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Musy, Stéphanie; Meyzonnat, Guillaume; Barbecot, Florent; Hunkeler, Daniel; Sültenfuss, Jürgen; Solomon, D. Kip; Purtschert, Roland (2021). In-situ sampling for krypton-85 groundwater dating. Journal of hydrology X, 11, p. 100075. Elsevier 10.1016/j.hydroa.2021.100075
Jakobsen, Rasmus; Hinsby, Klaus; Aamand, Jens; van der Keur, Peter; Kidmose, Jacob; Purtschert, Roland; Jurgens, Bryant; Sültenfuss, Jürgen; Albers, Christian N. (2020). History and Sources of Co-Occurring Pesticides in an Abstraction Well Unraveled by Age Distributions of Depth-Specific Groundwater Samples. Environmental science & technology, 54(1), pp. 158-165. ACS Publications 10.1021/acs.est.9b03996
Gerber, Christoph; Purtschert, Roland; Hunkeler, Daniel; Hug, Rainer; Sültenfuss, Jürgen (2018). Using environmental tracers to determine the relative importance of travel times in the unsaturated and saturated zones for the delay of nitrate reduction measures. Journal of hydrology, 561, pp. 250-266. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.03.043
Sültenfuss, Jürgen; Purtschert, Roland; Führböter, Jens F. (2011). Age structure and recharge conditions of a coastal aquifer (northern Germany) investigated with 39Ar, 14C, 3H, He isotopes and Ne. Hydrogeology journal, 19(1), pp. 221-236. Hannover: Verlag Heinz Heise 10.1007/s10040-010-0663-4