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Michel, C; Toffel, E; Schmidt, SJ; Eliez, S; Armando, M; Solida-Tozzi, A; Schultze-Lutter, F; Debbané, M (2017). [Detection and early treatment of subjects at high risk of clinical psychosis: Definitions and recommendations]. L'Encéphale, 43(3), pp. 292-297. Elsevier 10.1016/j.encep.2017.01.005
Flückiger, R; Schmidt, SJ; Ruhrmann, S; Debbané, M; Schimmelmann, BG; Michel, C; Hubl, D; Schultze-Lutter, F (2017). Die Vorhersageleistung von Schizotypie-Skalen in der Früherkennung von Psychosen bei Per-sonen mit einem erhöhten Psychoserisiko (Unpublished). In: Dazugehören! XXXV: DGKJP Kongress. Ulm. 22.-25.03.2017.
Flückiger, R; Schmidt, SJ; Ruhrmann, S; Debbané, M; Schimmelmann, BG; Michel, C; Hubl, D; Schultze-Lutter, F (2017). Früherkennung von Psychosen bei Hilfesuchenden: Wie ergänzen sich klinische Hochrisikokriterien und Schizotypie? (Unpublished). In: Dazugehören! XXXV: DGKJP Kongress. Ulm. 22.-25.03.2017.
Schmidt, SJ; Michel, C; Schimmelmann, BG; Franscini, M; Walitzer, S; Walger, P (2017). Results of a prospective study on preventive interventions in children and adolescents at clinical high risk for psychosis (Unpublished). In: Transition. ESCAP Congress. Genf. 09. - 11.07.2017.
Schultze-Lutter, F; Debbané, M; Theodoridou, A; Wood, S J; Raballo, A; Michel, C; Schmidt, SJ; Kindler, J; Ruhrmann, S; Uhlhaas, P J (2016). Revisiting the Basic Symptom Concept: Toward Translating Risk Symptoms for Psychosis into Neurobiological Targets. Frontiers in psychiatry, 7(9), p. 9. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00009
Kindler, J; Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Martz-Irngartinger, A; Linder, C; Schmidt, SJ; Stegmayer, Katharina; Schimmelmann, BG; Walther, S (2016). Abnormal involuntary movements are linked to psychosis-risk in children and adolescents: Results of a population-based study. Schizophrenia Research, 174(1-3), pp. 58-64. Elsevier 10.1016/j.schres.2016.04.032
Schultze-Lutter, F; Schmidt, SJ (2016). Developmental aspects in clinical high risk states of psychosis (Unpublished). In: ISSBD. Vilnius, Lithuania. 10.07.-14.07.2016.
Schmidt, SJ; Brodbeck, J (2016). Trajectory classes of risk behaviors in a 16- to 24-year old general population sample with a five year follow-up (Unpublished). In: ISSBD. Vilnius, Lithuania. 10.07.-14.07.2016.
Schmidt, SJ; Schimmelmann, BG; Michel, C; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Age effects on the clinical significance of attenuated psychotic symptoms: a general population study (Unpublished). In: ISSBD. Vilnius, Lithuania. 10.07.-14.07.2016.
Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Schmidt, SJ; Schimmelmann, BG (2016). Age effects on the clinical significance of cognitive and perceptive basic symptoms: a general population study (Unpublished). In: ISSBD. Vilnius, Lithuania. 10.07.-14.07.2016.
Schmidt, SJ; Ruhrmann, S; Schimmelmann, BG; Klosterkötter, J; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Mediation models from childhood adversity to depressiveness in patients at-risk for psychosis and in help-seeking controls (Unpublished). In: ISSBD. Vilnius, Lithuania. 10.07.-14.07.2016.
Brodbeck, J; Schmidt, SJ (2016). Mechanisms linking child maltreatment with depressive and anxiety symptoms in young adulthood: the role of social support and emotion regulation (Unpublished). In: ISSBD. Vilnius, Lithuania. 10.07.-14.07.2016.
