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Thieme, Susan; Tibet, Eda Elif (2024). Unorthodox Coalitions - Co Creative Media Initiatives for Transformative Critical Sustainability Studies. In: Giri, Ananta Kumar; Biswal, Santosh Kumar (eds.) Rethinking Media Studies: Media, Meditation and Communication (pp. 147-164). London: Routledge India 10.4324/9781032632667-12
Thieme, Susan; Fry, Patricia Elizabeth (2023). Teaching transdisciplinary competencies for sustainability transformation by co-producing social learning videos. GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 32(1), pp. 154-161. Oekom Verlag 10.14512/gaia.32.1.13
Thieme, Susan; Vögeli, Irene; Winkel, Mirko; Tschiderer, Luca (2023). Narrating care-work: negotiating geographical research and artistic practice in transdisciplinary teaching. QuPuG : Journal für qualitative Forschung in Pflege- und Gesundheitswissenschaft, 1(10), pp. 6-14. Medical Update Marketing & Media, Wien
Thieme, Susan (2023). Durchgangsort Tellskapelle. Restaurant Tellsplatte, Sisikon (UR). In: Klauser, Francisco; Landolt, Sara; Müller, Martin; Schoepfer, Isabelle (eds.) In 30 Tagen durch die Schweiz. Einblicke in ungeahnte Orte (pp. 22-27). HELVETIQ
Thieme, Susan (2023). Migrationsinfrastrukturen und Mobilitätsungerechtigkeit. In: Almanach Entwicklungspolitik 2024. Gehen müssen, bleiben können. Infrastrukturen der globalen Migration (pp. 43-58). Luzern: Caritas-Verlag
Thieme, Susan; Schulte-Vels, Thomas (2022). Kritisches Denken: Eine Einladung zum Mitreden und Mitdenken. Psychiatrische Pflege, 7(6), pp. 9-11. Hogrefe 10.1024/2297-6965/a000458
Thieme, Susan; Richter, Marina; Ammann, Carole (2022). Economic Rationalities and Notions of ‘Good Cure and Care’. Medical anthropology, 41(4), pp. 460-473. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01459740.2022.2037082
Kölbel, Andrea; Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna; Thieme, Susan (eds.) (2022). Universities as Transformative Social Spaces. Mobilities and Mobilizations from South Asian Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/oso/9780192865571.001.0001
Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna; Thieme, Susan; Kölbel, Andrea (2022). Introduction: Universities as transformative social spaces. In: Kölbel, Andrea; Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna; Thieme, Susan (eds.) Universities as Transformative Social Spaces. Mobilities and Mobilizations from South Asian Perspectives (pp. 1-28). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Jayadeva, Sazana; Thieme, Susan (2022). Building bridges: Narratives from and about educational consultants as mediators in international student mobility. In: Kölbel, Andrea; Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna; Thieme, Susan (eds.) Universities as Transformative Social Spaces. Mobilities and Mobilizations from South Asian Perspectives (pp. 137-162). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Janker, Judith; Thieme, Susan (2021). Migration and justice in the era of sustainable development goals: a conceptual framework. Sustainability science, 16(5), pp. 1423-1437. Springer 10.1007/s11625-021-00958-3
Trechsel, Lilian Julia; Zimmermann, Anne Barbara; Steinböck, Camilla; Breu, Thomas; Herweg, Karl; Thieme, Susan (2021). Safe Spaces for Disruptive Learning in a North–South Research Partnership Context: International Mobility of Doctoral Students. Sustainability, 13(4), p. 2413. MDPI 10.3390/su13042413
Fry, Patricia; Schmid, Franziska; Thieme, Susan (2021). 'Social Learning Videos' vermitteln Handlungswissen. Proclim Flash, 74, pp. 10-11. ProClim Forum für Klima und globalen Wandel
Thieme, Susan; Fry, Patricia (2021). Transdisziplinarität praktisch erleben: Prinzipien für die geographische Hochschullehre. In: Wintzer, Jeannine; Mossig, Ivo; Hof, Angela (eds.) Prinzipien, Strukturen und Praktiken geographischer Hochschullehre. UTB M: Vol. 5668 (pp. 105-118). Bern: Haupt Verlag
Fry, Patricia; Thieme, Susan (2021). From the sage on the stage to the guide on the side. Studierende als aktive Partner*innen für langfristigen Wissenserwerb. In: Wintzer, Jeannine; Mossig, Ivo; Hof, Angela (eds.) Prinzipien, Strukturen und Praktiken geographischer Hochschullehre. UTB M: Vol. 5668 (pp. 275-288). Bern: Haupt Verlag
Ammann, Carole; Mall, Julia; Richter, Marina; Thieme, Susan (2020). Negotiating social differences and power geometries among healthcare professionals in a Swiss hospital. Gender, Place and Culture, 28(12), pp. 1715-1737. Routledge 10.1080/0966369X.2020.1847047
Thieme, Susan; Tibet, Eda Elif (2020). New political upheavals and women alliances in solidarity beyond “lock down” in Switzerland at times of a global pandemic. Interface : a journal for and about social movements, 21(1), pp. 199-207.
Ammann, Carole; Mall, Julia; Richter, Marina; Thieme, Susan (2020). Generation, Geschlecht und Gesundheit: Diversität als Chance und Herausforderung. à propos, 2020(1), pp. 18-19. Spitalzentrum Biel
Thieme, Susan; Eyer, Philipp; Vorbrugg, Alexander Benjamin (2019). Film VerORTen: Film als Forschungs- und Kommunikationsmedium in der Geographie. Geographica Helvetica, 74(4), pp. 293-297. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gh-74-293-2019