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Pereira, Diana; Meier, Laurenz L.; Elfering, Achim (2011). Short-Term Effects of Social Exclusion at work and Worries on Sleep (Unpublished). In: GHS Symposium. Bern.
Bosak, J.; Kirchner, A.; Sczesny, Sabine; Meier, Laurenz L. (2010). Chronic work conditions as antecedents of employees anticipated stress to a hypothetical scenario of organizational change (Unpublished). In: 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. Rome, Italy.
Cullinane, S. J.; Kirchner, A.; Sczesny, Sabine; Meier, Laurenz L.; Bosak, J. (2010). The quality of prior experiences, currrent job conditions and anticipated stress in a reorganisation scenario: The central role of cognitive appraisal (Unpublished). In: 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. Rome, Italy.
Pfister, Isabel B.; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kälin, Wolfgang; Stocker, Désirée; Meier, Laurenz L.; Semmer, Norbert K. (2020). Appreciation and illegitimate tasks as predictors of affective well-being: Disentangling within- and between-person effects. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 36(1), pp. 63-75. Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid 10.5093/jwop2020a6
Elfering, Achim; Keller, Anita; Berset, Martial; Meier, Laurenz L.; Grebner, Simone Irmgard; Kälin, Wolfgang; Monnerat, Françoise; Tschan, Franziska; Semmer, Norbert (2016). Taking the chance: Core Self-Evaluations predict relative gain in job resources following turnover. SpringerPlus, 5(1), p. 1702. Springer 10.1186/s40064-016-3365-0
Johnston, Claire S.; Krings, Franciska; Maggiori, Christian; Meier, Laurenz; Fiori, Marina (2016). Believing in a personal just world helps maintain well-being at work by coloring organizational justice perceptions. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25(6), pp. 945-959. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/1359432X.2016.1192132
Semmer, Norbert K.; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz L.; Elfering, Achim; Beehr, Terry A.; Kälin, Wolfgang; Tschan, Franziska (2015). Illegitimate tasks as a source of work stress. Work & Stress, 29(1), pp. 32-56. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/02678373.2014.1003996
Semmer, Norbert; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kottwitz, Maria Undine; Mühlethaler, Céline; Kälin, Wolfgang; Elfering, Achim; Meier, Laurenz; Beehr, Terry (18 May 2013). Illegitimate Tasks: Accumulating Evidence for a New Stressor Concept (Unpublished). In: Work, Stress, and Health. Los Angeles. 16.-19.05.2013.
Jacobshagen, Nicola; Tschan, Franziska; Elfering, Achim; Meier, Laurenz; Bejerot, Eva; Aronsson, Gunnar; Semmer, Norbert (May 2013). Illegitimate tasks: A meaningful stressor across countries. In: Hertel, Guido; Binnewies, Carmen; Krumm, Stefan; Holling, Heinz; Kleinmann, Martin (eds.) 16th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Imagine the future world. How do we want to work tomorrow? Abstract proceedings (pp. 100-101). EAWOP
Pereira, Diana; Meier, Laurenz L.; Elfering, Achim (2013). Short-Term Effects of Social Exclusion at work and Worries on Sleep. Stress and health, 29(3), pp. 240-252. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/smi.2461
Kottwitz, Maria U.; Meier, Laurenz L.; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kälin, Wolfgang; Elfering, Achim; Hennig, Jürgen; Semmer, Norbert K. (2013). Illegitimate tasks associated with higher cortisol levels among male employees when subjective health is relatively low: an intra-individual analysis. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 39(3), pp. 310-318. Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health NOROSH 10.5271/sjweh.3334
Meier, Laurenz L.; Gross, Sven; Spector, Paul E.; Semmer, Norbert K. (2013). Relationship and task conflict at work: Interactive short-term effects on angry mood and somatic complaints. Journal of occupational health psychology, 18(2), pp. 144-156. American Psychological Association 10.1037/a0032090
Semmer, Norbert K.; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz L.; Elfering, Achim; Kälin, Wolfgang; Tschan, Franziska (2013). Psychological strain by illegitimate tasks. In: Junghanns, G.; Morschhaeuser, M. (eds.) Immer schneller, immer mehr: Psychische Belastungen und Gestaltungsperspektiven bei Wissens- und Dienstleistungsarbeit (pp. 97-112). Berlin: Springer VS
Keller, Anita; Meier, L.; Gross, S.; Semmer, N. K. (September 2012). Reciprocal effects of resourceful job design and self-esteem over time: General and gender-specific effects. In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.
