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Gygax, Pascal Mark; Elmiger, Daniel; Zufferey, Sandrine; Garnham, Alan; Sczesny, Sabine; von Stockhausen, Lisa; Braun, Friederike; Oakhill, Jane (2019). A Language Index of Grammatical Gender Dimensions to Study the Impact of Grammatical Gender on the Way We Perceive Women and Men. Frontiers in psychology, 10, p. 1604. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01604
Garnham, Alan; Oakhill, Jane; Von Stockhausen, Lisa; Sczesny, Sabine (2016). Editorial: Language, Cognition, and Gender. In: Garnham, Alan; Oakhill, Jane; Sczesny, Sabine; von Stockhausen, Lisa (eds.) Language, Cognition, and Gender. Frontiers in psychology: Vol. 7 (pp. 6-8). Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00772
Gabriel, Ute; Gygax, Pascal; Sarrasin, Oriane; Garnham, Alan; Oakhill, Jane (2008). Au pairs are rarely male: Norms on the gender perception of role names across English, French, and German. Behavior research methods, 40(1), pp. 206-212. Austin, Tex.: Psychonomic Society 10.3758/BRM.40.1.206
Gygax, Pascal; Gabriel, Ute; Sarrasin, Oriane; Oakhill, Jane; Garnham, Alan (2008). Generically intended, but specifically interpreted: When beauticians, musicians, and mechanics are all men. Language and cognitive processes, 23(3), pp. 464-485. Hove: Psychology Press 10.1080/01690960701702035