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Beyer, Jörg; Schlögi, Mathias (2023). Krebstherapie bei alten und hochbetagten Menschen. info@onco-suisse(3), pp. 9-12. Aerzteverlag medinfo AG
Bührer, Emanuel; D'Haese, David; Daugaard, Gedske; de Wit, Ronald; Albany, Costantine; Tryakin, Alexey; Fizazi, Karim; Stahl, Olof; Gietema, Jourik A; De Giorgi, Ugo; Cafferty, Fay H; Hansen, Aaron R; Tandstad, Torgrim; Huddart, Robert A; Necchi, Andrea; Sweeney, Christopher J; Garcia-Del-Muro, Xavier; Heng, Daniel Y C; Lorch, Anja; Chovanec, Michal; ... (2024). Impact of teratoma on survival probabilities of patients with metastatic non-seminomatous germ cell cancer: Results from the IGCCCG Update Consortium. European journal of cancer, 202(114042), p. 114042. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejca.2024.114042
Helnwein, Simon; Hoch, Dennis; Beyer, Jörg (2024). [No Differences in Testis Cancer Outcomes between urban and rural regions in the Canton of Berne]. Praxis, 113(1), pp. 12-14. Hogrefe
Lauritsen, Jakob; Sauvé, Nicolas; Tryakin, Alexey; Jiang, Di Maria; Huddart, Robert; Heng, Daniel Y C; Terbuch, Angelika; Winquist, Eric; Chovanec, Michal; Hentrich, Marcus; Fankhauser, Christian D; Shamash, Jonathan; Del Muro, Xavier Garcia; Vaughn, David; Heidenreich, Axel; Sternberg, Cora N; Sweeney, Christopher; Necchi, Andrea; Bokemeyer, Carsten; Bandak, Mikkel; ... (2023). Outcomes of relapsed clinical stage I versus de novo metastatic testicular cancer patients: an analysis of the IGCCCG Update database. British journal of cancer, 129(11), pp. 1759-1765. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41416-023-02443-3
Fankhauser, Christian D; Jandari, Abolghassem; Collette, Laurence; Tandstad, Torgrim; Jiang, Di Maria; De Giorgi, Ugo; Sweeney, Christopher; Terbuch, Angelika; Chovanec, Michal; Huddart, Robert; Bokemeyer, Carsten; Beyer, Jörg; Gillessen, Silke (2023). Prechemotherapy Not Preorchiectomy Serum Tumor Markers Accurately Identify International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group Prognostic Groups in Nonseminoma. European urology open science, 56, pp. 25-28. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euros.2023.08.008
Speicher, Philip; Fankhauser, Christian D; Lorch, Anja; Ardizzone, Davide; Helnwein, Simon; Hoch, Dennis; Hermanns, Thomas; Beyer, Jörg; Akhoundova, Dilara (2023). Excellent survival in relapsed stage I testicular cancer. BMC cancer, 23(1), p. 870. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12885-023-11388-y
Templeton, Arnoud J; Omlin, Aurelius; Berthold, Dominik; Beyer, Jörg; Burger, Irene A; Eberli, Daniel; Engeler, Daniel; Fankhauser, Christian; Fischer, Stefanie; Gillessen, Silke; Nicolas, Guillaume; Kroeze, Stephanie; Lorch, Anja; Müntener, Michael; Papachristofilou, Alexandros; Schaefer, Niklaus; Seiler, Daniel; Stenner, Frank; Tsantoulis, Petros; Vlajnic, Tatjana; ... (2023). Interdisciplinary Swiss consensus recommendations on staging and treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Swiss medical weekly, 153, p. 40108. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.57187/smw.2023.40108
Akhoundova, Dilara; Beyer, Jörg (2023). Weitere Fortschritte bei Blasen- und Hodenkrebs (In Press). Leading Opinions. Hämatologie & Onkologie Universimed
