Bern Open Repository and Information System
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University of Bern
01 Faculty of Theology
Department of Old Catholic Theology [discontinued]
Department of Protestant Theology [discontinued]
Institute of Biblical Studies [discontinued]
Languages [discontinued]
New Testament [discontinued]
Old Testament [discontinued]
Institute of Church History [discontinued]
Early Church History and the History of Dogma [discontinued]
Newer Church History [discontinued]
Institute of Jewish Studies [discontinued]
Institute of Practical Theology [discontinued]
Empirical Religious Research and Theory of Inter-religious Communication [discontinued]
Homiletics [discontinued]
Pastoral Care, Psychology of Religion and Religious Education [discontinued]
Institute of Systematic Theology [discontinued]
Dogmatics and the History of Philosophy [discontinued]
Ethics [discontinued]
Institute of Empirical Religious Research
Institute of Historical Theology
Ancient History of Christianity and Interreligious Encounters
Modern History of Christianity and Denominational Studies
Institute of Jewish Studies
Institute of New Testatment Studies
Literature and Theology of the New Testament
New Testament and Ancient History of Religion
Institute of Old Catholic Theology
Church History and Historical Theology, Liturgical Studies
Systematic Theology, Ecumenical Theology, Practical Theology
Institute of Old Testament Studies
Institute of Old Testament Studies - Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures
Literature and Theology of the Old Testament
Literature and Theology of the Old Testament
Institute of Practical Theology
Homiletics, Liturgics and Ecclesiology
Pastoral Care, Psychology of Religion and Religious Education
Institute of Systematic Theology
Dogmatics and Philosophy of Religion
Theological Ethics and Diaconia
Other Institutions
Emeriti, Faculty of Theology
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Theology
Teaching Staff, Faculty of Theology
Suprainstitutional Bodies
Koordinationsstelle für praktikumbezogene theologische Ausbildung (KOPTA)
02 Faculty of Law
Department of Economic Law
Institute of Economic Law
Institute of European and International Economic Law
Institute of Tax Law
NCCR International Trade Regulation
World Trade Institute
Department of Legal Theory and History of Law
Institute for the History of Law
Institute of Roman Law
Legal and Political Theory
Department of Penal Law
Institute for Penal Law and Criminology
Chair Prof. Heine [discontinued]
Chair Prof. Hilf
Chair Prof. Kunz [discontinued]
Chair Prof. Mona
Chair Prof. Vest
Chair Prof. Weber
Doctoral Degree Program Criminal Law
Department of Private Law
Institut für Haftpflicht- und Versicherungsrecht
Institute for Civil Law
Institute for Swiss and International Civil Procedure and Private International Law
Institute of Banking Law
Institute of Notarial Law and Notarial Practice
Department of Public Law
Institute of Public Law
Management im Gesundheitswesen (MIG)
Other Institutions
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Law
Teaching Staff, Faculty of Law
03 Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Department of Business Management
Institute of Financial Management
Professorship for Quantitative Methods in Business Administration
Institute of Information Systems
Information Engineering
Information Management
Research Center for Digital Sustainability
Institute of Innovation Management
Consumer Behavior
Institute of Organization and Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Institute for Accounting and Controlling
Financial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
Department of Economics
Institute of Economics
Economic Policy and Regional Economics
Economic Theory
Macro and National Economics
Public Economics
Other Institutions
Emeriti, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Teaching Staff, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Social Sciences
Institute of Political Science
Institute of Sociology
Institute of Communication and Media Studies (ICMB)
04 Faculty of Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Disorders (DHGE)
