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Number of items: 48.


Brucklacher, Emma Louise (2018). Johann Makle: Arzt und Übersetzer des 17. Jahrhunderts. Eine bio-bibliographische Annäherung. Daphnis - Zeitschrift für mittlere deutsche Literatur und Kultur der frühen Neuzeit, 46, pp. 427-447. Rodopi


Brucklacher, Emma Louise (2017). [Rez. zu] Alfred Noe: Giambattista Marinos Wort-zucht-Peitschen und die Gegenreformation in Wien um 1655. Daphnis - Zeitschrift für mittlere deutsche Literatur und Kultur der frühen Neuzeit, 45, pp. 332-335. Rodopi


Kotte, Andreas; Morris, Gay (2014). Play Is the Pleasure of Being the Cause. On the Comparability of Scenic Sequences within the Playing Culture. In: Cremona, Vicki Ann; Hoogland, Rikard; Sauter, Willmar (eds.) Playing Culture. Conventions and Extensions of Performance. Themes in Theatre: Vol. 8 (pp. 39-61). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Fortuin, Egbert; Houtzagers, Peter; Kalsbeek, Janneke; Dekker, Simeon (eds.) (2014). Dutch Contributions to the Fifteenth International Congress of Slavists. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics: Vol. 40. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi

Dekker, Simeon (2014). Communicative heterogeneity in Novgorod birchbark letters: A case study into the use of imperative subjects. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics, 40, pp. 1-23. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi


Andrews, Tara L. (2013). The Third Way: Philology and Critical Edition in the Digital Age. Variants, 10, pp. 61-76. Rodopi

Kluwick, Ursula Maria (2013). The (Inter)Disciplinarity of Postcolonial Research. In: Gohrisch, Jana; Grunkemeier, Ellen (eds.) Postcolonial Studies Across the Disciplines. Cross/Cultures: Vol. 170 (pp. 341-347). Amsterdam: Rodopi


Kühler, Michael (2012). "Resultant Moral Luck", "Sollen impliziert Können" und eine komplexe normative Analyse moralischer Verantwortlichkeit. Grazer Philosophische Studien - internationale Zeitschrift für analytische Philosophie, 86, pp. 181-205. Rodopi

Suter, Patrick (2012). Dada et la fonction écologique de l’art (à partir de Fountain de Duchamp). In: Adamowicz, Elza; Robertson, Eric (eds.) Dada and Beyond. Vol.: 2. Dada and its Legacies. Avant garde critical studies: Vol. 27 (pp. 135-146). Amsterdam: Rodopi


Kluwick, Ursula (2011). Waters of Paradise: The English Patient. In: Ramsey-Kurz, Helga; Ganapathy-Doré, Geetha (eds.) Projections of Paradise: Ideal Elsewheres in Postcolonial Migrant Literature. Cross/Cultures: Vol. 132 (pp. 179-193). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Schnyder, André (2011). Begehren und Wissen. Zur Modellierung von Geschlechterverhältnissen bei Walter Map und Thüring von Ringoltingen. Daphnis - Zeitschrift für mittlere deutsche Literatur und Kultur der frühen Neuzeit, 40(3-4), pp. 1-41. Amsterdam: Rodopi


Engelage, Sonja; Hadjar, Andreas (2010). PhD and Career - Is a Doctoral Degree Worth It? In: Claes, Tom; Preston, David Seth (eds.) Frontiers of Higher Education. At the Interface/Probing the Boundaries: Vol. 72 (pp. 149-166). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Drittenbass, Catherine; Schnyder, André (eds.) (2010). Eulenspiegel trifft Melusine. Der frühneuhochdeutsche Prosaroman im Licht neuer Forschungen und Methoden. Akten der Lausanner Tagung vom 2. bis 4. Oktober 2008. In Zusammenarbeit mit Alexander Schwarz. Chloe: Vol. 42. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Schnyder, André (2010). Der deutsche Prosaroman des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Ein Problemfeld, eine Tagung und der Versuch einer Bilanz. In: Drittenbass, Catherine; Schnyder, André (eds.) Eulenspiegel trifft Melusine. Der frühneuhochdeutsche Prosaroman im Licht neuer Forschungen und Methoden. Akten der Lausanner Tagung vom 2. bis 4. Oktober 2008. In Zusammenarbeit mit Alexander Schwarz. Chloe: Vol. 42 (pp. 11-40). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Schnyder, André (2010). Historische Wunderbeschreibung von der sogenannten schönen Melusina. Zu einer neu entdeckten Version des Melusine-Romans. In: Drittenbass, Catherine; Schnyder, André (eds.) Eulenspiegel trifft Melusine. Der frühneuhochdeutsche Prosaroman im Licht neuer Forschungen und Methoden. Akten der Lausanner Tagung vom 2. bis 4. Oktober 2008. In Zusammenarbeit mit Alexander Schwarz. Chloe: Vol. 42 (pp. 383-408). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Schnyder, André (2010). Das Corpus der frühneuhochdeutschen Prosaromane: Eine tabellarische Übersicht als Problemaufriss. In: Drittenbass, Catherine; Schnyder, André (eds.) Eulenspiegel trifft Melusine. Der frühneuhochdeutsche Prosaroman im Licht neuer Forschungen und Methoden. Akten der Lausanner Tagung vom 2. bis 4. Oktober 2008. In Zusammenarbeit mit Alexander Schwarz. Chloe: Vol. 42 (pp. 545-556). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Stolz, Michael (2010). Medieval Canonicity and Rewriting. A case Study of the Sigune-figure in Wolfram's 'Parzival'. Variants(7), pp. 75-94. Amsterdam: Rodopi

