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Mothersill, Carmel; Smith, Richard; Wang, Jiaxi; Rusin, Andrej; Fernandez-Palomo, Cris; Fazzari, Jennifer; Seymour, Colin (2018). Biological Entanglement-Like Effect After Communication of Fish Prior to X-Ray Exposure. Dose-response, 16(1), p. 1559325817750067. Sage Publications 10.1177/1559325817750067
Smith, Richard; Wang, Jiaxi; Seymour, Colin; Fernandez-Palomo, Cristian; Fazzari, Jennifer; Schültke, Elisabeth; Bräuer-Krisch, Elke; Laissue, Jean; Schroll, Christian; Mothersill, Carmel (2018). Homogenous and Microbeam X-Ray Radiation Induces Proteomic Changes in the Brains of Irradiated Rats and in the Brains of Nonirradiated Cage Mate Rats. Dose-response, 16(1), p. 1559325817750068. Sage Publications 10.1177/1559325817750068
Mothersill, Carmel; Fernandez-Palomo, Cristian; Fazzari, Jennifer; Smith, Richard; Schültke, Elisabeth; Bräuer-Krisch, Elke; Laissue, Jean; Schroll, Christian; Seymour, Colin (2014). Transmission of Signals from Rats Receiving High Doses of Microbeam Radiation to Cage Mates: An Inter-Mammal Bystander Effect. Dose-response, 12(1), pp. 72-92. Sage Publications 10.2203/dose-response.13-011.mothersill
Kierzkowski, Daniel; Lenhard, Michael; Smith, Richard; Kuhlemeier, Cris (2013). Interaction between Meristem Tissue Layers Controls Phyllotaxis. Developmental cell, 26(6), pp. 616-628. Cell Press 10.1016/j.devcel.2013.08.017
Fernandez Palomo, Cristian; Schültke, Elisabeth; Smith, Richard; Bräuer-Krisch, Elke; Laissue, Jean; Schroll, Christian; Fazzari, Jennifer; Seymour, Colin; Mothersill, Carmel (2013). Bystander effects in tumor-free and tumor-bearing rat brains following irradiation by synchrotron X-rays. International journal of radiation biology, 89(6), pp. 445-453. Taylor & Francis 10.3109/09553002.2013.766770