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Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; De Santis, Alessandro; Evangelista, Antonio; Finkenrath, Jacob; Frezzotti, Roberto; Gagliardi, Giuseppe; Garofalo, Marco; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Lubicz, Vittorio; Romiti, Simone; Sanfilippo, Francesco; Simula, Silvano; Tantalo, Nazario; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2024). Inclusive Hadronic Decay Rate of the τ Lepton from Lattice QCD: The u[over ¯]s Flavor Channel and the Cabibbo Angle. Physical review letters, 132(261901) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.261901
Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; Burri, Sebastian Andreas; Finkenrath, Jacob; Gasbarro, Andrew; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Jansen, Karl; Kanwar, Gurtej; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Ottnad, Konstantin; Petschlies, Marcus; Pittler, Ferenc; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2023). η → γ * γ * transition form factor and the hadronic light-by-light η -pole contribution to the muon g − 2 from lattice QCD. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.054509
Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; De Santis, Alessandro; Dimopoulos, Petros; Finkenrath, Jacob; Frezzotti, Roberto; Gagliardi, Giuseppe; Garofalo, Marco; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Jansen, Karl; Lubicz, Vittorio; Petschlies, Marcus; Sanfilippo, Francesco; Simula, Silvano; Tantalo, Nazario; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2023). Probing the Energy-Smeared R Ratio Using Lattice QCD. Physical review letters, 130(24), p. 241901. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.241901
Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; Bergner, Georg; Finkenrath, Jacob; Gasbarro, Andrew; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Jansen, Karl; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Ottnad, Konstantin; Petschlies, Marcus; Pittler, Ferenc; Steffens, Fernanda; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2021). Quark and Gluon Momentum Fractions in the Pion from N f = 2 + 1 + 1 Lattice QCD. Physical review letters, 127(25), p. 252001. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.252001
Deuzeman, Albert; Reker, Siebren; Urbach, Carsten (2012). Lemon: An MPI parallel I/O library for data encapsulation using LIME. Computer Physics Communications, 183(6), pp. 1321-1335. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.cpc.2012.01.016
Baron, Remi; Boucaud, Philippe; Carbonell, Jaume; Drach, Vincent; Farchioni, Federico; Herdoiza, Gregorio; Jansen, Karl; Michael, Chris; Montvay, Istvan; Pallante, Elisabetta; Pène, Olivier; Reker, Siebren; Urbach, Carsten; Wagner, Marc; Wenger, Urs (2011). Computing K and D meson masses with N_f = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD. Computer Physics Communications, 182(2), pp. 299-316. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.cpc.2010.10.004
De Santis, Alessandro; Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; Dimopoulos, Petros; Finkenrath, Jacob; Frezzotti, Roberto; Gagliardi, Giuseppe; Garofalo, Marco; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Jansen, Karl; Lubicz, Vittorio; Petschlies, Marcus; Sanfilippo, Francesco; Simula, Silvano; Tantalo, Nazario; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2022). Lattice calculation of the R-ratio smeared with Gaussian kernels. In: The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 430. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab 10.22323/1.430.0307
Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; Dimopoulos, Petros; Finkenrath, Jacob; Frezzotti, Roberto; Gagliardi, Giuseppe; Garofalo, Marco; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Jansen, Karl; Lubicz, Vittorio; Petschlies, Marcus; Sanfilippo, Francesco; Simula, Silvano; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2022). Disconnected contribution to the LO HVP term of muon g-2 from ETMC. In: The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab 10.22323/1.430.0303
Burri, Sebastian Andreas; Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; Bergner, Georg; Finkenrath, Jacob; Gasbarro, Andrew; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Jansen, Karl; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Koutsou, Giannis; Ottnad, Konstantin; Petschlies, Marcus; Pittler, Ferenc; Steffen, Fernanda; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2022). Pion-pole contribution to HLbL from twisted mass lattice QCD at the physical point. In: The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab 10.22323/1.396.0519
Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; Bergner, Georg; Dimopoulos, Petros; Finkenrath, Jacob; Frezzotti, Roberto; Garofalo, Marco; Koutsou, Giannis; Labus, Peter; Sanfilippo, Francesco; Simula, Silvano; Ueding, Martin; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2022). Gradient-flow scale setting with $N_f=2+1+1$ Wilson-clover twisted-mass fermions. In: The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab 10.22323/1.396.0131
Helmes, Christopher; Knippschild, Bastian; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Liu, Liuming; Jost, Christian; Ottnad, Konstantin; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs; Werner, Markus (26 March 2018). The η′ meson at the physical point with N f = 2 Wilson twisted mass fermions. EPJ web of conferences, 175, 05025. EDP Sciences 10.1051/epjconf/201817505025
Cichy, Krzysztof; Dromard, Arthur; Garcia-Ramos, Elena; Ottnad, Konstantin; Urbach, Carsten; Wagner, Marc; Wenger, Urs; Zimmermann, Falk (2015). Comparison of different lattice definitions of the topological charge. PoS - proceedings of science, LATTICE2014, p. 75. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Baron, Rémi; Boucaud, Philippe; Carbonell, Jaume; Drach, Vincent; Farchioni, Frederico; Herdoiza, Gregorio; Jansen, Karl; Michael, Chris; Montvay, István; Pallante, Elisabetta; Reker, Siebren; Urbach, Carsten; Wagner, Marc; Wenger, Urs (2010). Kaon and D meson masses with N_f = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD. In: XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2010). Villasimius, Italy. June 14-19 2010.
Baron, Rémi; Boucaud, Philippe; Deuzeman, Albert; Drach, Vincent; Farchioni, Federico; Gimenez, Vicent; Herdoiza, Gregorio; Jansen, Karl; Montvayh, István; Palao, David; Pallante, Elisabetta; Pène, Olivier; Reker, Siebren; Scholz, Enno E.; Urbach, Carsten; Wagner, Marc; Wenger, Urs (2008). Status of ETMC simulations with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions. In: The XXVI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 2008), July 14-19, 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA (p. 94). Internetpublikation