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Wieland, Fluri; Nigg, Claudio (2023). A Trainable Open-Source Machine Learning Accelerometer Activity Recognition Toolbox: Deep Learning Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research - Artificial Intelligence, 2 JMIR Publications 10.2196/42337
Cunningham-Sabo, Leslie; Lohse, Barbara; Clifford, Jessica; Burg, Alixanna; Nigg, Claudio (2023). Fuel for Fun Process Evaluation Reveals Strong Implementation and Approval with Varied Parent Engagement. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 55(1), pp. 16-29. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jneb.2022.08.001
Kahlmeier, Sonja; Frei, Anja; Kriemler, Susi; Nigg, Claudio; Radtke, Thomas; Manike, Katja; Endes, Simon (2023). Updating national physical activity guidelines based on the global WHO guidelines: experiences and challenges from Switzerland. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 8(1), 014. Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/2023.1ciss014
Zehnder, Cäcilia; Schmid, Jürg; Inauen, Jennifer; Nigg, Claudio; Benzing, Valentin (September 2022). Beeinflussen Bewegungsbarrieren das Aktivitätsverhalten von Jugendlichen? – Eine Längsschnittuntersuchung zum Health Action Process Approach (Submitted). In: Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Gesundheit „Poly Pill Bewegung – Chancen, Risiken und Nebenwirkungen“. Tübingen. 14.-16. September 2022.
Zehnder, Cäcilia; Inauen, Jennifer; Nigg, Claudio; Benzing, Valentin (17 June 2022). Bewegungsbarrieren bei Jugendlichen – Eine Untersuchung zum sozial-kognitiven Prozessmodell. In: 54. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp) (pp. 57-58). Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster
Ketelhut, Sascha; Gassner, Carole; Nigg, Claudio (2022). EFFECTS OF CAFFEINE ON BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART RATE VARIABILITY AT REST AND DURING COLD PRESSOR TEST. Journal of hypertension, 40(Suppl 1), e234-e234. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/01.hjh.0000837876.08919.cf
Giurgiu, Marco; Kolb, Simon; Nigg, Carina; Burchartz, Alexander; Timm, Irina; Becker, Marlissa; Rulf, Ellen; Doster, Ann-Kathrin; Koch, Elena; Bussmann, Johannes B J; Nigg, Claudio; Ebner-Priemer, Ulrich W; Woll, Alexander (2022). Assessment of 24-hour physical behaviour in children and adolescents via wearables: a systematic review of free-living validation studies. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine, 8(2), e001267. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001267
Nigg, Claudio; Fleary, Sasha A.; Walters, Kellie A.; Chard, Christine; Xu, Xiaomeng (Mona) (2020). Future Directions of Behavioral Medicine: Perspectives from the Next Generation. Annals of behavioral medicine, 54(Suppl. 1), S207-S207. Oxford University Press
Branscum, Paul; Rhodes, Ryan E.; Michie, Susan; Nigg, Claudio; Ogden, Jane; Hekler, Eric B. (2020). The Proliferation of Different Health Behavior Theories in Behavioral Medicine is Hindering Advances in Research and Practice. Annals of behavioral medicine, 54(Suppl. 1), S179-S179. Oxford University Press
Mnich, Carina; Nigg, Claudio (2020). What Motivates Children and Adolescents to be Physically Active? Perspectives from a German Sports Science Academy. Annals of behavioral medicine, 54(Suppl. 1), S372-S372. Oxford University Press
Jekauc, Darko; Mnich, Carina; Niessner, Claudia; Wunsch, Kathrin; Nigg, Claudio; Krell-Roesch, Janina; Woll, Alexander (2020). Testing the Weiss-Harter-Model: Physical Activity, Self-Esteem, Enjoyment, and Social Support in Children and Adolescents. Annals of behavioral medicine, 54(Suppl. 1), S640-S640. Oxford University Press
