Settler Histories and Sustainable Meats

Gilad, Efrat (25 October 2021). Settler Histories and Sustainable Meats. History Workshop Online

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This past summer, Israeli startup Future Meat Technologies launched the world’s first industrial facility to mass produce lab-grown meat. Of the roughly 25 “cultured meat” startups in the world, Israel is home to five, a disproportionally large number and second only to the United States’ six. Despite claims of environmental and moral superiority, the commercial drive to produce lab-grown meat is rooted in the traditional meat industry; it stems from the idea that a beefless future is inconceivable, it is at least partially funded by conventional meat-producing titans such as Cargill and Tyson, and is still reliant on the suffering and killing of animals (see: Bovine Fetal Serum). With its long history of large-scale ranching and massive meat packing, it is clear why the United States is spearheading the path towards lab-grown beef. Israel, on the other hand, only recently became a prominent beef consumer and it produces only a fraction of the beef it consumes. Unlike the American story of meat abundance, the drive for lab-grown beef in Israel is embedded in a history of meat scarcity. It is a story of settlement, colonization, and a desire for meat in an environment that does not support it.

Item Type:

Newspaper or Magazine Article


01 Faculty of Theology > Institute of Jewish Studies

UniBE Contributor:

Gilad, Efrat


200 Religion > 290 Other religions
900 History > 950 History of Asia
900 History > 990 History of other areas




Efrat Gilad

Date Deposited:

04 Apr 2023 15:18

Last Modified:

04 Apr 2023 15:18


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