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Neveling, Patrick (2013). Abschlussbericht SNF Projekt “A Global History of Export Processing Zones, 1947 – 2007 (continued)” (Submitted) SNF

Neveling, Patrick; Kalb, Don (2013). Anthropology‘s Public Engagement with Capitalism: Beyond Gifts versus Markets (Panel Organisation) (Unpublished). In: Ann. Meeting American Anthropological Association, Section Invited Session (Society for Urban, National, and Transnational Anthropology. Chigaco. 22.11.2013.

Neveling, Patrick (2013). Manufacturing/Industry in Africa, 1900-2020 (Unpublished). In: International Authors Workshop ‘New Global Labour History of Africa’. International Labour Organisation/ International Institute for Social History, Intercontinental Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 11.12.2013.

Neveling, Patrick (2013). Capitalism: the Most Recent 71 Years (for example). In: Ann. Meeting American Anthropological Association, Section Invited Session (Society for Urban, National, and Transnational Anthropology), ‘Anthropology‘s Public Engagement with Capitalism: Beyond Gifts versus Markets’. Chicago/USA. 22.11.2013.

Neveling, Patrick (2013). Introduction Part A: Marxism, anthropology, global capitalism (Unpublished). In: Int. Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, World Congress, Panel ‘Capitalism and Global Anthropology: Marxism Resurgent’. Manchester/UK. 07.08.2013.

Neveling, Patrick (2013). Reconfiguring "global capitalism" beyond the regulationist approach: The emergence of the global regime of export processing zones and special economic zones after 1945’ (Unpublished). In: Int. Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, World Congress, Panel: Reconfiguring capitalism, reconfiguring industry, reconfiguring livelihoods. Manchester/UK. 06.08.2013.

Neveling, Patrick (2013). Development Policies and the Making of the Historical Geography of Capitalism before and after 1947 (Unpublished). In: Public Lecture Series, Centre for Development Research. University of Bonn, Germany. 10.07.2013.

Neveling, Patrick (2013). Export Processing Zones and the Making of the Cold War Historical Geography of Capitalism (Unpublished). In: International Conference ‘Negotiating Independence: New Directions in the Histories of Decolonisation and the Cold War’. LSE IDEAS/Centre of South Asian Studies/Univ. of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 04.05.2013.

Neveling, Patrick (2013). Global vernetzte Akkumulation und Industrieproduktion in Sonderwirtschaftszonen seit 1947 (Unpublished). In: Panel: ‘Grenzen der Globalisierung’, 3rd Swiss Congress of Historical Sciences. Fribourg, Switzerland. 09.02.2013.

Neveling, Patrick (May 2012). Periodising globalisation: Mauritian integration into the sugar commodity chain (1825-2005) (Working Paper Series 18).

Klien, Susanne; Neveling, Patrick (2012). Die Dekonstruktion von Traditionen als Macht- und Klassenfrage. Eine Präzisierung des Erfindungsparadigmas. In: Mückler, Hermann; Faschingeder, Gerald (eds.) Tradition und Traditionalismus: Zur Instrumentalisierung eines Identitätskonzeptes. Historische Sozialkunde/Internationale Entwicklung: Vol. 31 (pp. 231-246). Wien: Promedia

Neveling, Patrick (2012). Alienating and De-alienating Labour in Times of Crisis: Case Studies from the Mauritian Textile and Garment Sector (Unpublished). In: Lecture Series 'Ethnographic Perspectives on Work and Labour'. London School of Economics. 16.05.2012.

Neveling, Patrick (2012). (How the Historical Geography of Capitalism is Made) Commodity Chains, Export Processing Zones and the Spatial Reconfiguration of the Capitalist World-System after 1947 (Unpublished). In: International Workshop, 'Reflexive Area Studies - Space and Area Studies in a Post-Territorial Age'. Centre for Area Studies, Universität Leipzig, BRD. 04.09.2012.

Neveling, Patrick (2012). A Global Right to Cheap Labour? Export Processing Zones/Special Economic Zones and the Historical Geography of Capitalism (1947-2007), International Conference 'The Right to the City, The Right to the State' (Unpublished). In: Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation. Nicosia, Zypern. 21.09.2012.

Neveling, Patrick (2011). Zwischenbericht: "A Global History of Export Processing Zones, 1947-2007" Bern: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds

Neveling, Patrick (2011). Die UNIDO im Spannungsfeld von Neuer Wirtschaftsordnung und der ersten Boomphase der Sonderwirtschaftszonen (1966-1986), Historisches Institut, Kolloquium Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte, Universität Bern, 13.4.2011.

Neveling, Patrick (2011). The Imperialism of Free Trade Reloaded: Export Processing Zones as a Systemic Cycle of Accumulation, 1947-2007, BSA Theory Group Rethinking the Modern, Birmingham/UK, 12.7.2011.

Neveling, Patrick (2011). Introduction: Capitalism and Global Anthropology: Marxism Resurgent, Panel Capitalism and Global Anthropology: Marxism Resurgent, Annual Meeting American Anthropological Association, Montreal/Canada, 16.11.2011.

Neveling, Patrick (2011). Blankets, over-accumulation and the location of capital in a long-term historical perspective: The 19th century Kwakiutl potlatch versus the New Hampshire Cotton Mills closures and the opening of the world's first export processing zone of 1948. Panel Capitalism and Global Anthropology: Marxism Resurgent, Annual Meeting American Anthropological Association, Montreal/Canada, 16.11.2011.

Neveling, Patrick (ed.) (2010). Wissen und Veränderung - Entwicklung, Geschichte, Sozialer Wandel. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot

Neveling, Patrick (2009). Introduction "Dispossession, Accumulation, Social Distress: Globalisation and Economic Anthropology", Biannual Conference German Association of Social Anthropologists, University of Frankfurt a.M., 01.10.2009.

Neveling, Patrick (2009). The Flexibility of Accumulation before "Felxible Accumulation" - Export Processing Zones 1947-2007, Biannual Conference German Association of Social Anthropologists, University of Frankfurt a.M., 02.10.2009.

Neveling, Patrick (2009). The Flexibility of Accumulation before "Felxible Accumulation" - Export Processing Zones 1947-2007, Research Institute for Cosmopolitan Cultures, University of Manchester, 10.12.2009.

Neveling, Patrick (2009). "Foreign Trade Zones" and "Special Economic Zones": Post-development and graduated sovereignty in India (1965 2007), Neoliberal Crisis in Post-reform India, Halle/Saale, 25.09.2009.

Neveling, Patrick (2009). Introduction to the Workshop: Re-Appropriating World Market Production, Re-Appropriating World Market Production, University of Berne, 18.6.2009.

Neveling, Patrick (2009). The (Dis-)Comfort of Global Commodity Chains: Colonial and Postcolonial New Deals for the Mauritian Economy, Re-Appropriating World Market Production, University of Berne, 18.6.2009.

Neveling, Patrick (2009). Modells of Export-Led Development and Diffusion: The Case of the Export Processing Zone, ASA Conference, Bristol, 9.4.2009.

Neveling, Patrick (2009). Reziprozitätsnorm, Liberalismus und Neoliberalismus im Welthandel seit 1945, Neliberalismus, Universität Halle/Fachschaft Philosophische Fakultät, ATTAC Halle, 22.4.2009.

Neveling, Patrick; Wergin, Carsten (2009). Projects of scale-making: new perspectives for the anthropology of tourism. Etnográfica, 13(2), pp. 315-342. Lisboa: Ed. ISCTE

Neveling, Patrick (2008). A Periodisation of Globalisation according to the Mauritian Integration into the International Sugar Commodity Chain. In: The Ferguson Centre for African and Asian Studies, The Open University (ed.) The Commodities of Empire Project. London: The Open University


Neveling, Patrick (2014). Three Shades of Embeddedness, State Capitalism as the Informal Economy, Emic Notions of the Anti-Market, and Counterfeit Garments in the Mauritian Export Processing Zone. In: Wood, Donald C. (ed.) Production, Consumption, Business and the Economy: Structural Ideals and Moral Realities. Research in Economic Anthropology: Vol. 34 (pp. 65-94). Emerald Group Publishing Limited 10.1108/S0190-1281_2014_0000034002

Neveling, Patrick (2013). Periodising globalisation: Mauritian integration into the sugar commodity chain (1825-2005). In: Curry-Machado, Jonathan (ed.) Global histories, imperial commodities, local interactions. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series (pp. 121-142). Basingstoke: Palgrave

Neveling, Patrick (2013). Review: Jeffrey, Laura, ‘Chagos Islanders in Mauritius and the UK: Forced displacement and migration’. Social Anthropology, 21(1), pp. 106-107. Wiley 10.1111/1469-8676.12004_10

Wergin, Carsten; Neveling, Patrick (2010). Tourism and Scale. Anthropology news, 51(2), pp. 3-4. Arlington, Va.: American Anthropological Association

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