Mnich, Carina; Nigg, Claudio; Jekauc, Darko; Wäsche, Hagen; Schmidt, Steffen C.; Woll, Alexander (2020). Exploring the Interactiveness of the Socio-Ecological Model's Levels for Physical Activity in German Youths. Annals of behavioral medicine, 54(Suppl. 1), S381-S381. Oxford University Press
Maskarinec, Gertraud; Nigg, Claudio (2018). Individual, National and Global Estimation of Mortality Risk Factors: Estimations from German University Students. Annals of behavioral medicine, 52(Suppl. 1), S829-S829. Oxford University Press
Mnich, Carina; Nigg, Claudio (2018). Strengthening Self-Confidence and Social Competence: A Musical Camp for Children in a Youth Educational Center in Germany. Annals of behavioral medicine, 52(Suppl. 1), S517-S517. Oxford University Press
Nigg, Claudio; Phu, Tatiana (2018). Strategies to Prevent (STOP) Substance Abuse: A Website for Adolescents in Hawaii. Annals of behavioral medicine, 52(Suppl. 1), S373-S373. Oxford University Press
Turner, Emilee H.; Tong, Michelle H.; Galanis, Daniel; Nigg, Claudio (2018). Mapping Access to Care in Hawaii: Exploring the Role of Geographic Isolation on Youth Substance Use Treatment Disparities. Annals of behavioral medicine, 52(Suppl. 1), S372-S372. Oxford University Press
Tong, Michelle H.; Turner, Emilee H.; Hoapili Smith, Tammie Healani; Galanis, Daniel; Argoud, Therese Marie; Mersereau, Edward; Nigg, Claudio (2018). Linking and Syncing Stakeholders - Addressing the Prescription Opioid Crisis in Hawaii. Annals of behavioral medicine, 52(Suppl. 1), S125-S125. Oxford University Press
Wagner, Allison; Goya, Danilyn; Nigg, Claudio (2018). Investigating Ethnic Differences in Marijuana Use Among Hawai’i Youth: 2011 – 2015. Annals of behavioral medicine, 52(Suppl. 1), S125-S125. Oxford University Press
Mnich, Carina; Nigg, Claudio (2018). Vocational Orientation Workshops for Strengthening Occupational Competencies in Youth at a German Youth Educational Center. Annals of behavioral medicine, 52(Suppl. 1), S51-S51. Oxford University Press
Goya, Danilyn; Wagner, Allison; Nigg, Claudio (2018). Collaborative Data Interpretation and Planning Training for Community Substance Use Stakeholders and Providers in Hawaii. Annals of behavioral medicine, 52(Suppl. 1), S49-S49. Oxford University Press
Matanane, Lenora; Fialkowski, Marie Kainoa; Silva, Joshua; Li, Fenfang; Nigg, Claudio; Leon Guerrero, Rachael T; Novotny, Rachel (2017). Para I Famagu'on-Ta: Fruit and Vegetable Intake, Food Store Environment, and Childhood Overweight/Obesity in the Children's Healthy Living Program on Guam. Hawai'i journal of medicine & public health, 76(8), pp. 225-233. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Lewis, Beth; Napolitano, Melissa; Buman, Matthew; Williams, David; Nigg, Claudio (2017). The Future of Physical Activity Intervention Research: Expanding Focus to Sedentary Behavior, Technology, and Dissemination. Annals of behavioral medicine, 51(Suppl. 1), S667-S668. Springer
Cunningham-Sabo, Leslie; Lohse, Barbara; Smith, Stephanie; Browning, Ray; Strutz, Erin; Nigg, Claudio; Balgopal, Meena; Kelly, Kathleen; Ruder, Elizabeth (2016). Fuel for Fun: a cluster-randomized controlled study of cooking skills, eating behaviors, and physical activity of 4th graders and their families. BMC public health, 16(1) BioMed Central 10.1186/s12889-016-3118-6
