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Number of items: 66.


Gaschen, Annina; Krähenbühl, Urs; Döbeli, Max; Markwitz, Andreas; Barry, Bernard (2006). Artificial Fluorine Enrichment in Bones: Diagenesis as Restricting Factor for Exposure Age Dating by Fluoreine Diffusion. In: Proccedings 34th Symposium on Archaeometry, Zaragoza 2006 (pp. 61-64). Verlag fehlt

Waelchli, Markus; Scheidegger, Matthias; Braun, Torsten (2006). Intensity-based Event Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: WONS 2006. Third Annual Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services, Les Ménuires, France, January 18th to 20th, 2006 (pp. 41-49). Verlag fehlt

Ederra, Inigo; Murk, Axel; Gonzalo, Ramon; Martinez, Beatriz; Azcona, Luis; Alderman, Byron; Huggard, Peter; de Hon, Bastiaan; van Beurden, Martijn; Marchand, Laurent; de Maagt, Peter (2006). Experimental Characterisation of a Sub-Millimetre Wave Receiver Based on EBG Technology. In: 4th ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications, The 8th Topical Symposium on Millimeter Waves - TSMMW2006, The 7th MINT Millimeter-Wave International Symposium - MINT-MIS2006, February 15-17, 2006, Espoo, Finland WPP-25 (pp. 541-546). Verlag fehlt

Haenni, Rolf (2006). Uncover Dempster's Rule Where It Is Hidden. In: FUSION 2006, 9th International Conference on Information Fusion, 10-13 July 2006, Florence, Italy. Verlag fehlt

Gerber, Christian; Gurtner, Thomas (2006). Feasibility Study for Supporting IWRM in Afghanistan through Fast Hydro Geological Mapping. In: Extended Mission Report for SDC (April 22nd - May 8th, 2006) ([1-30]). Verlag fehlt

López, José-Manuel (2006). Daniel Balderston - Mike González (eds.): Encyclopedia of Latin American and Carribean Literature 1900-2003, London - New York: Routledge, 2004. In: (pp. 235-236). Verlag fehlt

López, José-Manuel (2006). Francisco Espinosa Maestre: El fenómeno revisionista o los fantasmas de la derecha española (Sobre la matanza de Badajoz y la lucha en torno a la interpretación del pasado), Badajoz: Los Libros del Oeste, 2005. In: (pp. 270-274). Verlag fehlt

López, José-Manuel (2006). Arcángel Bedmar (coord.): Memoria y olvido sobre la guerra civil y la represión franquista, Actas de las Jornadas de Historia, Lucena, 25 y 26 de enero de 2003. In: (pp. 270-274). Verlag fehlt

López, José-Manuel (2006). Antonio Castillo - Feliciano Montero (coord.): Franquismo y memoria popular. Escrituras, voces y representaciones, Madrid: Siete Mares, 2003. In: (pp. 270-274). Verlag fehlt

López, José-Manuel (2006). Alfonso Guerra: Dejando atrás los vientos. Memorias 1982-1991, Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2006. In: (pp. 270-274). Verlag fehlt

López, José-Manuel (2006). Nelly Richard: Cultural Residues. Chile in Transition. In: (pp. 250-251). Verlag fehlt

López, José-Manuel (2006). Ignacio Martínez de Pisón: Enterrar a los muertos, Barcelona: Seix Barral, 2005. In: (pp. 125-126). Verlag fehlt

Galeote, Manuel (2006). Milagros Aleza y J.Ma. Enguita, El español de América: aproximación sincrónica, Valencia: Tirant lo blanch, 2002 [Rezension]. In: (pp. 788-790). Verlag fehlt

Galeote, Manuel (2006). Luis Fernando Lara, De la definición lexicográfica, El Colegio de México, 2004 [Rezension]. In: Verlag fehlt

Galeote, Manuel (2006). Francisco Torres Montes, Nombres y usos tradicionales de las plantas silvestres en Almería (Estudio lingüístico y etnográfico), Almería, 2004 [Rezension]. In: (pp. 350-354). Verlag fehlt

Galeote, Manuel (2005). Concepción Company y Chantal Melis: Léxico histórico del español de México: Regimen, clases funcionales, usos sintácticos, frecuencias y variación gráfica, México: UNAM 2002 [Rezension]. In: (pp. 210-214). Verlag fehlt

