Cluster: Socio-economic Transition
Id | 1191 |
Grant Value | UNSPECIFIED |
Commencement Date / Completion Date | UNSPECIFIED - UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors | Sabin Bieri |
Publications |
Bieri, Sabin; Breu, Thomas; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Messerli, Peter; Tschopp, Maurice Nicolas
Vernehmlassungsbeitrag CDE zur Botschaft des Bundes zur Internationalen Zusammenarbeit 2021-2024
(Policy Document - Vernehmlassungsbeitrag).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Bieri, Sabin (15 November 2018). Entwicklungszusammenarbeit braucht mehr Freiheit. Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ, p. 12. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung Bieri, Sabin (2019). L'Asie, un modèle pour réduire la pauvreté en Afrique? In: Almanach Entwicklungspolitik 2020: Afrika zwischen Aufbruch und Armut (pp. 193-208). Luzern, Schweiz: Caritas Verlag Bieri, Sabin; Breu, Thomas (21 April 2020). Wirtschaftswachstum ist kein Allzweckmittel. Die Volkswirtschaft: Plattform für Wirtschaftspolitik, 2020(5), pp. 50-52. SECO Bieri, Sabin (2020). Die Agenda 2030 gibt die Richtung vor. Klimafreundlich Schweiz, pp. 16-17. UTK Media GmbH Illien, Patrick; Pérez Niño, Helena; Bieri, Sabin (2021). Agrarian class relations in Rwanda: a labour-centred perspective. The journal of peasant studies, 49(6), pp. 1181-1206. Routledge 10.1080/03066150.2021.1923008 Illien, Patrick; Birachi, Eliud; Douangphachanh, Maliphone; Phommavong, Saithong; Bader, Christoph; Bieri, Sabin (2022). Measuring non-monetary poverty in the coffee heartlands of Laos and Rwanda: comparing MPI and EDI frameworks. Journal of development effectiveness, 14(4), pp. 416-447. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/19439342.2022.2047765 Nanhthavong, Vong; Bieri, Sabin; Nguyen, Anh-Thu; Hett, Cornelia; Epprecht, Michael (2022). Proletarianization and gateways to precarization in the context of land-based investments for agricultural commercialization in Lao PDR. World development, 155, p. 105885. Elsevier 10.1016/j.worlddev.2022.105885 Illien, Patrick (2022). The Bittersweet Taste of “Miracle Growth”: A Political Economy Analysis of Poverty, Labour, and Economic Growth in the Coffee Heartlands of Laos and Rwanda. (Dissertation, Universität Bern) Illien, Patrick; Birachi, Eliud; Douangphachanh, Maliphone; Phommavong, Saithong; Bieri, Sabin (2023). Bittersweet fruits of ‘miracle growth’: Identifying poverty and labour dynamics in coffee heartlands (CDE Policy Brief 20). Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland Matthys, Marie-Luise; Illien, Patrick; Acharya, Sushant; Amacker, Michèle; Bieri, Sabin; Musafili, Ildephonse; Sanesathid, Outhoumphone (2024). The Role of High-Value Agriculture in Capability Expansion: Qualitative Insights into Smallholder Cash Crop Production in Nepal, Laos and Rwanda. The European journal of development research, 36(1), pp. 243-262. Springer 10.1057/s41287-023-00600-1 Abad, Carmenza Robledo; Bieri, Sabin; Eschen, René; Fuerst, Sandra; Jacobi, Johanna; Jiménez, Elizabeth; Zonta, Aymara Llanque; Naughton, Meleesa; Schaffner, Urs; Winkler, Mirko S.; Flury, Manuel (2023). Promising practices for dealing with complexity in research for development. Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 32(1), pp. 115-124. Oekom Verlag 10.14512/gaia.32.1.8 Matthys, Marie-Luise; Illien, Patrick; Acharya, Sushant; Sanesathid, Outhoumphone; Musafili, Ildephonse (2020). Working together over thousands of miles: How six PhD students in five countries strive to write a joint publication. In: Feminization, agricultural transition and rural employment. Illien, Patrick (2019). Sharing the Struggles: Preparing for Social Science Fieldwork. In: Feminization, agricultural transition and rural employment. Illien, Patrick (2024). Coffee and the agrarian questions in Laos and Rwanda: Taking a bottom-up perspective. Journal of rural studies, 106 Elsevier 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2024.103201 Illien, Patrick; Bieri, Sabin (2024). Political settlements analysis and the study of pro-poor development: Laos and Rwanda compared. World development, 181 Elsevier 10.1016/j.worlddev.2024.106634 |
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