01 Faculty of Theology > Institute of Jewish Studies

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Number of items at this level: 222.


Gerson, Daniel (27 August 2024). Ephemeral visitors or stakeholders of today's Jewish life? The ambivalent relations of descendants of pre-Holocaust Lodz Jewry to their ancestors hometown. (Unpublished). In: "The Accidental Metropolis?Jewish Lodz from 1800 to present". Warschau, Jüdisches Museum Polin. 25.-27.August 2024.

Gerson, Daniel (2024). Von „David und Jonathan“ zum „Gay Giur College“: Zur Attraktivität reformjüdischer Gemeinschaften für die LGBTQ+ Community. In: Queer Theology: eine andere Art von Theologie entdecken (pp. 90-113). Bielefeld: transcript

Bloch, René (18 March 2024). “Mask and Masekhah: Are the English and Hebrew Terms Related?”. TheTorah.com

Bloch, René (2024). Felix John, Eine Jesus-Vita aus flavischer Zeit. Biblische Notizen BN, 200, pp. 150-152. Herder

Bloch, René (2024). Rezension zu Effi Papadodima, Hg., Ancient Greek Literature and the Foreign. Orbis Terrarum, 21, pp. 289-292. Franz Steiner

Bloch, René (2024). The Diaspora Riots and the Bar Kokhba Revolt in Light of Ancient Jewish Diversity (In Press). Annali di storia dell'esegesi


Bloch, René (31 December 2023). Der Verlust des Tempels in der jüdischen Erinnerung: "Nächstes Jahr in Jerusalem". Damals. Das Magazin für Geschichte, 55(12), pp. 42-44. Konradin

Bloch, René (2 November 2023). Reflexionen über Jean-Paul Sartres Réflexions sur la question juive (Unpublished). In: Antisemitismus in der Schweiz in Geschichte und Gegenwart.

Bloch, René (2023). Ehrenfreund, Jacques, et Simon Butticaz (Eds.): Regards de savants juifs et chrétiens sur le judaïsme du Second Temple. Genève 2022. Theologische Literaturzeitung ThLZ, 148, pp. 929-930. Ev. Verl.-Anst.

Bloch, René (2023). Tilly, Michael, and Burton L. Visotzky (eds.): Judaism I-III. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer 2020-2021. Theologische Literaturzeitung ThLZ(148), pp. 934-937. Ev. Verl.-Anst.

Bloch, René (2023). Bringing Philo Home: Responses to Harry A. Wolfson’s Philo (1947) in the Aftermath of World War II. Harvard theological review, 116(3), pp. 466-489. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S001781602300024X

Bloch, René (5 May 2023). Konstante Diaspora. Tachles. Das jüdische Wochenmagazin, pp. 22-23. Jüdische Medien

Bloch, René (2023). Testa incognita: The History of the Pseudo-Josephus Bust in Copenhagen (In Press). In: Festschrift. Brill

Bloch, René (2023). Ancient Jewish Diaspora: Essays on Hellenism. Supplements to the Journal for the study of judaism: Vol. 206. Brill

Münger, Stefan; Levy, Eytan Isaac (2023). Digital Glyptics. New Approaches to the Study of Stamp-seals from the Southern Levant (Unpublished). In: Digital Archaeology Bern (DAB23). Bern. 1.2.2023.

Bloch, René (2023). Dying in Egypt: Philo’s Cosmopolitan Joseph. In: Münger, Stefan; Rahn, Nancy; Wyssmann, Patrick (eds.) 'Trinkt von dem Wein, den ich mischte!' 'Drink of the Wine which I have Mingled!'. Festschrift für Silvia Schroer zum 65. Geburtstag. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Vol. 303 (pp. 85-93). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

Bloch, René (2023). Shifting Grounds: The Letter of Aristeas in Azaria de’ Rossi’s Meor Enajim. (Unpublished). In: The Medieval Afterlife of Hellenistic Judaism in Western Europe.

Bloch, René (2023). Philons Tora (Unpublished). In: „Autoritative Schriften!?“. Ebernburg. Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Theologie (WGTh). 4-6.9.2023.

Bloch, René (2023). Das Wir hinter Ich und Du: von Salomon zu Martin Buber (Unpublished). In: Martin Buber: Ich und Du. 1923-2023. Universität Bern.

Bloch, René (ed.) (2023). Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism. Brill

Bloch, René (ed.) (2023). Judaica. Neue digitale Folge, 2023.


Lubrich, Naomi; Gilad, Efrat (1 December 2022). «Israel is a hub for lab-grown meat» Five questions to Efrat Gilad. Jüdisches Museum der Schweiz

Bakker, Arjen F.; Bloch, René; Fisch, Yael; Fredriksen, Paula; Najman, Hindy (eds.) (2022). Protestant Bible Scholarship: Antisemitism, Philosemitism and Anti-Judaism. Supplements to the Journal for the study of judaism: Vol. 200. Brill

Gerson, Daniel (8 November 2022). Zwischen Neutralität und Menschlichkeit: Schweizer Diplomaten und die Judenverfolgung während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus (Unpublished). In: Gedenkstätte für Flüchtlinge zur Zeit des 2.Weltkrieges. Riehen. 8.11.2022.

Vaknin, Yoav; Shaar, Ron; Lipschits, Oded; Mazar, Amihai; Maeir, Aren M; Garfinkel, Yosef; Freud, Liora; Faust, Avraham; Tappy, Ron E; Kreimerman, Igor; Ganor, Saar; Covello-Paran, Karen; Sergi, Omer; Herzog, Zeev; Arav, Rami; Lederman, Zvi; Münger, Stefan; Fantalkin, Alexander; Gitin, Seymour and Ben-Yosef, Erez (2022). Reconstructing biblical military campaigns using geomagnetic field data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 119(44), e2209117119. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.2209117119

Gilad, Efrat (2022). Camel Controversies and Pork Politics in British Mandate Palestine. Global food history, 10(1), pp. 87-108. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/20549547.2022.2106074

Gilad, Efrat (2 July 2022). A Colonial Legacy of Cultured Meat. Swiss Society for the Middle East and Islamic Cultures

Gilad, Efrat (1 July 2022). Kosher Pork? On the Ambiguities of “Sustainable Meat”. konstruktiv. Theologisches aus Bern, 2022(46), pp. 16-17.

Gerson, Daniel (26 May 2022). Between Neutrality and Humanity: Swiss Diplomats during the Holocaust (Unpublished). In: Sell our Souls (SOS). Kaunas. 26.5.2022.

