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Harvey, V. Lynn; Randall, Cora E.; Bailey, Scott M.; Becker, Erich; Chau, Jorge L.; Cullens, Chihoko Y.; Goncharenko, Larisa P.; Gordley, Larry L.; Hindley, Neil P.; Lieberman, Ruth S.; Liu, Han-Li; Megner, Linda; Palo, Scott E.; Pedatella, Nicholas M.; Siskind, David E.; Sassi, Fabrizio; Smith, Anne K.; Stober, Gunter; Stolle, Claudia and Yue, Jia (2022). Improving ionospheric predictability requires accurate simulation of the mesospheric polar vortex (In Press). Frontiers in astronomy and space sciences, 9 Frontiers Media 10.3389/fspas.2022.1041426
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