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Andereggen, Lukas; Gralla, Jan; Schroth, Gerhard; Mordasini, Pasquale; Andres, Robert; Widmer, Hans Rudolf; Luedi, Markus M; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Beck, Jürgen; Mariani, Luigi; Ozdoba, Christoph; Christ, Emanuel (2021). Influence of inferior petrosal sinus drainage symmetry on detection of adenomas in Cushing's syndrome. Journal of neuroradiology, 48(1), pp. 10-15. Elsevier Masson 10.1016/j.neurad.2019.05.004
Hakim, Arsany; Gralla, Jan; Rozeik, Christoph; Mordasini, Pasquale; Leidolt, Lars; Piechowiak, Eike Immo; Ozdoba, Christoph; El-Koussy, Marwan (2018). Anomalies and Normal Variants of the Cerebral Arterial Supply: A Comprehensive Pictorial Review with a Proposed Workflow for Classification and Significance. Journal of neuroimaging, 28(1), pp. 14-35. Wiley 10.1111/jon.12475
Fung, Christian; Inglin, Fabienne; Murek, Michael Konrad; Balmer, Mathias; Abu-Isa, Janine; Z'Graggen, Werner Josef; Ozdoba, Christoph; Gralla, Jan; Jakob, Stephan; Takala, Jukka; Beck, Jürgen; Raabe, Andreas (2015). Reconsidering the logic of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies grading in patients with severe subarachnoid hemorrhage. Journal of neurosurgery, 124(2), pp. 299-304. American Association of Neurological Surgeons 10.3171/2015.2.JNS14614
Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Jung, Simon; Zubler, Christoph; Mordasini, Pasquale; Weck, Anja; Mono, Marie-Luise; Ozdoba, Christoph; El-Koussy, Marwan; Mattle, Heinrich P.; Schroth, Gerhard; Gralla, Jan; Arnold, Marcel; Fischer, Urs (2015). Outcome of patients with occlusions of the internal carotid artery or the main stem of the middle cerebral artery with NIHSS score of less than 5: comparison between thrombolysed and non-thrombolysed patients. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry, 86(7), pp. 755-760. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/jnnp-2014-308401
Fung, Christian; Balmer, Mathias; Murek, Michael; Z'Graggen, Werner Josef; Abu-Isa, Janine; Ozdoba, Christoph; Hänggi, Matthias; Jakob, Stephan; Raabe, Andreas; Beck, Jürgen (2015). Impact of early-onset seizures on grading and outcome in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Journal of neurosurgery, 122(2), pp. 408-413. American Association of Neurological Surgeons 10.3171/2014.10.JNS14163
Pallesen, Lars-Peder; Gerber, Johannes; Dzialowski, Imanuel; van der Hoeven, Erik J R J; Michel, Patrik; Pfefferkorn, Thomas; Ozdoba, Christoph; Kappelle, L Jaap; Wiedemann, Baerbel; Khomenko, Andrei; Algra, Ale; Hill, Michael D; von Kummer, Ruediger; Demchuk, Andrew M; Schonewille, Wouter J; Puetz, Volker; BASICS Study, Group; Fischer, Urs; Arnold, Marcel (2015). Diagnostic and Prognostic Impact of pc-ASPECTS Applied to Perfusion CT in the Basilar Artery International Cooperation Study. Journal of neuroimaging, 25(3), pp. 384-389. Wiley 10.1111/jon.12130
Schneider, Frederike; Kompis, Martin; Ozdoba, Christoph; Beck, Jürgen; Caversaccio, Marco; Senn, Pascal (2014). Pilocytic Astrocytoma of the Cerebellopontine Angle in a Child Presenting With Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder. Otology & neurotology, 36(4), e101-e103. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/MAO.0000000000000355
Ozdoba, Christoph; Slotboom, Johannes; Schroth, Gerhard; Ulzheimer, S.; Kottke, Raimund; Watzal, Helmut; Weisstanner, Christian (2014). Dose Reduction in Standard Head CT: First Results from a New Scanner Using Iterative Reconstruction and a New Detector Type in Comparison with Two Previous Generations of Multi-slice CT. Clinical neuroradiology, 24(1), pp. 23-28. Springer 10.1007/s00062-013-0263-5
Ozdoba, Christoph (2014). Retirement of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schroth. Clinical neuroradiology, 24(1), p. 3. Springer 10.1007/s00062-014-0296-4
