Rolli Salathé, Cornelia

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Faes, Yannik; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Herlig, Marina Luna; Elfering, Achim (2023). Beyond physiology: Acute effects of side-alternating whole-body vibration on well-being, flexibility, balance, and cognition using a light and portable platform A randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in sports and active living, 5, p. 1090119. Frontiers 10.3389/fspor.2023.1090119


Faes, Yannik; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Cébe, Céline; Szukics, Andreas; Elfering, Achim (2020). Musculoskeletal and cognitive effects of stochastic resonance whole body vibration: a randomized controlled trial. Brazilian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences, 19(1), pp. 20-30. Universidade do estado do rio de Janeiro

Rolli Salathé, C.; Kälin, W.; Zilse, Sebastian; Elfering, Achim (2020). Baseline musculoskeletal pain and impaired sleep related to school pressure influence the development of musculoskeletal pain in N = 107 adolescents in a 5-year longitudinal study. European spine journal, 29(3), pp. 540-548. Springer 10.1007/s00586-019-06211-x


Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Trippolini, Maurizio Alen; Terribilini, Livio Claudio; Oliveri, Michael; Elfering, Achim (2018). Assessing Psycho-social Barriers to Rehabilitation in Injured Workers with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: Development and Item Properties of the Yellow Flag Questionnaire (YFQ). Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 28(2), pp. 365-376. Springer 10.1007/s10926-017-9728-8

Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Melloh, Markus; Crawford, Rebecca; Scherrer, Stephanie; Boos, Norbert; Elfering, Achim (2018). Treatment Efficacy, Clinical Utility, and Cost-Effectiveness of Multidisciplinary Biopsychosocial Rehabilitation Treatments for Persistent Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review. Global spine journal, 8(8), pp. 872-886. Sage 10.1177/2192568218765483


Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim; Tuschel, Alexander; Ogon, Michael; Mayer, H. Michael; Boos, Norbert (2017). Development and validation of the iDI: A short self-rating disability instrument for low back pain disorders. Global spine journal, 7(2), pp. 123-132. Sage 10.1177/2192568217694006

Kottwitz, Maria U.; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Buser, Carina; Elfering, Achim (2017). Emotion work and musculoskeletal pain in supermarket cashiers: a test of a sleep-mediation model. Scandinavian journal of work and organizational psychology, 2(1), p. 6. Stockholm University Press 10.16993/sjwop.25


Melloh, Markus; Elfering, Achim; Käser, Anja; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Barz, Thomas; Zweig, Thomas; Aghayev, Emin; Röder, Christoph; Theis, Jean-Claude (2015). What is the best time point to identify patients at risk of developing persistent low back pain? Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 28(2), pp. 267-276. IOS Press 10.3233/BMR-140514

Elfering, Achim; Mueller, Urs; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Tamcan, Özgür; Mannion, Anne F. (2015). Pessimistic back beliefs and lack of exercise: A longitudinal risk study on shoulder, neck, and back pain. Psychology, health & medicine, 20(7), pp. 767-780. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 10.1080/13548506.2015.1017824


Elfering, Achim; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Müller, U.; Tamcan, Ö.; Mannion, A.; Lightner, Nancy (2014). Maladaptive back beliefs and low back pain in nurses: A longitudinal study. In: Duffy, Vincent (ed.) Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare. Advances in human factors and ergonomics (pp. 315-323). AHFE Conference


Rolli Salathé, C.; Melloh, M.; Kälin, W.; Semmer, N. K.; Roth, M.; Müller, U.; Elfering, A. (2013). Comparison of pain-resilient working individuals to population-based case controls with/without momentary low back pain. European journal of pain, 17(9), pp. 1411-1421. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/j.1532-2149.2013.00319.x

Melloh, Markus; Elfering, Achim; Chapple, Cathy M; Käser, Anja; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Barz, Thomas; Röder, Christoph; Theis, Jean-Claude (2013). Prognostic occupational factors for persistent low back pain in primary care. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 86(3), pp. 261-9. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00420-012-0761-9

Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim (2013). A Health- and Resource-Oriented Perspective on NSLBP. ISRN Pain, 2013(640690), pp. 1-19. Hindawi 10.1155/2013/640690

Melloh, Markus; Elfering, Achim; Käser, Anja; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Barz, Thomas; Aghayev, Emin; Röder, Christoph; Theis, Jean-Claude (2013). Depression impacts the course of recovery in patients with acute low back pain. Behavioral Medicine, 39(3), pp. 80-89. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08964289.2013.779566

Melloh, Markus; Elfering, Achim; Stanton, Tasha R.; Käser, Anja; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Barz, Thomas; Röder, Christoph; Theis, Jean-Claude (2013). Who is likely to develop persistent low back pain? A longitudinal analysis of prognostic occupational factors. Work - a journal of prevention, assessment & rehabilitation, 46(3), pp. 297-311. IOS Press 10.3233/WOR-131672


Melloh, M.; Käser, A.; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim (16 November 2012). Predictors of sickness absence in patients with a new episode of low back pain (Unpublished). In: WA Health Conference 2012. Perth. 15.-16.11.2012.

Melloh, M.; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Käser, A.; Elfering, Achim (21 June 2012). Predictors of Sickness Absence in Patients with a New Episode of Low Back Pain in Primary Care. Global Spine Journal, 2(1_suppl), s-0032-1319915-s-0032-1319915. Thieme 10.1055/s-0032-1319915

Melloh, M.; Käser, A.; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim (1 June 2012). Who is likely to develop persistent low back pain? A longitudinal analysis of prognostic occupational factors (Unpublished). In: Spineweek 2012. Amsterdam. 28.05.-01.06.2012.

Melloh, M.; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Käser, A.; Elfering, Achim (1 June 2012). Predictors of sickness absence in patients with a new episode of low back pain in primary care (Unpublished). In: Spineweek 2012. Amsterdam. 28.05.-01.06.2012.

Rolli Salathé, C.; Melloh, M.; Elfering, A. (1 June 2012). A systematic review on multidisciplinary treatment for chronic low back pain: Efficacy, utility, and cost-effectiveness. In: Spineweek 2012. Amsterdam. 28.05.-01.06.2012.

Melloh, M.; Käser, A.; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim (June 2012). Course of Recovery in Patients with Acute Low Back Pain: Does Depression Matter? (Unpublished). In: Spineweek 2012. Amsterdam. 28.05.-01.06.2012.

Melloh, M.; Käser, A.; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim (June 2012). Transition from Acute to Persistent Low Back Pain: Do Fear-Avoidance Beliefs, Magnification, and Helplessness Cognitions Screen Best at First Medical Consultation or Afterwards at 3-, 6-, or 12-Week Follow-Up? Journal of bone and joint surgery - British volume(94), p. 48. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery

Melloh, Markus; Rolli Salath, Cornelia; Käser, A.; Elfering, Achim (June 2012). Personal, Psychosocial, and Occupational Resources for Preventing Persistent Low Back Pain in Primary Care. Global Spine Journal, 2(1_suppl), s-0032-1319917-s-0032-1319917. Thieme 10.1055/s-0032-1319917

Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim; Roth, M.; Odermatt, E.; Schenk, K.; Melloh, M. (11 May 2012). "Weshalb leiden Sie Ihrer Meinung nach nicht an Rückenschmerzen?" Ergebnisse einer Interviewstudie mit berufstätigen Personen zwischen 50 und 65 Jahren ohne unspezifische lumbale Rückenschmerzen (Unpublished). In: Physioswiss. Genf. 10.-11.05.2012.

Melloh, M.; Rolli Salathé, C.; Käser, A.; Elfering, A. (May 2012). What is the key time point to predict the progression of a new episode of low back pain to the persistent state? In: EFORT. Berlin. 23.-25.05.2012.

Melloh, M.; Elfering, A.; Rolli Salathé, C.; Käser, C.; Fritschi, L. (May 2012). Predictors of work absenteeism in patients with a new episode of low back pain. In: EFORT. Berlin. 23.-25.05.2012.

Melloh, M.; Rolli Salathé, C.; Elfering, A.; Käser, A.; Fritschi, L. (May 2012). Personal, psychosocial and work-related resources for preventing chronic low back pain (Unpublished). In: EFORT. Berlin. 23.-25.05.2012.

Melloh, M.; Elfering, A.; Stanton, T. R.; Käser, A.; Rolli Salathé, C.; Fritschi, L. (May 2012). Course of Recovery in Patients with Acute Low Back Pain: Does Depression Matter? (Unpublished). In: EFORT. Berlin. 23.-25.05.2012.

Salathé, Cornelia; Melloh, Markus; Tamcan, Özgür; Müller, Urs; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Elfering, Achim (April 2012). The role of illegitimate tasks on sleep quality and physical strains in a longitudinal working sample. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (p. 94). Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

Melloh, M.; Käser, A.; Rolli Salathé, C.; Elfering, Achim (April 2012). Course of Recovery in Patients with Acute Low Back Pain: Does Depression Matter? (Unpublished). In: Spine Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting. Melbourne. 27.-29.04.2012.

