Mbiti, John

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Number of items: 14.

Journal Article

Mbiti, John (2010). "Never Break the Pot That Keeps You Together": Peace and Reconciliation in African Religion. Dialogue & alliance - a journal of the Universal Peace Federation, 24(1), pp. 4-21. New York, N.Y.: International Religious Foundation

Mbiti, John (2009). Challenges of Language, Culture, and Interpretation in Translating the Greek New Testament. Svensk missionstidskrift SMT / Swedish missiological themes, 97(2), pp. 141-164. Uppsala (Sweden): Swedish Institute of Missionary Research

Mbiti, John (2009). Frans Wijsen, Seeds of conflict in a haven of peace. From religious studies to interreligious studies in Africa. Studies in World Christianity and Interreligious relations, Amsterdam, New York, 2007 [Rezension]. Journal of ecumenical studies, 44(2), pp. 326-327. Philadelphia, Pa.: Journal of Ecumenical Studies

Mbiti, John (2007). Magdel le Roux, The Lemba: A lost Tribe of Israel in Southern Africa? [Rezension]. International review of mission IRM, 96(380/381), pp. 144-146. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell

Newspaper or Magazine Article

Mbiti, John (2008). John Harun Mwau, Kikamba Dictionary. Osa Vinya Mukamba. Kikamba-English, Kikamba-Kikamba, English-Kikamba, 2. Auflage, 2006 [Rezension]. Sunday Nation(15.6.2008), p. 12.

Book Section

Mbiti, John (2010). Die unumgängliche Begegnung zwischen Christentum und afrikanischer Religion in Evangelisierung und Bibelübersetzung - einige Beobachtungen. In: Delgado, Mariano; Vergauwen, Guido (eds.) Interkulturalität. Begegnung und Wandel in den Religionen. Religionsforum: Vol. 5 (pp. 283-315). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer

Mbiti, John (2010). "If God did not love me, God would not have made me!" Exploring Divine Love in African Religion. In: Levin, Jeff; Post, Stephen G. (eds.) Divine Love. Perspectives from the World's Religious Traditions (pp. 23-55). West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press

Mbiti, John (2006). "The Hen Knows When It Is Dawn, But Leaves the Crowing To The Cock": African Religion Looks at Islam. In: Gort, Jerald D; Jansen, Henry; Vroom, Hendrik M (eds.) Religions view Religions. Explorations in pursuit of Understanding. Currents of Encounter - Studies on the Contact between Christianity and Other Religions, Beliefs, and Cultures: Vol. 25 (pp. 151-176). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Mbiti, John (2006). Theologische Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Norden und dem Süden: Realität, Traum oder Hoffnung? In: Luterbacher-Maineri, Claudius; Lehr-Rosenberg, Stephanie (eds.) Weisheit in Vielfalt. Afrikanisches und westliches Denken im Dialog / Sagesse dans la pluralité. L'Afrique et l'Occident en dialogue (pp. 129-141). Fribourg: Academic Press


Mbiti, John; Mulonzya, Mutua (eds.) (2010). Ngaeka Waeka: Myali ya Kiikamba Kiikamba Poems (auf Deutsch: Gedichte auf Kiikamba). Nairobi, Kenia: Akamba Cultural Trust

Conference or Workshop Item

Mbiti, John (2010). Myths of Sexuality, Sexual Relations, and Human Identity (Unpublished). In: Exploring stepping-stones: Sexual Identity and Gender Equality. Nairobi, Kenia. 27.04.-1.05.2010.

Mbiti, John (2010). Death and the Hereafter in African Religiosity, Vortrag an der Konferenz: African Spirituality Conference, Tangaza College, Nairobi, Kenia, 17.-20. Mai 2010.

Mbiti, John (2010). Spontaneous Dialogue Between African Religion and Christianity Through Evangelisation and Bible Translation: Some Observations, Vortrag an der Universität Nairobi, Kenia, 20. Mai 2010.

Mbiti, John (2009). May children call you, Grandma! Echoes of Women's Spirituality in the Prayers of African Religion. Referat an der African Spirituality Conference über African Spirituality Responding to Contemporary Challenges in Africa am Institute of Spirituality and Religious Formation (ISRF), Tangaza College, Nairobi, Kenya, 19-21 May 2009.

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