Mathys, Jan; Vajtai, Istvan; Vögelin, Esther; Zimmermann, Dieter R; Ozdoba, Christoph; Hewer, Ekkehard (2014). Desmoplastic small round cell tumor: A rare cause of a progressive brachial plexopathy. Muscle & nerve, 49(6), pp. 922-927. John Wiley & Sons 10.1002/mus.24165
Lüdi, Rudolf; Hsieh, Kety Wha-Vei; Slezak, Agnieszka Anna; El-Koussy, Marwan; Fischer, Urs; Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Meisterernst, Julia Anne; Mono, Marie-Luise; Zubler, Christoph; Mordasini, Pasquale; Ozdoba, Christoph; Mattle, H.P.; Schroth, Gerhard; Gralla, Jan; Arnold, Marcel; Jung, Simon (2014). Age dependency of safety and outcome of endovascular therapy for acute stroke. Journal of neurology, 261(8), pp. 1622-1627. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00415-014-7401-0
Beck, Jürgen; Gralla, Jan; Fung, Christian; Ulrich, Christian T.; Schucht, Philippe; Fichtner, Jens; Andereggen, Lukas; Gosau, Martin; Hattingen, Elke; Gutbrod, Klemens; Z'Graggen, Werner Josef; Reinert, Michael; Hüsler, Jürg; Ozdoba, Christoph; Raabe, Andreas (2014). Spinal cerebrospinal fluid leak as the cause of chronic subdural hematomas in nongeriatric patients. Journal of neurosurgery, 121(6), pp. 1380-1387. American Association of Neurological Surgeons 10.3171/2014.6.JNS14550
Fung, Christian; De Marchis, Gian Marco; Katan, Mira; Ozdoba, Christoph; Raabe, Andreas; Beck, Jürgen (2014). Proenkephalin as marker for severity of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a pilot study (Unpublished). In: 65. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC). Dresden. 11.-14.05.2014.
Fung, Christian; Murek, Michael; Z'Graggen, Werner Josef; Ozdoba, Christoph; Beck, Jürgen; Raabe, Andreas (2014). Clinical herniation – how to improve differentiation between WFNS grade IV and V (Unpublished). In: 65. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC). Dresden. 11.-14.05.2014.
Baumann, Frederic; Ozdoba, Christoph; Gröchenig, Ernst; Diehm, Nicolas (2014). The Importance of Patency in Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia Undergoing Endovascular Revascularization for Infrapopliteal Arterial Disease. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 1(17), p. 17. Frontiers 10.3389/fcvm.2014.00017
Christe, Andreas; Heverhagen, Johannes; Ozdoba, Christoph; Weisstanner, Christian; Ulzheimer, Stefan; Ebner, Lukas (2013). CT dose and image quality in the last three scanner generations. World journal of radiololgy, 5(11), pp. 421-429. Baishideng Publishing Group Inc 10.4329/wjr.v5.i11.421
Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Zubler, Christoph; Mattle, Heinrich P.; Schroth, Gerhard; Weck, Anja; Mono, Marie-Luise; Gralla, Jan; Jung, Simon; El-Koussy, Marwan; Lüdi, Rudolf; Yan, Xin; Arnold, Marcel; Ozdoba, Christoph; Mordasini, Pasquale; Fischer, Urs (2013). National institutes of health stroke scale score and vessel occlusion in 2152 patients with acute ischemic stroke. Stroke, 44(4), pp. 1153-1157. Baltimore, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1161/STROKEAHA.111.000604
Verma, Rajeev Kumar; Kottke, Raimund; Andereggen, Lukas; Weisstanner, Christian; Zubler, Christoph; Gralla, Jan; Kiefer, Claus; Slotboom, Johannes; Wiest, Roland; Schroth, Gerhard; Ozdoba, Christoph; El-Koussy, Marwan (2013). Detecting subarachnoid hemorrhage: Comparison of combined FLAIR/SWI versus CT. European journal of radiology, 82(9), pp. 1539-1545. Stuttgart: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejrad.2013.03.021
Ozdoba, Christoph (2013). Everything you always wanted to know about cone beam computed tomography: 3D-Roentgen.ch. (Clinical Neuroradiology 23). Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s00062-013-0238-6
Verma, Rajeev Kumar; Slotboom, Johannes; Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Kottke, Raimund; Ozdoba, Christoph; Weisstanner, Christian; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Wiest, Roland (2013). Characterization of microcirculation in multiple sclerosis lesions by dynamic texture parameter analysis (DTPA). PLoS ONE, 8(7), e67610. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0067610
