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Freiburghaus, Rahel; Müller, Sean (2023). Switzerland, Quo Vadis? Current Challenges and Potential Solutions for Swiss Politics. In: The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics (pp. 773-794). Oxford University Press
Kammerer, Marlene; Müller, Sean; Ingold, Karin; Gallmann, Maria (2023). Climate Governance and Federalism in Switzerland. In: Fenna, Alan; Jodoin, Sébastien; Setzer, Joana (eds.) Climate Governance and Federalism. A Forum of Federations Comparative Policy Analysis (pp. 285-305). Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781009249676.015
Mueller, Sean; Heidelberger, Anja (11 October 2022). Dem Röstigraben auf der Spur. DeFacto
Mueller, Sean; Heidelberger, Anja (2022). Den Röschtigraben vermessen: Breite, Tiefe, Dauerhaftigkeit. In: Schaub, Hans-Peter; Bühlmann, Marc (eds.) Direkte Demokratie in der Schweiz. Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Abstimmungsforschung (pp. 137-158). Seismo Verlag
Freiburghaus, Rahel; Mueller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (2021). Switzerland: Overnight Centralization in One of the World's Most Federal Countries. In: Chattopadhyay, Rupak; Knüpling, Felix; Chebenova, Diana; Whittington, Liam; Gonzalez, Phillip (eds.) Federalism and the Response to COVID-19. A Comparative Analysis. Routledge Series on the Humanities and the Social Sciences in a Post-COVID-19 World (pp. 217-228). Milton Park: Routledge
Mueller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian; Dick, Sereina (2021). A New Index of Bicameralism: Taking Legitimacy Seriously. The Journal of Legislative Studies, 29(2), pp. 312-336. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13572334.2021.1996753
Mueller, Sean; Gerber, Marlène; Schaub, Hans-Peter (2021). Democracy Beyond Secrecy: Assessing the Promises and Pitfalls of Collective Voting. Swiss political science review, 27(1), pp. 61-83. Wiley 10.1111/spsr.12422
Müller, Sean; Freiburghaus, Rahel; Vatter, Adrian (2021). La pandemia, una vaccinazione per il federalismo svizzero? In: Mazzoleni, Oscar; Rossi, Sergio (eds.) In movimento nonostante il lockdown. L’esperienza Svizzera del Covid-19 (pp. 173-189). Locarno: Armando Dadò Editore
Arnold, Tobias; Mueller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (2021). Shock or Design: What Drives Fiscal De/Centralization? A Comparative Analysis of Twenty-Nine OECD countries, 1995–2017. Publius - the journal of federalism, 51(1), pp. 1-26. Oxford University Press 10.1093/publius/pjaa032
Arens, Alexander; Mueller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (2021). Finanzausgleich mal anders: Interkantonale Zusammenarbeit mit Lastenausgleich. In: Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen, (EZFF) (ed.) Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2021. Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa. Jahrbuch des Föderalismus: Vol. 22 (pp. 303-316). Baden-Baden: Nomos
Freiburghaus, Rahel; Arens, Alexander; Mueller, Sean (2020). With or Against their Region? Multiple-Mandate Holders in the Swiss Parliament, 1985–2018. Local government studies, 47(6), pp. 971-992. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/03003930.2020.1832891
Mueller, Sean; Dick, Sereina; Freiburghaus, Rahel (2020). Ständerat, stärkerer Rat? Die Gesetzgebungsmacht der Zweiten Kammer im Vergleich zu National- und Bundesrat. In: Mueller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (eds.) Der Ständerat. Politik und Gesellschaft in der Schweiz: Vol. 11 (pp. 119-145). NZZ Libro
Mueller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (eds.) (2020). Der Ständerat. Zweite Kammer der Schweiz. Politik und Gesellschaft in der Schweiz: Vol. 11. Basel: NZZ Libro
Vatter, Adrian; Müller, Sean (2020). Switzerland (Swiss Confederation): Governing with 26 Cantons, 4 Languages and Frequent Referendums (In Press). In: Griffiths, Ann; Chattopadhyay, Rupak; Light, John; Stieren, Carl (eds.) Handbook of Federal Countries 2018. Quebec: Palgrave Macmillan
Mueller, Sean; Heidelberger, Anja (2020). Should we stay or should we join? 30 years of Sovereignism and direct democracy in Switzerland. European politics and society, 21(2), pp. 182-201. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/23745118.2019.1632582
Mueller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (2020). Einleitung und Zusammenfassung. In: Mueller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (eds.) Der Ständerat. Zweite Kammer der Schweiz. Politik und Gesellschaft in der Schweiz: Vol. 11 (pp. 21-34). Zürich: NZZ Libro
Freiburghaus, Rahel; Arens, Alexander Urs; Müller, Sean (6 April 2019). With, Without, or Against their Region? Multiple-mandate holders in the Swiss Parliament, 1985–2018 (Unpublished). In: 77th Annual MPSA Conference. Chicago, IL (United States of America). 4.–7. April 2019.