K. Fialkowski, Marie; Yamanaka, Ashley; R. Wilkens, Lynne; L. Braun, Kathryn; Butel, Jean; Ettienne, Reynolette; McGlone, Katalina; Remengesau, Shelley; M. Power, Julianne; Johnson, Emihner; Gilmatam, Daisy; Fleming, Travis; Acosta, Mark; Belyeu-Camacho, Tayna; Shomour, Moria; Sigrah, Cecilia; Nigg, Claudio; Novotny, Rachel (2016). Recruitment Strategies and Lessons Learned from the Children's Healthy Living Program Prevalence Survey. AIMS public health, 3(1), pp. 140-157. AIMS Press 10.3934/publichealth.2016.1.140
Durand, Zoe; Cook, Angelie; Konishi, Minami; Nigg, Claudio (2016). Alcohol and substance use prevention programs for youth in Hawaii and Pacific Islands: A literature review. Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse, 15(3), pp. 240-251. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/15332640.2015.1024811
Chu, I-Hua; Nigg, Claudio; Wu, Wenlan; Guo, Lan-Yuen (2016). Self-determined Motivation Predicts Different Physical Activity Behaviors in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 47(6) Edizioni Luigi Pozzi 10.7352/IJSP2016.47.545
Konishi, Minami; Garza, Codie; Nigg, Claudio (2016). Ethnic Disparities in Alcohol Consumption Rates among Adults in Hawai’i: Ethnicity as a Protective Factor. Annals of behavioral medicine, 50(Suppl. 1), S38-S38. Springer
Nigg, Claudio; Garza, Codie; Konishi, Minami (2016). Illegal Drug use in Hawaii Compared to the US: What’s wrong in Paradise? Annals of behavioral medicine, 50(Suppl. 1), S39-S39. Springer
Rathke, Michelle; Tagorda, Michelle; Nigg, Claudio (2016). Predicting fruit and vegetable intake in Asian American & Pacific Islander adolescents via knowledge, self-efficacy and stage. Annals of behavioral medicine, 50(Suppl. 1), S308-S308. Springer
Fleary, Sasha; Nigg, Claudio; Freund, Karen (2016). Disparities in Health Behaviors in the US over the Last Decade. Annals of behavioral medicine, 50(Suppl. 1), S262-S262. Springer
Nigg, Claudio; Fleary, Sasha (2016). Promoting Active PE in the Commonwealth of Northern Marianna Islands – Evaluating SPARK Implementation for K-12. Annals of behavioral medicine, 50(Suppl. 1), S74-S74. Springer
Dishman, Rod K.; Nigg, Claudio (2015). Periodic Change in Sufficient Physical Activity: A 2-Year Study of a Multi-Ethnic Cohort. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 12(10), pp. 1369-1377. Human Kinetics Publishers 10.1123/jpah.2014-0373
Harmon, Brook; Nigg, Claudio; Martin Ginis, Kathleen; Motl, Robert; Dishman, Rod (2015). Temporal Sequencing of Behavior Change Constructs in the Transtheoretical Model. Annals of behavioral medicine, 49(Suppl. 1), S248-S248. Springer
Nigg, Claudio (2015). A Theory-Based Physical Activity Intervention in German University Students and Faculty. Annals of behavioral medicine, 49(Suppl. 1), S27-S27. Springer
Nigg, Claudio; Durand, Zoe; Cook, Angelie; Konishi, Minami (2015). Review of Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention Programs for Youth in Hawai‘i and Pacific Islands. Annals of behavioral medicine, 49(Suppl. 1), S257-S257. Springer
Anthamatten, Peter; Brink, Lois; Kingston, Beverly; Kutchman, Eve; Lampe, Sarah; Nigg, Claudio (2014). An Assessment of Schoolyard Features and Behavior Patterns in Children’s Utilization and Physical Activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(3), pp. 564-573. Human Kinetics Publishers 10.1123/jpah.2012-0064
Cassel, Kevin D.; Braun, Kathryn; Ka’opua, Lana; Soa, Fuamaila; Nigg, Claudio (2014). Samoan Body and Soul. Qualitative health research, 24(12), pp. 1658-1672. Sage Publications 10.1177/1049732314549021