Clinic of Angiology
Clinic of Cardiology
Clinic of Heart Surgery
Clinic of Vascular Surgery
Department of Dermatology, Urology, Rheumatology, Nephrology, Osteoporosis (DURN)
Clinic of Dermatology
Clinic of Nephrology and Hypertension
Clinic of Urology
Clinic of Rheumatology and Immunology
Allergology [discontinued]
Rheumatology [discontinued]
Department of Gastro-intestinal, Liver and Lung Disorders (DMLL)
Clinic of Pneumology
Clinic of Thoracic Surgery
Clinic of Visceral Surgery and Medicine
Visceral Surgery
Department of General Internal Medicine (DAIM)
Clinic of General Internal Medicine
Centre of Competence for General Internal Medicine
Medical Department Anna Seiler-House
Geriatric Clinic
Geriatric Clinic Inselspital
Department of Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Endocrinology (DFKE)
Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Clinical Nutrition
Clinic of Gynaecology
Clinic of Paediatric Medicine
Child Psychiatry
Child Psychology
Endocrinology/Metabolic Disorders
Paediatric Cardiology
Paediatric Gastroenterology
Paediatric Haematology/Oncology
Paediatric Infectiology
Paediatric Intensive Care
Paediatric Nephrology
Paediatric Pneumology
Notfallzentrum für Kinder und Jugendliche
Paediatric Rheumatology
Clinic of Paediatric Surgery
Clinic of Human Genetics
Department of Haematology, Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Laboratory Medicine and Hospital Pharmacy (DOLS)
Clinic of Haematology and Central Haematological Laboratory
Clinic of Infectiology
Clinic of Medical Oncology
Clinic of Radiation Oncology
Medical Radiation Physics
Institute for Immunology [discontinued]
Institute of Clinical Chemistry
Department of Head Organs and Neurology (DKNS)
Clinic of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery
Clinic of Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders (ENT)
Clinic of Neurology
Centre of Competence for Psychosomatic Medicine
Clinic of Neurosurgery
Clinic of Ophthalmology
Department of Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine and Anaesthesiology (DINA)
Clinic and Policlinic for Anaesthesiology and Pain Therapy
Partial clinic Insel
Partial clinic Tiefenau
Clinic of Intensive Care
University Emergency Center
Department of Orthopaedic, Plastic and Hand Surgery (DOPH)
Clinic of Orthopaedic Surgery
Clinic of Osteoporosis
Clinic of Plastic and Hand Surgery
Hand Surgery
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology and Nuclear Medicine (DRNN)
Clinic of Nuclear Medicine
Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology
Institute of Diagnostic, Interventional and Paediatric Radiology
DCR Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Methodology (AMSM)
Medical Education
Institute for Medical Education
Assessment and Evaluation Unit (AAE)
Curriculum Coordination & Students' Office (STPL)
Education and Media Unit (AUM)
Berner interdisziplinäres Skills- und Simulationspersonenzentrum (BiSS)
Master of Medical Education (MME)
Institute of General Practice and Primary Care (BIHAM)
Institute of Complementary and Integrative Medicine (IKIM)
Institute of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Anthroposophically Extended Medicine (AeM)
Pre-clinic Human Medicine
Institute for Evaluative Research into Orthopaedic Surgery
Institute for the History of Medicine
Institute of Anatomy
Cell Biology
Functional Anatomy
Topographical and Clinical Anatomy
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Institute of Pharmacology
Institute of Physiology
Theodor Kocher Institute
BioMedical Research (DBMR)
DBMR Forschung Mu35
Center of Regenerative Medicine for Skeletal Tissues [discontinued]
Dental-/Skelett-Biologie Direktion
Forschungsgruppe Anästhesiologie
Forschungsgruppe Endometriose und gynäkologische Onkologie
Forschungsgruppe Gastroenterologie / Mukosale Immunologie
Forschungsgruppe Hepatologie
Forschungsgruppe Herz- und Gefässchirurgie
Forschungsgruppe Hämatologie / Onkologie (Pädiatrie)
Forschungsgruppe Ionenkanalkrankheiten
Forschungsgruppe Kardiologie
Forschungsgruppe Knochenbiologie & Orthopädische Forschung
Forschungsgruppe Med. Onkologie / Hämatologie (Erw.)
