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van Maren, Ellen; Alnes, Sigurd L; Ramos da Cruz, Janir; Sobolewski, Aleksander; Friedrichs-Maeder, Cecilia; Wohler, Katharina; Barlatey, Sabry L; Feruglio, Sandy; Fuchs, Markus; Vlachos, Ioannis; Zimmermann, Jonas; Bertolote, Tiago; Z'Graggen, Werner J; Tzovara, Athina; Donoghue, John; Kouvas, George; Schindler, Kaspar; Pollo, Claudio; Baud, Maxime O (2024). Feasibility, Safety, and Performance of Full-Head Subscalp EEG Using Minimally Invasive Electrode Implantation. Neurology, 102(12) American Academy of Neurology 10.1212/WNL.0000000000209428
Page Vizcaíno, Josué; Symvoulidis, Panagiotis; Wang, Zeguan; Jelten, Jonas; Favaro, Paolo; Boyden, Edward S; Lasser, Tobias (2024). Fast light-field 3D microscopy with out-of-distribution detection and adaptation through conditional normalizing flows. Biomedical optics express, 15(2), pp. 1219-1232. Optical Society of America 10.1364/BOE.504039
Fiorillo, Luigi; Pedroncelli, Davide; Agostini, Valentina; Favaro, Paolo; Faraci, Francesca Dalia (2023). Multi-Scored Sleep Databases: How to Exploit the Multiple-Labels in Automated Sleep Scoring. Sleep, 46(5) Oxford University Press 10.1093/sleep/zsad028
Fiorillo, Luigi; Favaro, Paolo; Faraci, Francesca Dalia (2021). DeepSleepNet-Lite: A Simplified Automatic Sleep Stage Scoring Model with Uncertainty Estimates. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 29, pp. 2076-2085. IEEE 10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3117970
Gaspar, Tiago; Oliveira, Paulo; Favaro, Paolo (2016). Synchronization of Independently Moving Cameras via Motion Recovery. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 9(3), pp. 869-900. SIAM 10.1137/15M1035367
Perrone, Daniele; Favaro, Paolo (2015). A Logarithmic Image Prior for Blind Deconvolution. International journal of computer vision, 117(2), pp. 159-172. Springer 10.1007/s11263-015-0857-2
Perrone, Daniele; Favaro, Paolo (2015). A Clearer Picture of Total Variation Blind Deconvolution. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 38(6), pp. 1041-1055. IEEE Computer Society 10.1109/TPAMI.2015.2477819
Vidal, René; Favaro, Paolo (2014). Low rank subspace clustering (LRSC). Pattern recognition letters, 43, pp. 47-61. Elsevier 10.1016/j.patrec.2013.08.006
Papadhimitri, Thoma; Favaro, Paolo (2014). A Closed-Form, Consistent and Robust Solution to Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Via Local Diffuse Reflectance Maxima. International journal of computer vision, 107(2), pp. 139-154. Springer 10.1007/s11263-013-0665-5
Sellent, Anita; Favaro, Paolo (2014). Optimized aperture shapes for depth estimation. Pattern recognition letters, 40, pp. 96-103. Elsevier 10.1016/j.patrec.2013.12.019
Bishop, T.E.; Favaro, P. (2012). The Light Field Camera: Extended Depth of Field, Aliasing, and Superresolution. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 34(5), pp. 972-986. Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Society 10.1109/TPAMI.2011.168
Giancardo, L; Meriaudeau, F; Karnowski, T P; Tobin, Kenneth W; Grisan, E; Favaro, Paolo; Ruggeri, A; Chaum, E (2011). Textureless macula swelling detection with multiple retinal fundus images. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering, 58(3), pp. 795-799. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE 10.1109/TBME.2010.2095852
Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano; Burger, Martin; Osher, Stanley J (2008). Shape from defocus via diffusion. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 30(3), pp. 518-531. IEEE Computer Society 10.1109/TPAMI.2007.1175
Martinello, Manuel; Favaro, Paolo; Muyo Nieto, G D; Harvey, A R; Grisan, E; Scarpa, F; Ruggeri, A (2007). 3-D retinal surface inference: stereo or monocular fundus camera? IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society conference proceedings, 2007, pp. 896-899. IEEE Service Center 10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4352435
Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano (2005). A geometric approach to shape from defocus. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 27(3), pp. 406-417. IEEE Computer Society 10.1109/TPAMI.2005.43