Fialkowski, Marie Kainoa; DeBaryshe, Barbara; Bersamin, Andrea; Nigg, Claudio; Leon Guerrero, Rachael; Rojas, Gena; Areta, Aufa’i Apulu Ropeti; Vargo, Agnes; Belyeu-Camacho, Tayna; Castro, Rose; Luick, Bret; Novotny, Rachel (2014). A Community Engagement Process Identifies Environmental Priorities to Prevent Early Childhood Obesity: The Children’s Healthy Living (CHL) Program for Remote Underserved Populations in the US Affiliated Pacific Islands, Hawaii and Alaska. Maternal and child health journal, 18(10), pp. 2261-2274. Springer 10.1007/s10995-013-1353-3
Bernard, Paquito; Romain, Ahmed-Jérôme; Trouillet, Raphael; Gernigon, Christophe; Nigg, Claudio; Ninot, Gregory (2014). Validation of the TTM Processes of Change Measure for Physical Activity in an Adult French Sample. International journal of behavioral medicine, 21(2), pp. 402-410. Springer 10.1007/s12529-013-9292-3
Long, Camonia R.; Glow, Heather; Nigg, Claudio (2014). Peer Influence on Obesity Related Behaviors: Design and Rationale of the Waipahu HART Project. In: Brennan, Virginia M.; Kumanyika, Shiriki K.; Zambrana, Ruth Enid (eds.) Obesity Interventions in Underserved Communities: Evidence and Directions (pp. 370-378). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press
Gillis, Lauren; Tomkinson, Grant; Olds, Timothy; Moreira, Carla; Christie, Candice; Nigg, Claudio; Cerin, Ester; Van Sluijs, Esther; Stratton, Gareth; Janssen, Ian; Dorovolomo, Jeremy; Reilly, John J; Mota, Jorge; Zayed, Kashef; Kawalski, Kent; Andersen, Lars Bo; Carrizosa, Manuel; Tremblay, Mark; Chia, Michael; Hamlin, Mike; ... (2013). Research priorities for child and adolescent physical activity and sedentary behaviours: an international perspective using a twin-panel Delphi procedure. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 10(1) BioMed Central 10.1186/1479-5868-10-112
Novotny, Rachel; Nigg, Claudio; McGlone, Katalina; Renda, Gloria; Jung, Noah; Matsunaga, Masako; Karanja, Njeri (2013). Pacific Tracker 2 – Expert System (PacTrac2-ES) behavioural assessment and intervention tool for the Pacific Kids DASH for Health (PacDASH) study. Food Chemistry, 140(3), pp. 471-477. Elsevier 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.11.047
Amato, Katie; Nigg, Claudio (2013). The influence of childhood health behaviors on adolescent health behaviors, health indicators, and academic outcomes. Annals of behavioral medicine, 45(Suppl. 2), S30-S30. Springer
Nigg, Claudio; Clark, David (2013). Innovative approaches to oral health in children. Annals of behavioral medicine, 45(Suppl. 2), S173-S173. Springer
Deguchi, Mikako; Oropeza, Martha E.; Nigg, Claudio; Niederman, Richard; Efird, Jimmy; Valente, Tom (2013). The MINO’AKA (smile) project: lessons learned from piloting an evidence based oral health program for children. Annals of behavioral medicine, 45(Suppl. 2), S174-S174. Springer
Oropeza, Martha E.; Valente, Tom; Nigg, Claudio; Efird, Jimmy; Deguchi, Mikako; Niederman, Richard (2013). Exploring the relationship between oral health social networks, attitude and stage of change in afterschool staff. Annals of behavioral medicine, 45(Suppl. 2), S174-S174. Springer
Nigg, Claudio; Su, Yuhua; Renda, Gloria; McGlone, Katalina; Novotny, Rachel (2013). Relating self-efficacy to stages of change for physical activity and fruit and vegetable consumption with 5-8 year old children. Annals of behavioral medicine, 45(Suppl. 2), S219-S219. Oxford University Press
