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Number of items: 65.


Liu, Tianzhu; Korthals Altes, Willem K.; Wallet, Frédéric; Melot, Romain (2024). Recovery from the pandemic: planning the reterritorialisation of agricultural activities. In: Andres, Lauren; Bryson, John R.; Ersoy, Aksel; Reardon, Louise (eds.) Pandemic Recovery? Reframing and Rescaling Societal Challenges (pp. 186-197). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781802201116.00023

Fesenfeld, Lukas P.; Hering, Janet G.; Ingold, Karin (2024). Science-Policy Interface. In: Darbellay, Frédéric (ed.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity. Edward Elgar Publishing

Fischer, Manuel; Huber, Martin Nicola; Ingold, Karin Mirjam; Manny, Liliane (2024). Networks and Coordination in Water Politics and Governance. In: Fritsch, Oliver; Benson, David (eds.) Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Water Resources (pp. 52-63). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800887909.00012


Freiburghaus, Rahel; Vatter, Adrian (2023). Switzerland: Real Federalism at Work. In: Teaching Federalism. Multidimensional Approaches (pp. 254-264). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800885325.00031

Polanco, Rodrigo (2023). Three generations of digital trade provisions in preferential trade agreements. In: Collins, David; Geist, Michael (eds.) Research Handbook on Digital Trade (pp. 28-53). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800884953.00009

Polanco, Rodrigo; Rodríguez-Chiffelle, Cristián (2023). Investment facilitation at the WTO: What's old? What's new? What's missing? In: Chaisse, Julienne; Rodríguez-Chiffelle, Cristián (eds.) The Elgar Companion to the World Trade Organization. Elgar Companions to International Organisations series (pp. 301-324). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800882867.00025

Fornalè, Elisa (2023). Embracing gender parity at International and European level. In: De Vido, Sara; Frulli, Micaela (eds.) Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence. A Commentary on the Istanbul Convention. Elgar Commentaries in Human Rights series (pp. 62-74). Edward Elgar Publishing

Valli, Chiara; Nai, Alessandro (2023). Political communication. In: Grasso, Maria; Giugni, Marco (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology (pp. 371-374). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781803921235.00100

Sager, Fritz; Schlaufer, Caroline; Stucki, Iris (2023). Relevance of evaluation findings in direct democracy decisions. In: Varone, Frédéric; Jacob, Steve; Bundi, Pirmin (eds.) Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation (pp. 253-265). Cheltenham, Northhampton: Edward Elgar Publishing

Heller, Charles; Pezzani, Lorenz; Stierl, Maurcie (2023). Contesting the lethal Mediterranean frontier. In: Van Liempt, Ilse; Schapendonk, Joris; Campos-Delgado, Amalia (eds.) Research Handbook on Irregular Migration (pp. 361-372). Edward Elgar Publishing


Räss, Damian (2022). Evidence on the impact of labor provisions in preferential trade agreements. In: Elliott, Kimberley A. (ed.) Handbook on Globalisation and Labour Standards. Handbooks on Globalisation Series (pp. 226-243). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Ingold, Karin; Cairney, Paul (2022). The politics of public administration in policy-making. In: Ladner, Andreas; Sager, Fritz (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration (pp. 211-220). Edward Elgar Publishing

Ingold, Karin; Christopoulos, Dimitris; Fischer, Manuel (2022). Resilience in political networks. In: Lazega, Emmanuel; Snijders, Tom A. B.; Wittek, Rafael P. M. (eds.) A Research Agenda for Social Networks and Social Resilience (pp. 115-130). Edward Elgar Publishing

Becker, Rolf (2022). 'Explaining educational differentials' revisited: an evaluation of rigorous theoretical foundations and empirical findings. In: Gërxhani, Klarita; de Graaf, Nan Dirk; Raub, Werner (eds.) Handbook of Sociological Science. Contributions to Rigorous Sociology. Research Handbooks in Sociology series (pp. 356-371). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing

Mayer, Heike; Lazzeroni, Michela (2022). Introduction to A Research Agenda for Small and Medium-Sized Towns. In: Mayer, Heike; Lazzeroni, Michela (eds.) A Research Agenda for Small and Medium-Sized Towns (pp. 1-7). Edward Elgar Publishing

Mayer, Heike; Lazzeroni, Michela (eds.) (2022). A Research Agenda for Small and Medium-Sized Towns. Elgar Research Agendas. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800887121

Mayer, Heike (2022). Innovation and entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized towns. In: Mayer, Heike; Lazzeroni, Michela (eds.) A Research Agenda for Small and Medium-Sized Towns (pp. 73-87). Edward Elgar Publishing

Mayer, Heike; Lazzeroni, Michela (2022). The road ahead: advancing our research agenda for small and medium-sized towns in a world of uneven development. In: Mayer, Heike; Lazzeroni, Michela (eds.) A Research Agenda for Small and Medium-Sized Towns (pp. 195-200). Edward Elgar Publishing

