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Edres, Nijmi (4 October 2023). "Educational material in Muslim legal settings: handbooks as ‘quasi-codes’? An analysis of 'al-Murshid fī al-Qaḍāʾ al-Sharʿī' and its role as an instrument to standardize Muslim legal practice" (Unpublished). In: International workshop “Judges and Jurists in the Age of Codification: Production and Use of Islamic Legal Canons and Codes”. The Netherlands Institute in Morocco (NIMAR) in Rabat. 04-05 October 2023.
Edres, Nijmi (19 September 2023). Public Lecture "Political challenges and education reforms for Muslim youth: an introduction to the field" (Unpublished). In: Lecture Series "Teaching Islam: Negotiating Muslim Identities in Europe and the Middle East". University of Bern.
Edres, Nijmi (29 June 2023). “Introduction to the History and Exegesis of the Qur’an” (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture, Gymnasium Lerbermatt, Köniz.
Edres, Nijmi; Sonay, Ali (29 June 2023). “History and Exegesis of the Qur’an” (Unpublished). In: Unterrichtsstunde zum Thema “History and Exegesis of the Qur’an”. Bern. 29.06.2023.
Edres, Nijmi (12 May 2023). "Changing personal status codes as a discriminated minority: aspirations and pitfalls around the possibility to amend the 1917 Ottoman Law of Family Rights for Muslim Palestinians in Israel" (Unpublished). In: Workshop New Personal Status Laws. The American University in Cairo (online).
Edres, Nijmi (13 September 2022). "Modern codification of Islamic law: Israel as a case study" (Unpublished). In: Deutscher Orientalistentag. Freie Universität Berlin.
Edres, Nijmi (17 June 2022). “Processes of standardization of Islamic Law in Israel: a case study” (Unpublished). In: International conference “Canon or Code? Standardising and Transmitting Islamic Law”. University of Bergen.
Edres, Nijmi (20 May 2022). “Mahr: Legal practice affecting Palestinian Muslim Women in Israel” (Unpublished). In: The 10th Islamic Legal Studies Conference. The Aga Khan University in London.
Edres, Nijmi (2022). Gendered representations in Jordanian textbooks: A combined quantitative and qualitative analysis based on UNESCO guidelines for the promotion of gender equality. Cogent education, 9(1), pp. 1-22. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/2331186X.2022.2059826
Edres, Nijmi (2022). Donne palestinesi e giordane, dai tribunali sciaraitici ai libri di testo: l’importanza di un approccio multidisciplinare alla ricerca sui percorsi femminili. In: Anghelone, Francesco; Zakeri, Shirin (eds.) PERCORSI FEMMINILI E FEMMINISTI TRA MEDIO ORIENTE E AFRICA (pp. 27-31). OSMED e Istituto di Studi Politici "S. Pio V"
Edres, Nijmi; Sammler, Steffen (21 December 2021). Keynote address “The GEI perspective on Textbook Revisions" (Unpublished). In: International workshop “Textbook revisions in the Middle East and North Africa: Lessons to be learned from the Turkish case”. Georg-Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research – Member of the Leibniz Association, Braunschweig.
Edres, Nijmi (17 December 2021). “Religion, ideology and nation-building in Jordanian textbooks and curricula for the teaching of Arabic languages” (Unpublished). In: International conference “Language, teaching, and politics in Arabic and Chinese”. Milan University.
Edres, Nijmi; Adwan, Sami (13 December 2021). “Participatory article ‘Revisions of Islamic Education textbooks in selected MENA countries and Turkey: aims, pedagogy, actors, changes and reactions’- an introduction to the first draft” (Unpublished). In: International Workshop “Textbooks revisions in the MENA region: publications on religious and civics education”. Georg-Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research – Member of the Leibniz Association, Braunschweig.
Edres, Nijmi; Spielhaus, Riem (10 December 2021). “Social change and religious education: a methodological approach to the study of textbook revisions” (Unpublished). In: International conference «Teaching Religious education: challenges, developments and perspectives in a plural world”. Hamburg University.
Edres, Nijmi (2021). A statement released by Israeli šarīʿah Courts on the appointment of the first female in the position of šarīʿah judge in Israel. Oriente moderno, 101(1), pp. 113-143. Brill 10.1163/22138617-12340259
Edres, Nijmi (3 May 2021). "Donne palestinesi in Israele: l’evoluzione del diritto musulmano all’ombra del conflitto" (Unpublished). In: Book presentation. Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”.