Hwang, Phoebe; Konishi, Minami; Tagorda, Michelle; Shiratori, Noriko; Guo, Mary; Gonzales, Coty; Jimenez McMillan, Ann; Nigg, Claudio (2013). Identifying evidence-based practice needs for substance abuse in Hawai'i. Annals of behavioral medicine, 45(Suppl. 2), S241-S241. Springer
Steinbrecher, Astrid; Erber, Eva; Grandinetti, Andrew; Nigg, Claudio; Kolonel, Laurence N.; Maskarinec, Gertraud (2012). Physical Activity and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Among Native Hawaiians, Japanese Americans, and Caucasians: The Multiethnic Cohort. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 9(5), pp. 634-641. Human Kinetics Publishers 10.1123/jpah.9.5.634
Nigg, Claudio; Geller, Karly; Adams, Paula; Hamada, Michele; Hwang, Phoebe; Chung, Richard (2012). Successful dissemination of Fun 5 — a physical activity and nutrition program for children. Translational behavioral medicine, 2(3), pp. 276-285. Oxford University Press 10.1007/s13142-012-0120-0
Beck, Jimikaye; Schaefer, Christine A.; Nace, Heidi; Steffen, Alana D.; Nigg, Claudio; Brink, Lois; Hill, James O.; Browning, Raymond C. (2012). Accuracy of Self-Reported Height and Weight in Children Aged 6 to11 Years. Preventing chronic disease, 9 Centers for Disease Control CDC 10.5888/pcd9.120021
Väth, Judith; Amato, Katie; Nigg, Claudio (2012). Physical Activity, Inactivity, and Nutrition Behavior Among Children: Investigating Compensation and Transfer Effects. In: Maddock, Jay (ed.) Public Health - Social and Behavioral Health (pp. 153-164). InTech 10.5772/35178
Long, Camonia R.; Nigg, Claudio; Amato, Katie; Steffen, Alana; Browning, Ray; Hill, James; Brink, Lois (2012). Investigating social cognitive factors of physical activity in elementary school-aged children. Annals of behavioral medicine, 43(Suppl. 1), S42-S42. Springer
Nigg, Claudio; Amato, Katie; Steffen, Alana D.; Kutchman, Eve; Anwar, Mahabub-Ul; Schaefer, Christine; Browning, Ray; Brink, Lois; Hill, James (2012). Children’s physical activity and sedentary behavior – does ethnicity matter? Annals of behavioral medicine, 43(Suppl. 1), S251-S251. Springer
Nigg, Claudio; Shor, Becky; Tanaka, Cathy Yamamoto; Hayes, Donald K (2011). Adolescent at-risk weight (overweight and obesity) prevalence in Hawai'i. Hawaii medical journal, 70(Suppl 1), pp. 4-10. University Clinical, Education & Research Associates (UCERA)
Iversen, Cara S Sandoval; Nigg, Claudio; Titchenal, C Alan (2011). The impact of an elementary after-school nutrition and physical activity program on children's fruit and vegetable intake, physical activity, and body mass index: Fun 5. Hawaii medical journal, 70(Suppl 1), pp. 37-41. University Clinical, Education & Research Associates (UCERA)
Anthamatten, Peter; Brink, Lois; Lampe, Sarah; Greenwood, Emily; Kingston, Beverly; Nigg, Claudio (2011). An assessment of schoolyard renovation strategies to encourage children's physical activity. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 8(1) BioMed Central 10.1186/1479-5868-8-27
Pan, Joan; Nigg, Claudio (2011). Motivation for Physical Activity among Hawaiian, Japanese, and Filipino University Students in Hawaii. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23(1), pp. 1-15. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10413200.2010.507498
Nigg, Claudio; Anwar, Mahabub-Ul; Lampe, Sarah; Steffen, Alana D.; Kutchman, Eve; Brunner, Betsy; Schaefer, Christine A.; Browning, Ray; Brink, Lois; Hill, James (2011). Does the Built Environment Make a Difference? Observed Physical Activity in Renovated vs. Non-Renovated Elementary School Playgrounds. Annals of behavioral medicine, 41(Suppl. 1), s72-s72. Springer