Favaro, Paolo; Mennucci, Andrea; Soatto, Stefano (2003). Observing Shape from Defocused Images. International Journal of Computer Vision, 52(1), pp. 25-43. Kluwer Academic Publishers 10.1023/A:1022366408068
Jin, Hailin; Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano (2003). A semi-direct approach to structure from motion. The Visual Computer, 19(6), pp. 377-394. Springer 10.1007/s00371-003-0202-6
Chiuso, Alessandro; Favaro, Paolo; Jin, Hailin; Soatto, Stefano (2002). Structure from motion causally integrated over time. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 24(4), pp. 523-535. IEEE Computer Society 10.1109/34.993559
Martinello, Manuel; Favaro, Paolo (2011). Single Image Blind Deconvolution with Higher-Order Texture Statistics. In: Video Processing and Computational Video. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 7082 (pp. 124-151). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/978-3-642-24870-2_6
Ravichandran, Avinash; Favaro, Paolo; Vidal, René (2011). A Unified Approach to Segmentation and Categorization of Dynamic Textures. In: Computer Vision – ACCV 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 6492 (pp. 425-438). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/978-3-642-19315-6_33
Bishop, Tom E.; Favaro, Paolo (2011). Full-Resolution Depth Map Estimation from an Aliased Plenoptic Light Field. In: Computer Vision – ACCV 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 6493 (pp. 186-200). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/978-3-642-19309-5_15
Lou, Yifei; Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano; Bertozzi, Andrea (2009). Nonlocal Similarity Image Filtering. In: Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 5716 (pp. 62-71). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/978-3-642-04146-4_9
Favaro, Paolo; Grisan, Enrico (2006). Defocus Inpainting. In: Leonardis, A; Bischof, H; Pinz, A (eds.) Computer Vision – ECCV 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 3952 (pp. 349-359). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/11744047_27
Favaro, Paolo; Burger, Martin; Soatto, Stefano (2004). Scene and Motion Reconstruction from Defocused and Motion-Blurred Images via Anisotropic Diffusion. In: Pajdla, Tomas; Matas, Jiri (eds.) Computer Vision - ECCV 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 3021 (pp. 257-269). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/978-3-540-24670-1_20
Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano (2003). Shape and Radiance Estimation from the Information Divergence of Blurred Images. In: Computer Vision - ECCV 2000. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 1842 (pp. 755-768). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/3-540-45054-8_49
Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano (2002). Learning Shape from Defocus. In: Computer Vision — ECCV 2002. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 2351 (pp. 735-745). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/3-540-47967-8_49
Jin, Hailin; Favaro, Paolo (2002). A Variational Approach to Shape from Defocus. In: Computer Vision — ECCV 2002. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 2351 (pp. 18-30). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/3-540-47967-8_2
Chiuso, Alessandro; Favaro, Paolo; Jin, Hailin; Soatto, Stefano (2000). 3-D Motion and Structure from 2-D Motion Causally Integrated over Time: Implementation. In: Computer Vision -- ECCV 2000. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 1843 (pp. 734-750). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/3-540-45053-X_47
Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano (2007). 3-D Shape Estimation and Image Restoration: Exploiting Defocus and Motion-Blur (In Press). Springer 10.1007/978-1-84628-688-9
Cerkezi, Llukman; Favaro, Paolo (2024). Sparse 3D Reconstruction via Object-Centric Ray Sampling. In: International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV).
Sameni, Sepehr; Jenni, Simon; Favaro, Paolo (2023). Spatio-Temporal Crop Aggregation for Video Representation Learning. In: International Conference on Computer Vision.
