Sacerdotalisation et liturgisation : L’impact de la liturgie et de la communion avec les anges sur le sacerdoce dans la Liturgie angélique

Jost, Michael R. (2021). Sacerdotalisation et liturgisation : L’impact de la liturgie et de la communion avec les anges sur le sacerdoce dans la Liturgie angélique. In: Hamidovic, D.; Minouni, C.; Painchaud, L. (eds.) La ‘sacerdotalisation’ dans les premiers écrits mystiques juifs et chrétiens. Actes du colloque international tenu à l’Université de Lausanne du 26 au 28 octobre 2015. Judaïsme antique et origines du christianisme: Vol. 22 (pp. 145-164). Turnhout: Brepols

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The Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice (4Q400-407; 11Q17 and Mas1k), also known as Angelic Liturgy, unveils the service of the angelic priests in the heavenly presence of God. This general observation shows the importance of the priestly task, but at the same time it leaves the earthly dimension. In this article I analyze the impact of the liturgy and communion with angels on the priesthood. This allows to clarify the significance of this composition for the community that transmitted this circle of 13 songs. First, I look at some general information on the manuscripts and the contents of these Songs. Secondly, I describe the priestly elements. This will result in an ambivalent conclusion. Priesthood is indispensable but at the same time it is not determining the community. It is the liturgy that is constitutive. Thus, in the third place, I show the importance and influence of this liturgy for the self-identification and understanding of the liturgical reality of the yaḥad. Indeed, I present an interpretation of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice in the context of the other Dead Sea Scrolls, although the possibility that this composition precedes the yaḥad is discussed.

Item Type:

Book Section (Book Chapter)


01 Faculty of Theology > Institute of New Testatment Studies
01 Faculty of Theology > Institute of New Testatment Studies > Literature and Theology of the New Testament

UniBE Contributor:

Jost, Michael Reno


200 Religion > 220 The Bible
200 Religion > 290 Other religions
900 History > 930 History of ancient world (to ca. 499)




Judaïsme antique et origines du christianisme






Michael Reno Jost

Date Deposited:

06 Apr 2022 16:43

Last Modified:

05 Dec 2022 16:15

Uncontrolled Keywords:

Qumran, Dead Sea Scrolls, Priests, Liturgy


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