Nigg, Claudio; Steffen, Alana D.; Lampe, Sarah; Brunner, Betsy; Schaefer, Christine A.; Browning, Ray; Brink, Lois; Hill, James (2011). What Types of Sedentary Behaviors Are Related to Childhood Obesity? Data from the IPLAY Project. Annals of behavioral medicine, 41(Suppl. 1), S110-S110. Springer
Nigg, Claudio; Steffen, Alana D.; Schaefer, Christine A.; Brunner, Betsy; Zeng, Xiaosong; Browning, Ray; Brink, Lois; Hill, James (2011). Do Elementary School Children Perceive Differences in Playground Environments? The IPLAY Project. Annals of behavioral medicine, 41(Suppl. 1), S110-S110. Springer
Ceria-Ulep, Clementina D.; Grove, John; Chen, Randi; Masaki, Kamal H.; Rodriguez, Beatriz L.; Donlon, Tim A.; Guralnik, Jack; Willcox, Bradley J.; Willcox, D. Craig; Nigg, Claudio; Curb, J. David (2010). Physical Aspects of Healthy Aging: Assessments of Three Measures of Balance for Studies in Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Current gerontology and geriatrics research, 2010, pp. 1-8. Hindawi 10.1155/2010/849761
Meenan, Richard T.; Vogt, Thomas M.; Williams, Andrew E.; Stevens, Victor J.; Albright, Cheryl L.; Nigg, Claudio (2010). Economic Evaluation of a Worksite Obesity Prevention and Intervention Trial Among Hotel Workers in Hawaii. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 52(Suppl. 1), S8-S13. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/JOM.0b013e3181c81af9
Nigg, Claudio (2010). Do You Like Non-fat Milk? Can You Taste the Difference? Annals of behavioral medicine, 39(Suppl. 1), S19-S19. Springer
Lippke, Sonia; Nigg, Claudio; Maddock, Jay (2010). Interrelationships Across Three Health Behaviors: Theory and Research. Annals of behavioral medicine, 39(Suppl. 1), S114-S114. Springer
Albright, Cheryl L.; Nigg, Claudio; Williams, Andrew; Vogt, Thomas; Stevens, Victor J. (2010). Is progression through the stages of change for diet and exercise associated with weight loss in ethnic minorities? Results from Hawaii’s Work, Weight, and Wellness (3W) project. Annals of behavioral medicine, 39(Suppl. 1), S199-S199. Springer
Paxton, Raheem J.; Nigg, Claudio; Motl, Robert W.; Yamashita, Marisa; Chung, Richard; Battista, Jackie; Chang, JoAnn (2008). Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale Short Form—Does It Fit for Children? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79(3), pp. 423-427. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/02701367.2008.10599508
Hausenblas, Heather A.; Brewer, Britton W.; Van Raalte, Judy L.; Cook, Brian; Downs, Danielle Symons; Weis, Carol Ann; Nigg, Claudio; Cruz, Amelia (2008). Development and evaluation of a multimedia CD-ROM for exercise during pregnancy and postpartum. Patient education and counseling, 70(2), pp. 215-219. Elsevier Ireland 10.1016/j.pec.2007.10.017
Hellsten, Laurie-ann; Nigg, Claudio; Norman, Gregory; Burbank, Patricia; Braun, Lynne; Breger, Rosemary; Coday, Mathilda (Mace); Elliot, Diane; Garber, Carol; Greaney, Mary (Molly); Lees, Faith; Matthews, Charles; Moe, Esther; Resnick, Barbara; Riebe, Deborah; Rossi, Joseph; Toobert, Deborah; Wang, Terry (2008). Accumulation of behavioral validation evidence for physical activity stage of change. Health psychology, 27(1, Suppl), S43-S53. American Psychological Association 10.1037/0278-6133.27.1(Suppl.).S43
Barnett, Jodi; Nigg, Claudio; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Maglione, Christine; Maddock, Jay (2007). Effect of Item Order on Physical Activity Estimates Using the IPAQ. Californian journal of health promotion, 5(1), pp. 23-29. California State University 10.32398/cjhp.v5i1.1799
