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Number of items: 54.


Aye, K.-M.; Portyankina, Gann; Thomas, Nicolas (2010). Semi-Automatic Measures of Activity in the Inca City Region of Mars Using Morphological Image Analysis. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 1-5, 2010 in The Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1533 (p. 2707). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Portyankina, Ganna; Thomas, Nicolas; Hansen, C.; Aye, K.-M. (2010). Cracks in Seasonal Semi-Translucent Ice Layer in Martian Polar Areas. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 1-5, 2010 in The Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1533 (p. 2671). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Thomas, Nicolas; Stelter, R.; Ivanov, A.; Bridges, N.-T.; Herkenhoff, K.-E.; McEwen, A.-S. (2010). Spectral Heterogeneity on Phobos and Deimos: HiRISE Observations and Comparisons to Mars Pathfinder Results. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 1-5, 2010 in The Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1533 (p. 2595). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Hansen, C.-J.; Portyankina, Ganna; Thomas, Nicolas; Byrne, S.; McEwen, A. (2010). HiRISE Images of Spring on Mars. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 1-5, 2010 in The Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1533 (p. 2029). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Ivanov, A.-B.; Thomas, N. (2010). Reconstruction of a Digital Elevation Model for Phobos from HIRISE Data. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 1-5, 2010 in The Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1533 (p. 1923). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Portyankina, Ganna; Vincendon, M.; Thomas, Nicolas; Aye, K.-M. (2010). Recovery of Surface Reflectance from Atmospheric Aerosol Contribution: Application to HiRISE Images. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 1-5, 2010 in The Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1533 (p. 1582). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

McEwen, A.; Turtle, E.; Keszthelyi, L.; Spencer, J.; Thomas, Nicolas; Wurz, P.; Christensen, P.; Khurana, K.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Auster, U.; Furfaro, R.; Davies, A.; Nimmo, F.; Moses, J.; Bagenal, F.; Kirk, R.; Wieser, M.; Barabash, S.; Paranicus, C.; Lorenz, R.; ... (2010). Science Rational for an Io Volcano Observer (IVO) Mission. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 1-5, 2010 in The Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1533 (p. 1433). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Cosarinsky, Mariana; Calmonte, U.; Hofman, B.; Leya, I. (2010). Noble gas data on ureilites from the Lybien, Omani, and Moroccan deserts. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1770. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Trappitsch, R.; Leya, Ingo (2010). Modeling the recoil loss of cosmogenic nuclides in micrometeorites. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1852. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Qin, L.; Dauphas, N.; Horan, M.F.; Carlson, R.W.; D'Alexander, C.M.O.; Leya, Ingo; Masarik, J. (2010). Cosmogenic stable isotope effects on tungsten, osmium, and chromium in the Carbo iron meteorite. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 2715. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Jutzi, M.; Gillet, P.; Barrat, J.A.; Asphaug, E.; Benz, W. (2012). The Rheasilvia Impact Crater as a Probe of Vesta's Internal Structure: Results from Numerical Simulations. In: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors (2012). Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1667 (p. 6230). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Petit, J.-M.; Mousis, Olivier; Alibert, Yann; Horner, Jonathan (2006). Photophoresis as a Source of Crystalline Silicates in Comets. In: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas (p. 1558). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Horner, Jonathan; Mousis, Oliver; Hersant, F. (2006). Deuterium and Cometary Reservoirs. In: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas (p. 1041). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Alibert, Yann; Mousis, Olivier (2006). Structure and Evolution of the Saturn's Subnebula - Implications for the Formation of Titan. In: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas (p. 1141). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Mousis, Olivier; Alibert, Yann; Sekine, Y.; Sugita, S.; Matsui, T. (2006). Fischer-Tropsch Catalysis in a Turbulent Model of the Jovian Subnebula. In: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas (p. 1139). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Russell, Patrick; Thomas, Nicolas; Gunderson, Kurt; Lüthi, Benjamin (2006). Effects of Incidence Angle-dependent Albedo on the Energy Budget and Sublimation in Polar Regions. In: Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, October 2-6, 2006, Davos, Switzerland. LPI Contribution: Vol. 1323 (p. 8090). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Gunderson, Kurt; Lüthi, Benjamin; Russell, Patrick; Thomas, Nicolas (2006). Photometric Signatures of Liquid Water in JSC Mars-1 Regolith Simulant. In: Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, October 2-6, 2006, Davos, Switzerland. LPI Contribution: Vol. 1323 (p. 8060). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Thomas, Nicolas; Gunderson, Kurt; Lüthi, Benjamin; Russell, Patrick (2006). The Directional-Hemispherical Albedo and Its Dependence on the Angle of Illumination. In: Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, October 2-6, 2006, Davos, Switzerland. LPI Contribution: Vol. 1323 (p. 8058). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Huber, Liliane; Hofmann, Beda; Gnos, Edwin; Leya, Ingo (2006). The Exposure History of the JaH 073 Meteorite. In: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas (p. 1628). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Seiferlin, Karsten; Heimberg, Matthias; Russel, Patrick (2006). Thermal Properties of Martian Soil, Ice and Mixtures. In: Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, October 2-6, 2006, Davos, Switzerland. LPI Contribution: Vol. 1323 (p. 8048). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Grimberg, A.; Bühler, Fritz; Burnett, D.S.; Jurewicz, A.J.G.; Hays, C.C.; Bochsler, Peter; Heber, V.S.; Baur, H.; Wieler, R. (2006). Solar Wind Helium and Neon from Metallic Glass Flown on Genesis - Preliminary Bulk and Velocity-Dependent Data. In: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas (p. 1782). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Lefort, Alexandra; Russell, Patrick; Thomas, Nicolas (2006). Scallop-shaped Depressions and Mantle Sublimation in the Mid-Latitudes of Mars. In: Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, October 2-6, 2006, Davos, Switzerland. LPI Contribution: Vol. 1323 (p. 8061). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Markowski, A.; Quitté, G.; Kleine, T.; Bizzarro, M.; Leya, Ingo; Wieler, R.; Ammon, Katja; Halliday, A.N. (2006). Early and Rapid Differentiation of Planetesimals Inferred from Isotope Data in Iron Meteorites and Angrites. In: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas (p. 2000). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Markowski, A.; Leya, Ingo; Quitté, G.; Wieler, R.; Ammon, Katja; Halliday, A.N. (2006). Tungsten Isotopic Composition Corrected for Cosmic Ray Effects and the Hf-W Age of Iron Meteorites. In: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas (p. 1984). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Ammon, Katja; Leya, Ingo (2006). Noble Gas Measurements in the Grant IIIAB Iron Meteorite. In: 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 13-17, 2006, League City, Texas (p. 1556). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Jutzi, Martin; Benz, Willy (2006). Simulations of the LCROSS Impact Using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). In: Workshop on Lunar Crater Observing and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Site Selection, October 16-17, 2006, Moffett Field, California. LPI Contribution: Vol. 1327 (p. 12). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Vogel, Nadia; Leya, Ingo (2007). Comparison of Cosmogenic Noble Gases in Silicates and the Metal Phase of IAB Irons. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas (p. 1688). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Huber, Liliane; Hofmann, Beda; Gnos, Edwin; Welten, K.C.; Leya, Ingo (2007). Another Meteorite with a Complex Exposure History: JaH 073. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas (p. 1294). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Ammon, Katja; Masarik, Jozef; Leya, Ingo (2007). The Relevance of Noble Gases in Iron Meteorites. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas (p. 1275). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Grimberg, Ansgar; Baur, Heinrich; Burnett, Donald; Bochsler, Peter; Wieler, Rainer (2007). The Depth Distribution of Neon and Argon in the Bulk Metallic Glass Flown on Genesis. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas (p. 1270). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Jaeger, Windy; Keszthelyi, Laszlo; McEwen, Alfred; Dundas, Colin; Russell, Patrick (2007). The Recent Geologic History of Athabasca Valles, Mars, as Revealed by HiRISE. In: Seventh International Conference on Mars, July 9 13, 2007, Pasadena, CA. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1353 (p. 3394). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Hansen, Candice; Okubo, Chris; McEwen, Alfred; Byrne, Shane; Dejong, E; Herkenhoff, Kenneth; Mellon, Michael; Russell, Patrick; Thomas, Nicolas (2007). HiRISE Views of the Sublimation of Mars' Southern Seasonal CO2 Cap. In: Seventh International Conference on Mars, July 9 13, 2007, Pasadena, CA. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1353 (p. 3364). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Russell, Patrick; Byrne, Shane; Herkenhoff, Kenneth; Fishbaugh, Kathryn; Hansen, Candice; Thomas, Nicolas; McEwen, Alfred; Hirise Team, (2007). North Polar Basal Stratigraphy and Active Mass-wasting Processes from HiRISE with Implications for Polar Scarp Evolution. In: Seventh International Conference on Mars, July 9 13, 2007, Pasadena, CA. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1353 (p. 3377). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Fishbaugh, Kathryn; Herkenhoff, Kenneth; Byrne, Shane; Russell, Patrick; McEwen, Alfred; Hansen, Candice; et al., (2007). HiRISE Observations of North Polar Stratigraphy and Implications for Geologic History. In: Seventh International Conference on Mars, July 9 13, 2007, Pasadena, CA. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1353 (p. 3194). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Russell, Patrick; Weitz, C; Lefort, Alexandra; Thomas, Nicolas; McEwen, Alfred; Hirise Team, (2007). Mars Crater Interior Layers Viewed by HiRISE. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas. LPI Contribution: Vol. 1338 (p. 2394). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Russell, Patrick; Byrne, Shane; Herkenhoff, Kenneth; Hansen, Candice; Fishbaugh, Kathryn; Thomas, Nicolas; McEwen, Alfred; Hirise Team, (2007). HiRISE High-Resolution, Stereo, and Color Perspectives of Mars North Polar Basal Stratigraphy and Erosional Processes. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas (p. 2358). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Jaeger, Windy; Keszthelyi, Laszlo; McEwen, Alfred; Dundas, Colin; Russell, Patrick; Hirise Team, (2007). Early HiRISE Observations of Ring/Mound Landforms in Athabasca Valles, Mars. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas (p. 1955). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Byrne, Shane; Herkenhoff, Kenneth; Russell, Patrick; Hansen, Candice; McEwen, Alfred; Hirise Team, (2007). Preliminary HiRISE Polar Geology Results. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas. LPI Contribution: Vol. 1338 (p. 1930). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Lefort, Alexandra; Russell, Patrick; Thomas, Nicolas; Hirise Team, (2007). Scalloped Terrains in Utopia Planitia, Insight from HiRISE. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas. LPI Contribution: Vol. 1338 (p. 1796). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Fishbaugh, Kathryn; Byrne, Shane; Herkenhoff, Kenneth; Thomas, Nick; Russell, Patrick; Hirise Team, (2007). The Martian North Polar Layered Deposits at High Resolution with the Mars Reconaissance Orbiter HiRISE Camera. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas (p. 1542). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Hansen, Candice; McEwen, Alfred; Okubo, Chris; Bridges, N; Byrne, Shane; Gulick, Virginia; Herkenhoff, Kenneth; Kolb, K; Mellon, Michael; Russell, Patrick; Hirise Team, (2007). HiRISE Observations of Mars' Southern Seasonal Frost Sublimation. In: 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas. LPI Contribution: Vol. 1338 (p. 1906). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Russell, P. S.; Byrne, S.; Herkenhoff, K. E.; Fishbaugh, K. E.; Thomas, N.; McEwen, A. S.; Hirise Team, (2008). Active Mass-wasting Processes on Mars' North Polar Scarps Discovered by HiRISE. In: 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 10-14, 2008, League City, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1391 (p. 2313). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Russell, P.-S.; Byrne, S.; Fishbaugh, K.; Herkenhoff, K.; Thomas, N.; Hirise Team, (2009). Heights and Slopes on Mars North Polar Scarps Using HIRISE Point-to-Point Stereo Measurements. In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 23–27, 2009, Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1468 (p. 2479). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Langevin, Y.; Hansen, C.; Thomas, N.; Vincendon, M.; Titus, T.-N.; Piqueux, S.; Bibring, J.-P.; Gondet, B. (2009). Investigations of Cryptic Regions of the South Seasonal Cap, 12/2008-02/2009. In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 23–27, 2009, Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1468 (p. 2017). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

