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Norton, Kevin P.; Von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm; Dibiase, Roman; Schlunegger, Fritz; Kubik, Peter W. (2011). Erratum to: Cosmogenic 10Be-derived denudation rates of the Eastern and Southern European Alps. International journal of earth sciences, 100(5), pp. 1225-1226. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00531-011-0655-1
Kelly, Meredith A.; Kubik, Peter W.; Von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm; Schlüchter, Christian (2004). Surface exposure dating of the Great Aletsch Glacier Egesen moraine system, western Swiss Alps, using the cosmogenic nuclide10Be. Journal of quaternary science JQS, 19(5), pp. 431-441. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/jqs.854