Notarfrancesco, Marco; Fankhauser, Christian D; Lorch, Anja; Ardizzone, Davide; Helnwein, Simon; Hoch, Dennis; Hermanns, Thomas; Thalmann, George; Beyer, Jörg (2023). Perioperative complications and oncological outcomes of post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in patients with germ cell cancer at two high-volume university centres in Switzerland - a retrospective chart review. Swiss medical weekly, 153, p. 40053. SMW supporting association 10.57187/smw.2023.40053
Hoch, Dennis; Rabaglio, Manuela; Grob, Tobias; von Gunten, Michael; Beyer, Jörg; Akhoundova, Dilara (2023). Exceptional Response to Pembrolizumab in a Mismatch Repair-Deficient Aggressive Prostate Cancer with Somatic EPCAM, MSH2, and MSH6 Co-Deletion: A Case Report. Case reports in oncology, 16(1), pp. 1280-1286. Karger 10.1159/000534177
Hoch, Dennis; Helnwein, Simon; Adrizzone, Davide; Lorch, Anja; Fankhauser, Christian; Hermanns, Thomas; Thalmann, George; Beyer, Jörg (2023). No Survival Differences among Germ-Cell Cancer Patients from Urban and Rural Areas. Oncology research and treatment, 46(10), pp. 435-439. Karger 10.1159/000533505
Christiansen, Ailsa J; Lobo, João; Fankhauser, Christian D; Rothermundt, Christian; Cathomas, Richard; Batavia, Aashil A; Grogg, Josias B; Templeton, Arnoud J; Hirschi-Blickenstorfer, Anita; Lorch, Anja; Gillessen, Silke; Moch, Holger; Beyer, Jörg; Hermanns, Thomas (2022). Impact of differing methodologies for serum miRNA-371a-3p assessment in stage I testicular germ cell cancer recurrence. Frontiers in oncology, 12(1056823), p. 1056823. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fonc.2022.1056823
Grogg, Josias Bastian; Dursun, Zeynep Hafza; Beyer, Joerg; Eberli, Daniel; Poyet, Cedric; Hermanns, Thomas; Fankhauser, Christian Daniel (2022). Oncological and functional outcomes after testis-sparing surgery in patients with germ cell tumors: a systematic review of 285 cases. World journal of urology, 40(9), pp. 2293-2303. Springer 10.1007/s00345-022-04048-6
Lobo, João; Rodrigues, Ângelo; Henrique, Rui; Christiansen, Ailsa; Beyer, Jörg; Moch, Holger; Bode, Peter Karl (2022). Morphological spectrum and molecular features of somatic malignant transformation in germ cell tumours. Histopathology, 81(1), pp. 84-98. Wiley 10.1111/his.14667
Pratsinis, Manolis; Fankhauser, Christian; Pratsinis, Katerina; Beyer, Jörg; Bührer, Emanuel; Cathomas, Richard; Fischer, Natalie; Hermanns, Thomas; Hirschi-Blickenstorfer, Anita; Kamradt, Jörn; Alex Kluth, Luis; Zihler, Deborah; Mingrone, Walter; Müller, Beat; Nestler, Tim; Rothschild, Sacha I; Seifert, Bettina; Templeton, Arnoud J; Terbuch, Angelika; Ufen, Mark-Peter; ... (2022). Metastatic Potential of Small Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Implications for Surveillance of Small Testicular Masses. European urology open science, 40, pp. 16-18. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euros.2022.03.013
Fankhauser, Christian D; Christiansen, Ailsa J; Rothermundt, Christian; Cathomas, Richard; Wettstein, Marian S; Grossmann, Nico C; Grogg, Josias B; Templeton, Arnoud J; Hirschi-Blickenstorfer, Anita; Lorch, Anja; Gillessen, Silke; Moch, Holger; Beyer, Joerg; Hermanns, Thomas (2022). Detection of recurrences using serum miR-371a-3p during active surveillance in men with stage I testicular germ cell tumours. British journal of cancer, 126(8), pp. 1140-1144. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41416-021-01643-z