Edres, Nijmi (2021). Religion, Ideology, and Nation-building in Jordanian Textbooks and Curricula for the Teaching of Arabic Language. Lingue culture Mediazioni - Languages cultures mediation, 8(2), pp. 81-100. Università degli Studi di Milano 10.7358/lcm-2021-002-edre
Edres, Nijmi (2020). Palestinian Queers and the Debate on Sexual Identity and Religious Normativity. In: Kreil, Aymon; Sorbera, Lucia; Tolino, Serena (eds.) Sex and Desire in Muslim Cultures. Beyond Norms and Transgression from the Abbasids to the Present Day (pp. 223-239). I.B. Tauris
Edres, Nijmi (17 April 2020). “Muslim jurisprudence and Islamic Law in Arab Countries” (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture. University of Milan, Department of Linguistic Mediation and Intercultural Studies.
Edres, Nijmi (17 April 2020). “War and conflicts in Palestinian literature in Israel: the intellectual production of Sayed Kashua” (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture. University of Milan, Department of Linguistic Mediation and Intercultural Studies.
Edres, Nijmi (16 April 2020). “Donne palestinesi in Israele: l’evoluzione del diritto musulmano all’ombra del conflitto” (Unpublished). In: Book presentation. University of Milan, Department of Linguistic Mediation and Intercultural Studies.
Edres, Nijmi (2020). Historical Rupture or Continuity? Insights into the Appointment of Female Qadi Hanāʾ Manṣūr-Khaṭīb, First Female Judge in Israeli Religious Courts. Hawwa : journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, 18(2-3), pp. 226-264. Brill 10.1163/15692086-12341378
Edres, Nijmi (15 August 2019). “Literature overview on Palestinian textbooks” (Unpublished). In: Workshop Analyse palästinensischer Schulbücher. Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut.
Edres, Nijmi (23 April 2019). "Stipulations into Muslim marriage contracts in Israel: preliminary insights into Tafwīḍ al-Ṭalāq and property relations agreements" (Unpublished). In: Workshop Marriage and Divorce in Modern Islamic Law. Center for the Study of Islam, Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Exeter University.
Edres, Nijmi (2019). Donne palestinesi in Israele: l’evoluzione del diritto musulmano all’ombra del conflitto. Carocci editore
Schneider, Irene; Edres, Nijmi (eds.) (2018). Uses of the Past: Sharīʿa and Gender in Legal Theory and Practice in Palestine and Israel. Studies on Islamic Cultural and Intellectual History: Vol. 2. Harrassowitz Verlag 10.2307/j.ctvcm4fxc
Edres, Nijmi (12 November 2018). “Methods of inquiry into Sharīʿa, Gender and Uses of the Past’” (Unpublished). In: Autumn School: Uses of the Past in Islamic Legal Thought and Practice. Leiden University.
Edres, Nijmi; Schneider, Irene (27 September 2018). "Gender and Sharīʿah in Muslim Legal Theory and Practice: the case of Israel and Palestine” (Unpublished). In: International Conference “Uses of the Past in Islamic Law”. Center for the Study of Islam, Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Exeter University.
Edres, Nijmi (18 July 2018). “The debate on the appointment of the first female judge to serve in Israeli Sharīʿa Courts: an interview with Hanāʾ Khaṭīb” (Unpublished). In: World Congress for Middle eastern Studies (WOCMES). University of Seville.
Edres, Nijmi (5 July 2018). “Becoming a Sharīʿa judge: an interview with Hanāʾ Manṣūr-Khaṭīb, first female Sharīʿa judge appointed in Israel” (Unpublished). In: International Workshop on “Gender and Judging in the Middle East and Africa: Emerging Scholarship and Debates”. Oñati, International Institute for the Sociology of Law.
Edres, Nijmi (10 April 2018). “Uses of the past: Gender and Sharīʿa in contemporary Muslim practice” (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies. Exeter University.