El-Koussy, Marwan; Schenk, Pascal; Kiefer, Claus; Osman, Omar M; Mordasini, Pasquale; Ozdoba, Christoph; Schroth, Gerhard; Gönner, Friedrich (2012). Susceptibility-weighted imaging of the brain: Does gadolinium administration matter? European journal of radiology, 81(2), pp. 272-6. Stuttgart: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejrad.2010.12.021
Andereggen, Lukas; Schroth, Gerhard; Gralla, Jan; Seiler, Rolf; Mariani, Luigi; Beck, Jürgen; Widmer, Hans-Rudolf; Andres, Robert H; Christ, Emanuel; Ozdoba, Christoph (2012). Selective inferior petrosal sinus sampling without venous outflow diversion in the detection of a pituitary adenoma in Cushing's syndrome. Neuroradiology, 54(5), pp. 495-503. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00234-011-0915-6
Gutbrod, Klemens; Spring, Dominik; Degonda, Nadia; Heinemann, Dörthe; Nirkko, Arto; Hauf, Martinus; Ozdoba, Christoph; Schnider, Armin; Schroth, Gerhard; Wiest, Roland (2012). Determination of Language Dominance: Wada Test and fMRI Compared Using a Novel Sentence Task. Journal of neuroimaging, 22(3), pp. 266-74. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley 10.1111/j.1552-6569.2011.00646.x
Senn, Pascal; Rostetter, Claudio; Arnold, Andreas; Kompis, Martin; Vischer, Mattheus; Häusler, Rudolf; Ozdoba, Christoph; Mantokoudis, Georgios; Caversaccio, Marco (2012). Retrograde cochlear implantation in postmeningitic basal turn ossification. Laryngoscope, 122(9), pp. 2043-50. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/lary.23397
Ozdoba, Christoph; Gralla, Jan; Rieke, Alexander; Binggeli, Ralph; Schroth, Gerhard (2011). Myelography in the Age of MRI: Why We Do It, and How We Do It. Radiology research and practice, 2011, p. 329017. New York, N.Y.: Hindawi 10.1155/2011/329017
Ozdoba, Christoph (2010). Websites for Neuroradiologists. Klinische Neuroradiologie Heidelberg: Springer-Medizin-Verlag
Ozdoba, Christoph (2010). iNeuroradiology. Clinical neuroradiology, 20(2), pp. 143-145. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00062-010-0010-0
Marbacher, Serge; Lukes, Anton; Vajtai, Istvan; Ozdoba, Christoph (2009). Surgical approach for synovial cyst of the atlantoaxial joint: a case report and review of the literature. Spine, 34(15), E528-33. Hagerstown, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Horvath, Christina E.; Brinkmann, Christian K.; Ozdoba, Christoph; Leib, Stephen; Wolf, Sebastian; Wolf-Schnurrbusch, Ute E.K. (2009). Chorioretinal nocardiosis. Retinal Cases & Brief Reports, 3(3), pp. 263-265. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/ICB.0b013e31817376eb
Mordasini, Pasquale; Walser, Amanda; Gralla, Jan; Wiest, Roland; Ozdoba, Christoph; Reinert, Michael; Schroth, Gerhard (2008). Stent placement in the endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms. Swiss medical weekly, 138(43-44), pp. 646-54. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag
Wiest, Roland; Schaer, Ralph; Reinert Michael, H; von Bredow Ferdinand, H; El Koussy Marwan, M; Remonda, Luca; Schroth, Gerhard; Ozdoba, Christoph; Slotboom, Johannes (2008). Vascular Dynamics of Cerebral Gliomas Investigated with Selective Catheter Angiography, Perfusion CT and MRI. Clinical neuroradiology, 2(18), pp. 98-106. Heidelberg: Urban & Vogel 10.1007/s00062-008-8011-y
Slotboom, Johannes; Schaer, Ralph; Ozdoba, Christoph; Reinert, Michael; Vajtai, Istvan; El-Kloussy, Marvan; Kiefer, Claus; Zbinden, Martin; Schroth, Gerhard (2008). A Novel Method for Analyzing DSCE-Images With an Application to Tumor Grading. Investigative radiology, 12(43), pp. 843-853. Philadelphia, Pa.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/RLI.0b013e3181893605
