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Cooper, Denise C; Ziegler, Michael G; Milic, Milos S; Ancoli-Israel, Sonia; Mills, Paul J; Loredo, José S; von Känel, Roland; Dimsdale, Joel E (2014). Endothelial function and sleep: associations of flow-mediated dilation with perceived sleep quality and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Journal of sleep research, 23(1), pp. 84-93. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jsr.12083
von Känel, Roland; Natarajan, Loki; Ancoli-Israel, Sonia; Mills, Paul J; Loredo, José S; Dimsdale, Joel E (2010). Day/Night rhythm of hemostatic factors in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep, 33(3), pp. 371-7. Darien, Ill.: American Academy of Sleep Medicine
von Känel, Roland; Loredo, José S; Ancoli-Israel, Sonia; Dimsdale, Joel E (2006). Association between sleep apnea severity and blood coagulability: Treatment effects of nasal continuous positive airway pressure. Sleep & breathing, 10(3), pp. 139-46. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s11325-006-0060-3