Lienhard, Andreas; Bieri, Peter; Malandrino, Anna (2022). The Role of Constitutional and Administrative Law in the Politics of Public Administration. In: Ladner, Andreas; Sager, Fritz (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration. Elgar Handbooks in Public Administration and Management (pp. 174-187). Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781839109447.00023

Oberholzer, Basil (2022). Endogenous money, green finance and central bank power. In: Rochon, Louis-Philippe; Kappes, Sylvio; Vallet, Guillaume (eds.) Central Banking, Monetary Policy and the Environment (pp. 72-89). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800371958.00011

Schlaufer, Caroline; Jäkel, Tim (2022). The politics of public administration in the Russian Federation. In: Ladner, Andreas; Sager, Fritz (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration (pp. 331-341). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781839109447.00038

Sager, Fritz; Hinterleitner, Markus (2022). The politics of policy implementation: a reassessment in more conflictual times. In: Ladner, Andreas; Sager, Fritz (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration (pp. 102-113). Cheltenham, Northhampton: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781839109447.00016

Ladner, Andreas; Sager, Fritz (2022). Switzerland: the politics of PA in a multi-party semi-direct consensus democracy. In: Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration (pp. 321-330). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781839109447.00037

Ladner, Andreas; Sager, Fritz; Bastianen, Alexander (2022). The politics of public administration. In: Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration (pp. 2-11). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781839109447.00006

Sager, Fritz; Rosser, Christian (2022). The politics of the politics-administration dichotomy. In: Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration (pp. 24-37). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781839109447.00009

Ingold, Karin (2022). Studying EU politics through the ACF—key challenges. In: Graziano, Paolo Roberto; Tosun, Jale (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy (pp. 567-574). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800881112.ch58


Fischer, Carolin (2021). Transnationalism and diaspora as epistemology and practice. In: Carmel, Emma; Lenner, Katherina; Paul, Regine (eds.) Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration. Elgar Handbooks in Migration (pp. 47-59). London: Edward Elgar Publishing

Franzen, Axel; Mader, Sebastian (2021). The development of global CO2 emissions. In: Franzen, Axel; Mader, Sebastian (eds.) Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology. Research Handbooks in Sociology series (pp. 5-21). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Franzen, Axel; Mader, Sebastian (2021). Testing the Measurement of Environmental Concern: How Do Single Items Perform in Comparison to Multi-Item Scales? In: Franzen, Axel; Mader, Sebastian (eds.) Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology. Research Handbooks in Sociology series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Pulcher, Simone; Köllen, Thomas (2021). The LGBT Diversity Index. In: Ng, Eddy S.; Stamper, Christina L.; Klarsfeld, Alain; Han, Yu J. (eds.) Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices (pp. 219-229). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781788975728.00022

Franzen, Axel; Mader, Sebastian (eds.) (2021). Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology. Research Handbooks in Sociology series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Goller, Daniel; Knaus, Michael C.; Lechner, Michael; Okasa, Gabriel (2021). Predicting match outcomes in football by an Ordered Forest estimator. In: Koning, Ruud H.; Kesenne, Stefan (eds.) A Modern Guide to Sports Economics (pp. 335-355). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781789906530.00026

Bigler, Patrick; Radulescu, Doina Maria (2021). Heating System Choice Among Swiss Households: Determinants and Effects of Policy Counterfactuals. In: Franzen, Axel; Mader, Sebastian (eds.) Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology. Research handbooks in sociology (pp. 187-215). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800370456.00020

Riar, Frederik J.; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2021). Family Business. In: Dana, Léo-Paul (ed.) World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship (pp. 289-294). UK: Edward Elgar Publishing


Kreutzer, Karin; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2020). Strategic mission management in hybrid organisations. In: Billis, David; Rochester, Colin (eds.) Handbook on Hybrid Organisations. Social and political science (pp. 391-406). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781785366116.00032

Boillat, Sébastien (2020). Decolonizing ecological knowledge: transdisciplinary ecology, place making and cognitive justice in the Andes. In: Sarmiento, Fausto O.; Frolich, Larry M. (eds.) The Elgar Companion to Geography, Transdisciplinarity and Sustainability (pp. 307-319). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781786430106.00028

Morhart, Felicitas; Malär, Lucia (2020). Authenticity in luxury branding. In: Morhart, Felicitas; Wilcox, Keith; Czellar, Sandor (eds.) Research handbook on luxury branding (pp. 190-207). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781786436351.00023


van Gestel, Rob; Lienhard, Andreas (eds.) (2019). Evaluating Academic Legal Research in Europe: The Advantage of Lagging Behind. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

van Gestel, Rob; Lienhard, Andreas (2019). Conclusion and Discussion. In: van Gestel, Rob; Lienhard, Andreas (eds.) Evaluating Academic Legal Research in Europe: The Advantage of Lagging Behind (pp. 422-459). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Lienhard, Andreas; Byland, Karin Silvia; Schmied, Martin (2019). Evaluation of academic legal publications in Switzerland. In: van Gestel, Rob; Lienhard, Andreas (eds.) Evaluating Academic Legal Research in Europe: The Advantage of Lagging Behind (pp. 142-169). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

van Gestel, Rob; Lienhard, Andreas (2019). Introduction. In: van Gestel, Rob; Lienhard, Andreas (eds.) Evaluating Academic Legal Research in Europe: The Advantage of Lagging Behind (pp. 1-19). Edward Elgar Publishing