Bloch, René (2022). Antisemitism and Early Scholarship on Ancient Antisemitism. In: Protestant Bible Scholarship: Antisemitism, Philosemitism, and Anti-Judaism. JSJS (pp. 41-62). Brill 10.1163/9789004505155_004

Levy, Eythan; Finkelstein, Israel; Martin, Mario A. S.; Piasetzky, Eli (2022). The Date of Appearance of Philistine Pottery at Megiddo: A Computational Approach. Bulletin of the American Society of Overseas Research, 387, pp. 1-30. University of Chicago Press 10.1086/719048

Gerson, Daniel (20 April 2022). Aktueller Antisemitismus: Rechtsextreme, Islamisten und Antizionisten (Unpublished). In: Universitäre Vorlesungen. Winterthur. 20.4.2022.

Bloch, René (2022). Review of Michael Zerjadtke, ed., Der ethnographische Topos in der Alten Geschichte. Annäherungen an ein omnipräsentes Phänomen. Bryn Mawr classical review Bryn Mawr College

Gerson, Daniel (28 March 2022). Von „David und Jonathan“ zum „Gay Giur College“: Zur Attraktivität reformjüdischer Gemeinschaften für die LGBTQ+ Community (Unpublished). In: Queer Theology: eine andere Art von Theologie entdecken? (Ringvorlesung). Universität Bern. 28.3.2022.

Bloch, René (2022). Review of Agnethe Siquans, Der gerettete Retter: Exodus 1-2 in patristischer und rabbinischer Interpretation. Journal for the Study of Judaism Brill

Levy, E; Piasetzky, E; Fantalkin, A; Finkelstein, I (2022). FROM CHRONOLOGICAL NETWORKS TO BAYESIAN MODELS: CHRONOLOG AS A FRONT-END TO OXCAL. Radiocarbon, 64(1), pp. 101-134. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/RDC.2021.114

Bloch, René (January 2022). Verfolgung und Erinnerung im Judentum (Unpublished). In: Vortragsreihe Kirchgemeinde Kirchberg.

Bloch, René (2022). Tänze, die keine Tänze waren: Widersprüchliches über den Tanz bei Philon von Alexandrien. (In Press). In: Aspects of Roman Dance Culture: Religious Cults, Theatrical Entertainments, Metaphorical Appropriations Dance in Rome. Franz Steiner

Bloch, René (2022). „Tänze, die keine Tänze waren“: Widersprüchliches über den Tanz bei Philon von Alexandrien. In: Schlapbach, Karin (ed.) Aspects of Roman Dance Culture: Religious Cults, Theatrical Entertainments, Metaphorical Appropriations Dance in Rome (pp. 101-115). Franz Steiner Verlag

Bloch, René (2022). Belonging and Difference. Uses of Greek Myth in Jewish Contexts. (In Press). In: Meinel, F. (ed.) Greek Myth and the Ancient Mediterranean. Cambridge University Press

Münger, Stefan (2022). Judäo-israelitische Knochensiegel der Eisenzeit II – Ägyptische Ikonographie und kanaanäisches Erbe. In: Wimmer, Stefan Jakob; Zwickel, Wolfgang (eds.) Egypt and the Hebrew Bible – Proceedings of the Conference Celebrating 40 Years ÄAT, Munich, 6–7 Dec. 2019. Ägypten und Altes Testament: Vol. 100 (pp. 45-58). Münster: Zaphon

Münger, Stefan; Ben-Dor Evian, Shirly (2022). Stamp-seal amulets. In: Finkelstein, Israel; Martin, Mario A. S. (eds.) Megiddo VI. The 2010–2014 Seasons 3 (pp. 1302-1326). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns

Schwagmeier, Peter (2022). Anmerkungen zum Partizipialsatz in 2 Sam 11,4. In: Bachmann, Veronika; Schellenberg, Annette; Ueberschaer, Frank (eds.) Menschsein in Weisheit und Freiheit. Festschrift für Thomas Krüger. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Vol. 296 (pp. 89-106). Leuven/Paris/Bristol, CT: Peeters

Bloch, René; Pearce, Sarah (eds.) (2022). What is Hellenistic Judaism?, 53(4-5). Brill

Bloch, René (2022). Jüdische Bibelkritik in Antike und Mittelalter: Von Philon von Alexandrien bis Spinoza. In: Schmid, Konrad (ed.) Heilige Schrift in der Kritik (pp. 63-76). Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt

Bloch, René; Pearce, Jarah (2022). What is Hellenistic Judaism? An Introduction. Journal for the Study of Judaism, 53(4-5), pp. 459-464. Brill

Bloch, René (2022). Rezension von E. Birnbaum, J. Dillon, Philo of Alexandria. On the Life of Abraham. (Submitted). Judaica. Neue digitale Folge Universität Bern, Bern Open Publishing

Münger, Stefan; Weinblum, Liat (2022). The Archaeological Documentation System DANA (Digital Archaeology and National Archives): A View from the Field. In: Davidovich, Uri; Yahalom-Mack, Naama; Matskevich, Sveta (eds.) Material, Method, and Meaning: Papers in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology in honor of Ilan Sharon. Ägypten und Altes Testament: Vol. 110 (pp. 85-97). Münster: Zaphon

Münger, Stefan (2022). Stamp Seals from the Southern Levant: A Multi-faceted Prism for Studying Entangled Histories in an Interdisciplinary Perspective  – Insights into an Ongoing Swiss-Israeli Project (Unpublished). In: Invited Lecture. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Archaeological Institute, Vienna. 19.10.2022.

Münger, Stefan; Levy, Eytan Isaac (2022). Digital Glyptics. New Approaches to the Study of Stamp-seals from 
the Southern Levant (Unpublished). In: American Schools of Overseas Research, Annual Meeting. Boston. 18.11.2022.

Münger, Stefan (2022). The Glyptic Profile of Middle/Late Bronze Age Lachish. New Finds and Research (Unpublished). In: American Schools of Overseas Research, Annual Meeting 2022. Boston. 19.11.2022.

Levy, Eythan; Faigenbaum-Golovin, Shira; Piasetzky, Eli; Finkelstein, Israel (2022). Seeing the invisible: ostraca hunting via multispectral imaging. Semitica et Classica, 15, pp. 179-188. Brepols 10.1484/J.SEC.5.133134


Bloch, René (December 2021). An Imagined Jewish Face: The History of the Pseudo-Josephus Bust in Copenhagen (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the Association for Jewish Studies AJS. Chicago.

Bloch, René (November 2021). Prosperae in Oriente res (Tac. Hist. 1.2): Tacitus' Schweigen über Judäa und die Juden (Unpublished). In: Tagung zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Ernst Baltrusch.