Galeote, Manuel (2005). A. Cruz Casado: Romancero cordobés de tradición oral, Córdoba 2003 [Rezension]. In: (pp. 389-391). Verlag fehlt

Schmidt, Heinrich Richard (2006). Entkonfessionalisierung im Reformiertentum. Bern und Davos im Vergleich. In: Jäger, Georg; Pfister, Ulrich (eds.) Konfessionalisierung und Konfessionskonflikt in Graubünden, 16.-18. Jahrhundert (pp. 315-341). Verlag fehlt

Martin, Gunther (2006). Diodorus Siculus, Griechische Weltgeschichte, Buch XVIII-XX, übers. von O. Veh + G. Wirth [Rezension]. In: (10 - 14). Verlag fehlt

Martin, Gunther (2006). Schepens, Guido; Jan Bollansée: The shadow of Polybius, intertextuality as a reserch tool in Greek historiography [Rezension]. In: (pp. 10-14). Verlag fehlt

Alibert, Yann; Mordasini, Chirstoph; Benz, Willy (2006). Formation of giant planets. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2006. Berlin, Germany, 18-22 September 2006 (p. 37). Verlag fehlt

Alibert, Yann; Baraffe, Isabelle; Benz, Willy; Chabrier, Gilles; Mordasini, Christoph (2006). Giant planet formation models: the case of HD69830. In: Barret, D.; Casoli, F.; Lagache, G.; Lecavelier, A.; Pagani, L. (eds.) SF2A 2006 (p. 371). Verlag fehlt

Mousis, Olivier; Alibert, Yann (2006). Constraints on the formation of Titan in Saturn's subnebula from Huygens measurements. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2006. Berlin, Germany, 18 - 22 September 2006 (p. 538). Verlag fehlt

Mordasini, Christoph; Alibert, Yann; Benz, Willy; et al., (2006). Monte Carlo simulations of the formation of extrasolar giant planets. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2006. Berlin, Germany, 18 - 22 September 2006 (p. 672). Verlag fehlt

Ziethe, Ruth; et al., (2006). Conditions for the internal differentiation of Enceladus: Almost complete or still work in progress? In: European Planetary Science Congress 2006. Berlin, Germany, 18 - 22 September 2006 (p. 337). Verlag fehlt

Thomas, Nicolas; et al., (2006). A mission to Europa and the Jupiter System for the Cosmic Vision Programme. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2006. Berlin, Germany, 18-22 September 2006 (p. 684). Verlag fehlt

Thomas, Nicolas; et al., (2006). Miras 2 - Comaparative Raman Studies With Different Exitation Wavelengths Performed on Mars Meteorites. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2006. Berlin, Germany, 18-22 September 2006 (p. 297). Verlag fehlt

Wurz, Peter; Galli, André; et al., (2006). Energetic hydrogen and oxygen atoms at the nightside of Mars. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2006. Berlin, Germany, 18-22 September 2006 (p. 35). Verlag fehlt

Wurz, Peter; et al., (2006). The role of CMEs in the refilling of Mercury's exosphere. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2006. Berlin, Germany, 18-22 September 2006 (p. 412). Verlag fehlt

Schildknecht, Thomas; Africano, John (2006). Status Report on the International Space Debris Campaign In Higher Earth Orbit [2006]. In: Verlag fehlt

Schulze, Reinhard (2006). [54 Stichwörter zur islamischen Religion]. In: Auffahrt, C.; Kippenberg, H.; Michaels, A. (eds.) Wörterbuch der Religionen. Verlag fehlt

Li, Chen; Han, Bo; Pobelov, Ilya; Wandlowski, Thomas; Blaszcyk, Alfred; Mayor, Marcel (2007). An Electrochemical Approach to Address Electron Transport in Tailored Molecular Junctions. In: Tagungsband 2007 (p. 71). Verlag fehlt

Löper, Philipp; Goldschmidt, Jan; Peters, Marius; Biner, Daniel; Krämer, Karl; Schultz, O; Glunz, S.W.; Luther, J (2007). Efficient upconversion systems for silicon solar cells. In: Proceeding of the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 3.-7.9.2007, Milan (pp. 589-594). Verlag fehlt

Shalav, Avi; Richards, Bryce; Krämer, Karl; Conibeer, Gavin; Green, Martin (2007). Two colour excitation up-conversion efficiency enhancement for a silicon photovoltaic device using Er3+-doped phosphors. In: Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Vol. 1 (pp. 45-48). Verlag fehlt 10.1109/WCPEC.2006.279342

Molchanov, Ilya (2006). Stability and stochastic geometry. In: Lechnerova, R.; Saxl, I.; Benes, V. (eds.) Proceedings S4G. International Conference on Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry. Prague, June 26-29, 2006 (pp. 37-40). Verlag fehlt

Kötzer, Stephan; Molchanov, Ilya (2006). On the domain of attraction for the lower tail in Wicksell's corpuscle problem. In: Lechnerova, R.; Saxl, I.; Benes, V. (eds.) Proceedings S4G. International Conference on Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry. Prague, June 26-29, 2006 (pp. 91-96). Verlag fehlt

Moesch, Christian (2007). Sport-Mega-Events - a Tool of Destination Management. Importance of Infrastructure Investment for the Tourism Development. In: , (ed.) Simposio International de Turismo y Ocio, Barcelona. Verlag fehlt

Hüsler, Jürg (2007). When does ruin or an extreme value occur? In: Ferrão, M.E.; Nunes, C.; Braumann, C.A. (eds.) Actas do XIV Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatistica (pp. 3-21). Verlag fehlt

Müller, Felix (2007). Die Waffenfunde bei den Zihlbücken. In: Betschart, M. (ed.) La Tène. Die Untersuchung, die Fragen, die Antworten (pp. 97-101). Verlag fehlt

Jonczy, Jacek; Haenni, Rolf (2007). A New Approach to Network Reliability. In: Bedford, T; Walls, L; Quigley, J; Alkali, B; Daneshkhan, A; Hardman, G (eds.) MMR 07, 5th Mathematical Methods in Reliability Conference, Glasgow, U.K., July 2 2007. Verlag fehlt

Oschema, Klaus (2007). Den Konflikt überschreiben - Albrecht von Eyb und das Lob der Stadt Bamberg. In: Heinrichskalender. Jahrbuch der Erzdiözese Bamberg (pp. 26-32). Verlag fehlt

Brückle, Wolfgang (2007). Wiederkehr der Einzelbilder im Film: So ist es und nicht anders. In: Ebner, Florian; et al., (eds.) Sehen Zeigen. Ute Eskildsen zum 60. Geburtstag (pp. 94-97). Verlag fehlt

Schildknecht, Thomas; Agapov, Vladimir (2007). Status Report on the IADC AI 23.2 Investigation of High Area-to-Mass Ratio Debris in Higher Earth Orbits. In: Verlag fehlt

Schildknecht, Thomas (2007). Status Report on the International Space Debris Campaign In Higher Earth Orbit [2007]. In: (?-?). Verlag fehlt

Fürholz, Philipp; Murk, Axel; Wylde, Richard; Ochiai, Satoshi (2007). Analysis of the SMILES Optics Alignment. In: Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2007 and the 2007 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics. IRMMW-THz. Joint 32nd International, 2-9 Sept. 2007, Cardiff (pp. 454-455). Verlag fehlt

Arnold, Patrik; Murk, Axel (2007). Development of a High-Q Open Resonator in the 50 GHz to 700 GHz Frequency Range. In: Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2007 and the 2007 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics. IRMMW-THz. Joint 32nd International, 2-9 Sept. 2007, Cardiff (pp. 976-977). Verlag fehlt

Fürholz, Philipp; Murk, Axel (2007). Quality Assessment of W-Band Corrugated Horn Antennas. In: Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2007 and the 2007 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics. IRMMW-THz. Joint 32nd International, 2-9 Sept. 2007, Cardiff. Verlag fehlt

Ederra, Inigo; Gonzalo, Ramon; Murk, Axel; Alderman, Byron; Huggard, Peter; de Hon, Bastiaan; Marchand, Laurent; de Maagt, Peter (2007). Design and characterisation of an EBG imaging array at sub-millimetre wave frequencies. In: 37th European Microwave Conference 2007 (pp. 640-643). Verlag fehlt 10.1109/EUMC.2007.4405273

Bütikofer, Rolf; Flückiger, Erwin; Moser, Michael; Desorgher, Laurent (2007). Environmental Effects on the Neutron Monitor Measurements at High Altitudes as Observed at Jungfraujoch. In: Stamenov, J.; Vachev, B. (eds.) Observatoire de Montagne de Moussala, vol. 12 (pp. 64-71). Verlag fehlt