Davtyan, Aram; Sameni, Sepehr; Favaro, Paolo (2023). Efficient Video Prediction via Sparsely Conditioned Flow Matching. In: International Conference on Computer Vision.
Sameni, Sepehr; Jenni, Simon; Favaro, Paolo (2023). Representation learning by detecting incorrect location embeddings. In: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Chen, Yanbei; Wang, Manchen; Mittal, Abhay; Xu, Zhenlin; Favaro, Paolo; Tighe, Joseph; Modolo, Davide (2023). ScaleDet: A Scalable Multi-Dataset Object Detector. In: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Jain, Achin; Swaminathan, Gurumurthy; Favaro, Paolo; Yang, Hao; Ravichandran, Avinash; Harutyunyan, Hrayr; Achille, Alessandro; Dabeer, Onkar; Schiele, Bernt; Swaminathan, Ashwin; Soatto, Stefano (2023). A Meta-Learning Approach to Predicting Performance and Data Requirements. In: International Conference on Computer Vision.
Tejankar, Ajinkya; Koohpayegani, Soroush Abbasi; Pillai, Vipin; Favaro, Paolo; Pirsiavash, Hamed (October 2021). ISD: Self-Supervised Learning by Iterative Similarity Distillation. International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 9589-9598. IEEE 10.1109/ICCV48922.2021.00947
Vizcaino, Josue Page; Wang, Zeguan; Symvoulidis, Panagiotis; Favaro, Paolo; Guner-Ataman, Burcu; Boyden, Edward S.; Lasser, Tobias (May 2021). Real-Time Light Field 3D Microscopy via Sparsity-Driven Learned Deconvolution. IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-11. IEEE 10.1109/ICCP51581.2021.9466256
Meishvili, Givi; Jenni, Simon; Favaro, Paolo (2020). Learning to Have an Ear for Face Super-Resolution. In: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Poge, Josue; Favaro, Paolo (2020). LEARNING TO MODEL AND CALIBRATE OPTICS VIA A DIFFERENTIABLE WAVE OPTICS SIMULATOR. In: International Conference on Image Processing. 25-28 Oct. 2020. 10.1109/ICIP40778.2020.9190870
Hu, Qiyang; Wälchli, Adrian; Portenier, Tiziano; Zwicker, Matthias; Favaro, Paolo (2020). Learning to Take Directions One Step at a Time. In: International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
Jenni, Simon; Favaro, Paolo (2020). Self-Supervised Multi-View Synchronization Learning for 3D Pose Estimation. In: Asian Conference on Computer Vision.
Jenni, Simon; Jin, Hailin; Favaro, Paolo (2020). Steering Self-Supervised Feature Learning Beyond Local Pixel Statistics. In: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Fiorillo, Luigi; Wand, Michael; Marino, Italo; Favaro, Paolo; Faraci, Francesca D. (2020). Temporal dependency in automatic sleep scoring via deep learning based architectures: An empirical study. In: 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (pp. 3509-3512). IEEE
Jenni, Simon; Meishvili, Givi; Favaro, Paolo (2020). Video Representation Learning by Recognizing Temporal Transformations. In: Vedaldi, Andrea; Bischof, Horst; Brox, Thomas; Frahm, Jan-Michael (eds.) European Conference on Computer Vision. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 12373 (pp. 425-442). Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-58604-1_26
Arjomand, Siavash; Jin, Meiguang; Favaro, Paolo; Zwicker, Matthias (2017). Deep Mean-Shift Priors for Image Restoration. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2017. Long Beach, CA, USA. December 4-9.
