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Milbank, John; Oliver, Simon; Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Hampson, Peter (2012). Interview and Conversation with John Milbank and Simon Oliver: Radical Orthodoxy and Christian psychology I - Theological underpinnings. Edification: The Transdisciplinary Journal of Christian Psychology, 6(1), pp. 44-52. American Association of Christian Counselors
Cunningham, Conor; Riches, Aaron; Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Hampson, Peter (2012). Interview and Conversation with Conor Cunningham and Aaron Riches: Radical Orthodoxy and Christian psychology II – Ontological Naturalism and Christology. Edification: The Transdisciplinary Journal of Christian Psychology, 6(1), pp. 53-61. American Association of Christian Counselors
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2012). Review of the Book: British Romanticism and the Catholic Question: Religion, History and National Identity, 1778-1829, by Michael Tomko. New Blackfriars Review, 93(1043), pp. 125-126. Wiley 10.1111/j.1741-2005.2011.01462_6.x
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2012). Review of the Book: A People of One Book: The Bible and the Victorians, by Timothy Larsens. New Blackfriars Review, 93(1046), pp. 496-498. Wiley 10.1111/j.1741-2005.2012.01492_5.x
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2009). Hybridity and Duality in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children. Muse India, 25 G S P Rao
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2007). The Colonial Other in E.M. Forster’s A Passage to India. Quest, 5, pp. 85-96. Queen’s University Belfast
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2024). Wiederkehr der Schuld: Geister und Doppelgänger in der viktorianischen Gotik. Prospektiv, 17, pp. 4-5. Universität Basel
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (August 2017). Kummituksia, avaruusaluksia ja teologiaa [Ghosts, Spacecraft and Theology] [Interview]. Areiopagi
Bollinger, Claudine; Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2017). Monster als Haustier. UniPress(170), pp. 12-13. University of Bern
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (6 October 2016). Gespensterforscherin hilft Astrophysikern auf die Sprünge [Interview von Urs Wüthrich]. Berner Zeitung AZ Medien AG
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (27 July 2016). Reclaiming the Supernatural [Interview von Celia Luterbacher]. Swissinfo.ch SRG SSR
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (20 June 2016). Les fantômes se font hanter aussi [Interview von Nic Ulmi]. Le Temps Le Temps
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (1 June 2016). Spezialistin für das Grauen [Interview von Irene Dietschi]. Der Bund Der Bund Verlag AG
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2023). ‘Visualizing the Unseen in the Victorian Ghost Story’. In: Literature and the Senses (pp. 49-63). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2019). Faith, Doubt and the Fin de Siècle. In: Beal, Eleanor; Greenaway, Jon (eds.) Horror and Religion. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Losch, Andreas (2018). Introduction. In: Our Common Cosmos: Exploring the Future of Theology, Human Culture and Space Sciences. Religion and the University (pp. 1-6). London: Bloomsbury
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2015). "Thrashing between exoneration and excoriation": Creating Narratives in We Need to Talk about Kevin. In: Lehman Imfeld, Zöe; Hampson, Peter; Milbank, Alison (eds.) Theology and Literature after Postmodernism. Religion and the University (pp. 179-194). London: Bloomsbury
Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Hampson, Peter; Milbank, Alison (2015). Hospitable Conversations in Theology and Literature: Re-Opening a Space to be Human. In: Lehmann Imfeld, Zöe; Hampson, Peter; Milband, Alison (eds.) Theology and Literature after Postmodernism. Religion and the University (pp. 1-14). London: Bloomsbury
Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Losch, Andreas (eds.) (2018). Our Common Cosmos: Exploring the Future of Theology, Human Culture and Space Sciences. Religion and the University. London: Bloomsbury
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2016). The Victorian Ghost Story and Theology: From Le Fanu to James. London: Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-3-319-30219-5
Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Hampson, Peter; Millbank, Alison (eds.) (2015). Theology and Literature after Postmodernism. Religion and the University. London: Bloomsbury
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (29 August 2024). Keynote Lecture - Science Fiction and Communities of Agreement: Using literary criticism to explore science and theology (Unpublished). In: ESSSAT Conference. Split, Croatia. 27th August-2nd September 2024.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (9 May 2024). Invited Lecture - Why Science Needs Science Fiction and Science Fiction Needs Science (Unpublished). In: Swiss Space Museum, Fantasy Basel. Basel. 9th May 2024.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (15 May 2023). Theologie und Horror in der Literature (Unpublished). In: Fakultätstagung. Universität Basel. 15th May 2023.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (16 April 2023). The Peculiarly British Scientific Space Explorer (Unpublished). In: BSLS Annual Conference. Napier University, Edinburgh. 13th-15th April 2023.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (August 2022). Ogbanje: Using Cultural Identity to Reimagine Human Lifespans in Akwaeke Emezi’s Freshwater (Unpublished). In: ESSE Conference. Universität Mainz. 29th August-2nd September 2022.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (April 2022). Using Possible-Worlds Fiction to Mediate Knowledge Production in the Exact Sciences: Different worlds and different lives in Nina Allen’s science fiction (Unpublished). In: BSLS Annual Conference. Manchester University. 7th-9th April 2022.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (8 April 2021). Narratives of Human Inheritance in Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Children of Time and Children of Ruin (Unpublished). In: British Society of Literature and Science Annual Conference. online. 7-9.4.2021.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (29 September 2019). Our Common Cosmos: A Science-Fiction Story? (Unpublished). In: Religion and Science - Friend or Foe or Unrelated, Theologie, Philosophie, Naturwissenschaft. University of Zurich. 28.-29.9.2018.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (16 May 2019). Science Fiction: It’s Awesome (Unpublished). In: Atronomy on Tap. University of Bern. 16.5.2019.