Mitochondrial biogenesis in trypanosomes - Expect the unexpected

Schneider, André (31 March 2017). Mitochondrial biogenesis in trypanosomes - Expect the unexpected (Unpublished). In: 68. Mosbacher Kolloquium – „Cell Organelles – Origin, Dynamics, Communication. Mosbach, Germany. 30.03.2017-01.04.2017.

Trypanosomes have emerged as a novel system to study mitochondrial biogenesis that is essentially unrelated to yeast and mammals. Recently we have characterized the protein complexes in the outer and the inner membrane that mediate protein import. They are very different from the TOM and TIM complexes of yeast and mammals. The trypanosomal TOM complex analogue, termed ATOM complex, contains only two proteins that show homology to yeast and mammalian Tom40 and Tom22, respectively. All other ATOM subunits, including two protein import receptors, are unique to trypanosomatids. For the integral membrane subunits of the trypanosomal TIM complex the situation is even more extreme. While yeast and mammals have two TIM complexes that are specialized for different substrates. Trypanosomes contain a single TIM complex only. Moreover, only one of its subunits shows homology to Tim subunits of yeast and mammals.
The inheritance of the single unit mitochondrial DNA of trypanosomes is also unusual. It is physically linked, across both membranes, to the basal body of the flagellum in the cytosol. This linkage is termed tripartite attachment complex (TAC) and mediates the segregation of the replicated mitochondrial genomes. Recently we have characterized an OM protein complex, that is essential for TAC function. It contains two alpha-helically anchored membrane proteins as well as two beta-barrel proteins. The biogenesis pathway of this membrane complex is currently being investigated.

Item Type:

Conference or Workshop Item (Speech)


08 Faculty of Science > Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (DCBP)

UniBE Contributor:

Schneider, André


500 Science > 570 Life sciences; biology
500 Science > 540 Chemistry




Christina Schüpbach

Date Deposited:

23 Jan 2018 13:06

Last Modified:

05 Dec 2022 15:09


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