Forschungsgruppe Orthopädische Chirurgie
Forschungsgruppe Osteoporose
Forschungsgruppe Phytopharmakologie, Bioanalytik & Pharmakokinetik [discontinued]
Forschungsgruppe Präzisionsonkologie
Forschungsgruppe Radio-Onkologie
Forschungsgruppe Radiologie
Forschungsgruppe Rheumatologie
Forschungsgruppe Schädel-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
Forschungsgruppe Tumor-Immunologie
Forschungsgruppe Urologie
Forschungsgruppe Viszeralchirurgie
DBMR Forschung Mu35
Center of Regenerative Medicine for Skeletal Tissues [discontinued]
Dental-/Skelett-Biologie Direktion
Forschungsgruppe Anästhesiologie
Forschungsgruppe Endometriose und gynäkologische Onkologie
Forschungsgruppe Gastroenterologie / Mukosale Immunologie
Forschungsgruppe Hepatologie
Forschungsgruppe Herz- und Gefässchirurgie
Forschungsgruppe Hämatologie / Onkologie (Pädiatrie)
Forschungsgruppe Ionenkanalkrankheiten
Forschungsgruppe Kardiologie
Forschungsgruppe Knochenbiologie & Orthopädische Forschung
Forschungsgruppe Med. Onkologie / Hämatologie (Erw.)
Forschungsgruppe Orthopädische Chirurgie
Forschungsgruppe Osteoporose
Forschungsgruppe Phytopharmakologie, Bioanalytik & Pharmakokinetik [discontinued]
Forschungsgruppe Präzisionsonkologie
Forschungsgruppe Radio-Onkologie
Forschungsgruppe Radiologie
Forschungsgruppe Rheumatologie
Forschungsgruppe Schädel-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
Forschungsgruppe Tumor-Immunologie
Forschungsgruppe Urologie
Forschungsgruppe Viszeralchirurgie
DCR Services
Central Animal Facility
Core Facility Live Cell Imaging (LCI)
Core Facility Massenspektrometrie- und Proteomics-Labor
Core Facility Zytometrie-Labor/FACSlab
DCR Unit Sahli Building
Forschungsgruppe Geriatrie/Altersmedizin
Forschungsgruppe Neurologie
DCR Unit Tiefenau Hospital [discontinued]
Forschungsgruppe Biologie und Karzinogenese der Brustdrüse [discontinued]
Forschungsgruppe Hämatologie/Onkologie (Pädiatrie) [discontinued]
Forschungsgruppe Vasoaktive Peptide [discontinued]
Forschungsbereich Augenklinik
Forschungsgruppe Augenheilkunde
Forschungsbereich Mu50
Forschungsgruppe Angiologie
Forschungsgruppe Handchirurgie
Forschungsgruppe Herz und Gefässe
Forschungsgruppe Neurochirurgie
Forschungsgruppe Plastische Chirurgie
Forschungsgruppe Pneumologie (Erwachsene)
Forschungsgruppe Pneumologie (Pädiatrie)
Forschungsgruppe Psychosomatik
Forschungsgruppe Thoraxchirurgie
Forschungsbereich Pathologie
Forschungsgruppe Dermatologie
Forschungsgruppe Innere Medizin [discontinued]
Forschungsgruppe Molekularbiologie
Forschungsbereich Pavillon 52
Abt. Magnetresonanz-Spektroskopie und Methodologie, AMSM
Endokrinologie / Diabetologie (Erwachsene)
Forschungsgruppe Audiologie
Forschungsgruppe Experimentelle Hämostase
Forschungsgruppe Intensivmedizin
Forschungsgruppe Klinische Radiopharmazie
Forschungsgruppe Klinische Radiopharmazie
Forschungsgruppe Perzeption und Okulomotorik
Unit Childrens Hospital
Forschungsgruppe Endokrinologie / Diabetologie / Metabolik (Pädiatrie)
Forschungsgruppe Endokrinologie der Brust
Forschungsgruppe Endometrium & Ovar
Forschungsgruppe Humangenetik
Forschungsgruppe Hämatologie (Erwachsene)
Forschungsgruppe Hämatologie / Onkologie (Pädiatrie)
Forschungsgruppe Nephrologie / Hypertonie
Forschungsgruppe Pneumologie (Pädiatrie)
Forschungsgruppe Pränatale Medizin
Protein- und Zellbiologie
Research Group Pediatric Surgery
Thromboselabor Kinderklinik [discontinued]
Department of Clinical Research (DCR)
Institute for Surgical Technology & Biomechanics ISTB [discontinued]
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)
School of Dental Medicine
Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology
Department of Orthodontics
Department of Periodontology
Department of Preventive, Restorative and Pediatric Dentistry
Department of Prosthodontics [discontinued]
Division of Fixed Prosthodontics [discontinued]
Department of Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerodontology [discontinued]
Department of Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerodontology
Oral Surgery Research
Orthodontic Research
Periodontics Research
Restorative Dentistry, Research
Service Sector
Institute for Infectious Diseases
Clinical Microbiology
General Bacteriology
Infection Serology
Laboratory for Clinical Pharmacology
Molecular Biology
Bacteriology (Specialist Field)
Clinical Infectiology [discontinued]
Virologie et immunologie (Specialist Field)
Virology and Immunology
Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Visceral Research [discontinued]
Institute of Legal Medicine
Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology
Forensic Imaging
Forensic Medicine
Forensic Molecular Biology
Forensic Physics (Ballistics)
Forensic Psychiatric Services
Medical Law
Traffic Medicine, Psychiatry and Psychology
Institute of Pathology
Clinical Pathology
Inflammatory Pathology
Krebsregister des Kt. Bern
Molecular Pathology
Tumour Pathology
Tissue Bank Bern
Translational Research Unit
University Psychiatric Services
Department of Nursing and Education
University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Research Division
University Hospital of Geriatric Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Healthcare Research
Psychiatric Neurophysiology [discontinued]
Translational Research Center
UPD Murtenstrasse
Faculty Institutions
Bern Center for Precision Medicine (BCPM)
Experimental Animal Center (EAC)
NCCR TransCure
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Medicine
Office of the Dean, Medicine
Teaching Staff, Faculty of Medicine
sitem Center for Translational Medicine and Biomedical Entrepreneurship
Cardiac Technology and Implantable Devices
Healthcare Regulation and Management
05 Veterinary Medicine
Department of Clinical Research and Veterinary Public Health (DCR-VPH)
Experimental Clinical Research
Institute of Bee Health
Institute of Genetics
Molecular Pathobiology
Veterinary Anatomy
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
Veterinary Physiology
Veterinary Public Health Institute
Animal Welfare Division
Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine (DKV)
Clinic for Ruminants
DKV - Anaesthesiology
DKV - Central Clinical Laboratory
DKV - Clinical Immunology [discontinued]
DKV - Clinical Neurology
DKV - Clinical Radiology
DKV - Dermatology
DVK - Clinical Research [discontinued]
Small Animal Clinic
Intensive Care Unit, Small Animal Clinic
Small Animal Clinic, Internal Medicine
Small Animal Clinic, Surgery
Swine Clinic
ISME Equine Clinic Bern
ISME Equine Clinic Bern, Surgery
ISME Equine Clinic, Internal medicine
Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathobiology (DIP)
Institute of Animal Pathology
Institute of Parasitology
Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology
Molecular Bacterial Epidemiology and Infectiology
Institute of Virology and Immunology
Institute for Fish and Wildlife Health (FIWI)
Other Institutions
Office of the Dean
Emeriti, Vetsuisse Faculty
Teaching Staff, Vetsuisse Faculty
Centers Vetsuisse Faculty
Multidisciplinary Center for Infectious Diseases (MCID)
Research Foci
Host-Pathogen Interaction
Veterinary Public Health / Herd Health Management
06 Faculty of Humanities
Department of Art and Cultural Studies
Institute for the Science of Religion
Institute of Art History
Ancient and Medieval Art History
Contemporary Art
History of Textiles
Recent and Modern Art History
Architectural History and Preservation
Institute of Musicology
Institute of Philosophy
History of Philosophy
Practical Philosophy
Theoretical Philosophy
Institute of Social Anthropology
Institute of Theater Studies
Institut für Studien zum Nahen Osten und zu muslimischen Gesellschaften
Department of History and Archaeology
Institute of Archaeological Sciences
Archaeology of the Mediterranean Region
Archaeology of the Roman Provinces
Near Eastern Archaeology
Pre- and Early History
Institute of History
Ancient History and Reception History of the Ancient World
Continuing Education Program in Archive, Library and Information Science
