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Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (19 November 2020). Filming Pasts: ethnographic approaches to memory research (Unpublished). In: Seminar series, Department of Social Anthropology. Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 19.11.2020.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (3 November 2020). Filming Pasts: ethnographic approaches to memory research (Unpublished). In: Seminar series, Department of Social Anthropology. University of Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland. 03.11.2020.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2020). Horror in the Andes: Ayacuchean Cinema In-the-making. [Movie]. In: Journal of Anthropological Films (2). Online: Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA) 10.15845/jaf.v4i02.3112
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (24 July 2020). Narrating truth and doing justice: Imagining (alternative) futures in contemporary Andean Cinema (Unpublished). In: EASA conference. Lisbon. 21.-24. July 2020.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2020). From muted places: Objects of resistance. [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Soho in Ottakring Art Festival. Vienna, online: SOHO
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy (2020). Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition]. In: LASA 2020, International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Guadalajara, Mexico. 13.-16.5.2020
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (1 April 2020). Narrating memories of violence: ethnography between subjectivity and complicity (Unpublished). In: Navigating challenging research relationships. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle. 1. Apr. 2020.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy (2020). Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Medellin International Film Festival. Colombia. 13.-16.2.20
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2020). Between Vision and Realty: Film- making in the Andes (Submitted). In: Vich, Cynthia; Barrow, Sarah (eds.) Peruvian Cinema in the Twenty First Century: Dynamic and Unstable Grounds. Palgrave
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2020). Creativity and Perseverance in a Precarious Context: Filmmaking in Ayacucho Between Artistic Vision and Lived Reality. In: Vich, Cynthia; Barrow, Sarah (eds.) Peruvian Cinema of the Twenty First Century: Dynamic and Unstable Grounds (pp. 85-102). Berlin: Palgrave Macmillan
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2020). Doing time – visual notes on waiting without quite knowing for what exactly. entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 3(2), pp. 79-85. S-M. Nolas and C. Varvantakis
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy (2019). Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Ethnofest. Athens, Greece. 27.11-4.12.19
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2019). Poetic visuality. An essay on the carceral experience. Visual Ethnography, 8(2) Altrimedia Edizioni
Lawrence, Andy (2019). Horror in the Andes [Movie]. In: SVA Film and Media Festival. Vancouver BC, Canada. 20-24 November 2019
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy (2019). Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Ethnografische Filmtage Bremen. Bremen Kino City. 12.-14.11.2019
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy (2019). Horror In the Andes [Performance or Exhibition]. In: In Short Film festival. Lagos.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy (2019). Horror in the Andes [Movie]. In: Short Long World Festival. Corrientes, Argentina. 7-10 November 2019
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy (2019). Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Oaxaca Film festival. 4-10. October 2019
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2019). Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition]. In: IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress "World Solidarities" audio-visual programme in Poznan. Poland. 27-31. August 2019
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy (2019). Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition]. In: South Film and Arts Academy Festival. Chile.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy (2019). Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Vision du Reel. Switzerland. 5-13 April 2019
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2019). Pursuing the Perpetual Conflict: Ethnographic Reflections on the Persistent Role of the ‘Terrorist Threat’ in Contemporary Peru. History & memory, 31(1), pp. 59-86. Indiana University Press 10.2979/histmemo.31.1.04
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy (2019). Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition]. In: RAI film festival. Bristol, UK. 27-30 March 2019
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (January 2019). Confinement, Surveillance and Resistance. In: Anthroblog, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Coppens, Laura (2019). Visuelle Forschungsmethoden. In: Beer, Bettina; König, Anika (eds.) Methoden ethnologischer Feldforschung. Ethnologische Paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer Verlag