Edres, Nijmi (2018). The conceptualization of the “interest of the child” through the use of the classical concept of ’Ḥaqq Allāh. In: Schneider, Irene; Edres, Nijmi (eds.) Uses of the Past: Sharīʿa and Gender in Legal Theory and Practice in Palestine and Israel. Harrassowitz Verlag
Edres, Nijmi; Lindbekk, Monika; Schneider, Irene (2018). Introduction. In: Schneider, Irene; Edres, Nijmi (eds.) Uses of the Past: Sharī'a and Gender in Legal Theory and Practice in Palestine and Israel. Studies on Islamic Cultural and Intellectual History (pp. 11-26). Harrassowitz Verlag 10.2307/j.ctvcm4fxc.4
Edres, Nijmi (2018). Corti sciaraitiche, autorità istituzionale e legittimità in epoca contemporanea: il caso israeliano. In: Giunchi, Elisa Ada; Golfetto, Marco Aurelio; Osti, Letizia (eds.) Autorità e potere nei Paesi musulmani: concetti e pratiche. Jaca Book
Edres, Nijmi (13 October 2017). The conceptualization of the “interest of the child” through the use of the classical concept of ‘’Ḥaqq Allāh’ (Unpublished). In: Conference “Gender and Sharīʿa in Muslim Legal Theory and Practice”. Göttingen University, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies.
Edres, Nijmi (22 September 2017). “Palestinian Muslims in Israel: the Debate on Gender, Normative Sexuality and Religious Morality” (Unpublished). In: XXXIII Deutsche Orientalistentag (DOT) “Asia, Africa and Europe”. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
Edres, Nijmi (22 June 2017). “Palestinians in Israel and the (un)debated relation between religious normativity and sexuality” (Unpublished). In: Workshop “Islamic Law and Sex/uality”. University of Exeter, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.
Edres, Nijmi (4 May 2017). "Tribunali sciaraitici in Israele tra passato e presente" (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. Bologna University, Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà.
Edres, Nijmi (25 February 2017). “Gender and Islamic Law in Contemporary Israel” (Unpublished). In: Workshop “Customs, Culture, Shari’a and National Law”. NIMAR - the Netherlands Institute in Morocco, Rabat.
Edres, Nijmi (3 February 2017). “Minority groups in modern Israel: the debate on gender” (Unpublished). In: VII Congress of the Italian Society of Women Historians – History and Gender: New Research Perspectives. University of Pisa.
Edres, Nijmi (2017). Understanding Sharia: Past Perfect / Imperfect Present Project Report. Zeitschrift für Recht und Islam, 9, pp. 345-351. Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht
Edres, Nijmi (2017). Conference report: Gender and Shari'a in Muslim Legal Theory and Practice; Göttingen University (12-14 October 2017). Zeitschrift für Recht und Islam, 9, pp. 331-333. Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht
Edres, Nijmi (2017). Fiqh al-aqalliyyāt in Israel: Wasaṭiyya and the Use of the Past by Muslim Judges. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies, 17, pp. 171-186. Oslo University 10.5617/jais.6113
Dubosc, Fabrice Olivier; Edres, Nijmi (eds.) (2017). Piccolo Lessico del Grande Esodo- Ottanta lemmi per pensare la crisi migrante. Minimum Fax
Edres, Nijmi (2015). Identità in transito: lingua araba e comunità nazionale palestinese in Israele. In: Calvi, Maria Vittoria; Bajini, Irina; Bonomi, Milin (eds.) Lingue Migranti e Nuovi Paesaggi (pp. 185-200). LED Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia e Diritto
Edres, Nijmi (2014). La réaffirmation de l’identité palestinienne en Israël: le rôle du mouvement islamique israélien dans le cadre éducatif. Maghreb - Machrek, 2(2220), pp. 107-125. ESKA
Edres, Nijmi (24 June 2013). “Islam in Israel: the Case of the Israeli Islamic Movement” (Unpublished). In: Annual conference of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies-Popular Movements in the Middle East and Islamic World. University of Dublin.
Edres, Nijmi (22 November 2012). “Transitional Identities: Arabic Language and the Palestinian National Community in Israel” (Unpublished). In: International Conference Lingue Migranti e Nuovi Paesaggi (Migrant Languages and New Landscapes). University of Milan, Department of Linguistic Mediation and Intercultural Studies.
Edres, Nijmi (4 October 2012). “Palestinian Identity and Arabic Language: the Role and the Point of View of Islamic Associations in Israel” (Unpublished). In: Session “Literature and National Palestinian Identity” at Philastiniat, Festival of Palestinian Culture. University of Milan, Department of Linguistic Mediation and Intercultural Studies.