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Windler, Christian (1 November 2021). "Good Correspondence" and "Friendship" with "Heretics": Catholic Missionaries and the English East India Company (Unpublished). In: MPI für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie Frankfurt (Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium). 1. November 2021.

Windler, Christian (21 October 2021). Comment: Holiness as Symbolic Capital (Unpublished). In: Making Saints in a Glocal Religion: Practices of Holiness in Early Modern Catholicism. Istituto Svizzero di Roma. 20.10.-22.10.2021.

Windler, Christian (19 July 2021). „Häretiker“ als „Freunde“ und „Protektoren“: Katholische Geistliche und die East India Company (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium Frühe Neuzeit.

Windler, Christian (4 May 2021). Polyzentrik im globalen Katholizismus (Unpublished). In: Frankfurt Lectures on Keys to Understanding Early Modern Christianities. Goethe University , Franfurt am Main (online). 20.04. - 29.06.2021.

Windler, Christian (30 October 2019). Individuelle Freiheiten der Missionare in Asien (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung „Dimensionen von Freiheit in der Frühen Neuzeit. Interkonfessionelle Interpretationen“. Universität Hamburg. 30.10.2019.

Windler, Christian (9 July 2019). Der kurze Arm Roms. Grenzen päpstlicher Jurisdiktionstätigkeit und die Vielfalt frühneuzeitlicher Katholizismen (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium Mediävistik und Neuere Geschichte. Universität Konstanz. 09.07.2019.

Windler, Christian (3 June 2019). "Häretiker" als "Protektoren"? Katholische Ordensgeistliche und die protestantischen Ostindiengesellschaften (Unpublished). In: Oberseminar des Lehrstuhls für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau. 03.06.2019.

Windler, Christian (10 April 2019). Actors in Foreign Relations: Networks, Interculturality and Gender Roles in Diplomacy from the 17th to the 19th Centuries (Unpublished). In: Seminar of the Network for the History of International Relations, Universität Stockholm. Stockholm. 10.4.2019.

Windler, Christian (8 March 2019). "Bonne correspondance" et "protection": Les missionnaires catholiques non-portugais et les Compagnies anglaise et néerlandaise des Indes (Unpublished). In: Missions religieuses modernes. EHESS, Paris. 8.3.2019.

Windler, Christian (6 March 2019). Présentation discussion de l'ouvrage: Missionare in Persien. Kulturelle Diversität und Normenkonkurrenz im globalen Katholizismus (17-18 Jahrhundert), Cologne, Weimar, Vienne, Böhlau Verlag, 2018 (Unpublished). In: Anthropologie historique des Chrétiens en Islam. IISMM, EHESS, Paris. 6.3.2019.

Windler, Christian (2019). Rezension von Admiration and Awe. Morisco Buildings and Identity Negotiations in Early Modern Spanish Historiography. Oxford, Oxford University Press 2017. Historische Zeitschrift, 308(1), pp. 201-202. De Gruyter 10.1515/hzhz-2019-1043

Windler, Christian (2 February 2018). Der kurze Arm Roms: Kurie, Ordensobere und Missionare (Unpublished). In: Doktorandenkolloquium des Lehrstuhls für Neuere Geschichte. Mainz, Deutschland. 02. Feb. 2018.


Windler, Christian (2024). Missionaries in Persia: Cultural Diversity and Competing Norms in Global Catholicism. I.B. Tauris

Windler, Christian (2023). Early Modern Composite Catholicism from a Global Perspective: Catholic Missionaries and the English East India Company. In: Badea, Andreea; Boute, Bruno; Emich, Birgit (eds.) Pathways through Early Modern Christianities (pp. 55-85). Köln: Böhlau

Windler, Christian (2021). Going Local, Becoming Global: The Connected Histories of Early Modern Missionary Economies in Persia and the Persian Gulf. In: Thanh, Hélène Vu; Županov, Ines G. (eds.) Trade and Finance in Global Missions (16th-18th Centuries). Studies in Christian Mission: Vol. 57 (pp. 124-150). Leiden/Boston: Brill 10.1163/9789004444195_007

Windler, Christian (2020). Afterword. Gift and Tribute in Early Modern Diplomacy: a Comment. Diplomatica : a journal of diplomacy and society, 2(2), pp. 291-304. Brill 10.1163/25891774-02020006