Becker, Rolf (2019). Key Challenges for the Sociology of Education – Theoretical, Methodological, and Empirical Issues. In: Becker, Rolf (ed.) Research Handbook on the Sociology of Education. Research Handbooks in Sociology (pp. 2-16). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Becker, Rolf (ed.) (2019). Research Handbook on the Sociology of Education. Research Handbooks in Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Zangger, Christoph; Becker, Rolf (2019). Experiments in the Sociology of Education: Causal Inference and Estimating Causal effects in Sociological Research on Education. In: Becker, Rolf (ed.) Research Handbook on the Sociology of Education. Research Handbooks in Sociology (pp. 153-171). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Musselli, Irene (2019). HRIA of trade agreements involving agriculture. Enabling innovative trade options that protect human rights. In: Götzmann, Nora (ed.) Handbook on Human Rights Impact Assessment (pp. 219-237). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Mayer, Heike; Leick, Birgit (2019). Entrepreneurship and ageing: Exploring an economic geography perspective. In: Backman, Mikaela; Karlsson, Charlie; Kekezi, Orsa (eds.) Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Aging (pp. 88-108). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781788116213.00009

Leins, Stefan (2019). Management. In: A Research Agenda for Economic Anthropology. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing


Köllen, Thomas (2018). Declining career prospects as “transition loss”? On the career development of transgender employees. In: Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers. New Horizons in Management series (pp. 486-498). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781785365607.00044

Polanco Lazo, Rodrigo; Mella, Rodrigo (2018). Investment arbitration and human rights cases in Latin America. In: Radi, Yannick (ed.) Research Handbook on Human Rights and Investment: Research Handbooks in International Law series. Research Handbooks in International Law (pp. 41-92). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781782549123.00010


Cottier, Thomas; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth (2017). Soil as a common concern: Toward disciplines on Sustainable Land Management. In: Cottier, Thomas; Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (pp. 627-628). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781784713546.314

Cottier, Thomas; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth (2017). Property rights beyond foreign direct investment. In: Cottier, Thomas; Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (pp. 638-639). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781784713546.320

Cottier, Thomas; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth (2017). Land grabbing, human rights and land registration protection. In: Cottier, Thomas; Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (pp. 639-641). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781784713546.321

Fornalé, Elisa (2017). International Fora on Cooperation in Migration. In: Cottier, Thomas; Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (pp. 496-498). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781784713546.254


Burri, Mira (2016). Communication services. In: Encyclopedia of International Economic Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Buchmann, Marlis; Kriesi, Irene; Koomen, Maarten; Imdorf, Christian; Basler, Ariane (2016). Differentiation in secondary education and inequality in educational opportunities: The case of Switzerland. In: Blossfeld, Hans-Peter; Buchholz, Sandra; Skopek, Jan; Triventi, Moris (eds.) Models of Secondary Education and Social Inequality – An International Comparison. eduLIFE Lifelong Learning series (pp. 111-128). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing

Armingeon, Klaus (2016). Political Institutions. In: Keman, Hans; Woldendorp, Jaap J. (eds.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Political Science. Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications series (pp. 234-240). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing


Froidevaux, Arian; Hirschi, Andreas (2015). Managing the transition to retirement: from meaningful work to meaning in life at retirement. In: De Vos, Ans; Van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M. (eds.) Handbook of research on sustainable careers: Aims approach and outline. (pp. 350-363). Cheltenham, GB: Edward Elgar Publishing


Kumlin, Staffan; Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle (eds.) (2014). How Welfare States Shape the Democratic Public: Policy Feedback, Participation, Voting and Attitudes. Globalization and welfare. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Kälin, Walter (2014). The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and the Search for a Universal Framework of Protection for Internally Displaced Persons. In: Chetail, Vincent; Bauloz, Celine (eds.) Research Handbook on International Law and Migration (pp. 612-633). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing


Burri, Mira (2012). Cultural Protectionism 2.0 : Updating Cultural Policy Tools for the Digital Age. In: Pager, Sean A.; Candeub, Adam (eds.) Transnational culture in the internet age. Elgar law, technology and society series (pp. 182-202). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing


Burri, Mira (2010). User Created Content in Virtual Worlds and Cultural Diversity. In: Graber, Christoph Beat; Burri-Nenova, Mira (eds.) Governance of digital game environments and cultural diversity : transdisciplinary enquiries (pp. 74-112). Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing

Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (eds.) (2010). Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity : Transdisciplinary Enquiries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (2010). Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity. Preface. In: Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (eds.) Governance of digital game environments and cultural diversity : transdisciplinary enquiries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Graber, Christoph Beat (2010). Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity : Transdisciplinary Enquiries. Preface. In: Burri, Mira (ed.) Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity : Transdisciplinary Enquiries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing


Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (2008). Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment. Preface. In: Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (eds.) Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

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