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Moebius, E.; Bzowski, M.; Fuselier, S.; Heirtzler, D.; Kubiak, M.; Kucharek, H.; Lee, M.A; Leonard, T.; McComas, D.; Schwadron, N.; Soko, J.M.; Wurz, Peter (2015). Interstellar Gas Flow Vector and Temperature Determination over 5 Years of IBEX Observations. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 577(012019), 012019. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1742-6596/577/1/012019
Fuselier, S. A.; Allegrini, F.; Bzowski, M.; Dayeh, M. A.; Desai, M.; Funsten, H. O.; Galli, A.; Heirtzler, D.; Janzen, P.; Kubiak, M. A.; Kucharek, H.; Lewis, W.; Livadiotis, G.; McComas, D. J.; Möbius, E.; Petrinec, S. M.; Quinn, M.; Schwadron, N.; Sokół, J. M.; Trattner, K. J.; ... (2014). Low Energy Neutral Atoms from the Heliosheath. Astrophysical journal, 784(2), p. 89. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/0004-637X/784/2/89
Kucharek, H.; Fuselier, S. A.; Wurz, Peter; Pogorelov, N.; Borovikov, S.; Lee, M. A.; Moebius, E.; Reisenfeld, D.; Funsten, H.; Schwadron, N.; McComas, D. (2013). THE SOLAR WIND AS A POSSIBLE SOURCE OF FAST TEMPORAL VARIATIONS OF THE HELIOSPHERIC RIBBON. Astrophysical journal, 776(2), p. 109. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/0004-637X/776/2/109
Allegrini, F.; Dayeh, M.A.; Desai, M.I.; Funsten, H.O.; Fuselier, S.A.; Janzen, P.H.; McComas, D.J.; Möbius, E.; Reisenfeld, D.B.; Rodriguez Moreno, Diego Francisco; Schwadron, N.; Wurz, Peter (2013). Lunar energetic neutral atom (ENA) spectra measured by the interstellar boundary explorer (IBEX). Planetary and space science, 85, pp. 232-242. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pss.2013.06.014
Rodriguez Moreno, Diego Francisco; Wurz, Peter; Saul, Lukas; Bzowski, M.; Kubiak, M. A.; Sokół, J. M.; Frisch, P.; Fuselier, S. A.; McComas, D. J.; Möbius, E.; Schwadron, N. (2013). Evidence of direct detection of interstellar deuterium in the local interstellar medium by IBEX. Astronomy and astrophysics, 557(A125), A125. EDP Sciences 10.1051/0004-6361/201321420
Fuselier, S. A.; Allegrini, F.; Bzowski, M.; Funsten, H. O.; Ghielmetti, A. G.; Gloeckler, G.; Heirtzler, D.; Janzen, P.; Kubiak, M.; Kucharek, H.; McComas, D. J.; Moebius, E.; Moore, T. E.; Petrinec, S. M.; Quinn, M.; Reisenfeld, D.; Saul, L. A.; Scheer, J. A..; Schwadron, N.; Trattner, K. J.; ... (2012). Heliospheric neutral atom spectra between 0.01 and 6 keV from IBEX. Astrophysical journal, 754(1), p. 14. London: Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/0004-637X/754/1/14
Möbius, E.; Bochsler, P.; Bzowski, M.; Crew, G.B.; Funsten, H.O.; Fuselier, S.A.; Ghielmetti, A.; Heirtzler, D.; Izmodenov, V.V.; Kubiak, M.; Kucharek, H.; Lee, M.A.; Leonard, T.; McComas, D.J.; Petersen, L.; Saul, L.; Scheer, J.A.; Schwadron, N.; Witte, M. and Wurz, P. (2009). Direct Observations of Interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer. Science, 326(5955), pp. 969-971. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/science.1180971
Fuselier, S.A.; Allegrini, F.; Funsten, H.O.; Ghielmetti, A.G.; Heirtzler, D.; Kucharek, H.; Lennartsson, O.W.; McComas, D.J.; Möbius, E.; Morre, T.E.; Petrinec, S.M.; Saul, L.A.; Scheer, J.A.; Schwadron, N.; Wurz, P. (2009). Width and Variation of the ENA Flux Ribbon Observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer. Science, 326(5955), pp. 962-964. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/science.1180981
McComas, D.J.; Allegrini, F.; Bochsler, P.; Bzowski, M.; Collier, M.; Fahr, H.; Fichtner, H.; Frisch, P.; Funsten, H.O.; Fuselier, S.A.; Gloeckler, G.; Gruntman, M.; Izmodenov, V.; Knappenberger, P.; Lee, M.; Livi, S.; Mitchell, D.; Möbius, E.; Moore, T.; Pope, S.; ... (2009). IBEX-Interstellar Boundary Explorer. Space science reviews, 146(1-4), pp. 11-33. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 10.1007/s11214-009-9499-4
McComas, D.J.; Allegrini, F.; Bartolone, L.; Bochsler, Peter; Bzowski, M.; Collier, M.; Fahr, H.; Fichtner, H.; Frisch, P.; Funsten, H.; Fuselier, Steve; Gloeckler, G.; Gruntman, M.; Izmodenov, V.; Knappenberger, P.; Lee, M.; Livi, S.; Mitchell, D.; Möbius, E.; Moore, T.; ... (2006). The interstellar boundary explorer (IBEX): Update at the end of phase B. AIP American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 858(1), pp. 241-250. 10.1063/1.2359334