Bloch, René (November 2021). Der Fall des Jerusalemer Tempels 70 n. Chr.: Eine Hauptzäsur der jüdischen Antike? (Unpublished). In: Zäsuren. Wendepunkte in der Welt der Antike.

Gilad, Efrat (25 October 2021). Settler Histories and Sustainable Meats. History Workshop Online

Bloch, René (3 September 2021). Wer wird leben, wer wird sterben? Zum jüdischen Neujahrsfest Rosch HaSchana. Tachles. Das jüdische Wochenmagazin(38) Jüdische Medien

Bloch, René (September 2021). Jüdische Bibelkritik in Antike und Mittelalter: Von Philon von Alexandrien bis Spinoza (Unpublished). In: Europäischer Kongress für Theologie 2021. Universität Zürich.

Gerson, Daniel (2021). Zeichen und Namen. Yad Vashem, die Schweiz und die „Gerechten unter den Völkern“. In: Erzählweisen des Sagbaren und Unsagbaren / Between Commemoration and Amnesia. Erinnerungsräume. Geschichte-Literatur-Kunst: Vol. 3 (pp. 237-254). Wien: Böhlau

Bloch, René (June 2021). Who Dares in Ancient Judaism? (Unpublished). In: Jewish Authors and Power in the Greco-Roman World.

Bloch, René (2021). Jew or Judean: The Latin Evidence. In: Torah, Temple, Land: Construction of Ancient Judaism(s) (pp. 230-240). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck

Bloch, René (2021). How much Hebrew in Jewish Alexandria? In: Alexandria – Hub of the Hellenistic World (pp. 261-278). Mohr Siebeck

Bloch, René (25 February 2021). Religionsfreiheit heisst akzeptieren, was für einen selbst nicht passt. Der Bund TA-Media

Bloch, René (2021). Le judaïsme alexandrin, un cas singulier dans l'antiquité juive? La contribution de Marcel Simon au colloque philonien de 1966. In: Les études philoniennes. Studies in Philo of Alexandria (pp. 91-103). Brill 10.1163/9789004462724_006

Bloch, René (2021). Samuel im antiken Judentum. In: Dietrich, Walter (ed.) Samuelmusik. Die Rezeption des biblischen Samuel in Geschichte, Musik und Bildender Kunst. Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR): Vol. 19 (pp. 32-41). De Gruyter

Bay, Carson (2021). On the Multivocality of the Latin Josephus Tradition : A Comparison between the Latin War, Latin Antiquities, Pseudo-Hegesippus, and Rufinus Based on the Egyptian Pseudo-Prophet Episode (War 2.261–263, Antiquities 20.169–172a). Medaevalia et Humanistica, 46, pp. 1-36. Rowman & Littlefield

Bloch, René (2021). The Menora Ring from Augusta Raurica (Unpublished). In: Leo Baeck Shared History Project/Jewish Life in Late Antiquity. 16.2.2021.

Bloch, René (2021). Der jüdische Ring von Augusta Raurica (Unpublished). In: Leo Baeck Shared History Project: Jüdisches Leben in der Spätantike. 23.2.2021.

Bloch, René (2021). Living and Dying in Egypt: Philo's Joseph and Moses in Comparison (Unpublished). In: IL "DE JOSEPHO" DI FILONE D'ALESSANDRIA LECTURES ON PHILO - Intercultural and interreligious Conferences on Philo's actuality. Rom (Zoom).

Bay, Carson (2021). Disease and the Christian Discourse of Jewish Death in De Excidio Hierosolymitano 5, 2. Vox Patrum, 78, pp. 157-182. Institute of History of the Church and Patrology of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin 10.31743/vp.12268

Bay, Carson (2021). Exemplarity, Exegesis, & Ethnography: Abraham in Pseudo-Hegesippus as a Test Case for Biblical Reception in Christian Late Antiquity. Journal of the bible and its reception, 8(1), pp. 35-59. De Gruyter 10.1515/jbr-2021-0010

Bay, Carson (2021). Writing the Jews out of History: Pseudo-Hegesippus, Classical Historiography, & the Codification of Christian Anti-Judaism in Late Antiquity. Church History, 90(2), pp. 265-285. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0009640721001451

Bay, Carson (2021). Philo, the Gospel of John, and Two Moses Traditions: Traditionary Competition over a Cultural Icon. Studia Philonica annual, 33, pp. 35-72. SBL Press

Bay, Carson (2021). A New King David for Late Antiquity: Classical Exemplarity & Biblical Personality in Pseudo- Hegesippus. Journal of Early Christian History, 11(2), pp. 1-49. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/2222582X.2021.1880953

Bay, Carson (2021). Pseudo-Hegesippus and the Beginnings of Christian Historiography in Late Antiquity. In: Vinzent, M.; Künzl, K. (eds.) STUDIA PATRISTICA VOL. CXXVI - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019. Studia Patristica: Vol. 126 (pp. 255-266). Leuven: Peeters

Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Contagion of the Jews: Metaphorical and Rhetorical Uses of Sickness, Plague, and Disease in Pseudo-Hegesippus (In Press). In: Ecclesiastical Historical Society Winter Meeting. Online. 16.01.2021.

Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Reinventing the Hammer: Judah the Maccabee and the Hasmonean Legacy in Pseudo-Hegesippus and Sefer Yosippon (In Press). In: The Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense. Online. 01.02.2021.

Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Rewriting a Rewritten Rewrite: Biblical Historiography, Exemplarity, & Oratory in Jewish War 5.362–419, De Excidio Hierosolymitano 5.15–16, & Sefer Yosippon 78 (Unpublished). In: Universität Bern Jewish Studies Research Colloquium. Bern / Online. 26.04.2021.

Bay, Carson Michael (2021). The Power of Positive Role Models: Cultural Capital, Ethnic Alterity, & Abraham/Moses as Exempla in Jewish, Greek, Roman, & Christian Antiquity (Submitted). In: Workshop on Jewish Authors and Power in the Graeco-Roman Period. Online. 04.06.2021.

Bay, Carson Michael; Levenson, David B. (2021). Sefer Yosippon & the Latin Josephus Manuscript Tradition: Exploring Flusser’s Suggestion (Unpublished). In: From Josephus to Josippon and Beyond: An International Conference. Online. 24.08.2021.

Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Killing Matthias: De Excidio 5.22 & Sefer Yosippon 81 (פא) (Submitted). In: From Josephus to Josippon and Beyond: An International Conference. Online. 24.08.2022.

Bay, Carson Michael (2021). To Instruct, to Rebuke, to Correct’: 2 Timothy 3:16, Josephus Against Apion 1.3, and Hellenistic Apologetic between Christian Epistolography and Jewish Historiography (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. 21.11.2021.

Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Underwriting Hellenistic Judaism: Second Temple History and the Reception of Hellenistic Texts in Sefer Yosippon (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. 21.11.2021.

Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Contagion’ as a Metaphor They Lived By: Jewish Identity, Christian Imaginary, and Disease Discourse in Late Antiquity (Unpublished). In: Centre for Late Antique & Medieval Studies Contagion Lecture Series. London/Online. 16.02.2021.

Bay, Carson Michael (2021). Writing War & The Fight For Jewish Identity: The Roman-Jewish War (66-73 CE) according to Flavius Josephus, Pseudo-Hegesippus, & Sefer Yosippon (Unpublished). In: War and Writing Lecture Series: Narratives, Identities, Nationalisms. University of South Africa (Online). 01.07.2021.

Bloch, René (2021). Review of Jérôme Moreau and Olivier Munnich, eds., Religion et rationalité: Philon d’Alexandrie et sa postérité. Studia Philonica annual, 33, pp. 312-315. SBL Press

Bloch, René; Bodenheimer, Alfred (eds.) (2021). Judaica. Neue digitale Folge, 2021. Universität Bern, Bern Open Publishing

Bloch, René; Martin Hogan, Karina (eds.) (2021). Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 2021, 196-199. Brill

Bloch, René (2021). The Significance of Kol Nidre: A Footnote. TheTorah.co.il

Bloch, René (2021). Das Versteckspiel der Maske. Konstruktiv. Theologisches aus Bern, 45, pp. 4-5. Reformierte Medien

Münger, Stefan (2021). What have the Egyptians ever done for us. A glyptological view on locally produced stamp seals from the Late Bronze and Iron Age Levant (Unpublished). In: On Artists, Masons and Authority Ploys. Conference in Honor of T. Ornan and I. Sharon. Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 13–14.10.2021.

Münger, Stefan (2021). Egyptian Stamp-seal Amulets from Bronze and Iron Age Transjordan. Overview and Selected ‘Highlights’ (Unpublished). In: RIAB Minerva Center Workshop. Leipzig/Ramat Gan (online). 8.4.2021.

Münger, Stefan; Koch, Ido; Schroer, Silvia Maria; Uehlinger, Christoph (2021). Stamp Seals from the Southern Levant. A multi-faceted prism for studying entangled histories in an interdisciplinary perspective (Unpublished). In: 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Bologna (online). 9.4.2021.

Münger, Stefan; Koch, Ido; Uehlinger, Stefan (2021). Stamp Seals from the Southern Levant. A multi-faceted prism for studying entangled histories in an interdisciplinary perspective (Unpublished). In: American Schools of Overseas Research, Annual Meeting, 2021. Chicago. 18.11.2021.


Bay, Carson Michael; Huber-Rebenich, Gerlinde (12 November 2020). Josephus Latinus und Sefer Josippon: Christliche und jüdische Rezeption des Flavius Josephus (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung Berner Mittelalter Zentrum: “Fremdbilder – Selbstbilder: Juden und Christen im Mittelalter. Bern / Online. 12.11.2020.

Bay, Carson (2020). Jewish National Decline and Biblical Figures as Classical Exempla: Moses, Aaron, Joshua, David, and Elisha in De Excidio 5.2.1. Journal of the bible and its reception, 7(2), pp. 167-204. De Gruyter 10.1515/jbr-2019-0017

Schroer, Silvia; Münger, Stefan (1 September 2020). Stempelsiegel aus Palästina/Israel – ein altes und neues Projekt und seine Bedeutung für die Religionsgeschichte. Konstruktiv. Theologisches aus Bern(44), pp. 4-5.

Schroer, Silvia Maria; Münger, Stefan; Wyssmann, Patrick (eds.) (2020). Konstruktiv. Theologisches aus Bern.

Gerson, Daniel (2020). Creating under Covid. In: Baumel-Schwartz, Judy (ed.) Creating Under Covid (pp. 46-47). Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University

Bay, Carson (2020). The Wisdom Tradition in Early Christianity through Late Antiquity. In: Adams, Samuel L.; Goff, Matthew J. (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Wisdom Literature. Wiley-Blackwell companions to religion (pp. 389-411). Hoboken New Jersey: Wiley Blackwell 10.1002/9781119158288.ch21

Bloch, René (2020). Der jüdische Fingerring von Kaiseraugst. In: Jüdischer Kulturraum Aargau (pp. 105-108). Hier und Jetzt Verlag

Gerson, Daniel (2020). In Transit im Aargau. Jüdische Flüchtlinge zur Zeit der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung und des Zweiten Weltkrieges. In: Picard, Jacques; Bhend, Angela (eds.) Jüdischer Kulturraum Aargau (pp. 387-403). Baden: Hier und Jetzt

Schwagmeier, Peter (2020). Rezension: Philipp Lenhard, Friedrich Pollock: Die graue Eminenz der Frankfurter Schule. Judaica. Neue digitale Folge, 1 Universität Bern, Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/jndf.1.13

Bloch, René; Bodenheimer, Alfred; Musall, Frederek; Zadoff, Mirjam (eds.) (2020). UTB Jüdische Studien. UTB Mohr Siebeck

Bloch, René; Martin Hogan, Karina (eds.) (2020). Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism. Brill

Bloch, René; Bodenheimer, Alfred (eds.) (2020). Judaica. Neue digitale Folge, 2020.

Bloch, René (2020). Von Kinderfressern und der Relevanz der Juden für die Christen. Theos: Theologisch bedeutsame Orte der Schweiz

Lapidot, Elad (2020). Schmitt’s Warring Wars. On the Political Epistemology of Political Theology. Philosophical journal of conflict and violence, 4(1) Trivent

Bloch, René (2020). Johannes Christian Bernhardt, Die Jüdische Revolution: Untersuchungen zu Ursachen, Verlauf und Folgen der hasmonäischen Erhebung. Judaica. Neue digitale Folge, 1 Universität Bern, Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/jndf.1.8

Bloch, René (2020). Luzzatto, Simone. Discourse on the State of the Jews. Bilingual Edition. Herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert von Giuseppe Veltri und Anna Lissa. Judaica. Neue digitale Folge, 1 Universität Bern, Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/jndf.1.10

Bloch, René (2020). De vita Mosis 2.31-44: A Sample Commentary. (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston (Zoom).

Bloch, René (2020). Die Idee des Kosmopolitismus im jüdischen Hellenismus (Unpublished). In: HELLAS. SEKTION OSTSCHWEIZ. Vereinigung der Freunde Griechenlands.

Bloch, René; Heyden, Katharina; Huber-Rebenich, Gerlinde (2020). Einführung zu “Fremdbilder-Selbstbilder: Juden und Christen im Mittelalter” (Unpublished). In: Fremdbilder-Selbstbilder: Juden und Christen im Mittelalter (Berner Mittelalterzentrum).

Bloch, René (2020). La religion des Juifs/Judéens dans les textes latins: entre la Judée et la diaspora. (Unpublished). In: Religion de Rome et du monde romain. Paris, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.

Bloch, René (2020). Le buste de Flavius Josèphe à Copenhague: l’histoire d’une erreur (Unpublished). In: Le buste de Flavius Josèphe à Copenhague: l’histoire d’une erreur.

Birnbaum, Maria Rebecca (2020). Recognizing diversity: Establishing religious difference in Pakistan and Israel. In: Phillips, Andrew; Reus-Smit, Christian (eds.) Culture and Order in World Politics. LSE International Studies (pp. 250-270). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108754613.012

Bay, Carson Michael (2020). The Nature of the ‘Law(s) of Nature’ in Flavius Josephus (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. Online. 07.12.2020.


Bloch, René (20 December 2019). Die Menora der Planeten. Tachles. Das jüdische Wochenmagazin Jüdische Medien

Maier, Denis (2019). Werkausgabe, by Isaac Breuer, eds. Matthias Morgenstern and Meir Hildesheimer. Jewish culture and history, 20(2), pp. 188-190. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/1462169X.2019.1557918

Maier, Denis Christian (22 November 2019). Typesetting XML with ConTeXt (Unpublished). In: PKP 2019 Conference Barcelona. Barcelona. 20-22. November 2019.

Maier, Denis Christian; Stutzmann, Jan (21 November 2019). JATS for Judaica. Designing an XML-first Publication Workflow for a Humanities Journal. (Unpublished). In: PKP 2019 Conference Barcelona. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 20-22 Nov 2019.

Münger, Stefan; Weinblum, Liat (21 November 2019). DANA (Digital Archaeology and National Archives) – A New Software Tool for Field Archaeologists (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Session 'Digital Archaeology and History'. San Diego. 20-23.11.2019.

Bay, Carson Michael (21 September 2019). Whose Latin Josephus? Between Übersetzung and Bearbeitung in Latin Josephus, Pseudo- Hegesippus, and Rufinus (Unpublished). In: Latin Josephus Workshop. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. 21.09.2019.

Bay, Carson Michael (20 August 2019). Pseudo-Hegesippus and the Beginnings of Christian Historiography in Late Antiquity. STUDIA PATRISTICA VOL. CXXVI - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019, 126, pp. 255-266. Leuven: Peeters

Gerson, Daniel (25 June 2019). "in Auschwitz muss die neue europäische Hauptstadt entstehen,..." Das Gedenken an den Holocaust als Basis von Demokratie und Menschenrechten? (Unpublished). In: Gastvortrag. Universität Salzburg, Rudolfskai 42, HS 389. 25.6.2019.

Schwagmeier, Peter (2019). Die Deuterokanonischen Schriften der Zürcher Bibel. Bolderntexte, 65(5/6) Trägerverein Boldern (Schweiz)

Gerson, Daniel (26 February 2019). "The Last Swiss Holocaust Survivors": Anerkennung und Vereinnahmung von Holocaustüberlebenden in der heutigen Schweiz (Unpublished). In: We will live after Babylon.Armeninische und jüdische Existenzerfahrung zwischen Vertreibung, Exil und Vernichtung.. Hannover. 24.-27.2.2019.

Wartenberg, Ilana (2019). Ibn Ezra on Astrology. Journal for the history of astronomy, 50(1), pp. 108-109. Sage 10.1177/0021828618823979

Gerson, Daniel (26 January 2019). "Flüchtlinge haben andere Sorgen als die Juden". Der Bund Der Bund Verlag AG

Gerson, Daniel (24 January 2019). The role of cultural institutions in preserving memory and promoting common values (Unpublished). In: IHRA Holocaust Remembrance Day Riga 2019. Riga. 24.-25.1.2019.

Wartenberg, Ilana (2019). "The Light of the World, Astronomy in al-Andalus" by Joseph ibn Nahmias; Translator: Robert G. Morrison. Reading religion American Academy of Religion

Bloch, René (2019). Philo’s Struggle with Jewish Myth. In: Philo of Alexandria and Greek Myth. Studies in Philo of Alexandria (pp. 107-126). Brill

Barbu, Daniel (2019). Some Remarks on the Jewish Life of Jesus (Toledot Yeshu) in Early Modern Europe. Journal for religion, film and media, 5(1), pp. 29-45. Schüren 10.25364/05.4:2019.1.3

Barbu, Daniel Olivier (2019). Feeling Jewish’. Emotions, Identity, and the Jews’ Inverted Christmas (In Press). In: Feeling Exclusion: Emotional Strategies and Burdens of Religious Discrimination and Displacement in Early Modern Europe. London: Bloomsbury

Bloch, René (2019). Niehoff, M. Philo of Alexandria: An Intellectual Biography. AJS Review, 43(1), pp. 13-16. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0364009419000126

Bloch, René (2019). Moses in Text und Bild: Grenzen der jüdischen Bilderlosigkeit. (Unpublished). In: (K)ein Bild. Haus der Religionen, Bern.

Bloch, René (2019). Josephus' Moses: How Greek, how Jewish? (Unpublished). In: Josephus Between the Bible and the Mishnah. Bar Ilan University, Israel.

Bloch, René (2019). Antisemitism and the Study of Ancient Antisemitism. (Unpublished). In: Mai 2019: “Antisemitism and the Study of Ancient Antisemitism.” Conference Bible Scholarship: Antisemitism, Philosemitism, and Anti-Judaism.

Bloch, René (2019). On Mother Tongues and Fatherlands: Philo in the Egyptian Diaspora. (Unpublished). In: A Question of Identity: Social, Political, and Historical Aspects of Identity Dynamics in Jewish and Other Contexts.

Bloch, René (2019). Dionysus, 'Inventor of New Blessings' (Legat. 88): Philo's Use of Greek Religion in his Embassy to Gaius. (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting SBL 2019.

Bloch, René (2019). Samuel im antiken Judentum (Unpublished). In: Interdisziplinäres Symposium "Samuelmusik".

Bloch, René (2019). Moses as a Cosmopolitan Citizen in the Torah and in Hellenistic Judaism. (Unpublished). In: AJS Annual Meeting 2019.