Radke, Alexander; Beyer, Jörg (2022). [Diagnosis and Therapy of Anal Carcinoma]. Praxis, 110(2), pp. 89-96. Hogrefe 10.1024/1661-8157/a003804
Fankhauser, Christian Daniel; Roth, Lisa; Kranzbühler, Benedikt; Eberli, Daniel; Bode, Peter; Moch, Holger; Oliveira, Pedro; Ramani, Vijay; Beyer, Joerg; Hermanns, Thomas (2021). The Role of Frozen Section Examination During Inguinal Exploration in Men with Inconclusive Testicular Tumors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. European urology focus, 7(6), pp. 1400-1402. Elsevier 10.1016/j.euf.2020.06.019
Grogg, Josias Bastian; Fronzaroli, Jordi Nicola; Oliveira, Pedro; Bode, Peter-Karl; Lorch, Anja; Issa, Allaudin; Beyer, Joerg; Eberli, Daniel; Sangar, Vijay; Hermanns, Thomas; Clarke, Noel William; Fankhauser, Christian Daniel (2021). Clinicopathological characteristics and outcomes in men with mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis: analysis of published case-series data. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology, 147(9), pp. 2671-2679. Springer 10.1007/s00432-021-03533-6
Beyer, Jörg; Berthold, Dominik; Bode, Peter-Karl; Cathomas, Richard; Fankhauser, Christian D; Fischer, Stefanie; Gillessen, Silke; Gross, Tobias; Hermanns, Thomas; Honecker, Friedemann; Lorch, Anja; Omlin, Aurelius; Papachristofilou, Alexandros; Roth, Beat; Rothermundt, Christian; Seiler, Roland; Spahn, Martin; Stenner, Frank; Bührer, Emanuel (2021). Swiss germ-cell cancer consensus recommendations. Swiss medical weekly, 151(33-34) EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/SMW.2021.w30023
Beyer, Jörg; Collette, Laurence; Sauvé, Nicolas; Daugaard, Gedske; Feldman, Darren R; Tandstad, Torgrim; Tryakin, Alexey; Stahl, Olof; Gonzalez-Billalabeitia, Enrique; De Giorgi, Ugo; Culine, Stéphane; de Wit, Ronald; Hansen, Aaron R; Bebek, Marko; Terbuch, Angelika; Albany, Costantine; Hentrich, Marcus; Gietema, Jourik A; Negaard, Helene; Huddart, Robert A; ... (2021). Survival and New Prognosticators in Metastatic Seminoma: Results From the IGCCCG-Update Consortium. Journal of clinical oncology, 39(14), pp. 1553-1562. American Society of Clinical Oncology 10.1200/JCO.20.03292
Gillessen, Silke; Sauvé, Nicolas; Collette, Laurence; Daugaard, Gedske; de Wit, Ronald; Albany, Costantine; Tryakin, Alexey; Fizazi, Karim; Stahl, Olof; Gietema, Jourik A; De Giorgi, Ugo; Cafferty, Fay H; Hansen, Aaron R; Tandstad, Torgrim; Huddart, Robert A; Necchi, Andrea; Sweeney, Christopher J; Garcia-Del-Muro, Xavier; Heng, Daniel Y C; Lorch, Anja; ... (2021). Predicting Outcomes in Men With Metastatic Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumors (NSGCT): Results From the IGCCCG Update Consortium. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 39(14), pp. 1563-1574. 10.1200/JCO.20.03296
Gallo, Alessandra; Fankhauser, Christian; Hermanns, Thomas; Beyer, Jörg; Christiansen, Ailsa; Moch, Holger; Bode, Peter Karl (2020). HNF1β is a sensitive and specific novel marker for yolk sac tumor: a tissue microarray analysis of 601 testicular germ cell tumors. Modern pathology, 33(11), pp. 2354-2360. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41379-020-0597-x