McEwen, A.-S.; Keszthelyi, L.; Spencer, J.; Thomas, N.; Johnson, T.; Christensen, P.; Wurz, P.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Shinohara, C.; Girard, T.; Heinsohn, G.; Furfaro, R.; Gardner, T.; Cheeseman, D.; Beatty, R.; Ludwinski, J.; Kowalkowski, T.; Yen, C.; Elliott, T.; Turtle, E.; ... (2009). Io Volcano Observer (IVO). In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 23–27, 2009, Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1468 (p. 1876). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Herkenhoff, K.E.; Byrne, S.; Fishbaugh, K.E.; Hansen, C.J.; Russell, P.S.; Hirise Team, (2008). HiRISE Observations of the South Polar Region of Mars. In: 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 10-14, 2008, League City, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1391 (p. 2361). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Fishbaugh, K.E.; Byrne, S.; Herkenhoff, K.E.; Russell, P.S.; Kirk, R.L.; McEwen, A.S.; Hirise Team, (2008). Characterizing and Defining Layers in the Martian North Polar Deposits Using HiRISE: Implications for Climate Change. In: 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 10-14, 2008, League City, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1391 (p. 1781). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Byrne, S.; Russell, P.S.; Fishbaugh, K.E.; Hansen, C.J.; Herkenhoff, K.E.; McEwen, A.S.; Hirise Team, (2008). Explaining the Persistence of the Southern Residual Cap of Mars: HiRISE Data and Landscape Evolution models. In: 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 10-14, 2008, League City, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1391 (p. 2252). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Michel, P.; Jutzi, M.; Richardson, D.C.; Benz, W. (2008). Catastrophic Disruption of Asteroids: Latest Simulations Including Porosity Effects, Explicit Formation of Spinning Aggregates and Their Implications. In: Asteroid, Comets, and Meteors 2008, July 14-18, 2008 Baltimore, MD. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1405 (p. 8072). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Jutzi, M.; Benz, W.; Michel, P. (2008). Simulations of High-Velocity Impacts on Porous Targets: A Successful Confrontation with Laboratory Experiments. In: Asteroid, Comets, and Meteors 2008, July 14-18, 2008 Baltimore, MD. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1405 (p. 8133). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Trappitsch, R.; Cosarinsky, M.; Hofmann, B.; Leya, I. (2009). Noble Gas Studies of the Ureilites Kenna and Ramlath As Samah 247. In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 23–27, 2009, Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1468 (p. 1246). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Grimberg, A.; Bühler, F.; Wieler, R.; Bochsler, P. (2009). Comparison of Solar Wind Noble Gas Data from Genesis with Apollo/SWC - New Results from Implantation Experiments. In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 23–27, 2009, Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1468 (p. 1537). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute

Leya, I.; Schönbächler, M.; Halliday, A.N. (2009). Titanium Isotopes in CAIs - Heterogeneities in the Early Solar System. In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Abstracts, March 23–27, 2009, Woodlands, Texas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Contribution Series: Vol. 1468 (p. 1480). Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute


Drouard, A.; Mousis, O.; Vernazza, P.; Lunine, J.I.; Monnereau, M.; Maggiolo, R.; Altwegg, Kathrin; Balsiger, Hans; Berthelier, J.-J.; Cessateur, G.; De Keyser, J.; Fuselier, S.A.; Gasc, Sébastien; Korth, A.; Le Deun, T.; Mall, U.; Marty, B.; Rème, H; Rubin, Martin; Tzou, Chia-Yu; ... (March 2017). The effect of radiogenic heating on the accretion of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XLVIII. Lunar and Planetary Institute

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