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Urech, Antoine; Krieger, Tobias; Frischknecht, Eveline; Stalder-Lüthy, Franziska; grosse Holtforth, Martin; Müri, René Martin; Znoj, Hansjörg; Hofer, Helene (2020). An Integrative Neuro-Psychotherapy Treatment to Foster the Adjustment in Acquired Brain Injury Patients—A Randomized Controlled Study. Journal of clinical medicine, 9(6), p. 1684. MDPI 10.3390/jcm9061684
Frischknecht, Eveline; Berger, Thomas; Stalder-Lüthy, Franziska; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Hofer, Helene (2014). OSCAR – ein internetbasiertes Unterstützungsprogramm für Angehörige von Menschen mit einer Hirnverletzung: Pilotstudie. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 25(2), pp. 77-88. Huber 10.1024/1016-264X/a000102
Stalder-Lüthy, Franziska; Messerli, Nadine; Hofer, Helene; Frischknecht, Eveline; Znoj, Hansjörg; Barth, Jürgen (2013). Effect of psychological interventions on depressive symptoms in long-term rehabilitation after an acquired brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 94(7), pp. 1386-1397. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 10.1016/j.apmr.2013.02.013