Noroozi, Mehdi; Chandramouli, Paramanand; Favaro, Paolo (2017). Motion Deblurring in the Wild. In: Roth, Volker; Vetter, Thomas (eds.) German Conference on Pattern Recognition 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 10496 (pp. 65-77). Springer
Jin, Meiguang; Roth, Stefan; Favaro, Paolo (2017). Noise-blind image deblurring. In: 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (pp. 3834-3842). IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2017.408
Noroozi, Mehdi; Pirsiavash, Hamed; Favaro, Paolo (2017). Representation Learning by Learning to Count. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). IEEE
Portenier, Tiziano; Hu, Qiyang; Favaro, Paolo; Zwicker, Matthias (2017). SmartSketcher: Sketch-based Image Retrieval with Dynamic Semantic Re-ranking. In: EXPRESSIVE 2017 (pp. 1-12). ACM 10.1145/3092907.3092910
Hu, Qiyang; Zwicker, Matthias; Favaro, Paolo (2016). 3D Face Reconstruction with Silhouette Constraints. Vision, Modeling and Visualization. The Eurographics Association 10.2312/vmv.20161340
Chandramouli, Paramanand; Noroozi, Mehdi; Favaro, Paolo (2016). ConvNet-based Depth Estimation, Reflection Separation and Deblurring of Plenoptic Images. In: Lai, SH.; Lepetit, V.; Nishino, K.; Sato, Y. (eds.) Asian Conference on Computer Vision. ACCV 2016. Taipei, Taiwan. 20.-24.11.2016. 10.1007/978-3-319-54187-7_9
Noroozi, Mehdi; Favaro, Paolo (2016). Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations by Solving Jigsaw Puzzles. In: Leibe, B.; Matas, J.; Sebe, N.; Welling, M. (eds.) European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 9910 (pp. 69-84). Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-46466-4_5
Szabo, Attila; Vedaldi, Andrea; Favaro, Paolo (December 2015). Building the View Graph of a Category by Exploiting Image Realism. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW). 07.-13.12.2015. 10.1109/ICCVW.2015.109
Jin, Meiguang; Chandramouli, Paramanand; Favaro, Paolo (December 2015). Bilayer Blind Deconvolution with the Light Field Camera. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW). 07.-13.12.2015. 10.1109/ICCVW.2015.36
Mahdad, Hosseini Kamal; Favaro, Paolo; Pierre, Vandergheynst (January 2015). A Convex Solution to Disparity Estimation from Light Fields via the Primal-Dual Method. Lecture notes in computer science, 8932, pp. 350-363. Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-14612-6_26
Perrone, Daniele; Diethelm, Remo; Favaro, Paolo (2015). Blind Deconvolution via Lower-Bounded Logarithmic Image Priors. In: Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, EMMCVPR 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 8932 (pp. 112-125). Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-14612-6_9
Sellent, Anita; Favaro, Paolo (15 October 2014). Coded Aperture Flow. In: 36th German Conference, GCPR 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 8753 (pp. 582-592). Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-3-319-11752-2_48
Papadhimitri, Thoma; Favaro, Paolo (September 2014). Uncalibrated Near-Light Photometric Stereo. In: Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference. BMVA Press
Tiago, Gaspar; Paulo, Oliveira; Favaro, Paolo (2014). Synchronization of two independently moving cameras without feature correspondences. In: Fleet, David; Pajdla, Tomas; Schiele, Bernt; Tuytelaars, Tinne (eds.) Computer Vision – ECCV 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 8689 (pp. 189-204). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-3-319-10590-1_13
Perrone, Daniele; Favaro, Paolo (2014). Total Variation Blind Deconvolution: The Devil Is in the Details. In: 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (pp. 2909-2916). IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2014.372
Oberdörster, Alexander; Favaro, Paolo; Lensch, P. A. Hendrik (2014). Anamorphic pixels for multi-channel superresolution. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) (pp. 1-10). IEEE 10.1109/ICCPHOT.2014.6831805
Sellent, Anita; Favaro, Paolo (2014). Which side of the focal plane are you on? In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) (pp. 1-8). IEEE 10.1109/ICCPHOT.2014.6831818
Bomma, Sushma; Favaro, Paolo; Robertson, Neil (2013). Sparse representation based action and gesture recognition. In: 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (pp. 141-145). IEEE 10.1109/ICIP.2013.6738030
Papadhimitri, Thoma; Favaro, Paolo (2013). A New Perspective on Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo. In: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (pp. 1474-1481). Computer Vision Foundation