Bobst, Cora; Kottwitz, Maria; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kälin, Wolfgang; Meier, Laurenz L.; Semmer, Norbert (April 2012). Impaired Recovery as a Mediator Between Time Pressure and Reduced Performance: A Three-wave Longitudinal Study. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (eaohp), Book of proceedings (p. 35). Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology
Kottwitz, Maria; Bobst, Cora; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kälin, Wolfgang; Meier, Laurenz L.; Semmer, Norbert (April 2012). Do illegitimate tasks impair detachment from work? A multilevel analysis. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (pp. 94-95). Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology
Widmer, Pascale S.; Semmer, Norbert K.; Kälin, Wolfgang; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz L. (2012). The ambivalence of challenge stressors: Time pressure associated with both negative and positive well-being. Journal of vocational behavior, 80(2), pp. 422-433. New York, N.Y.: Academic Press 10.1016/j.jvb.2011.09.006
Meier, Laurenz L.; Semmer, Norbert K. (2012). Lack of reciprocity and strain: Narcissism as a moderator of the association between feeling under-benefited and irritation. Work & Stress, 26(1), pp. 56-67. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/02678373.2012.657038
Meier, Laurenz; Orth, Ulrich; Denissen, Jaap J. A.; Kühnel, Anja (2011). Age differences in instability, contingency, and level of self-esteem across the life span. Journal of Research in Personality, 45(6), pp. 604-612. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jrp.2011.08.008
Semmer, Norbert Karl; Tschan, Franziska; Meier, Linus Laurenz; Faccin, Stephanie; Jacobshagen, Nicola (2010). Illegitimate Tasks and Counterproductive Work Behavior. Applied psychology - an international review / Psychologie appliquée - revue internationale, 59(1), pp. 70-96. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1464-0597.2009.00416.x
Meier, Laurenz L.; Semmer, Norbert K.; Hupfeld, Jörg (2009). The impact of unfair treatment on depressive mood: The moderating role of self-esteem level and self-esteem instability. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 35(5), pp. 643-655. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications 10.1177/0146167208331337
Orth, Ulrich; Robins, Richard W.; Meier, Laurenz L. (2009). Disentangling the effects of low self-esteem and stressful events on depression: Findings from three longitudinal studies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97(2), pp. 307-321. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association 10.1037/a0015645
Biber, Pascal; Hupfeld, Jörg; Meier, Laurenz L. (2008). Personal values and relational models. European journal of personality, 22(7), pp. 609-628. Chichester: Wiley 10.1002/per.693
Meier, Laurenz L.; Semmer, Norbert K.; Elfering, Achim; Jacobshagen, Nicola (2008). The double meaning of control: Three-way interactions between internal resources, job control, and stressors at work. Journal of occupational health psychology, 13(3), pp. 244-258. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association 10.1037/1076-8998.13.3.244
Orth, Ulrich; Berking, Matthias; Walker, Nadine; Meier, Laurenz L.; Znoj, Hansjörg (2008). Forgiveness and psychological adjustment following interpersonal transgressions: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 42(2), pp. 365-385. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jrp.2007.07.003
Semmer, Norbert; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz; Elfering, Achim (2007). Occupational stress research: The Stress-As-Offense-To-Self Perspective. In: McIntyre, S.; Houdmont, J. (eds.) Occupational Health Psychology: European Perspectives on Research, Education and Practice (Vol. 2) (pp. 41-58). Nottingham: Nottingham University Press
Semmer, Norbert; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz (2006). Arbeit und (mangelnde) Wertschätzung. Wirtschaftspsychologie(2/3), pp. 87-95. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers