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Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Auger, Martin; Berner, Roman Matthias; Chen, Yifan; Göldi, Damian; Mettler, Thomas Josua; Sinclair, James Robert; Wilkinson, Callum (2020). A New Concept for Kilotonne Scale Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers. Instruments, 4(1), p. 6. MDPI 10.3390/instruments4010006
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Auger, Martin; Göldi, Damian; Lorca Galindo, David; Lüthi, Matthias; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Sinclair, James Robert; Stocker, Francesca Agnes (2020). First Demonstration of a Pixelated Charge Readout for Single-Phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers. Instruments, 4(1), p. 9. MDPI 10.3390/instruments4010009
Auger, Martin; Chen, Yifan; Ereditato, Antonio; Weber, Michele; Göldi, Damian; Kreslo, Igor; Lüthi, Matthias; Mettler, Thomas; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Weber, Michael (2019). First measurement of νμ charged-current π⁰ production on argon with the MicroBooNE detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 99(9) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.091102
Auger, Martin; Chen, Yifan; Ereditato, Antonio; Göldi, Damian; Kreslo, Igor; Lüthi, Matthias; Mettler, Thomas; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Weber, Michael (2019). Design and construction of the MicroBooNE Cosmic Ray Tagger system. Journal of instrumentation, 14(04), P04004-P04004. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/14/04/P04004
Weber, Michael; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Auger, Martin; Chen, Yifan; Göldi, Damian; Lorca Galindo, David; Lüthi, Matthias; Mettler, Thomas; Sinclair, James Robert (2019). Rejecting cosmic background for exclusive charged current quasi elastic neutrino interaction studies with Liquid Argon TPCs; a case study with the MicroBooNE detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(8) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7184-7
Nesteruk, Konrad Pawel; Auger, Martin; Braccini, Saverio; Carzaniga, Tommaso Stefano; Ereditato, Antonio; Scampoli, Paola (2018). A system for online beam emittance measurements and proton beam characterization. Journal of instrumentation, 13(01), P01011-P01011. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/13/01/P01011
Auger, Martin; Chen, Yifan; Ereditato, Antonio; Göldi, Damian; Kreslo, Igor; Lorca, David; Lüthi, Matthias; Mettler, Thomas; Sinclair, James; Weber, Michele (2018). ArCLight—A Compact Dielectric Large-Area Photon Detector. Instruments, 2(1), p. 3. MDPI 10.3390/instruments2010003
Carzaniga, Tommaso Stefano; Auger, Martin; Braccini, Saverio; Bunka, M.; Ereditato, Antonio; Nesteruk, Konrad Pawel; Scampoli, Paola; Thürler, A.; van der Meulen, N. (2017). Measurement of 43Sc and 44Sc production cross-section with an 18 MeV medical PET cyclotron. Applied radiation and isotopes, 129, pp. 96-102. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.08.013
Auger, Martin; Braccini, Saverio; Carzaniga, Tommaso Stefano; Ereditato, Antonio; Nesteruk, Konrad Pawel; Scampoli, Paola (2016). A detector based on silica fibers for ion beam monitoring in a wide current range. Journal of instrumentation, 11(P03027), P03027-P03027. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/11/03/P03027
Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Auger, Martin; Braccini, Saverio; Carzaniga, Tommaso Stefano; Ereditato, Antonio; Nesteruk, Konrad Pawel; Pistillo, Ciro; Scampoli, Paola (February 2016). Proton scattering radiography using an emulsion detector: a feasibility study. Radiotherapy and oncology, 118(Suppl1), S21-S22. Elsevier 10.1016/S0167-8140(16)30043-3
Auger, Martin; Braccini, Saverio; Carzaniga, Tommaso Stefano; Ereditato, Antonio; Nesteruk, Konrad Pawel; Scampoli, Paola (February 2016). An online beam monitor detector for medical applications of ion beams. Radiotherapy and oncology, 118(Suppl1), S13-S14. Elsevier 10.1016/S0167-8140(16)30027-5
Auger, Martin; Blatter, Alexander; Ereditato, Antonio; Göldi, Damian; Janos, Stefan; Kreslo, Igor; Lüthi, Matthias; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Strauss, Thomas; Weber, Michael (2016). On the Electric Breakdown in Liquid Argon at Centimeter Scale. Journal of instrumentation, 11(3), p. 3017. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/11/03/P03017
Auger, Martin; Braccini, Saverio; Ereditato, Antonio; Häberli, Marcel; Kirillova, Elena; Nesteruk, Konrad Pawel; Scampoli, Paola (2016). Accelerator and detector physics at the Bern medical cyclotron and its beam transport line. Nukleonika, 61(1), pp. 11-14. De Gruyter 10.1515/nuka-2016-0009
Auger, Martin; Braccini, Saverio; Ereditato, Antonio; Nesteruk, Konrad Pawel; Scampoli, Paola (2015). Low current performance of the Bern medical cyclotron down to the pA range. Measurement science & technology, 26(9), 094006. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/0957-0233/26/9/094006
Auger, Martin; Ereditato, Antonio; Göldi, Damian; Janos, Stefan; Kreslo, Igor; Lüthi, Matthias; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Strauss, Thomas; Tolba, Tamer; Weber, Michael (2014). A method to suppress dielectric breakdowns in liquid argon ionization detectors for cathode to ground distances of several millimeters. Journal of instrumentation, 9(07), P07023-P07023. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/07/P07023
EXO, ; Auger, Martin; Giroux, Guillaume; Gornea, Razvan; Vuilleumier, Jean-Luc (2011). A xenon gas purity monitor for EXO. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A - accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 659(11), pp. 215-228. Amsterdam: North-Holland 10.1016/j.nima.2011.09.017