Schmidt, SJ (2016). The European Psychiatric Association's (EPA) Guidance on the Early Intervention of Clinical High Risk States of Psychoses (Unpublished). In: 8th World Congress of Behavioural an Cognitive Therapies. Melbourne, Austalia. 22.06.-25.06.2016.
Schmidt, SJ (2016). Mediation Models from Childhood Adversity to Depressiveness in Patients At-Risk for Psychosis and in Help-Seeking Controls (Unpublished). In: 8th World Congress of Behavioural an Cognitive Therapies. Melbourne, Australia. 22.06.-25.06.2016.
Schmidt, SJ; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Multimodele Behandlung beginnender Psychosen (Unpublished). In: Psychische Gesundheit aus der Generationenperspektive. Jahreskongress der SGPP & SGKJPP. Basel. 17.-19.08.2016.
Schultze-Lutter, F; Ruhrmann, S; Michel, C; Schmidt, SJ; Kindler, J; Schimmelmann, BG (2016). Basic Symptoms in the General Population and their Association with Age. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 62. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Schmidt, SJ; Hubl, D; Schimmelmann, BG; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Impact of age on competence and control beliefs an their association with attenuated psychotic symptoms in a patient sample. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 63. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Schmidt, SJ; Inderbitzin, N; Schimmelmann, BG; Hubl, D; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Pathways linking childhood adversities to suicidality in patients at clinical high risk for psychosis. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 93. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Groth, N; Schultze-Lutter, F; Dietrich, H; Schimmelmann, BG; Michel, C; Walitza, S; Franscini, M; Lehmkuhl, G; Walger, P; Schmidt, SJ (2016). A naturalistic and prospective study on preventive interventions in children and adolescents at clinical high risk for psychosis. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 102. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Flückiger, R; Schmidt, SJ; Ruhrmann, S; Debbané, M; Michel, C; Hubl, D; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Dimensional structure among schizotypy measures and clinical high risk for psychosis criteria in patients from an early detection service. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 117. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Ochsenbein, S; Schmidt, SJ; Schimmelmann, BG; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Resilience and risk, mental health and well-being: How do they relate? Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 125. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Schmidt, SJ; Ruhrmann, S; Schultze-Lutter, F; Klosterkötter, J (2016). A European perspective on the early intervention of clinical high risk states of psychosis. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 193. Blackwell Publishing Asia
Schultze-Lutter, F; Schmidt, SJ (2016). Not just small adults - the need for developmental considerations in psychopathology. Austin Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 1(1), pp. 1-3. Austin Publishing Group
Walther, S; Schultze-Lutter, F; Michel, C; Martz-Irngartinger, A; Linder, C; Schmidt, SJ; Schimmelmann, BG; Kindler, J (2016). Abnorme unwillkürliche Bewegungen und Psychoserisiko bei Kinder und Jugendlichen: Eine populationsbasierte Studie (Unpublished). In: DGPPN. Psyche - Mensch - Gesellschaft. Berlin, Deutschland. 23.11.-26.11.2016.
Schultze-Lutter, F; Schimmelmann, BG; Schmidt, SJ (2016). Resilience, risk, mental health and well-being: Associations and conceptual differences. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 25(5), pp. 459-466. Springer 10.1007/s00787-016-0851-4
Schultze-Lutter, F; Wood, AJ; Schmidt, SJ; Debbané, M; Cascio, NL; Rothbaum, M; Barnaby, N; Cicero, DC (2016). Adolescene and Anomalous Self-Experiences. Early intervention in psychiatry, 10(S1), p. 62. Wiley
Flückiger, R; Schmidt, SJ; Ruhrmann, S; Schimmelmann, BG; Michel, C; Hubl, D; Schultze-Lutter, F (2016). Schizotypie-Profile bei hilfesuchenden Personen zweier auf Psychosen spezialisierter Früherkennungszentren (Unpublished). In: Psychische Gesundheit aus der Generationenperspektive. Jahreskongress der SGPP & SGKJPP. Basel. 17.-19.08.2016.