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (5 April 2019). Language and Textual Metaphysics in Science Fiction (Unpublished). In: British Society of Literature and Science Annual Conference. Royal Holloway University of London. 4.-6.4.2019.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (6 September 2018). Techniques of Cognitive Estrangement from Gothic to Science Fiction (Unpublished). In: Techniken der Fantastik/Techniques du fantastique. University of Fribourg. 5.-9.9.2018.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (6 April 2018). A literary scholar’s journey into space: Performing literary research in an astrophysics department (Unpublished). In: British Society of Literature and Science Annual Conference. Oxford Brookes University. 5.-7.4.2018.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Bollinger, Claudine (20 June 2017). Empathy in Science Fiction Studies (Unpublished). In: Narrative Empathy, Empathies: 11th SLSAeu Conference – European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts. University of Basel. 20-24.6.2017.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Bollinger, Claudine (2017). Empathy in Science-Fiction Studies (Unpublished). In: SLSAeu Conference. Universität Basel. 20.-24.06.2017.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2017). Lecture: Exchanging Hermeneutics: Is there a role for Scientific methodologies in literary scholarship? (Unpublished). In: CTI Symposium. Center of Theological Enquiry, Princeton. 20.04.2017.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2017). Lecture: Rethinking Fictions: Literature as Scientific Hermeneutics (Unpublished). In: Collegium Generale. Münchenwiler. 31.03.2017.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2017). Changing Disciplinary Perspectives: A literary scholar’s journey into space research (Unpublished). In: SAUTE conference 2017: The Challenge of Change in English Language and Literature. Universit of Neuchatel. 28.-29.04.2017.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Heng, Kevin; Alibert, Yann (2017). Public Panel Discussion: Earth-like exoplanets – Planets around the dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 (Unpublished). In: TRAPPIST-1. University of Bern. 09.03.2017.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Beisbart, Claus; Benz, Willy (2017). Public Panel Discussion: Gibt es ausserirdischen Leben? (Unpublished). In: Wissentschaftscafé Thun. Thun. 13.02.2017.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (21 October 2016). Doctor Who, Aliens and Alienation (Unpublished). In: Myth and the Doctor, NEPCA Conference, Keene State College, Keene NH. Keene State College, Keene NH. 21-22 Oct 2016.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (8 April 2016). Fiction beyond Fictionality: Using Scientific Modelling to Read Science Fiction (Unpublished). In: British Society for Literature and Science – Annual Conference 2016. Birmingham University. 07.-09.04.2016.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (31 March 2016). Thresholds of Imagination (Unpublished). In: Thresholds of Imagination. University of Maynooth. 31.03.2016.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2016). Lecture: Sheridan Le Fanu and the gothic ghost story (Unpublished). In: Invited Lecture. Universität Zürich. 30.11.2016.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2016). Discussion Panel: Eine Reise von Kopernikus zur modernen Exoplaneten-Forschung Revolution im Weltall (Unpublished). In: Deus Academicus. University of Bern. 04.12.2016.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2015). The Almost Person: Myth, Narrative and The Doctor (Unpublished). In: PCA/ACA International Conference. Reykjavik, Iceland. 22-24.07.2015.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2015). Prometheus on Mars: Nineteenth-Century Science Fiction and the Language of Romanticism (Unpublished). In: Poetics of Knowledge. Bern. 05-07.11.2015.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (31 October 2014). Using the Ghost Story for a Participatory Theory of Reading (Unpublished). In: 2014 Mideast Regional Meeting of the Conference on Christianity and Literature: "The Imagination, Participation and Co-Creation". Patrick Hentry College, Purcellville, VA. 31.10.-1.11. 2014.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (18 September 2014). Narratives of Being in "We Need to Talk about Kevin" (Unpublished). In: Re-Imagining Human. The 17th Biennial Conference for the International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture. University of Leuven, Belgium. 18.-20.09.2014.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (10 March 2014). "I am not playing a part, I am the part". Self-Actualization as Myth Creation in Lionel Shriver's "We Need to Talk about Kevin" (Unpublished). In: Creating Myths as Narratives of Empowerment and Disempowerment. University of Jendouba, Tunisia. 10.-13.03.2014.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (6 March 2014). The Porous World of the Victorian Ghost Story (Unpublished). In: Working with a Secular Age: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Charls Taylor's Conception of the Secular. University of Bern. 06.-08.03.2014.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2011). Sharing a Post-Modern Religious Experience (Unpublished). In: The Hospitable Text: New Approaches to Religion & Literature. London. 14.-16.07.2011.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2023). Travelling Language: Scientific Discourses in Contemporary British Science Fiction (Unpublished). (Habilitation, English Department, Phil Hist)
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2015). The Ghost of God: Theology in the Supernatural Stories of Arthur Machen, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu and Henry James (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Unviersity of Bern, Faculty of Humanities)
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (2014). The Ghost of God: Theology in the Supernatural Fiction of Arthur Machen, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu and Henry James (Submitted). (Dissertation, University of Bern, English)
Da Costa, Gavin; Hampson, Peter; Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Abraham, William J. (eds.) (2021). Religion and the University. Bloomsbury/T&T Clark
D'Costa, Gavin; Hampson, Peter; Abraham, William J.; Lehmann, Zoe Christina (eds.) (2019). Religion and the Universtiy. Bloomsbury
Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Schwarz, Guido (May 2021). National Centre of Competence in Research, PlanetS, Interview – ‘Science Fiction Writers Imagine Similar Things to Scientists’.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina (30 July 2016). Die Geschichten mit der Angst: Schauerliteratur [Radio-Interview von Christa Miranda]. In: SRF Kultur.
Lehmann, Zoe Christina; Maudlin, Joshua (2016). Fresh Thinking Podcast [Interview]. Princeton: Center of Theological Inquiry