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Bozat, Derya Marie Anne Catherine (21 June 2024). Learning and Living Behind the (Cracking) Iron Curtain: Students from Nigeria in the Collapsing Soviet Union (Unpublished). In: Sandbjerg Summer School in Global History. Aarhus University, Sandbjerg. 19 to 22 June 2024.
Bozat, Derya Marie Anne Catherine (7 June 2024). Nigerians On the Move: Educational Mobility to the Soviet Union during the Cold War (1960-1991) (Unpublished). In: Mobility in the History of Africa. Revisiting the »Mobility Turn«. Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris (DHI). 04.-07.06.2024.
Bozat, Derya Marie Anne Catherine (2 May 2024). Leben und Lernen hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang: Studierende aus Subsahara-Afrika in der Sowjetunion (Unpublished). In: XI. Deutsch-Schweizerischer Studientag für Osteuropäische Geschichte. Wieseneck.
Bozat, Derya Marie Anne Catherine (19 April 2024). From Nigeria to New Friendships in the Soviet Union: Educational Mobility during the Cold War (1960-1991) (Unpublished). In: International friendship within and beyond the Iron Curtain. Institute of Contemporary History Ljubljana. 18.-19.04.2024.
Bozat, Derya Marie Anne Catherine (13 November 2023). Studierende aus Subsahara-Afrika in der Sowjetunion. Leben und lernen hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang (Unpublished). In: MIKO Workshop. Universität Bern. 13.11.2023.
Druey Schwab, Cécile Elisabeth (29 November 2023). The Conflict(s) in Chechnya: Past and Present (1986-2023) (Unpublished). In: The Conflict(s) in Chechnya: Past and Present (1986-2023). 28-29 November 2023.
Druey Schwab, Cécile Elisabeth (September 2023). Critical Reflections on ‘Amnesty’: the case of Ukraine (2014-2021) (Submitted). In: Conflict Research Society (CRC), Annual Conference. London. 11-13 September 2023.
Druey Schwab, Cécile Elisabeth (May 2023). Mobilisation and Radicalisation in Late Soviet Chechnya (1986 – 1991) (Submitted). In: ASN Annual World Convention. 18–20 May 2023.
Druey Schwab, Cécile Elisabeth (2023). Memory – Mobilisation – Independence: the Case of Chechnya (1986 – 1991) (Submitted). In: Druey Schwab, Cécile Elisabeth (ed.) Fighting for Self-Determination, Participation and Control in Chechnya: Conflict, Statebuilding and the Role of Memory Narratives (1986–2023). Peter Lang Publishers
Fritz, Regina (2023). Sándor Millok und die ungarischen Häftlinge in Mauthausen – Ein Nachwort. In: Sándor Millok. „Weg der Qualen”. Von Budapest bis Mauthausen. Mauthausen-Erinnerungen: Vol. 8. New Academia Publishing
Fritz, Regina (2019). Az Ausztriában megölt magyar zsidók nyilvános emlékezete 1945 után. Regio. Kisebbség Kultúra Politika Társadalom, 27(1), pp. 185-221. NKA Dissemination and Environmental Education College 10.17355/rkkpt.v27i1.247
Häfliger, Michèle Maria (21 November 2023). Ruthenische Mehrheit in permanenter Minderheitenposition: Zwischen konkurrierenden (trans-)nationalen Identitätsentwürfen (Unpublished). In: Workshop: Die fliessenden Grenzen des Kolonialismus. Lüneburg, Nordost-Institut (IKGN). 21.-22. November 2023.
Myshlovska, Oksana (September 2023). The role of discursive practices in conflict escalation and peacebuilding in Ukraine (February-April 2014) (Unpublished). In: Panel “Victor’s Peace for Ukraine? Sustainable Peacebuilding Options”, 60th Conflict Research Society Annual Conference. King’s College London, London, UK. 11-13 September 2023.
Myshlovska, Oksana (May 2023). The Government Policies of Recognition and “Identity Backlash” during the Period of Yushchenko’s Presidency (Unpublished). In: ASN Annual World Convention, New York PANEL K1: Mnemonic and Identity Politics, Radicalization and Peacebuilding in the Russian North Caucasus, Georgia and Ukraine in the late Soviet and Post-1991 Periods. Columbia University. 18 May 2023.
Myshlovska, Oksana (2023). Working Group of Historians at the Governmental Commission on the Study of OUN-UPA Activities. In: Stan, Lavinia; Nedelsky, Nadya (eds.) Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice (pp. 1714-1719). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Natenadze, Elena (18 May 2023). The narrative based framework for conflict transformation: the case of Georgian-Abkhaz conflict of the 1992-1993. (Unpublished). In: ASN 2023 Convention, 27th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities. PANEL K1: Mnemonic and Identity Politics, Radicalization and Peacebuilding in the Russian North Caucasus, Georgia and Ukraine in the late Soviet and Post-. Columbia University, New York. (18–20 May 2023).
Richers, Julia (21 December 2023). Spionageparadies Schweiz – Verdeckte Operationen im Ersten Weltkrieg (Interview). In: SRF DOK, Dokumentarfilm.
Richers, Julia (27 October 2023). János Székelys verschollener Roman (Interview). In: SRF, Kontext, Radiobeitrag.
Richers, Julia (27 September 2023). János Székely - Der verschollene Roman (Interview). In: SRF, Kulturplatz, Dokumentarfilm.
Richers, Julia (2023). Zimmerwald (Interview). In: Kinofilm/Dokumentarfilm, Regie: Valeria Stucki.
Richers, Julia (23 November 2021). Die jüdische Bevölkerung im Umbruch: Zwischen Integration, Staatenlosigkeit und Staatssuche (Unpublished). In: Vortrag im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe «Von Imperien zu Nationalstaaten: Europas Osten nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg». Volkshochschule Zürich. 23.11.2021.