Vorwerg, Constanze

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Number of items: 23.

Journal Article

Widmer Beierlein, Sandra; Vorwerg, Constanze (2017). Varietätengebrauch in der Aphasiediagnostik. Zwei Muster für die Verwendung von Hochdeutsch und Dialekt während der Durchführung des BIWOS. SAL-Bulletin, 164, pp. 5-18. Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Logopädie

Vorwerg, Constanze; Widmer Beierlein, Sandra (2015). Aphasiediagnostik in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz. Forschung Sprache, 3(2), pp. 54-67. Schulz-Kirchner

de Castro Campos Velten, Marcella; Bläsing, Bettina E.; Hermann, Thomas; Vorwerg, Constanze; Schack, Thomas (2015). Response actions influence the categorization of directions in auditory space. Frontiers in psychology, 6 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01163

Vorwerg, Constanze (2010). Psycholinguistische Methoden zur Erforschung von Sprachstörungen. Sprache, Stimme, Gehör, 34(2), pp. 100-105. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-0030-1253439

Vorwerg, Constanze; Weiss, Petra (2010). Verb semantics affects the interpretation of spatial prepositions. Spatial cognition and computation, 10(4), pp. 247-291. Philadelphia, Pa.: Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13875861003663770

Book Section

Vorwerg, Constanze (2018). Gesprächsrhetorik und Psychologie, Psycholinguistik. In: Hess-Lüttich, Ernest W.B. (ed.) Handbuch Gesprächsrhetorik. Handbücher Rhetrorik: Vol. 3. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton

Vorwerg, Constanze (2015). Communicative competence, linguistic aspects. In: Wright, J.D. (ed.) International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences 4 (pp. 294-301). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Vorwerg, Constanze (2013). Language variation and mutual adaptation in interactive communication. Putting together psycholinguistic 
and sociolinguistic perspectives. In: Wachsmuth, Ipke; de Ruiter, Jan; Jaecks, Petra; Kopp, Stefan (eds.) Alignment in Communication: Towards a new theory of communication. Advances in Interaction Studies: Vol. 6 (pp. 149-166). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Vorwerg, Constanze (2013). Konkretismus in der Sprachverarbeitung: Wörtliche Interpretationen nichtwörtlich gemeinter Sprache. In: Brita, Schirmer (ed.) Buchstäblich und wort-wörtlich: Die Welt der hochgeklappten Gehsteige. Konkretismus in Psychologie, Psychopathologie und Psycholinguistik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Autismus-Spektrums-Störungen (pp. 8-131). Berlin: Weidler

Vorwerg, Constanze (2009). Consistency in successive spatial utterances. In: Coventry, Kenny R.; Tenbrink, Thora; Batemann, John (eds.) Spatial language and dialogue. Explorations in Language and Space: Vol. 3 (pp. 40-55). Oxford: Oxford University Press

Conference or Workshop Item

Lüthi, Janine; Vorwerg, Constanze; Pickering, Martin; Branigan, Holly (3 March 2016). The morphosyntactic representation of language varieties: bivarietal syntactic priming (Unpublished). In: CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Gainesville, Florida. 03.-05.03.2016.

Vorwerg, Constanze; Lüthi, Janine; Morand, Marie-Anne (10 September 2015). Inhibition effects in linguistic processing in a sociolinguistically distant variety (Unpublished). In: Language and Social Cognition. Bern. 10.-11.09.2015.

Vorwerg, Constanze (5 September 2015). Lexical Selection in Bivarietal Speakers: V2 Speech Production (Unpublished). In: The 21st Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Valetta, Malta. 03.-05.09.2015.

Lüthi, Janine; Vorwerg, Constanze (5 September 2015). Status matters! Syntactic priming in Standard German depends on its sociolinguistic status (Unpublished). In: Architectures & Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). Valletta, Malta. 03.-05.09.2015.

Vorwerg, Constanze (28 May 2015). Lexical Selection in Bivarietal Speakers (Unpublished). In: The International Conference on Language Variation in Europe. Leipzig, Deutschland. 27.-29.05.2015.

Lüthi, Janine; Vorwerg, Constanze (28 May 2015). Swiss German at the lemma level - A psycholinguistic approach to language varieties (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE). Leipzig. 27.-29.05.2015.

Vorwerg, Constanze (21 March 2015). Lexical Competition Between Linguistic Varieties (Unpublished). In: The 28th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Los Angeles, USA. 19.-21.03.2015.

Lüthi, Janine; Wyler, Jessica; Vorwerg, Constanze (13 March 2015). Cues for Subject Identification in a Swiss German Dialect: Integrating Socio- and Psycholinguistic Perspectives. In: International Convention of Psychological Science. Amsterdam. 12.-14.03.2015.

Lüthi, Janine; Vorwerg, Constanze (5 September 2014). Does sociolinguistic distance inhibit syntactic alignment? Evidence from syntactic priming between and within varieties of German (Unpublished). In: The 20th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). Edinburgh. 03.-06.09.2014.

Vorwerg, Constanze; Lüthi, Janine; Strässle, Manuel; Pickering, Martin (13 March 2014). Partial separation of syntactic representations in closely related varieties. Evidence from Swiss German and Standard German (Unpublished). In: The 27th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Columbus, Ohio. 13.-15.03.2014.

Vorwerg, Constanze (2011). Acoustic grounding of spatial frames of references - Influence of response actions on space region concept. In: Butz, M.; Herbort, O.; Pezullo, G.; Sigaud, O. (eds.) Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems.

Swadzba, Agnes; Vorwerg, Constanze; Wachsmuth, Sven; Rickheit, Gerd (2009). A computational model for the alignment of hierarchical scene representations in human-robot interaction. In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 14-16, 2009, Pasadena, California, USA (pp. 1857-1863). Menlo Park, California: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence


Purmohammad, Mehdi (2015). Code-switching: a touchstone of models of bilingual language production. (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Humanities, Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS))

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