Broeg, Christopher; Schmidt, T; Guenther, E; Gaedke, A; Bedalov, A; Neuhauser, R; Walter, F.M. (2007). VRIJK photometry of GQ Lup. In: (p. 81039). Verlag fehlt

de La Torre, Mariela (2007). Las Voces andaluzas de M. de Toro y Gisbert: edición crítica y estudio preliminar. In: Verlag fehlt

Popp, Christoph; Asch, Andreas; Riffler, Michael; Wunderle, Stefan (2007). A method for the retrieval and post-processing of aerosol optical depth from MSG-SEVIRI data. In: 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, June 25-29, 2007, San José, Costa Rica (p. 1). Verlag fehlt

Zech, Roland; Kull, Christoph; Kubik, Peter; Veit, Heinz (2007). Glacial chronologies along the Andes (15-40°S) based on 10Be surface exposure dating. In: LAK Proceedings, Kiel, Deutschland. Abstracts (p. 110). Verlag fehlt

Michna, Pavel; Schenk, Jürg; Wanner, Heinz; Eugster, Werner (2007). MiniCASCC -- A battery driven fog collector for ecological applications. In: Biggs, A.; Cereceda, P. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew (pp. 169-172). Verlag fehlt

Rossier, Ruth; Felber, Patricia (2007). Lebensqualität nach der Hofübergabe. In: ART-Bericht. Verlag fehlt

Stohler, Ursula (2007). Literary Skills in the Knowledge Society. In: Towards a Knowledge Society: Is Knowledge a Public Good? ([1-2]). Verlag fehlt

Riesen, Kaspar; Fankhauser, Stefan; Bunke, Horst (2007). Speeding up Graph Edit Distance Computation with a Bipartite Heuristic. In: Frasconi, Paolo; Kersting, Kristian; Tsuda, Koji (eds.) MLG 2007. Mining and Learning with Graphs, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Aug. 1-3, 2007 (pp. 21-24). Verlag fehlt

Riesen, Kaspar; Bunke, Horst (2007). Structural classifier ensembles for vector space embedded graphs. In: IJCNN 2007. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando, Florida, 12-17 Aug. 2007 (pp. 1500-1505). Verlag fehlt 10.1109/IJCNN.2007.4371180

Liwicki, Marcus; Graves, Alex; Bunke, Horst; Schmidhuber, Jürgen (2007). A novel approach to on-line handwriting recognition based on bidirectional long short-term memory networks. In: 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), September 23-26 2007, Curitiba, Brazil (pp. 367-371). Verlag fehlt

Milic, Dragan; Braun, Torsten (2007). Optimizing Dimensionality and Accelerating Landmark Positioning for Coordinates Based RTT Predictions. In: BROADNETS 2007. Fourth International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems 2007, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, September 10 - 14, 2007 (pp. 631-640). Verlag fehlt 10.1109/BROADNETS.2007.4550493

Staub, Thomas; Balsiger, Daniel; Lustenberger, Michael; Braun, Torsten (2007). Secure Remote Management and Software Distribution for Wireless Mesh Networks. In: ASWN 2007. 7th International Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, 24-25 May 2007, Santander, Spain (pp. 47-54). Verlag fehlt


Balint, Mihai; Gîrba, Tudor; Marinescu, Radu (2006). How Developers Copy. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2006) (pp. 56-68). Verlag fehlt 10.1109/ICPC.2006.25

Nierstrasz, Oscar; Denker, Marcus; Gîrba, Tudor; Lienhard, Adrian (2006). Analyzing, Capturing and Taming Software Change. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Revival of Dynamic Languages (co-located with ECOOP'06). Verlag fehlt

Bergel, Alexandre; Denker, Marcus (2006). Prototyping Languages, Related Constructs and Tools with {Squeak}. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Revival of Dynamic Languages (co-located with ECOOP'06). Verlag fehlt

Greevy, Orla (2007). Dynamix - a Meta-Model to Support Feature-Centric Analysis. In: FAMOOSr 2007. 1st Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering. Verlag fehlt

Röthlisberger, David; Nierstrasz, Oscar (2007). Combining Development Environments with Reverse Engineering. In: FAMOOSr 2007. 1st Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering. Verlag fehlt

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