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Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Portner, Brigitte (2024). Berggebiete: Lebensraum mit Zukunft. Weltnachrichten, 2024(1) Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Quenta, Estefanía; Lemann, Tatenda; Holterman, Devin; Marchant, Robert; Portner, Brigitte; Thibault, Marlène; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (6 December 2023). How can knowledge support restoration and conservation of mountain ecosystems for the benefit of people and nature? In: MRD Talk, #06. Mountain Research and Development (MRD)
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Carilla, Julieta; Bajracharya, Birendra; Wallnöfer, Valentin; Thornton, James; Portner, Brigitte; Thibault, Marlène; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (19 September 2023). How can monitoring support action and policies for sustainable futures in mountains? In: MRD Talk, #05. Mountain Research and Development (MRD)
Portner, Brigitte; Thibault, Marlène; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (August 2023). Why we need social innovations in mountain regions, and how to make them happen. In: MOVING.
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Gruas, Léna; Gómez Cavieres, Diana Alexia; Sirvas Milla, Jorge; Bascombe, Tanya; Fellendorf, Ansgar; Portner, Brigitte; Thibault, Marlène; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (20 July 2023). Outdoor activities: A blessing or a curse for mountain environments and societies? In: MRD Talk, #04. Mountain Research and Development (MRD)
Portner, Brigitte; Hacker-Heimhofer, Andrea; Johnson, Paa-Nii; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Shitindo, Mercury; Verdicchio, Dirk (May 2023). Open Science as a Means to Decolonize Scientific Publishing and Foster Fairer Research Collaborations (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) 2023. 9 May.
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Stettler, Anna Lena; Mayer, Heike; Hussein, Abid; Shanshiashvili, Ana; Sherwood, Stephen; Portner, Brigitte; Thibault, Marlène; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (25 April 2023). How can social innovations contribute to local mountain economies? Learnings from science and practice. In: MRD Talk, #03. Mountain Research and Development (MRD)
Breu, Thomas; Molden, David; Gyamtsho, Pema; Wang, Yanfen; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Portner, Brigitte; Adler, Carolina; Thibault, Marlène; McCall, Emily; King, Allyson (eds.) (2023). Mountain Research and Development, 43(1-4). International Mountain Society
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Fernández-Giménez, María E.; Mason, Courtney W.; M’Sou, Soufiane; Snow, Bill; Zaninka, Penninah; Portner, Brigitte; Thibault, Marlène; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (December 2022). Engaging with Indigenous and local knowledge for the conservation of mountain landscapes. In: MRD Talks, MRD Talk #02.
Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Budoyan, Nona; Dupuits, Emilie; Fellendorf, Ansgar; Kinusu, Kevin; McDowell, Graham; Portner, Brigitte; Thibault, Marlène (June 2022). Climate change adaptation in mountains: How to close the gap between policies and local realities? In: MRD Talks, MRD Talk #01.
Breu, Thomas; Molden, David; Gyamtsho, Pema; Wang, Yanfen; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Portner, Brigitte; Adler, Carolina; Thibault, Marlène; Anderson, Kristen (eds.) (2022). Mountain Research and Development, 42(1-4). International Mountain Society
Subhatu, Alemtsehay Teklay; Lemann, Tatenda; Hurni, Kaspar; Portner, Brigitte; Kassawmar, Tibebu; Zeleke, Gete; Hurni, Hans (2017). Deposition of eroded soil on terraced croplands in Minchet catchment, Ethiopian Highlands. International soil and water conservation research, 5(3), pp. 212-220. Elsevier 10.1016/j.iswcr.2017.05.008
Hurni, Hans; Giger, Markus; Liniger, Hanspeter; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Messerli, Peter; Portner, Brigitte; Schwilch, Gudrun; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Breu, Thomas Michael (2015). Soils, agriculture and food security: The interplay between ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 15, pp. 25-34. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cosust.2015.07.009
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Bach, Simon; Lyimo, Reginald; Portner, Brigitte (2014). Beyond biofuels: jatropha’s multiple uses for farmers in East Africa (CDE Policy Brief 1). Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Nyssen, Jan; Frankl, Amaury; Haile, Mitiku; Hurni, Hans; Descheemaeker, Katrien; Crummey, Donald; Ritler, Alfons; Portner, Brigitte; Nievergelt, Bernhard; Moeyersons, Jan; Munro, Neil; Deckers, Jozef; Billi, Paolo; Poesen, Jean (2014). Environmental conditions and human drivers for changes to north Ethiopian mountain landscapes over 145 years. Science of the total environment, 485-486, pp. 164-179. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.03.052
Portner, Brigitte; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Nezir, Zufan; Breu, Thomas Michael; Hurni, Hans (2014). Biofuels for a Greener Economy? Insights from Jatropha Production in Northeastern Ethiopia. Sustainability, 6(9), pp. 6188-6202. MDPI 10.3390/su6096188
Hurni, Hans; Breu, Thomas Michael; Messerli, Peter; Portner, Brigitte (2013). Key implications of land conversions in agriculture. Trade and environment review, 2013, pp. 220-233. UNCTAD
Portner, Brigitte (2013). Frames in the Ethiopian Debate on Biofuels. Africa Spectrum, 48(3), pp. 33-53. GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Grimm, Olivia; Portner, Brigitte; Kiteme, Boniface (2012). National and local perspectives on the impacts of biofuels on food security in Kenya. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation (p. 26). Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Portner, Brigitte; Zah, Rainer (2012). Pathways to sustainable bioenergy. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation (p. 25). Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Portner, Brigitte (2012). Biofuel production: Linking global discourses to national policies and local realities. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD). Research for Global Transformation (p. 274). Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Kiteme, Boniface; Portner, Brigitte; Grimm, Olivia (2012). Impact of jatropha curcas (JC) on local food security in Kenya. In: IFSA Symposium. Aarhus, Denmark. 04.07.2012.
Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Portner, Brigitte; Kiteme, Boniface (2012). Potentials and limitations of jatropha curcas for rural energy supply in East Africa: A case study based comparative assessment in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. In: Tech4Def Conference. Lausanne, Switzerland. 29.-31.05.2012.
Portner, Brigitte (2012). Mut zur Gerechtigkeit in einer endlichen Welt. UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(153), p. 38. Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Portner, Brigitte; Schwilch, Gudrun; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Messerli, Peter; Herweg, Karl (2011). Sustainable land management and global development: Factors affecting land users' efforts to adopt and sustain the productive use of natural resources. In: Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans; , (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 427-449). Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Gmünder, Simon; Portner, Brigitte (2010). Biofuels and developing countries. In: Zah, Rainer; Binder, Claudia; Bringezu, Stefan; Reinhard, Jürgen; Schmid, Alfons; Schütz, Helmut (eds.) Future Perspectives of 2nd Generation Biofuels. TA-SWISS / Zentrum für Technologiefolgen-Abschätzung: Vol. 55 (pp. 194-202). Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag
Hurni, Hans; Abate, Solomon; Bantider, Amare; Debele, Berhanu; Ludi, Eva; Portner, Brigitte; Yitaferu, Birru; Zeleke, Gete (2010). Land degradation and sustainable land management in the Highlands of Ethiopia. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 187-207). Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Hurni, Hans; Osman-Elasha, Balgis; Giger, Markus; Klaey, Andreas; Ott, Cordula; Hoeggel, Udo; Rist, Stephan; Portner, Brigitte (2009). Context, conceptual framework and sustainability indicators. In: McIntyre, Beverly D.; Herren, Hans; Wakhungu, Judi; Watson, Robert T. (eds.) Agriculture at a Crossroads: Global Report. International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (pp. 1-56). Washington: Island Press
Portner, Brigitte; Salmi, Annika; Kläy, Andreas; Kakridi Enz, Fani; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Ehrensperger, Albrecht (2009). Bioenergy for the poor: Two sides of a coin (InfoResources Focus 3/09). Zollikofen, Switzerland: InfoResources
Hurni, Hans; Herweg, Karl; Portner, Brigitte; Liniger, Hanspeter (2008). Soil Erosion and Conservation in Global Agriculture. In: Braimoh, Ademola K.; Vlek, Paul L.G. (eds.) Land Use and Soil Resources (pp. 41-71). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Giger, Markus; Hurni, Hans; Portner, Brigitte; Scheidegger, Urs (2008). Globale Landwirtschaft vor alten und neuen Herausforderungen. GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 17(3), pp. 280-286. München: Oekom Verlag
Hurni, Hans; Portner, Brigitte; Giger, Markus (2008). Main Findings of the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) (Unpublished). In: Hearing des beratenden Kommittees CNS-FAO des Bundesamtes für Landwirtschaft. Bern, Schweiz. 03.6.-05.06.2008.
Hurni, Hans; Bantider, Amare; Herweg, Karl; Portner, Brigitte; Veit, Heinz (2007). Landscape Transformation and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia: Background information for a study tour through Ethiopia, 4-20 September 2006 Bern, Switzerland: Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern
Hurni, Hans; Breu, Thomas Michael; Ludi, Eva; Portner, Brigitte (2004). Der Tadschikische Pamir: Entwicklungsprobleme und Perspektiven einer Hochgebirgsregion in Zentralasien. Geographische Rundschau, 56(10), pp. 60-65. Westermann