Economic, Social and Environmental History
ViaStoria Center of Transport History
Medieval History
Modern and Contemporary History
Modern, Contemporary and Eastern European History
Recent History
Swiss History
Institute of History, Iberian and Latin American History
Institute of History, Modern and Contemporary General and Swiss History
Institute of History, Modern and Contemporary History
Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies
Institute of Classical Philology
Institute of English Languages and Literatures
American Studies
Literary Theory
Modern English Linguistics
Modern English Literature
Old English
Institute of French Language and Literature
Linguistic Studies
Literary Studies
Institute of Germanic Languages
Applied Linguistics and Communication Science
Forschungsstelle Jeremias Gotthelf
German Linguistics
Modern German Literary Studies
Old German Language and Literature
Institute of Italian Language and Literature
Linguistic Studies
Literary Studies
Institute of Linguistics
Applied Linguistics
Comparative Linguistics
Institute of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Institute of Spanish Languages and Literature
Linguistic Studies
Literary Studies
Other Institutions
Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences (IASH) [discontinued]
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Humanities
Teaching Staff, Faculty of Humanities
Walter Benjamin Kolleg (WBKolleg)
Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Network (IRN)
Center for Global Studies (CGS)
Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS)
Digital Humanities
07 Faculty of Human Sciences
Institute of Education
Educational Psychology
General and Historical Educational Science
School and Teaching Research
Sociology of Education
Institute of Psychology
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Developmental Psychology
Personality Psychology, Differential Psychology and Diagnostics
Professur für Gesundheitspsychologie (SNF) [discontinued]
Work and Organisational Psychology
Cognitive Psychology, Perception and Methodology
Biologische Psychologie (SNF) [discontinued]
Psychological and Behavioral Health
Psychology of Digitalization
Social Neuroscience and Social Psychology
Weitere Forschungsgruppen
Institute of Sport Science (ISPW)
Health Science
Movement and Exercise Science
Sport Pedagogy
Sport Psychology and Research Methods
Sport Science II [discontinued]
Sport Sociology and Management
Other Institutions
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Human Sciences
Teaching Staff, Faculty of Human Sciences
08 Faculty of Science
Department of Biology
Institute of Cell Biology
Cellular Dynamics
Institute of Ecology and Evolution (IEE)
Aquatic Ecology
Behavioural Ecology
Conservation Biology
Evolutionary Ecology
Population Genetics
Community Ecology [discontinued]
Terrestrial Ecology
Theoretical Ecology and Evolution
Institute of Plant Sciences (IPS)
Biotic Interactions
Library Plant Sciences
Molecular Plant Physiology
Plant Development
Plant Ecology
Plant nutrition [discontinued]
Anoxia / Postanoxia [discontinued]
Ecological Genomics
Plant Community Ecology
Plant Epigenetics
Stress Physiology [discontinued]
Vegetation Ecology [discontinued]
Vegetation Science [discontinued]
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Computational Biology
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science
Institute of Mathematics
Institute of Applied Physics
Biomedical Photonics
Institute of Astronomy
Institute of Computer Science (INF)
Communication and Distributed Systems (CDS)
Computer Graphics Group (CGG)
Computer Vision Group (CVG)
Logic and Theory Group (LTG)
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN)
Cryptology and Data Security Group
Pattern Recognition Group (PRG)
Software Composition Group (SCG) [discontinued]
Software Engineering Group (SEG)
Institute of Geography
Human Geography
Unit Cultural Geography
Unit Economic Geography