Bloch, René; Hogan, Karina (eds.) (2019). Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 2019(191-192). Brill

Bay, Carson (2019). Pseudo-Hegesippus at Antioch? Testing a Hypothesis for the Provenance of the De Excidio Hierosolymitano. BABELAO - Bulletin de l’Académie Belge pour l’Étude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales, 8, pp. 97-128. l’Université catholique de Louvain

Schwagmeier, Peter; Haldimann, Konrad; u., a. (eds.) (2019). Deuterokanonische Schriften. Zürcher Bibel 2007 [Source Edition] . Theologischer Verlag Zürich

Lapidot, Elad (2019). Ger: deterritorialized immigrant in talmudic exile. Jewish culture and history, 20(1), pp. 23-42. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/1462169X.2019.1557460

Bay, Carson Michael (2019). Hebrew Heroes, Christian Historiography, Jewish History: Six Biblical Figures in Pseudo- Hegesippus (De Excidio Hierosolymitano) (Unpublished). In: Models of Piety in Late Antiquity Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. 22.11.2019.

Bay, Carson Michael (2019). Sourcing the Second Canon: Josephus, Hebrew Heroes, and the Rhetoric of National Decline in De Excidio Hierosolymitano (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. 25.11.2019.

Bay, Carson Michael (2019). The Semantics of Jewish Christian Judaism: Jewishness as Negotiated by Josephus, Pseudo- Hegesippus, and Sefer Yosippon (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. 25.11.2019.

Bay, Carson Michael (2019). Joshua as Hebrew Hero of Late Antique Christian Historiography: Iesu Naue in Pseudo-Hegesippus (Unpublished). In: Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. Online. 03.12.2020.


Wartenberg, Ilana (10 December 2018). La transmission non-linéaire des diagrammes géométriques dans Yesod Olam (Unpublished). In: Les manuscrits hébraïques & l’EPHE, cent-cinquante ans d’histoire.

Tyrell, Eva Dorothea (2018). Legend (HB/OT). In: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception EBR 16 (pp. 35-37). De Gruyter

Tyrell, Eva Dorothea (2018). Letushim. In: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception EBR 16 (p. 250). De Gruyter

Bloch, René (December 2018). Harry A. Wolfson’s Philo as a Scholarly and Political Event. (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the Association of Jewish Studies AJS, Boston, USA.

Münger, Stefan (15 November 2018). Early Iron Age Tel Kinrot—Recent and Current Research (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Denver, CO. 15.11.2018.

Bloch, René (November 2018). Review Panel of Erich S. Gruen, The Construct of Identity in Hellenistic Judaism, De Gruyter 2016 (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the Society of Biblical Literature, Denver, USA.

Bloch, René (November 2018). Moses als Kosmopolit: Antike jüdische Diasporavorstellungen (Unpublished). In: Yerushalmi-Lecture 2018, LMU München. LMU München.

Wartenberg, Ilana (31 October 2018). Magical Elements in a Medieval Hebrew Calendrical Treatise from Northern France (Unpublished). In: Ancient Jewish Magic.

Bloch, René (October 2018). Jew or Judean? The Latin Evidence. (Unpublished). In: Torah, Temple, Land: Ancient Judaism(s) in Context, Humboldt Universität Berlin.

Bloch, René (October 2018). Jewish Magic in Greco-Roman Sources (Unpublished). In: Ancient Jewish Magic. Universität Bern.

Tyrell, Eva Dorothea (2018). Mittelbarkeit und scheinbare Unmittelbarkeit als Überzeugungsstrategien – ein Vergleich zwischen Herodots Historien und der Hebräischen Bibel. In: Müllner, Ilse; Schmitz, Barbara (eds.) Perspektiven. Biblische Texte und Narratologie. Stuttgarter Biblische Beiträge: Vol. 75 (pp. 66-82). Katholisches Bibelwerk

Bloch, René (August 2018). Wie die Menora in die Schweiz kam (und was aus ihr wurde): Spuren eines „Schweizer“ Judentums in römischer Zeit (Unpublished). In: Jüdische Kulturwoche Zürich.

Tyrell, Eva Dorothea (17 July 2018). On the Origins and Semantics of the Word 'Judentum' in the Early Modern Age (Unpublished). In: The XIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies. Krakau. 15.-19. Juli.

Wartenberg, Ilana (15 July 2018). Jacob bar Samson’s treatise on the Jewish calendar from twelfth-century Northern France (Unpublished). In: Searching for the Roots of Jewish Traditions, XIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS).

Bloch, René (July 2018). Different Departures: Philo of Alexandria and Josephus on the Exodus (Unpublished). In: European Association of Jewish Studies Conference, Krakow.

Gerson, Daniel (15 June 2018). Reformjudentum.

Wartenberg, Ilana (12 June 2018). חיבורו של יעקב בר שמשון על הלוח העברי (Unpublished). In: Seminar on the Jewish Calendar. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.

Wartenberg, Ilana (10 June 2018). An untraditional transmission of Euclid’s Elements in Isaac Israeli’s Yesod Olam from medieval Toledo (Unpublished). In: The Israel Society for History and Philosophy of Science 18th annual conference.

Bloch, René (June 2018). Les commentaires romains relatifs aux Juifs et au judaïsme à la lumière du débat actuel sur Ioudaios. (Unpublished). In: Peuple, philosophie et religion: approches croisées sur les autodéfinitions et les définitions des communautés chrétiennes (Ier – IVe siècles). Paris Nanterre.

Bloch, René (April 2018). Alexandria hebraica: Status quaestionis and some new questions (Unpublished). In: The Languages of the Jews: Diaspora, Language(s), and Jewish Identity. Utrecht University.

Gerson, Daniel (29 January 2018). "Man muss die Ängste ernst nehmen". Luzerner Zeitung

Gerson, Daniel (25 January 2018). Holocaust Survivors in Switzerland and their Impact on Remembrance (Unpublished). In: IHRA Holocaust Remembrance Day Helsinki 2018. Helsinki. 25.1.2018.