Sellent, Anita; Favaro, Paolo (2013). Optimising Aperture Shapes for Depth Estimation. In: Bronstein, Michael M.; Favre, Jean; Hormann, Kai (eds.) VMV (18th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization) (pp. 219-220). Eurographics Association 10.2312/PE.VMV.VMV13.219-220
Perrone, Daniele; Humphreys, David; Lamb, Robert A.; Favaro, Paolo (2012). Evaluation of image deblurring methods via a classification metric. In: Kamerman, Gary W.; Steinvall, Ove; Bishop, Gary J.; Gonglewski, John; Lewis, Keith L.; Hollins, Richard C.; Merlet, Thomas J.; Gruneisen, Mark T.; Dusek, Miloslav; Rarity, John G. (eds.) Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications VI. Proceedings of SPIE: Vol. 8542 (p. 854215). Bellingham: SPIE 10.1117/12.979199
Favaro, P.; Papadhimitri, T. (2012). A Closed-Form Solution to Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo via Diffuse Maxima. In: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (pp. 821-828). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society
Perrone, D.; Ravichandran, A.; Vidal, R.; Favaro, P. (2012). Image Priors for Image Deblurring with Uncertain Blur. In: Bowden, Richard; Collomosse, John; Mikolajczyk, Krystian (eds.) Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (pp. 1-11). BMVA The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition
Martinello, M.; Favaro, P. (2012). Depth estimation from a video sequence with moving and deformable objects. In: Poroceedings of the IET Conference on Image Processing (pp. 1-6). IET The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Favaro, Paolo (2012). A split-sensor light field camera for extended depth of field and superresolution. In: Schelkens, Peter; Ebrahimi, Touradj; Cristóbal, Gabriel; Truchetet, Frédéric; Saarikko, Pasi (eds.) Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications II. Proceedings of SPIE: Vol. 8436 (p. 843602). Bellingham: SPIE 10.1117/12.924927
Martinello, Manuel; Favaro, Paolo (2011). Fragmented aperture imaging for motion and defocus deblurring. In: 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2011) (pp. 3413-3416). IEEE 10.1109/ICIP.2011.6116444
Favaro, Paolo; Vidal, Rene; Ravichandran, Avinash (2011). A closed form solution to robust subspace estimation and clustering. In: 2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (pp. 1801-1807). IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2011.5995365
Dou, Qingxu; Favaro, Paolo (2010). A convex multi-view stereo formulation with robustness to occlusions and time-varying clutter. In: the Seventh Indian Conference (pp. 243-250). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press 10.1145/1924559.1924592
Favaro, Paolo (2010). Recovering thin structures via nonlocal-means regularization with application to depth from defocus. In: 2010 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (pp. 1133-1140). IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2010.5540089
Martinello, Manuel; Bishop, Tom E.; Favaro, Paolo (2010). A Bayesian approach to shape from coded aperture. In: 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (pp. 3521-3524). IEEE 10.1109/ICIP.2010.5653070
Bishop, Tom E.; Favaro, Paolo (2009). Plenoptic depth estimation from multiple aliased views. In: 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCV Workshops (pp. 1622-1629). IEEE 10.1109/ICCVW.2009.5457420
Bishop, Tom E.; Zanetti, Sara; Favaro, Paolo (2009). Light field superresolution. In: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP 2009) (pp. 1-9). IEEE 10.1109/ICCPHOT.2009.5559010
Favaro, Paolo; Duci, Alessandro (2008). A theory of defocus via Fourier analysis. In: 2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (pp. 1-8). IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2008.4587412
Dou, Qingxu; Favaro, Paolo (2008). Off-axis aperture camera: 3D shape reconstruction and image restoration. In: 2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (pp. 1-7). IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2008.4587693
Favaro, Paolo (2007). Shape from Focus and Defocus: Convexity, Quasiconvexity and Defocus-Invariant Textures. In: 11th International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 1-7). IEEE 10.1109/ICCV.2007.4409024
Vedaldi, Andrea; Favaro, Paolo; Grisan, Enrico (2007). Boosting Invariance and Efficiency in Supervised Learning. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 1-8. IEEE 10.1109/ICCV.2007.4408840