Geographies of Disasters
Unit Political urbanism and sutainable spatial development
NCCR North-South Management Centre [discontinued]
Physical Geography
Unit Biogeochemistry and Paleoclimate
Unit Climatology
Unit Geomorphology
Unit Hydrology
Unit Impact
Unit Paleo-Geoecology
Unit Paleolimnology
Unit Remote Sensing
Unit Soil Science
Unit Geocomputation and Earth Observation
Geographies of Sustainability
Unit Critical Sustainability Studies (CSS)
Unit Land Systems and Sustainable Land Management (LS-SLM)
Institute of Geological Sciences
Exogenous Geology
Isotope Geology
Mineralogical Crystallography [discontinued]
Quaternary Geology
Rock-Water Interaction
Applied Rock-Water-Interaction
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Other Institutions
Emeriti, Faculty of Science
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Science
Teaching Staff, Faculty of Science
PAGES Past Global Changes
Physics Institute
Climate and Environmental Physics
Laboratory for High Energy Physics (LHEP)
NCCR PlanetS
Space Research and Planetary Sciences
Theoretical Astrophysics and Planetary Science (TAPS)
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (DCBP)
NCCR RNA & Disease
School of Biomedical and Precision Engineering (SBPE)
Personalised Medicine
Smart Surgical Instruments and Medical Devices
Ultrasonics in Medicine and Engineering
09 Interdisciplinary Units
Centre for University Continuing Education
Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ICFG)
Interdisciplinary Centre for General Ecology (IKAÖ)
Interfakultäres Zentrum für Bildungsforschung (ICER)
Zentrum für Bildungsforschung ICER (PHILHUM)
Zentrum für Bildungsforschung ICER (WISO)
Microscopy Imaging Center (MIC)
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Platform
10 Strategic Research Centers
Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics (AEC)
Center for Cognition, Learning and Memory (CCLM)
Center for Space and Habitability (CSH)
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR)
NCCR Climate
World Trade Institute
ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research
ARTORG Center - AI in Health and Nutrition
ARTORG Center - AI in Medical Imaging Laboratory
ARTORG Center - Artificial Kidney Research
ARTORG Center - Cardiovascular Engineering (CVE)
ARTORG Center - Cardiovascular Engineering (Blood Vessel)
ARTORG Center - Cardiovascular Engineering (Heart)
ARTORG Center - Computational Bioengineering
ARTORG Center - Gerontechnology and Rehabilitation
ARTORG Center - Hearing Research Laboratory
ARTORG Center - Image Guided Therapy
ARTORG Center - Ophthalmic Technology Lab
ARTORG Center - Lung Regeneration Technologies
ARTORG Center - Medical Image Analysis
ARTORG Center - Motor Learning and Neurorehabilitation
ARTORG Center - Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
ARTORG Center - Organs-on Chip Technologies
ARTORG Center - Urogenital Engineering
Wyss Academy for Nature
Climate Change Scenarios (CCSN)
11 Centers of Competence
Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED)
KPM Center for Public Management
12 Faculty Centers
Center for Cultural Studies (CCS)
13 Central Units
Administrative Director's Office
Financial Accounting Section
IT Section
Personnel Section
University Library of Bern
University Library of Bern, Operations
Service Center Open Science
Human and Social Sciences Section
vonRoll Library
Medicine and Natural Sciences Section
Exact Sciences
Botanical Garden
General Secretariat
General Secretariat
Services of the Rector's Office
Collegium generale (CG)
Communication Office
Forum für Universität und Gesellschaft
Rector's Office
Staff of the University Board of Directors
Vice-Rectorate Quality
Office for Gender Equality
External Organisations
Archaeological Service of the Canton of Berne
Swiss Centre of Expertise in Human Rights (SCHR)
Swiss open-air museum Ballenberg
The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities
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