Münger, Stefan (2018). Seals and Sealings at Tell eṣ-Ṣâfi/Gath. Near Eastern archaeology, 81(1), pp. 72-76. Scholars Press 10.5615/neareastarch.81.1.0072

Münger, Stefan (2018). References to the Pharaoh in the Local Glyptic Assemblage of the Southern Levant During the First Part of the 1st Millennium BCE. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, 18, pp. 40-62. University of Arizona

Keel, Othmar; Münger, Stefan (2018). The Glyptics of Area G. In: Gilboa, Ayelet; Sharon, Ilan; Zorn, Jeffrey R.; Matskevich, Svetlana (eds.) Excavations at Dor, Final Report Volume IIIB: Area G, the Late Bronze and Iron Ages: Pottery, Artifacts, Ecofacts and Other Studies. Qedem Reports: Vol. 11 (pp. 233-246). Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Wartenberg, Ilana (2018). La trasmissione italiana dello Yesod ‘Olam (1309/10 e.v.) di Isaac Ha-Israeli. Materia giudaica, XXIII, pp. 331-348. Giuntina

Bloch, René (2018). Gruen, E.S., The Construct of Identity in Hellenistic Judaism. Judaica - Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums, 74, pp. 186-188. Zürcher Lehrhaus

Bloch, René; Martin Hogan, Karina (eds.) (2018). Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, (182-190). Brill

Bloch, René (ed.) (2018). Journal for the Study of Judaism, (49). Brill

Bloch, René (2018). What Sukkot Meant to Jews and Gentiles in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Thetorah.com

Meylan, Nicolas; Matthey, Philippe; Lozat, Mélanie; Massa, Francesco (eds.) (2018). Asdiwal. Revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions, 13. Société d'histoire des religions de Genève

Mastrangelo, Simon François (2018). Claiming one’s right to migrate due to injustice. The case of the Tunisian harraga. L'Année du Maghreb, 2018-I(18), pp. 21-35. 10.4000/anneemaghreb.3410

Mastrangelo, Simon François (2018). Trajectories of Tunisian Undocumented Migrants. Representations and understanding linked with faith in God. In: Ortar, Nathalie; Salzbrunn, Monika; Stock, Mathis (eds.) Migrations, circulations, mobilités. Nouveaux enjeux épistémologiques et conceptuels à l'épreuve du terrain (pp. 127-140). Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence

Souiah, Farida; Salzbrunn, Monika; Mastrangelo, Simon François (2018). Hope and Disillusion. The Images of Europe in Algerian and Tunisian Cultural Productions about Undocumented Migration (harga). In: Haleh Davis, Muriam; Serres, Thomas (eds.) North Africa and the Making of Europe (pp. 155-177). London: Bloomsbury


Münger, Stefan (15 November 2017). Introduction to the Kinneret Regional Project (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Boston, MA. 15.11.2017.

Münger, Stefan; Schroer, Silvia Maria (eds.) (2017). Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Shephelah. Papers Presented at a Colloquium of the Swiss Society for Ancient Near Eastern Studies Held at the University of Bern, September 6, 2014. Orbis biblicus et Orientalis: Vol. 282. Fribourg Academic Press

Münger, Stefan (2017). Khirbet Qeiyafa – A View from Tel Kinrot in the Eastern Lower Galilee. In: Schroer, Silvia Maria; Münger, Stefan (eds.) Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Shephelah. Papers Presented at a Colloquium of the Swiss Society for Ancient Near Eastern Studies Held at the University of Bern, September 6, 2014. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Vol. 282 (pp. 113-136). Fribourg (CH): Academic Press

Münger, Stefan (2017). Kinneret. In: Keel, Othmar (ed.) Corpus der Stempelsiegel-Amulette aus Palästina/Israel von den Anfängen bis zur Perserzeit. Katalog Band V: Von Tell el-ʿIdham bis Kitan. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis. Series Archaeologica: Vol. 35 (pp. 602-617). Fribourg (CH)/Göttingen: Academic Press Fribourg/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

Bloch, René (2017). Part of the Scene: Jewish Theatre in Antiquity. Journal of Ancient Judaism, 8(2), pp. 150-169. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

Lapidot, Elad (2017). Hans Jonas’s Work on Gnosticism as Counterhistory. Philosophical readings, ix(1), pp. 61-68. Philosophical Readings


Münger, Stefan (11 November 2016). The Archaeological Narrative of Tel Kinrot — Seasons 1994–2008 (Unpublished). In: The Archaeological Narrative of Tel Kinrot — Seasons 1994–2008. Leiden University, NL. 24.11.2016.

Zangenberg, Jürgen K.; Münger, Stefan; Hakola, Raimo; McCane, Byron; Rassalle, Tine; Kessi, Damian; Shivti’el, Yinon; Ballard, James; Berkheij-Dol, Anneke; Neumann, Frank; Bes, Philip; Tervahauta, Ulla (2016). Horbat Kur — Horbat Kur, Kinneret Regional Project — 2012, 2013. Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and surveys in Israel, 128 Israel Antiquities Authority

Zangenberg, Jürgen; Münger, Stefan; Hakola, Raimo; McCane, Byron R.; Rassalle, Tine; Kessi, Damian; Shivti'el, Yinon; Ballard, James; den Hertog, Lise; Berkheij-Dol, Johanna; Neumann, Frank; Bes, Philip; Tervehauta, Ulla (2016). חורבת כור – 2012–2013. Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel, 128 Israel Antiquities Authority


Münger, Stefan (21 November 2015). References to the Pharaoh in the Local Glyptic Assemblage of the Southern Levant during the 1st part of the 1st Millennium BCE (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature; Session: Egyptology and Ancient Israel. Atlanta. 21.-24.11.2015.

Münger, Stefan (21 November 2015). Religious Diversity in Byzantine Galilee: The Evidence from Horvat Kur (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research; Session: Archaeology of the Near East: e Classical Periods. 18.-21.11.2015.

Münger, Stefan; Weinblum, Liat (8 November 2015). DANA (Digital Archaeology and National Archives) – A New Software Tool for Field Archaeologists (Unpublished). In: Eva/Minerva 2015 - Digital Heritage, Israel. Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. 8.11.-9.11.2015.

Münger, Stefan (23 April 2015). References to the Pharaoh in the Local Glyptic Assemblage of the Southern Levant during the 1st part of the 1st Millennium BCE (Unpublished). In: International exploratory workshop "Egypt’s Role in the Hebrew Bible". Université de Lausanne. 22.-23.04.2015.

Münger, Stefan (21 April 2015). Ethnicity and Identity in Northern Palestine during the Early Iron Age: Tel Kinrot as a Test Case (Unpublished). In: Workshop “What Is ‘Ethnicity’ and Who Belongs to a ‘Minority’?”. University of Helsinki. 21.04.2015.

Münger, Stefan; Weinblum, Liat (31 March 2015). DANA (Digital Archaeology and National Archives) - A New Software Tool for Field Archaeologists (Unpublished). In: CAA International (Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology). University of Siena, Complesso Universitario San Niccolò, Siena. 31.03.2015.


Münger, Stefan (21 November 2014). Digital Data Collection and Processing in Field and Lab: The Approach of Kinneret Regional Project. In: Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Section Cyber-Archaeology in the Middle East Today. San Diego/CA. 19.-22.11.2014.