Vidal, Rene; Favaro, Paolo (2007). DynamicBoost: Boosting Time Series Generated by Dynamical Systems. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 1-6. IEEE 10.1109/ICCV.2007.4408847
Lou, Yifei; Favaro, Paolo; Bertozzi, Andrea L.; Soatto, Stefano (2007). Autocalibration and Uncalibrated Reconstruction of Shape from Defocus. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1-8. IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2007.383210
Vogiatzis, George; Favaro, Paolo; Cipolla, Roberto (2005). Using frontier points to recover shape, reflectance and illumination. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Vol. 1, 228-235 Vol. 1. IEEE 10.1109/ICCV.2005.244
Vedaldi, Andrea; Jin, Hailin; Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano (2005). KALMANSAC: robust filtering by consensus. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 633-640 Vol. 1. IEEE 10.1109/ICCV.2005.130
Jin, Hailin; Favaro, Paolo; Cipolla, Roberto (2005). Visual Tracking in the Presence of Motion Blur. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2, pp. 18-25. IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2005.372
Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano (2004). A variational approach to scene reconstruction and image segmentation from motion-blur cues. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1, pp. 631-637. IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2004.1315091
Favaro, Paolo; Duci, Alessandro; Ma, Yi; Soatto, Stefano (2003). On exploiting occlusions in multiple-view geometry. In: 9th International Conference on Computer Vision (479-486 vol.1). IEEE 10.1109/ICCV.2003.1238386
Doretto, Gianfranco; Cremers, Daniel; Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano (2003). Dynamic texture segmentation. In: 9th International Conference on Computer Vision (1236-1242 vol.2). IEEE 10.1109/ICCV.2003.1238632
Favaro, Paolo; Osher, S.; Soatto, S.; Vese, L. (2003). 3D shape from anisotropic diffusion. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, I-179-I-186. IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2003.1211352
Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano (2003). Seeing beyond occlusions (and other marvels of a finite lens aperture). IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2, II-579-II-586. IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2003.1211519
Favaro, Paolo; Jin, Hailin; Soatto, Stefano (2001). Real-time virtual object insertion. In: Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 2 (p. 749). IEEE Comput. Soc 10.1109/ICCV.2001.937711
Jin, Hailin; Favaro, Paolo; Soatto, Stefano (2001). Real-time feature tracking and outlier rejection with changes in illumination. In: Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 1 (pp. 684-689). IEEE Comput. Soc 10.1109/ICCV.2001.937588
Soatto, Stefano; Favaro, Paolo (2000). A geometric approach to blind deconvolution with application to shape from defocus. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2, pp. 10-17. IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2000.854725
Jin, Hailin; Favaro, Paolo; Saotto, Stefano (2000). Real-time 3D motion and structure of point features: a front-end system for vision-based control and interaction. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2, 778-779 vol.2. IEEE 10.1109/CVPR.2000.854954
Bielski, Adam Jakub (2024). Unsupervised Object Segmentation with Generative Models (Submitted). (Dissertation)
Lemkhenter, Abdelhak (2023). Novel Techniques for Robust and Generalizable Machine Learning (Submitted). (Dissertation)
Jenni, Simon (2021). Learning Generalizable Visual Patterns Without Human Supervision (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Hu, Qiyang (2019). Learning Controllable Representations for Image Synthesis. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Szabo, Attila (2019). Learning Interpretable Representations of Images. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Noroozi, Mehdi (2019). Beyond Supervised Representation Learning. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Jin, Meiguang (2018). Motion Deblurring from a Single Image. (Dissertation, University of Bern)
Perrone, Daniele (2015). Towards a Novel Paradigm in Blind Deconvolution: From Natural to Cartooned Image Statistics. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Institut für Informatik, Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Papadhimitri, Thoma (2014). New perspectives on uncalibrated photometric stereo. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Institut für Informatik, Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)