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Lenouvel, Eric; Chivu, Camelia; Mattson, Janet; Young, John Q.; Klöppel, Stefan; Pinilla, Severin (2022). Instructional Design Strategies for Teaching the Mental Status Examination and Psychiatric Interview: a Scoping Review. Academic psychiatry, 46(6), pp. 750-758. Springer 10.1007/s40596-022-01617-0
Lenouvel, Eric; Lornsen, Finn; Schüpbach, Brigitte; Mattson, Janet; Klöppel, Stefan; Pinilla, Severin (2022). Evidence-oriented teaching of geriatric psychiatry: a narrative literature synthesis and pilot evaluation of a clerkship seminar. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 39(2), Doc20. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001541