Münger, Stefan (3 November 2014). Contrasts, Contacts, and Interconnections — Tel Kinrot as an Early Iron Age Key Site in the Northern Jordan Rift Valley at the Dawn of the 1st Millennium BCE. In: The Sea Peoples Up-To-Date. New Research on the Migration of Peoples in the 12th Century BCE. Wien. 3.-4.11.2014.

Münger, Stefan; Levy, Thomas E. (2014). The Iron Age Egyptian Amulet Assemblage. In: Levy, Thomas E.; Najjar, Mohammad; Ben-Yosef, Erez (eds.) New Insights into the Iron Age Archaeology of Edom, Southern Jordan: Surveys, Excavations and Research from the University of California, San Diego & Department of Antiquities of Jordan, Edom Lowlands Regional Archaeology Project (ELRAP). Monumenta archaeologica: Vol. 35 (pp. 741-765). Los Angeles: The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press

Münger, Stefan (1 September 2014). Who, When, and Why – 
Investigating Cultural Footprints at Early Iron Age Tel Kinrot. In: Aram and Israel: Cultural Interaction, Political Borders and Construction of Identity during the Early Iron Age (12th–8th centuries BCE). Heidelberg. 01.-04.9.2014.

Levy, Thomas E.; Münger, Stefan; Najjar, Mohammad (2014). A Newly Discovered Scarab of Sheshonq I: Recent Iron Age Explorations in Southern Jordan. Antiquity – Project Gallery(341) Durham University

Zangenberg, Jürgen K.; Münger, Stefan; Hakola, Raimo; McCane, Byron R. (2014). The Kinneret Regional Project Excavations of a Byzantine Synagogue at Horvat Kur, Galilee, 2010-2013: A Preliminary Report. Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, 2(4), pp. 557-576. 10.1628/219222713X13933396528441

Neumann, Frank H.; Zangenberg, Jürgen K.; Shivti'el, Yinon; Münger, Stefan (2014). Galilee Blooming: First Palynological and Archaeological Data from an Early Byzantine Cistern at Horvat Kur. Environmental archaeology, 19(1), pp. 39-54. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group 10.1179/1749631413Y.0000000004


Zangenberg, Jürgen K.; Münger, Stefan; Hakola, Raimo; McCane, Byron (23 November 2013). Report on 2010-2013 Excavations at Horvat Kur, Galilee (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Baltimore/MD. 20.-23.11.2013.

Münger, Stefan (2013). Early Iron Age Kinneret – Early Aramaean or Just Late Canaanite? Remarks on the Material Culture of a Border Site in Northern Palestine at the Turn of an Era. In: Arameans, Chaldeans, and Arabs in Babylonia and Palestine in the First Millennium B.C. Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien: Vol. 3 (pp. 149-182). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz

Münger, Stefan (2 June 2013). The "Image" of the Pharaoh in Judahite and Israelite Society According to the Glyptic Evidence (Unpublished). In: Out of Egypt: Israel's Exodus between Text and Memory, History and Imagination. Invitation-Only Conference at UCSD. San Diego/CA. 01.-03.06.2013.

Münger, Stefan (24 May 2013). Kinneret – eine nichtbiblische Stadt 
im Land der Bibel (Unpublished). In: Senioren-Universität Bern. Universität Bern. 24.05.2013.

Zangenberg, Jürgen K.; Münger, Stefan; Rassalle, Tine (January 2013). Synagoge van Horvat Kur geeft steeds meer geheimen bloot. Archeologie Magazine

Münger, Stefan (2013). Geser 691. In: Keel, Othmar (ed.) Corpus der Stempelsiegel-Amulette IV. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis. Series Archaeologica: Vol. 33 (pp. 464-465). Fribourg: Academic Press

Zangenberg, Jürgen K.; Münger, Stefan; Hakola, Raimo; Bonnie, Rick; Wyssmann, Patrick Olivier (2013). Horbat Kur — 2011 Preliminary Report. Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel, 125 Israel Antiquities Authority


Münger, Stefan (2012). " … et on l'inhuma dans sa maison": Indices archéologiques au sujet de l'enterrement dans la maison d'habitation en Ancien Israël et dans ses alentours pendant le Fer I (c. 1130-950 avant notre ère). In: Durand, Jean-Marie; Römer, Thomas; Hutzli, Jürg (eds.) Les vivants et leurs morts. Actes du colloque organisé par le Collège de France, Paris, les 14-15 avril 2010. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Vol. 257 (pp. 227-239). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht V&R unipress

Münger, Stefan (2012). Art. Chinneret (I. Archaeology; II. Hebrew Bible). In: Allison, Dale C. Jr.; Leppin, Volker; Seow, Choon-Leong; Spieckermann, Hermann; Walfish, Barry Dov; Ziolkowski, Eric (eds.) Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Vol. 5 (pp. 130-131). Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/ebr.chinnereth

Keel, Othmar; Münger, Stefan (2012). Excavated Stamp-Seal Amulets. In: Maeir, Aren M (ed.) Tell es-Safi/Gath I: The 1996-2005 Seasons. Ägypten und Altes Testament: Vol. 69 (pp. 455-461). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz

Münger, Stefan (2012). Contrasts, Contacts, and Interconnections - The Regional Context of Ancient Kinneret at the Dawn of the 1st Millennium BCE. In: Conference "The Land of Geshur: Archaeological Reconstruction". Keyo University, Tokyo, Japan. 17.3.2012.

Münger, Stefan (2012). Early Iron Age Kinneret: An Urban Center at the Periphery. In: Conference "Society of Biblical Literature, International Meeting". Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 24.7.2012.

Münger, Stefan (2012). Skarabäen aus Tanis in Palästina im 10. Jh. v.u.Z (Unpublished). In: Conference "Skarabäen des 1. Jahrtausends". Westfählische Wilhelms Universität, Münster, Germany. 27.10.2012.

Münger, Stefan (2012). Early Iron Age Kinneret: An Urban Center at the Periphery (Unpublished). In: Conference "American Schools of Oriental Research, Annual Meeting". Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Chicago, Illinois. 17.11.2012.

Hutzli, Jürg; Münger, Stefan (2012). "…. and they buried him in his house at Ramah" (1 Sam 25:1): Archaeological and Literary Indications Relating to the Burial in Residential Houses in the Southern Levant (Unpublished). In: Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. McCormick Place Convention Center, Chicago, Illinois. 19.11.2012.


Münger, Stefan (2011). Studien zur Frühen Eisenzeit in Israel/Palästina (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Theology)

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