Melloh, Markus; Elfering, Achim; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Käser, Anja; Barz, Thomas; Röder, Christoph; Theis, Jean-Claude (2012). Predictors of sickness absence in patients with a new episode of low back pain in primary care. Industrial health, 50(4), pp. 288-98. Kawasaki (Jap.): National Institute of Industrial Health 10.2486/indhealth.MS1335

Rolli Salathé, C.; Elfering, A.; Melloh, M. (2012). Efficacy, utility and cost-effectiveness of multidisciplinary treatment for chronic low back pain. Der Schmerz, 26(2), pp. 131-149. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00482-012-1148-2

Rolli Salathé, C.; Melloh, M.; Mannion, A. F.; Tamcan, Oezgür; Müller, U.; Boos, N.; Elfering, A. (2012). Resources for preventing sickness absence due to low back pain. Occupational medicine, 62(4), pp. 273-280. OUP 10.1093/occmed/kqs024


Melloh, M; Rolli Salathé, C; Schenk, K; Odermatt, E; Lüthi, I; Elfering, A; Theis, JC (2011). Why do some people experience no low back pain? Comparison of a middle aged working population to a population–based cohort. Australasian Epidemiologist, 18(2), pp. 91-92. Melbourne: Informit

Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim; Ogon, Michael; Mayer, Michael; Boos, Norbert (2011). Final Report: Development of a Short Comprehensive European Outcome Assessment Instrument for Lumbar Spinal Surgery, AOSpine Europe Research Project

Melloh, Markus; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Schenk, Karin; Odermatt, Esther; Lüthi, Isabelle; Elfering, Achim (2011). Why do some people experience no low back pain? Comparison of a middle-aged working population to a population-based cohort, spine Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, 15.-17.4.2011.

Melloh, Markus; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Lüthi, Isabelle; Semmer, Norbert K.; Elfering, Achim (2011). Why do some people experience no low back pain? Comparison of a middle-aged working population to a population-based cohort. The International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Annual Meeting, Göteborg, 14.-18.6.2011.

Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Melloh, Markus; Mannion, Anne F.; Tamcan, Özgür; Boos, Norbert; Müller, Urs; Elfering, Achim (2011). Prädiktoren von Arbeitsabwesenheit aufgrund unspezifischer Rückenschmerzen. In: Nerdinger, Friedemann W.; Curth, Susanne (eds.) AOW Tagung, Arbeit, Organisation, Wirtschaft, 7. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie.

Melloh, Markus; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Schenk, Karin; Odermatt, Esther; Elfering, Achim; Theis, Jean-Claude (2011). Why do some people experience no low back pain? Comparison of a middle-aged working population to a population-based cohort. In: Hooper, Gary; Cumberland, Bill; Stott, Sue; Morgan, David (eds.) Combined Australian Orthopaedic Association and New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Rotorua.

Melloh, Markus; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Schenk, Karin; Odermatt, Esther; Elfering, Achim; Theis, Jean-Claude (2011). Why do some people experience no low back pain? comparison of a middle-aged working population to a population-based cohort. In: Australasian Epidemiology Association Annual Scientific Meeting.

Melloh, Markus; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Lüthi, Isabelle; Semmer, Norbert K.; Elfering, Achim (2011). Why do some people experience no low back pain? Comparison of a middle-aged working population to a population-based cohort. In: Buchbinder, Rachel (ed.) International Low Back Pain Forum XI, Melbourne.


Melloh, Markus; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim; Tamcan, Özgür; Mannion, Anne Frances; Boos, Norbert; Mueller, Urs (2010). Predictors of chronic low back pain - What health practitioners should pay attention to. 7th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Los Angeles, 9th - 12th November 2010.

Melloh, Markus; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim; Tamcan, Özgür; Mannion, Anne Frances; Boos, Norbert; Mueller, Urs (2010). Predictors of chronic low back pain - What health practitioners should pay attention to. Oral presentation at Spine Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting, Christchurch 9th - 11th April 2010.

Melloh, Markus; Rolli Salathé, Cornelia; Elfering, Achim; Tamcan, Özgür; Mannion, Anne Frances; Boos, Norbert; Mueller, Urs (2010). Staying at home with low back pain: multidimensional predictors of work absenteeism. Oral presentation at Spine Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting, Christchurch 9th - 11th April 2010.

Rolli, Cornelia; Melloh, Markus; Lüthi, Isabelle; Semmer, Norbert Karl; Elfering, Achim (2010). Why do some people have no back pain? Subjective characteristics of a middle-aged working population compared to a population-based cohort.

Rolli, Cornelia; Melloh, Markus; Lüthi, Isabelle; Semmer, Norbert Karl; Elfering, Achim (2010). Why do some people have no back pain? Subjective characteristics of a middle-aged working population compared to a population-besed cohort. In: Iavicoli, Sergio; Jain, Adytia; Petyx, Marta; Tang, Jessica (eds.) Book of Proceedings. 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (pp. 425-426). Nottingham: Nottingham University Press


Melloh, M; Elfering, A; Egli Presland, C; Roeder, C; Barz, T; Rolli Salathé, C; Tamcan, O; Mueller, U; Theis, J C (2009). Identification of prognostic factors for chronicity in patients with low back pain: a review of screening instruments. International orthopaedics, 33(2), pp. 301-13. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00264-008-0707-8

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