Baumgartner, Michael; Lampert, Timm (2010). The Problem of Validity Proofs. Grazer Philosophische Studien - internationale Zeitschrift für analytische Philosophie, 80, pp. 79-109. Amsterdam: Rodopi

Jacquette, Dale (2010). Robin Rollinger, Austrian Phenomenology: Brentano, Husserl, Meinong and Others on Mind and Object [Rezension]. Grazer Philosophische Studien - internationale Zeitschrift für analytische Philosophie, 80, pp. 317-322. Amsterdam: Rodopi


Richter, Virginia (2009). Authenticity: Why we still need it although it doesn't exist. In: Schulze-Engler, Frank; Helff, Sissy (eds.) Transcultural English Studies. Theories, Fictions, Realities. ASNEL Papers: Vol. 12 (pp. 59-74). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Kluwick, Ursula (2009). The Personal and the Public: Michael Ondaatje's Historiographic Metafiction and the Question of Political Engagement. In: Borg Barthet, Stella (ed.) A Sea for Encounters: Essays Towards a Postcolonial Commonwealth. Cross Cultures: Vol. 117 (pp. 273-286). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Kluwick, Ursula (2009). Postcolonial Literatures on a Global Market: Packaging the 'Mysterious East' for Western Consumption. In: Rüdiger, Petra; Gross, Konrad (eds.) Translation of Cultures. ASNEL Papers: Vol. 13 (pp. 75-92). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Claviez, Thomas (2009). What is a European? Letters from a European Americanist. In: D'haen, Theo; Goerlandt, Iannis (eds.) Literature for Europe? (pp. 79-100). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Minta, Anna (2009). Planning a National Pantheon: Monuments in Washington DC and the Creation of Symbolic Space. In: Orvell, Miles; Meikle, Jeffrey L. (eds.) Public Space and the Ideology of Place in American Culture. Architecture Technology Culture: Vol. 3 (pp. 21-50). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Kotte, Andreas; Saro, Anneli; van Maanen, Hans (eds.) (2009). Global Changes - Local Stages. How Theatre Functions in Smaller European Countries. Themes in Theatre. Collective Approaches to Theatre and Performance: Vol. 5. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Kotte, Andreas (2009). Theatre and the Discourse on Subsidization. In: van Maanen, Hans; Kotte, Andreas; Saro, Anneli (eds.) Global Changes - Local Stages. How Theatre Functions in Smaller European Countries. Themes in Theatre. Collective Approaches to Theatre and Performance: Vol. 5 (pp. 333-360). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Kotte, Andreas (2009). Introduction. In: van Maanen, Hans; Kotte, Andreas; Saro, Anneli (eds.) Global Changes - Local Stages. How Theatre Functions in Smaller European Countries. Themes in Theatre. Collective Approaches to Theatre and Performance: Vol. 5 (pp. 329-332). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Betzler, Monika (ed.) (2009). Grazer Philosophische Studien. Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie. Rodopi

Andrews, Tara Lee (2009). The new age of prophecy: the Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa and its place in Armenian historiography. The Medieval Chronicle, 6, pp. 105-124. Rodopi

Kehr, Janina (2009). The Politics and Poetics of Migrant Tuberculosis: Modeling a Social Disease in French Public Health. In: Kalitzkus, Vera; Twohig, Peter L. (eds.) The Tapestry of Health, Illness and Disease (pp. 99-123). Amsterdam: Rodopi


