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Metsini, Aliki; Widmer, Andreas; Zingg, Walter; Gardiol, Céline; Vuichard-Gysin, Danielle; Eder, Marcus; Maag, Judith; Schlegel, Matthias; Marschall, Jonas; Harbarth, Stephan; Sommerstein, Rami (2021). Evaluation of existing and desired measures to monitor, prevent and control healthcare-associated infections in Swiss hospitals. Swiss medical weekly, 151(w20516), w20516. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2021.20516
Metsini, Aliki; Vázquez, Miriam; Sommerstein, Rami; Marschall, Jonas; Voide, Cathy; Troillet, Nicolas; Gardiol, Céline; Pittet, Didier; Zingg, Walter (2018). Point prevalence of healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic use in three large Swiss acute-care hospitals. Swiss medical weekly, 148, w14617. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2018.14617