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Szczepanska, Wanda Komorowska; Scholz, Urte; Liszewska, Natalia; Luszczynska, Aleksandra (2013). Social and cognitive predictors of fruit and vegetable intake among adolescents: The context of changes in body weight. Journal of health psychology, 18(5), pp. 667-679. Sage Publications 10.1177/1359105312437434
Scholz, Urte; Ochsner, Sibylle; Luszczynska, Aleksandra (2013). Comparing different boosters of planning interventions on changes in fat consumption in overweight and obese individuals: A randomized controlled trial. International journal of psychology, 48(4), pp. 604-615. Psychology Press 10.1080/00207594.2012.661061
Scholz, Urte; Kliegel, Matthias; Luszczynska, Aleksandra; Knoll, Nina (2012). Associations between received social support and positive and negative affect: evidence for age differences from a daily-diary study. European journal of ageing, 9(4), pp. 361-371. Springer 10.1007/s10433-012-0236-6