Pross, Wolfgang (2008). Masse und Rausch: William Hogarth und Charles Dickens. In: Strässle, Thomas; Zumsteg, Simon (eds.) Trunkenheit. Kulturen des Rausches. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Neueren Germanistik: Vol. 65 (pp. 75-99). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Richter, Virginia (2008). The Civilised Ape. In: Mohr, Dunja M. (ed.) Embracing the Other. Addressing Xenophobia in the New Literatures in English. ASNEL Papers: Vol. 11 (pp. 113-124). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Schlote, Christiane (2008). Keeping Body and Soul Together. Rukhsana Ahmad's Critical Examinations of Female Body Politics in Pakistan and Britain. In: Borch, Merete Falck; Knudsen, Eva Rask; Leer, Martin; Ross, Bruce Clunies (eds.) Bodies and Voices. The Force-Field of Representation and Discourse in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies. Cross cultures: Vol. 94 (pp. 163-174). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Betzler, Monika (ed.) (2008). Grazer Philosophische Studien. Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie. Rodopi

Jacquette, Dale (2008). Dean Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, vol. 2, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006 [Rezension]. Grazer Philosophische Studien - internationale Zeitschrift für analytische Philosophie, 76, pp. 279-285. Amsterdam: Rodopi

Marquardt, Franka (2008). Unerhört. Funktionen des Gebets in Andreas Gryphius' Catharina von Georgien. Daphnis - Zeitschrift für mittlere deutsche Literatur und Kultur der frühen Neuzeit, 37(3-4) Amsterdam: Rodopi


López, José-Manuel (2007). Spaniards en Manfred Beller. In: Beller, Manfred; Leerssen, Joep (eds.) Imagology. The cultural construction and literary representation of national characters. A critical survey (pp. 242-248). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Kluwick, Ursula (2007). Conference Report on Word and Image: Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of New English Literature. In: Meyer, Michael (ed.) Word & Image in Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures. ASNEL Papers: Vol. 14 (p. 6). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Kluwick, Ursula (2007). Jane's Angry Daughters: Anger in Anita Brookner's Hotel du Lac, Margaret Drabble's The Waterfall, Bharati Mukherjee's Jasmine and Jamaica Kincaid's Lucy. In: Rubik, Margarete; Mettinger-Schartmann, Elke (eds.) A Breath of Fresh Eyre: Intermedial and Intertextual Reworkings of Jane Eyre. Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft: Vol. 111 (pp. 129-148). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Elsaghe, Yahya (2007). German Film Adaptions of Jewish Characters in Thomas Mann. In: Rasche, Hermann; Schönfeld, Christiane (eds.) Processes of Transposition. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Neueren Germanistik: Vol. 63 (pp. 132-140). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Betzler, Monika (ed.) (2007). Grazer Philosophische Studien. Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie. Rodopi


Mbiti, John (2006). "The Hen Knows When It Is Dawn, But Leaves the Crowing To The Cock": African Religion Looks at Islam. In: Gort, Jerald D; Jansen, Henry; Vroom, Hendrik M (eds.) Religions view Religions. Explorations in pursuit of Understanding. Currents of Encounter - Studies on the Contact between Christianity and Other Religions, Beliefs, and Cultures: Vol. 25 (pp. 151-176). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

Schnyder, André (2006). Sehen und Hören, Rede und Schrift beim Stiften von Erinnerung im Melusineroman Thürings von Ringoltingen. Daphnis - Zeitschrift für mittlere deutsche Literatur und Kultur der frühen Neuzeit, 35(3-4), pp. 377-400. Amsterdam: Rodopi

Betzler, Monika (ed.) (2006). Grazer Philosophische Studien. Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie. Rodopi


Schäuble, Michaela (2005). The Ethnographer´s Eye: Vision, Filmic Narration and Poetic Imagery in Contemporary Anthropology. In: Homem, Rui Carvalho; Lambert, Maria de Fátima (eds.) Writing and Seeing: Essays on Word and Image (pp. 301-311). Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi

Richter, Virginia (2005). Laughter and Aggression: Desire and Derision in the Postcolonial Context. In: Reichl, Susanne; Stein, Mark (eds.) Cheeky Fictions: Laughter and the Postcolonial. Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft: Vol. 91 (pp. 61-72). Amsterdam: Rodopi


Richter, Virginia (2004). A New Desire for the grand récit? Propositions for a Critical Universalism. In: Davis, Geoffrey V.; Marsden, Peter H.; Ledent, Bénédicte; Delrez, Marc (eds.) Towards a Transcultural Future: Literature and Society in a 'Post'-Colonial World (pp. 93-104). Amsterdam: Rodopi


Richter, Virginia (1999). Tourists lost in Venice: Daphne du Mauriers's Don't Look Now and Ian McEwan's The Comfort of Strangers. In: Pfister, Manfred; Schaff, Barbara (eds.) Venetian Views, Venetian Blinds: English Fantasies of Venice. Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft: Vol. 37 (pp. 181-194). Amsterdam: Rodopi

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