 482(3), L25-L28. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361:200809433
Moutou, C.; Bruntt, H.; Guillot, T.; Shporer, A.; Guenther, E.; Aigrain, S.; Almenara, J.M.; Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Barbieri, M.; Barge, P.; Benz, W.; Bordé, P.; Bouchy, F.; Deeg, H.J.; De la Reza, R.; Deleuil, M.; Dvorak, R.; Erikson, A.; ... (2008). Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. V. CoRoT-Exo-4b: stellar and planetary parameters. Astronomy and astrophysics, 488(2), L47-L50. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361:2008102273
Alonso, R.; Auvergne, M.; Baglin, A.; Ollivier, M.; Moutou, C.; Rouan, D.; Deeg, H.J.; Aigrain, S.; Almenara, J.M.; Barbieri, M.; Barge, P.; Benz, W.; Bordé, P.; Bouchy, F.; De la Reza, R.; Deleuil, M.; Dvorak, R.; Erikson, A.; Fridlund, M.; Gillon, M.; ... (2008). Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. II. CoRoT-Exo-2b: A transiting planet around an active G star. Astronomy and astrophysics, 482(3), L21-L24. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361:200809431
Galli, André; Wurz, Peter; Lammer, H.; Lichtenegger, H.I.M.; Lundin, R.; Barabash, S.; Grigoriev, A.; Holmström, M.; Gunell, H. (2006). The Hydrogen Exospheric Density Profile Measured with ASPERA-3/NPD. Space science reviews, 126(1-4), pp. 447-467. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 10.1007/s11214-006-9089-7
Lammer, H.; Kislyakova, K.G.; Holstroem, M.; Khodachenko, M.L.; Griessmeier, J.M.; Wurz, P.; Selsis, F.; Hanslmeier, A. (2011). Exoplanet magnetic field estimations via Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENAS) and Hydrogen cloud observations and modelling. In: 7th International workshop on Planetary, solar, and Heliospheric Radio Emissions, 2010.
Wurz, P.; Schaufelberger, A.; Hedelt, P.; Lammer, H. (2009). Velocity distributions of exospheric particles. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2009, 14-18 September, Potsdam, Germany (p. 244). European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC)
Wurz, Peter; Torkar, K; Kolb, C.; Lichtenegger, H.; Lammer, H.; Dobnikar, P.; Koschny, D.; Mangano, V.; Milillo, A.; Orsini, S. (2006). Modelling of sputtering at the surfaces of Mercury and the Moon: on the interplay of depletion and refreshing rates. In: 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Beijing, China, 16 - 23 July 2006 [Meeting abstract from the CD-ROM]. Paris: COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Wurz, Peter; Koschny, D; Lichtenegger, H.; Lammer, H.; Kolb, C.; Mangano, V.; Mura, A.; Milillo, A.; Orsini, S.; Torkar, K. (2006). Modelling of Mercury's surface composition and its implications for the exosphere. In: 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Beijing, China, 16 - 23 July 2006 [Meeting abstract from the CD-ROM]. Paris: COSPAR Scientific Assembly