Gerber, Marlène; Schaub, Hans-Peter; Müller, Sean (2019). O sister, where art thou? Theory and evidence on female participation at citizen assemblies. European journal of politics and gender, 2(2), pp. 173-195. Bristol University Press 10.1332/251510819X15471289106095
Gerber, Marlène; Müller, Sean; Porcellana, Diane (2019). Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Schweizer Politik: Raumplanung und Wohnungswesen, 2018. In: Année Politique Suisse. Universität Bern, Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Gerber, Marlène; Müller, Sean (2019). Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Schweizer Politik: Raumplanung und Wohnungswesen, 2019. In: Année Politique Suisse. Universität Bern, Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Arnold, Tobias; Arens, Alexander; Müller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (2019). Schweizer Föderalismus im Wandel: Die versteckten politischen Effekte der NFA. In: EZFF, Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen (ed.) Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2019, Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa. Jahrbuch des Föderalismus: Vol. 20 (pp. 175-186). Baden-Baden: Nomos
Müller, Sean; Bühlmann, Marc; Zuber, Maxime (2018). Squaring the Circle: The Geometry of Power-Sharing in the Swiss Canton of Berne. Ethnopolitics, 18(2), pp. 158-177. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/17449057.2018.1513727
Müller, Sean; Bernauer, Julian (2018). Party unity in federal disunity: determinants of decentralised policy-seeking in Switzerland. West European politics, 41(3), pp. 565-593. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01402382.2017.1395254
Gerber, Marlène; Müller, Sean (2018). When the people speak – and decide: deliberation and direct democracy in the citizen assembly of Glarus, Switzerland. Policy and politics, 46(3), pp. 371-390. Policy Press 10.1332/030557317X14976099453327
Dardanelli, Paolo; Müller, Sean (2017). Dynamic De/Centralization in Switzerland, 1848—2010. Publius - the journal of federalism, 49(1), pp. 138-165. Oxford University Press 10.1093/publius/pjx056
Mazzoleni, Oscar; Müller, Sean (2017). Cross-Border Integration through Contestation? Political Parties and Media in the Swiss–Italian Borderland. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 32(2), pp. 173-192. Routledge 10.1080/08865655.2016.1195698
Müller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian; Schmid, Charlie (2017). Self-Interest or Solidarity? The Referendum on Fiscal Equalisation in Switzerland. Statistics, Politics and Policy, 7(1-2), pp. 3-28. De Gruyter 10.1515/spp-2016-0003
Müller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (2017). Federalism and Decentralization in Switzerland. In: Karlhofer, Ferdinand; Pallaver, Günther (eds.) Federal Power-Sharing in Europe (pp. 39-63). Baden-Baden: Nomos
Arens, Alexander; Arnold, Tobias; Müller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (2017). Föderalismus und Dezentralisierung in der Schweiz: Die politischen Effekte der Föderalismusreform NFA. In: Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen, (EZFF) (ed.) Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2017: Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa. Jahrbuch des Föderalismus: Vol. 18 (pp. 184-197). Baden-Baden: Nomos
Behnke, Nathalie; Müller, Sean (2017). The purpose of intergovernmental councils: A framework for analysis and comparison. Regional and Federal Studies, 27(5), pp. 507-527. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13597566.2017.1367668
Schnabel, Johanna; Müller, Sean (2017). Vertical influence or horizontal coordination? The purpose of intergovernmental councils in Switzerland. Regional and Federal Studies, 27(5), pp. 549-572. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13597566.2017.1368017
Gerber, Marlène; Schaub, Hans-Peter; Müller, Sean (2016). Umfrage zur Landsgemeinde Glarus: Forschungsbericht Bern: Institut for Politikwissenschaft, Universität Bern
Müller, Sean; Gerber, Marlène (2016). The Parliamentary and Executive Elections in Switzerland, 2015. Electoral studies, 43, pp. 194-197. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.electstud.2016.06.002
Bochsler, Daniel; Müller, Sean; Bernauer, Julian (2016). An Ever Closer Union? The Nationalisation of Political Parties in Switzerland, 1991–2015. Swiss political science review / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 22(1), pp. 29-40. Wiley 10.1111/spsr.12205
Müller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian; Freitag, Markus (2016). Symposium: Switzerland’s New Challenge – Governing After the 2015 Elections. Swiss political science review / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 22(1), pp. 1-4. Wiley 10.1111/spsr.12204
Müller, Sean; Mazzoleni, Oscar (2016). Regionalist Protest through Shared Rule? Peripherality and the Use of Cantonal Initiatives in Switzerland. Regional and Federal Studies, 26(1), pp. 45-71. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13597566.2015.1135134