Keller, Stefan; Nigg, Claudio (2007). Gesundheitsverhaltenstheorien und Public Health. In: von Lengerke, Thomas (ed.) Public Health-Psychologie: Individuum und Bevölkerung zwischen Verhältnissen und Verhalten (pp. 59-73). Weinheim, Germany: Juventa
Nigg, Claudio; Kerr, Nicole; Hottenstein, Crystalyn; Yamashita, Marisa; Inada, Megan; Paxton, Raheem; Chung, Richard (2006). First year dissemination results: fun 5 - a physical activity and nutrition program for elementary after school programs. Annals of behavioral medicine, 31(Suppl. 1), S92-S92. Springer
Albright, Cheryl L.; Nigg, Claudio; Maddock, Jay (2006). Increasing physical activity in a multiethnic sample of women with infants: results from the footsteps pilot project. Annals of behavioral medicine, 31(Suppl. 1), S18-S18. Springer
Williams, Rebecca; Nigg, Claudio; Oda, Mae (2005). Physical Activity and Nutrition Interventions and Physical Self-Image In Youth. Californian journal of health promotion, 3(4), pp. 119-133. California State University 10.32398/cjhp.v3i4.1786
Nigg, Claudio; Maddock, Jay; Yamauchi, Jessica; Pressler, Virginia; Wood, Betty; Jackson, Susan (2005). The Healthy Hawaii Initiative: A Social Ecological Approach Promoting Healthy Communities. American journal of health promotion, 19(4), pp. 310-313. Sage 10.4278/0890-1171-19.4.310
Buckworth, Janet; Nigg, Claudio (2004). Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sedentary Behavior in College Students. Journal of American college health, 53(1), pp. 28-34. Taylor & Francis 10.3200/JACH.53.1.28-34
Padula, Cynthia A.; Rossi, Susan; Nigg, Claudio; Lees, Faith; Fey-Yensan, Nancy; Greene, Geoffrey; Clark, Phillip (2003). Using Focus Groups for Instrument Development. Journal of nutrition for the elderly, 22(4), pp. 13-33. Haworth Press 10.1300/J052v22n04_02
Resnick, Barbara; Nigg, Claudio (2003). Testing A Theoretical Model of Exercise Behavior for Older Adults. Nursing research, 52(2), pp. 80-88. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/00006199-200303000-00004
Burbank, Patricia M.; Reibe, Deborah; Padula, Cynthia A.; Nigg, Claudio (2002). Exercise and Older Adults. Orthopaedic nursing, 21(4), pp. 51-63. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/00006416-200207000-00009
Nigg, Claudio; English, Catherine; Owens, Norma; Burbank, Patricia; Connolly-Belanger, Annie; Dufresne, Robert; Fey-Yensan, Nancy; Garber, Carol Ewing; Luisi, Andrea; Padula, Cynthia; Saunders, Sandra; Clark, Phillip (2002). Health Correlates of Exercise Behavior and Stage Change in a Community-Based Exercise Intervention for the Elderly: A Pilot Study. Health promotion practice, 3(3), pp. 421-428. Sage 10.1177/152483990200300311
Maddock, Jay; Nigg, Claudio; Wagner, Angela; US Department of, Health and Human Services (2002). Case Study 2: Evaluation of the Healthy Hawaii Initiative. In: Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook (pp. 59-63). Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Schmid, Sabine; Keller, Stefan; Nigg, Claudio; Basler, Heinz-Dieter (1999). Das Transtheoretische Modell und die Förderung körperlicher Aktivität. In: Keller, Stefan (ed.) Motivation zur Verhaltensänderung : das transtheoretische Modell in Forschung und Praxis (pp. 145-158). Freiburg, Germany: Lambertus
Riebe, Deborah; Nigg, Claudio (1998). Setting the stage for healthy living: You really can help people adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. ACSM's health and fitness journal, 2(3), pp. 11-15. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins