Experimental astronomy

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Number of items: 25.


Mousis, Olivier; Atkinson, David H.; Ambrosi, Richard; Atreya, Sushil; Banfield, Don; Barabash, Stas; Blanc, Michel; Cavalié, Thibault; Coustenis, Athena; Deleuil, Magali; Durry, Georges; Ferri, Francesca; Fletcher, Leigh; Fouchet, Thierry; Guillot, Tristan; Hartogh, Paul; Hueso, Ricardo; Hofstadter, Mark; Lebreton, Jean-Pierre; Mandt, Kathleen E.; ... (2022). In situ Exploration of the Giant Planets. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 975-1013. Springer 10.1007/s10686-021-09775-z

Thomas, N. (2022). A comprehensive investigation of the Galilean moon, Io, by tracing mass and energy flows. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 791-807. Springer 10.1007/s10686-021-09768-y

Thomas, Nicolas; Becerra, P.; Smith, I. B. (2022). Mars and the ESA Science Programme - the case for Mars polar science. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 677-693. Springer 10.1007/s10686-021-09760-6

Goetz, C.; Gunell, H.; Volwerk, M.; Beth, A.; Eriksson, A.; Galand, M.; Henri, P.; Nilsson, H.; Wedlund, C. Simon; Alho, M.; Andersson, L.; Andre, N.; De Keyser, J.; Deca, J.; Ge, Y.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Hajra, R.; Karlsson, T.; Kasahara, S.; Kolmasova, I.; ... (2022). Cometary plasma science. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 1129-1167. Springer 10.1007/s10686-021-09783-z

Mitri, Giuseppe; Barnes, Jason; Coustenis, Athena; Flamini, Enrico; Hayes, Alexander; Lorenz, Ralph D.; Mastrogiuseppe, Marco; Orosei, Roberto; Postberg, Frank; Reh, Kim; Soderblom, Jason M.; Sotin, Christophe; Tobie, Gabriel; Tortora, Paolo; Vuitton, Veronique; Wurz, Peter (2022). Exploration of Enceladus and Titan: investigating ocean worlds’ evolution and habitability in the Saturn system. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 877-910. Springer 10.1007/s10686-021-09772-2

Vernazza, P.; Beck, P.; Ruesch, O.; Bischoff, A.; Bonal, L.; Brennecka, G.; Brunetto, R.; Busemann, H.; Carter, J.; Carli, C.; Cartier, C.; Ciarniello, M.; Debaille, V.; Delsanti, A.; D’Hendecourt, L.; Füri, E.; Groussin, O.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Helbert, J.; Hoppe, P.; ... (2022). Sample return of primitive matter from the outer Solar System. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 1051-1075. Springer 10.1007/s10686-021-09811-y

Bockelée-Morvan, D.; Filacchione, Gianrico; Altwegg, Kathrin; Bianchi, Eleonora; Bizzarro, Martin; Blum, Jürgen; Bonal, Lydie; Capaccioni, Fabrizio; Choukroun, Mathieu; Codella, Claudio; Cottin, Hervé; Davidsson, Björn; De Sanctis, Maria Cristina; Drozdovskaya, Maria N.; Engrand, Cécile; Galand, Marina; Güttler, Carsten; Henri, Pierre; Herique, Alain; Ivanovski, Stavro; ... (2022). AMBITION – comet nucleus cryogenic sample return. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 1077-1128. Springer 10.1007/s10686-021-09770-4

Snellen, Ignas A. G.; Snik, F.; Kenworthy, M.; Albrecht, S.; Anglada-Escudé, G.; Baraffe, I.; Baudoz, P.; Benz, W.; Beuzit, J.-L.; Biller, B.; Birkby, J. L.; Boccaletti, A.; van Boekel, R.; de Boer, J.; Brogi, Matteo; Buchhave, L.; Carone, L.; Claire, M.; Claudi, R.; Demory, B.‑O.; ... (2022). Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 1237-1274. Springer 10.1007/s10686-021-09803-y

Yamauchi, Masatoshi; De Keyser, Johan; Parks, George; Oyama, Shin-ichiro; Wurz, Peter; Abe, Takumi; Beth, Arnaud; Daglis, Ioannis A.; Dandouras, Iannis; Dunlop, Malcolm; Henri, Pierre; Ivchenko, Nickolay; Kallio, Esa; Kucharek, Harald; Liu, Yong C.-M.; Mann, Ingrid; Marghitu, Octav; Nicolaou, Georgios; Rong, Zhaojin; Sakanoi, Takeshi; ... (2022). Plasma-neutral gas interactions in various space environments: Assessment beyond simplified approximations as a Voyage 2050 theme. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 521-559. Springer 10.1007/s10686-022-09846-9


Benz, W.; Broeg, C.; Fortier, A.; Rando, N.; Beck, T.; Beck, M.; Queloz, D.; Ehrenreich, D.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Isaak, K. G.; Billot, N.; Alibert, Y.; Alonso, R.; António, C.; Asquier, J.; Bandy, T.; Bárczy, T.; Barrado, D.; Barros, S. C. C.; Baumjohann, W.; ... (2021). The CHEOPS mission. Experimental astronomy, 51(1), pp. 109-151. Springer 10.1007/s10686-020-09679-4

Quanz, Sascha P.; Absil, Olivier; Benz, Willy; Bonfils, Xavier; Berger, Jean-Philippe; Defrère, Denis; van Dishoeck, Ewine; Ehrenreich, David; Fortney, Jonathan; Glauser, Adrian; Grenfell, John Lee; Janson, Markus; Kraus, Stefan; Krause, Oliver; Labadie, Lucas; Lacour, Sylvestre; Line, Michael; Linz, Hendrik; Loicq, Jérôme; Miguel, Yamila; ... (2021). Atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared: biosignatures, habitability, and diversity. Experimental astronomy, 54(2-3), pp. 1197-1221. Springer 10.1007/s10686-021-09791-z


Grenfell, John Lee; Godolt, Mareike; Cabrera, Juan; Carone, Ludmila; Muñoz, Antonio Garcίa; Kitzmann, Daniel; Smith, Alexis M. S.; Rauer, Heike (2020). Atmospheric Characterization via Broadband Color Filters on the PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) Mission. Experimental astronomy, 50(1), pp. 1-49. Springer 10.1007/s10686-020-09660-1


Tinetti, Giovanna; Drossart, Pierre; Eccleston, Paul; Hartogh, Paul; Heske, Astrid; Leconte, Jérémy; Micela, Giusi; Ollivier, Marc; Pilbratt, Göran; Puig, Ludovic; Turrini, Diego; Vandenbussche, Bart; Wolkenberg, Paulina; Beaulieu, Jean-Philippe; Buchave, Lars A.; Ferus, Martin; Griffin, Matt; Guedel, Manuel; Justtanont, Kay; Lagage, Pierre-Olivier; ... (2018). A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL. Experimental astronomy, 46(1), pp. 135-209. Springer 10.1007/s10686-018-9598-x

Monnier, John D.; Kraus, Stefan; Ireland, Michael J.; Baron, Fabien; Bayo, Amelia; Berger, Jean-Philippe; Creech-Eakman, Michelle; Dong, Ruobing; Duchêne, Gaspard; Espaillat, Catherine; Haniff, Chris; Hönig, Sebastian; Isella, Andrea; Juhasz, Attila; Labadie, Lucas; Lacour, Sylvestre; Leifer, Stephanie; Merand, Antoine; Michael, Ernest; Minardi, Stefano; ... (2018). The planet formation imager. Experimental astronomy, 46(3), pp. 517-529. Springer 10.1007/s10686-018-9594-1


Heng, Kevin; Alibert, Yann; Benz, Willy (2014). The PLATO 2.0 mission. Experimental astronomy, 38(1-2), pp. 249-330. Springer 10.1007/s10686-014-9383-4


Malbet, Fabien; Leger, Alain; Shao, Michael; Goullioud, Renaud; Lagage, Pierre-Olivier; Brown, Anthony G. A.; Cara, Christophe; Durand, Gilles; Eiroa, Carlos; Feautrier, Philippe; Jakobsson, Bjoern; Hinglais, Emmanuel; Kaltenegger, Lisa; Labadie, Lucas; Lagrange, Anne-Marie; Laskar, Jacques; Liseau, Rene; Lunine, Jonathan; Maldonado, Jesus; Mercier, Manuel; ... (2012). High precision astrometry mission for the detection and characterization of nearby habitable planetary systems with the Nearby Earth Astrometric Telescope (NEAT). Experimental astronomy, 34(2), pp. 385-413. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s10686-011-9246-1

Srama, R.; Krüger, H.; Yamaguchi, T.; Stephan, T.; Burchell, M.; Kearsley, A. T.; Sterken, Veerle; Postberg, F.; Kempf, S.; Grün, E.; Altobelli, N.; Ehrenfreund, P.; Dikarev, V.; Horanyi, M.; Sternovsky, Z.; Carpenter, J. D.; Westphal, A.; Gainsforth, Z.; Krabbe, A.; Agarwal, J.; ... (2012). SARIM PLUS-sample return of comet 67P/CG and of interstellar matter. Experimental astronomy, 33(2-3), pp. 723-751. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s10686-011-9285-7

Tinetti, G.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Henning, T.; Meyer, M.; Micela, G.; Ribas, I.; Stam, D.; Swain, M.; Krause, O.; Ollivier, M.; Pace, E.; Swinyard, B.; Aylward, A.; van Boekel, R.; Coradini, A.; Encrenaz, T.; Snellen, I.; Zapatero-Osorio, M. R.; Bouwman, J.; Cho, J. Y-K.; ... (2012). EChO. Experimental astronomy, 34(2), pp. 311-353. Springer 10.1007/s10686-012-9303-4


Blanc, Michel; Alibert, Yann; André, Nicolas; Atreya, Sushil; Beebe, Reta; Benz, Willy; Bolton, Scott J.; Coradini, Angioletta; Coustenis, Athena; Dehant, Véronique; Dougherty, Michele; Drossart, Pierre; Fujimoto, Masaki; Grasset, Olivier; Gurvits, Leonid; Hartogh, Paul; Hussmann, Hauke; Kasaba, Yasumasa; Kivelson, Margaret; Khurana, Krishan; ... (2009). LAPLACE: A mission to Europa and the Jupiter System for ESA's Cosmic Vision Programme. Experimental astronomy, 23(3), pp. 849-892. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s10686-008-9127-4

Cockell, Charles S.; Herbst, Tom; Léger, Alain; Absil, O.; Beichman, Charles; Benz, Willy; Brack, Andre; Chazelas, Bruno; Chelli, Alain; Cottin, Hervé; Coudé du Forest, Vincent; Danchi, William; Defrère, Denis; den Herder, Jan-Willem; Eiroa, Carlos; Fridlund, Malcolm; Henning, Thomas; Johnston, Kenneth; Kaltenegger, Lisa; Labadie, Lucas; ... (2009). Darwin - an experimental astronomy mission to search for extrasolar planets. Experimental astronomy, 23(1), pp. 435-461. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s10686-008-9121-x

Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert; McNutt, Ralph; Schwadron, Nathan A.; Frisch, Priscilla C.; Gruntman, Mike; Wurz, Peter; Valtonen, Eino (2009). Interstellar heliospheric probe/heliospheric boundary explorer mission - a mission to the outermost boundaries of the solar system. Experimental astronomy, 24(1-3), pp. 9-46. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s10686-008-9134-5

Küppers, Michael; Keller, H.U.; Kührt, E.; A'Hearn, M.F.; Altwegg, K.; Bertrand, R.; Busemann, H.; Capria, M.T.; Colangeli, L.; Davidsson, B.; Ehrenfreund, P.; Knollenberg, J.; Mottola, S.; Rathke, A.; Weiss, P.; Zolensky, M.; Akim, E.; Basilevsky, A.; Galimov, E.; Gerasimov, M.; ... (2009). Triple F - a comet nucleus sample return mission. Experimental astronomy, 23(3), pp. 809-847. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s10686-008-9115-8

Grün, E.; Srama, R.; Altobelli, N.; Altwegg, K.; Carpenter, J.; Colangeli, L.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Helfert, S.; Henkel, H.; Horanyi, M.; Jäckel, A.; Kempf, S.; Landgraf, M.; McBride, N.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; Palumbo, P.; Scholten, H.; Srowig, A.; Sternovsky, Z. and Vo, X. (2009). DuneXpress. Experimental astronomy, 23(3), pp. 981-999. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s10686-008-9099-4

Marty, B; Guillot, T; Coustenis, A; Achilleos, N; Alibert, Y.Asmar S.; Atkinson, D; Atreya, S; Basides, G; Baines, K; Balint, T; Banfield, D; Barber, S; Bézard, B; Bjoraker, G.L.; Blanc, M; Bolton, S; Chanover, N; Charnoz, S; Chassefière, E; Colwell, J.E.; ... (2009). Kronos: exploring the depths of Saturn with probes and remote sensing through an international mission. Experimental astronomy, 23(3), pp. 947-976. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s10686-008-9094-9

Srama, Ralf; Stephan, Thomas; Grün, Eberhard; Pailer, Norbert; Kearsley, Anton; Graps, Amara; Laufer, Rene; Ehrenfreund, Pascale; Altobelli, Nicolas; Altwegg, Kathrin; Auer, Siegfried; Baggaley, Jack; Burchell, Mark J.; Carpenter, James; Colangeli, Luigi; Esposito, Francesca; Green, Simon F.; Henkel, Hartmut; Horanyi, Mihaly; Jäckel, Annette; ... (2009). Sample return of interstellar matter (SARIM). Experimental astronomy, 23(1), pp. 303-328. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s10686-008-9088-7

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