Yen, Kathrin; Lövblad, Karl-Olof; Scheurer, Eva; Ozdoba, Christoph; Thali, Michael J; Aghayev, Emin; Jackowski, Christian; Anon, Javier; Frickey, Nathalie; Zwygart, Karin; Weis, Joachim; Dirnhofer, Richard (2007). Post-mortem forensic neuroimaging: correlation of MSCT and MRI findings with autopsy results. Forensic science international, 173(1), pp. 21-35. Shannon: Elsevier Scientific Publ. Ireland 10.1016/j.forsciint.2007.01.027
Brekenfeld, Caspar; Wiest, Roland; El-Koussy, Marwan; Gralla, Jan; Remonda, Luca; Ozdoba, Christoph; Schroth, Gerhard (2007). Emergency Radiology: Imaging and Intervention. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Jaeggi, Susanne; Buschkuehl, Martin; Etienne, Alex; Ozdoba, Christoph; Perrig, Walter J.; Nirkko, Arto (2007). On how high performers keep cool brains in situations of cognitive overload. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience, 7(2), pp. 75-89. Austin, Tex.: Springer 10.3758/CABN.7.2.75
Findling, Oliver; Sellner, Johann; Ozdoba, Christoph; Arnold, Marcel (2007). Tumefactive lesion in multiple sclerosis. Acta neurologica belgica, 107(4), p. 134. Brussels: Acta Medica Belgica
Vibert, Dominique; Blaser, Beat; Ozdoba, Christoph; Häusler, Rudolf (2006). Fabry's disease: otoneurologic findings in twelve members of one family. Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology, 115(6), pp. 412-8. St. Louis, Mo.: Annals Pub. Co.
Wiest, Roland; von Bredow, Ferdinand; Schindler, Kaspar; Schauble, Barbara; Slotboom, Johannes; Brekenfeld, Caspar; Remonda, Luca; Schroth, Gerhard; Ozdoba, Christoph (2006). Detection of regional blood perfusion changes in epileptic seizures with dynamic brain perfusion CT--a pilot study. Epilepsy research, 72(2-3), pp. 102-10. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2006.07.017
Hoppe, Hanno; Vock, Peter; Bonel, Harald Marcel; Ozdoba, Christoph; Gralla, Jan (2006). A novel multiple-trauma CT-scanning protocol using patient repositioning. Emergency radiology, 13(3), pp. 123-8. Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/s10140-006-0490-z
Thali, Michael J; Kneubuehl, Beat P; Bolliger, Stephan A.; Christe, Andreas; Koenigsdorfer, Urs; Ozdoba, Christoph; Spielvogel, Elke; Dirnhofer, Richard (2006). Forensic veterinary radiology: ballistic-radiological 3D computertomographic reconstruction of an illegal lynx shooting in Switzerland. Forensic science international, 171(1), pp. 63-66. Shannon: Elsevier Scientific Publ. Ireland 10.1016/j.forsciint.2006.05.044
Zacharia, A; Zimine, S; Lövblad, Karl-Olof; Warfield, S; Thöny, Harriet C.; Ozdoba, Christoph; Bossi, E; Kreis, Roland; Bösch, Christoph Hans; Schroth, Gerhard; Hüppi, P S (2006). Early assessment of brain maturation by MR imaging segmentation in neonates and premature infants. American journal of neuroradiology AJNR, 27(5), pp. 972-7. Oak Brook, Ill.: American Society of Neuroradiology
Smolka, Wenko; Eggensperger, Nicole; Carollo, Vincenzo; Ozdoba, Christoph; Iizuka, Tateyuki (2006). Changes in the volume and density of calvarial split bone grafts after alveolar ridge augmentation. Clinical oral implants research, 17(2), pp. 149-55. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2005.01182.x
Reinert, Michael; Wiest, Roland; Barth, Laurence; Andres, Robert; Ozdoba, Christoph; Seiler, Rolf (2004). Transdermal nitroglycerin in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurological research, 26(4), pp. 435-9. Leeds: Maney 10.1179/016164104225015976
Aghayev, Emin; Yen, Kathrin; Sonnenschein, Martin; Ozdoba, Christoph; Thali, Michael; Jackowski, Christian; Dirnhofer, Richard (2004). Virtopsy post-mortem multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrating descending tonsillar herniation: comparison to clinical studies. Neuroradiology, 46(7), pp. 559-564. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00234-004-1212-4
Lövblad, Karl-Olof; Ramelli, Gianpaolo; Remonda, Luca; Nirkko, Arto C.; Ozdoba, Christoph; Schroth, Gerhard (1997). Retardation of myelination due to dietary vitamin B12 deficiency: cranial MRI findings. Pediatric radiology, 27(2), pp. 155-158. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s002470050090