Grogg, Josias Bastian; Schneider, Kym; Bode, Peter-Karl; Kranzbühler, Benedikt; Eberli, Daniel; Sulser, Tullio; Beyer, Joerg; Lorch, Anja; Hermanns, Thomas; Fankhauser, Christian Daniel (2020). Risk factors and treatment outcomes of 239 patients with testicular granulosa cell tumors: a systematic review of published case series data. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology, 146(11), pp. 2829-2841. Springer 10.1007/s00432-020-03326-3
Grogg, Josias; Schneider, Kym; Bode, Peter Karl; Kranzbühler, Benedikt; Eberli, Daniel; Sulser, Tullio; Lorch, Anja; Beyer, Joerg; Hermanns, Thomas; Fankhauser, Christian Daniel (2020). Sertoli Cell Tumors of the Testes: Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of Outcomes in 435 Patients. The oncologist, 25(7), pp. 585-590. AlphaMed Press 10.1634/theoncologist.2019-0692
Fischer, Stefanie; Tandstad, Torgrim; Cohn-Cedermark, Gabriella; Thibault, Constance; Vincenzi, Bruno; Klingbiel, Dirk; Albany, Costantine; Necchi, Andrea; Terbuch, Angelika; Lorch, Anja; Aparicio, Jorge; Heidenreich, Axel; Hentrich, Marcus; Wheater, Matthew; Langberg, Carl W; Ståhl, Olof; Fankhauser, Christian Daniel; Hamid, Anis A; Koutsoukos, Konstantinos; Shamash, Jonathan; ... (2020). Outcome of Men With Relapses After Adjuvant Bleomycin, Etoposide, and Cisplatin for Clinical Stage I Nonseminoma. Journal of clinical oncology, 38(12), pp. 1322-1331. American Society of Clinical Oncology 10.1200/JCO.19.01876
Beyer, Jörg; Cathomas, Richard; Afshar Oromieh, Ali (2020). Die Rolle der 18F-FDG-PET/CT in der Diagnostik von gonadalen und extragonadalen Keimzelltumoren des Mannes. Der Nuklearmediziner, 43(04), pp. 327-331. 10.1055/a-1118-4683
Beyer, J. (2019). Prognostic factors in metastatic germ‐cell cancer. Andrology, 7(4), pp. 475-478. Wiley 10.1111/andr.12615
Cathomas, Richard; Beyer, Jörg (2019). Reply to V. Murthy et al. Journal of clinical oncology, 37(11), pp. 938-939. American Society of Clinical Oncology 10.1200/JCO.18.02289
Fankhauser, Christian Daniel; Gerke, Travis A.; Roth, Lisa; Sander, Sophia; Grossmann, Nico Christian; Kranzbühler, Benedikt; Eberli, Daniel; Sulser, Tullio; Beyer, Jörg; Hermanns, Thomas (2019). Pre-orchiectomy tumor marker levels should not be used for International Germ Cell Consensus Classification (IGCCCG) risk group assignment. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology, 145(3), pp. 781-785. Springer 10.1007/s00432-019-02844-z
Oing, Christoph; Giannatempo, Patrizia; Honecker, Friedemann; Oechsle, Karin; Bokemeyer, Carsten; Beyer, Jörg (2018). Palliative treatment of germ cell cancer. Cancer treatment reviews, 71, pp. 102-107. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ctrv.2018.10.007
Cathomas, Richard; Klingbiel, Dirk; Bernard, Brandon; Lorch, Anja; Garcia Del Muro, Xavier; Morelli, Franco; De Giorgi, Ugo; Fedyanin, Mikhail; Oing, Christoph; Haugnes, Hege Sagstuen; Hentrich, Marcus; Fankhauser, Christian; Gillessen, Silke; Beyer, Jörg (2018). Questioning the Value of Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography for Residual Lesions After Chemotherapy for Metastatic Seminoma: Results of an International Global Germ Cell Cancer Group Registry. Journal of clinical oncology, 36(34), pp. 3381-3387. American Society of Clinical Oncology 10.1200/JCO.18.00210
Honecker, F; Aparicio, J; Berney, D; Beyer, Jörg; Bokemeyer, C; Cathomas, R; Clarke, N; Cohn-Cedermark, G; Daugaard, G; Dieckmann, K-P; Fizazi, K; Fosså, S; Germa-Lluch, J R; Giannatempo, P; Gietema, J A; Gillessen, Silke; Haugnes, H S; Heidenreich, A; Hemminki, K; Huddart, R; ... (2018). ESMO Consensus Conference on testicular germ cell cancer: diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Annals of oncology, 29(8), pp. 1658-1686. Oxford University Press 10.1093/annonc/mdy217
Sandmeier, Nadja; Rothschild, Sacha I; Rothermundt, Christian; Cathomas, Richard; Schardt, Julian; Berthold, Dominik; von Burg, Philippe; Müller, Beat; Beyer, Jörg; Vogt, Deborah R; Stenner, Frank (2018). Pattern of Care Study in Metastatic Renal-Cell Carcinoma in the Preimmunotherapy Era in Switzerland. Clinical genitourinary cancer, 16(4), e711-e718. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clgc.2018.01.002
Gössi, Flavio; Spahn, Martin; Samaras, Panagiotis; Beyer, Jörg; Schardt, Julian; Pabst Müller, Thomas Niklaus (2018). Response to first-line treatment and histology are associated with achieving complete remission after the first salvage high-dose chemotherapy in relapsing germ cell tumor patients. Bone marrow transplantation, 53(7), pp. 820-825. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41409-018-0089-5
Fankhauser, Christian Daniel; Sander, Sophia; Roth, Lisa; Gross, Oliver; Eberli, Daniel; Sulser, Tullio; Seifert, Burkhardt; Beyer, Jörg; Hermanns, Thomas (2018). Systemic inflammatory markers have independent prognostic value in patients with metastatic testicular germ cell tumours undergoing first-line chemotherapy. British journal of cancer, 118(6), pp. 825-830. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/bjc.2017.467
Beyer, Jörg; Schrader, Mark (2018). Hodentumor: Medikamentöse Therapie bei refraktären Tumoren und Rezidiven. In: Michel, Maurice Stephan; Thüroff, Joachim W.; Janetschek, Günther; Wirth, Manfred (eds.) Die Urologie. Springer Reference Medizin (pp. 1-8). Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-41168-7_172-2
Nilius, Verena; Killer, Madeleine C; Timmesfeld, Nina; Schmitt, Melina; Moll, Roland; Lorch, Anja; Beyer, Jörg; Mack, Elisabeth; Lohoff, Michael; Burchert, Andreas; Neubauer, Andreas; Brendel, Cornelia (2018). High β-1,4-Galactosyltransferase-I expression in peripheral T-lymphocytes is associated with a low risk of relapse in germ-cell cancer patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell reinfusion. Oncoimmunology, 7(5), e1423169. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/2162402X.2017.1423169
Fankhauser, C D; Sander, S; Roth, L; Beyer, Jörg; Hermanns, T (2018). Improved survival in metastatic germ-cell cancer. Annals of oncology, 29(2), pp. 347-351. Oxford University Press 10.1093/annonc/mdx741
Omlin, Aurelius Gabriel; Spahn*, Martin; Beyer, Jörg; Eberli, Daniel; Gillessen, Silke; Jochum, Wolfram; Kueng, Marc; Nitzsche, Egbert; Rentsch, Cyrill A.; Roggero, Enrico; Schmid, Hans-Peter; Stenner, Frank; Templeton, Arnoud J.; Wild, Damian; Wyler, Stephen; Zwahlen, Daniel; Cathomas, Richard (2018). [Treatment of Advanced Prostate Carcinoma - an Interdisciplinary Recommendation]. Praxis, 107(19), pp. 1043-1051. Hogrefe 10.1024/1661-8157/a003054