Müller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (2016). Die Schweiz: Reföderalisierung und schleichende Zentralisierung im Schatten der direkten Demokratie. In: Gamper, Anna; Bussjäger, Peter; Karlhofer, Ferdinand; Pallaver, Günther; Obwexer, Walter (eds.) Föderale Kompetenzverteilung in Europa (pp. 67-102). Baden-Baden: Nomos
Siroky, David; Müller, Sean; Hechter, Michael (2015). Cultural Legacies and Political Preferences: The Failure of Separatism in the Swiss Jura. European political science review, 9(02), pp. 303-327. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1755773915000399
Müller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian; Arnold, Tobias (2015). State Capture from Below? The Contradictory Effects of Decentralisation on Public Spending. Journal of public policy, 37(04), pp. 363-400. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0143814X15000355
Gerber, Marlène; Müller, Sean (23 October 2015). 4 cool graphs that explain Sunday's Swiss elections. The Monkey Cage The Washington Post
Gerber, Marlène; Müller, Sean (16 October 2015). It's confusing when the Swiss go to the polls. Here are 6 surprising things about their elections. The Monkey Cage Election Report The Washington Post
Gagnon, Alain; Keil, Soeren; Müller, Sean (eds.) (2015). Understanding Federalism and Federation: A Festschrift for Michael Burgess' 65th Birthday (Submitted). Aldershot: Ashgate
Müller, Sean (2015). Why Centralisation? Concept, Theory and Comparative Evidence from Sub-national Switzerland (Submitted). ECPR Press
Freitag, Markus; Vatter, Adrian; Müller, Sean (2015). Switzerland’s Immigration Challenge. Viewpoints and Insights in the Aftermath of the Mass Immigration Initiative. Swiss political science review / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 21(1), pp. 1-4. Wiley 10.1111/spsr.12149
Bernauer, Julian; Müller, Sean (2015). Einheit in der Vielfalt? Ausmass und Gründe der Nationalisierung von Schweizer Parteien. In: Freitag, Markus; Vatter, Adrian (eds.) Wahlen und Wählerschaft in der Schweiz. Politik und Gesellschaft in der Schweiz: Vol. 3 (pp. 325-353). Zürich: NZZ Libro
Müller, Sean (2014). The parliamentary and executive elections in the Republic of Georgia, 2012. Electoral studies, 34, pp. 342-346. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.electstud.2013.08.011
Müller, Sean (2014). Shared Rule in Federal Political Systems: Conceptual Lessons from Subnational Switzerland. Publius - The Journal of Federalism, 44(1), pp. 82-108. Oxford University Press 10.1093/publius/pjt009
Müller, Sean; Vatter, Adrian (2014). Regionalismus als Ausweg aus der Krise. In: Teufel, Erwin; Mack, Winfried (eds.) Aus der Krise lernen: Auf dem Weg zu einer weltoffenen und humanen Gesellschaft (pp. 153-165). Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder
Bühlmann, Marc; Müller, Sean (2014). Mischverfassung statt Mehrheitsentscheidung. Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik EWE, 25(3), pp. 391-393. Lucius & Lucius
Albertazzi, Daniele; Müller, Sean (2013). Populism and Liberal Democracy: Populists in Government in Austria, Italy, Poland and Switzerland. Government and opposition, 48(3), pp. 343-371. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/gov.2013.12
Müller, Sean; Dardanelli, Paolo (2013). Notes on recent elections: The parliamentary and executive elections in Switzerland, 2011. Electoral studies, 32(1), pp. 197-201. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.electstud.2012.10.004
Müller, Sean (2013). Conflicting Cantonalisms: Disputed Sub-national Territorial Identities in Switzerland. L’Europe en Formation, 2013/3(369), pp. 86-102. Centre international de formation européenne 10.3917/eufor.369.0086
Müller, Sean; Keil, Soeren (2013). The Territoriality of Fiscal Solidarity: Comparing Swiss Equalisation with European Union Structural Funding. Perspectives on Federalism, 5(1), pp. 122-148. Centro studi sul federalismo
Mueller, Sean (2013). Book Review: L'avenir du fédéralisme en Belgique et au Canada. Quand les citoyens en parlent. Canadian journal of political science, 46(3), pp. 736-737. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0008423913000802
Müller, Sean (2012). Federalism and the Concept of Political Territoriality: Towards an Analytical Framework for Comparative Territorial Politics. L’Europe en Formation, 2012/1(363), pp. 95-120. Centre international de formation européenne 10.3917/eufor.363.0095
Müller, Sean (2011). The Politics of Local Autonomy: Measuring Cantonal (De)Centralisation in Switzerland. Space and Polity, 15(3), pp. 213-239. Routledge 10.1080/13562576.2011.692579
Müller, Sean (2007). The Conflict between Basescu and Tariceanu – A Governmental System Viewpoint. Sphere of Politics / Sfera Politicii, 15(126-127), pp. 50-61. Societatea Civila