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Ulfe, Maria Eugenia (2019). Antropología Visual y “Activismo de la Memoria” en el Perú. Forma - Revista d’Estudis Comparatius, 18, pp. 81-105. Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2019). Horror in the Andes [Movie]. Royal Anthropological Institute
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (14 December 2018). Horror in the Andes (Unpublished). In: Workshop. Swiss School of Latin American Studies (SSLAS). 14.-15.12.2018.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (11 December 2018). Horror in den Anden – Identitätspolitik und Horrorfilme in Peru.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Coppens, Laura; Schäuble, Michaela (21 October 2018). Thinking virtual realities: 'experience' in the age of new immersive media (Unpublished). In: Symposium of the Commission of Visual Anthropology of the Swiss Anthropological Society (SAS). Völkerkunde Museum, Universität Zürich, Schweiz. 19.-21.10.2018.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (21 September 2018). Antropología visual y el trabajo de memoria en Perú pos-conflicto (Unpublished). In: América Latina en la mira: Poder y representación en fuentes audiovisuals. Universität Bern, Schweiz. 21.-22.09.2018.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (23 May 2018). We need more heroes. Andean horror movies and their social role in reconstructing the past (Unpublished). In: Society for Latin American Studies (LASA) conference. Barcelona, Spanien. 23.-26.05.2018.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (22 January 2018). Activist Objects: The Materiality and Meaning of Human Remains in Postconflict Peru. Writing with Light, Cultural Anthropology Website American Anthropological Association
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2018). Between Memories. A collaborative journey into the experience of memory in post-war Peru. Journal of anthropological films, 2(2), e1559. Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA) 10.15845/jaf.v2i2.1559
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Ulfe, Maria Eugenia (2018). Counter Narratives: visual anthropology and ‘memory activism’ in Peru. AnthroVision - Vaneasa Online Journal, 6(6.2) VANEASA 10.4000/anthrovision.3725
Linstead, Stephen (2018). Black Snow [Movie].
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2017). ¡No Queremos! [Movie]. In: 50 Jahre Institut für Sozialanthropologie an der Universität Bern. Bern. 25.4.2017
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (30 March 2017). Counter-narratives: Visual Anthropology and ‘memory activism’ in Peru (Unpublished). In: Trends in Ethnographic Film-making in Latin America. Bristol. 30.03.2017.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2017). Dehumanizando – über die Konstruktion von Gerechtigkeit(en) fünfzehn Jahre nach Ende des internen bewaffneten Konflikts in Peru. In: Bens, Jonas; Zenker, Olaf (eds.) Gerechtigkeits-Gefühle: zur emotionalen Re-Formation nach Krisen und Konflikten (pp. 159-190). Berlin: Transkript Verlag
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (May 2015). Radio Latin Lounge - Im Interview mit Martha-Cecilia Dietrich. In: Radio Latin Lounge.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (29 April 2015). When Truth goes to Court: the shifting role of testimonies in post-conflict Peru. Open Democracy OpenDemocracy
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2015). Between memories [Movie]. Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Penny, Harvey (June 2014). Activist Objects and the Disappeared. In: Curating the activist (Blog).
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2009). Insights to Indigenous Media and collaborative Video Work. Die Maske. Zeitschrift für Kultur-und Sozialanthropologie, pp. 15-16. Kulturverein Pangea
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2009). Indigene Repräsentation im neuen Venezolanischen Fernsehen. Erkundungen zur medialen Konstruktion indigener Bilder und Identitäten. Saarbrücken: VDM
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2009). Take me to a Place Outside [Movie]. Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Tiefenbacher, Kerstin (2008). Ethnographische Beobachtungen. Feldforschung in Leitersdorf. In: Hölbling, Barbara (ed.) Hosted. Ein Dorf als Performance-Raum - als begehbare Installation (pp. 332-339). Hohenems: Bucher
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2007). Indigene Prepräsentation im "neuen" Venezolanischen Fernsehen. Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology, 2007(Art. 3), pp. 3-17. Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
Dietrich Ortega, Martha-Cecilia (2007). Indigene Repräsentation im ‚neuen’ Venezolanischen Fernsehen. Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology, pp. 3-17. Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia (2006). Indigenous co-determination - a question of survival? Lateinamerika Anders. Panorama, 2006(6) Informationsgruppe Lateinamerika