Amsler, Nadine Stefanie (2020). Holy Households. Jesuits, Women, and Domestic Catholicism in China. In: Amsler, Nadine; Badea, Andreea; Heyberger, Bernard; Windler, Christian (eds.) Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia. Patterns of Localization. Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World (pp. 157-173). London: Routledge

Amsler, Nadine; Badea, Andreea; Heyberger, Bernard; Windler, Christian (2020). Introduction: Localizing Catholic Missions in Asia. In: Amsler, Nadine; Badea, Andreea; Heyberger, Bernard; Windler, Christian (eds.) Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia. Patterns of Localization. Religious cultures in the early modern world (pp. 1-11). Abingdon: Routledge

Amsler, Nadine; Badea, Andreea; Heyberger, Bernard; Windler, Christian (eds.) (2019). Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia. Patterns of Localization. Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World. London: Routledge

Windler, Christian (2019). Between Convent and Court Life: Missionaries in Isfahan and New Julfa. In: Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia. Patterns of Localization. Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World (pp. 15-29). London: Routledge

Amsler, Nadine; Harrison, Henrietta; Windler, Christian (eds.) (2019). Transformations of Intercultural Diplomacies. Comparative Views on Asia and Europe (1700 to 1850). Special Issue of the International History Review, 41(5). Taylor & Francis

Amsler, Nadine; Harrison, Henrietta; Windler, Christian (2019). Introduction: Eurasian Diplomacies around 1800: Transformation and Persistence. The international history review, 41(5), pp. 943-946. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/07075332.2018.1539024

Windler, Christian (2018). Praktiken des Nichtentscheids. Wahrheitsanspruch und Grenzen der Normdurchsetzung. In: Drews, Wolfram; Pfister, Ulrich; Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina (eds.) Religion und Entscheiden. Historische und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Religion und Politik: Vol. 17 (pp. 271-290). Ergon

Windler, Christian (2018). From Dreams of Alliance and Mass Conversions to the Ambivalences of Court Life: Catholic Missionaries in Safavid Persia. In: Lavenia, Vincenzo; Pastore, Stefania; Pavone, Sabina; Petrolini, Chiara (eds.) Compel People to Come In. Violence and Catholic Conversions in the Non-European World. Viella historical research: Vol. 9 (pp. 91-101). Rom: Viella

Windler, Christian (2018). García-Arenal, Mercedes (Hrsg.), After Conversion. Iberia and the Emergence of Modernity (Catholic Christendom, 1300–1700), Leiden / Boston 2016, Brill, XII u. 463 S. / Abb. und Norton, Claire (Hrsg.), Conversion and Islam in the Early Modern Mediterranean. The Lure of the Other (Routledge Research in Early Modern History), London / New York 2017, Routledge, X u. 222 S. / Abb. Zeitschrift für historische Forschung : ZHF, 45(2), pp. 390-393. Duncker & Humblot

Windler, Christian (2018). Rezension von: Cornel Zwierlein, Imperial Unknowns. The French and British in the Mediterranean, 1650–1750. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2016. Historische Zeitschrift, 307(3), pp. 838-839. de Gruyter 10.1515/hzhz-2018-1560

Windler, Christian (2018). «Elende republikanische Regierungen» in der europäischen Fürstengesellschaft. In: Rogger, Philippe; Weber, Nadir (eds.) Beobachten, Vernetzen, Verhandeln. Diplomatische Akteure und politische Kulturen in der frühneuzeitlichen Eidgenossenschaft. Itinera: Vol. 45 (pp. 187-198). Schwabe

Windler, Christian (2018). Performing Inequality in Mediterranean Diplomacy. The international history review, 41(5), pp. 947-961. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/07075332.2018.1488756

Windler, Christian (2018). Missionare in Persien. Kulturelle Diversität und Normenkonkurrenz im globalen Katholizismus (17.-18. Jahrhundert). Externa: Vol. 12. Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau

Windler, Christian (2018). Ambiguous Belongings: How Catholic Missionaries in Persia and the Roman Curia Dealt with Communicatio in Sacris. In: Ronnie, Po-chia Hsia (ed.) A Companion to Early Modern Catholic Global Missions (pp. 205-234). Brill

Windler, Christian (2017). Redes de relación personales y corrupción. Culturas confesionales y culturas políticas. In: Bertrand, Michel; Andújar Castillo, Francisco; Glesener, Thomas (eds.) Gobernar y reformar la Monarquía. Los agentes políticos y administrativos en España y América (siglos XVI-XIX). Historia de España y su proyección internacional (pp. 123-132). Valencia: Albatros Ediciones

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