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Santer, Kiri Olivia (2023). Governing Through Scalar Elasticity: An Analysis of the Accountability Gap in Migration Control in the Central Mediterranean. Social & Legal Studies, 33(1), pp. 3-20. Sage 10.1177/09646639221150151
Santer, Kiri Olivia (2020). No Go World: how fear is redrawing out maps and infecting our politics by Ruben Andersson. Tsantsa(25), pp. 214-216. Seismo 10.36950/tsantsa.2020.025.26
Loher, David; Strasser, Sabine; Monterescu, Daniel; Dabagi, Esra; Gallo, Ester; Shore, Cris; Gupta, Akhil; Mathur, Chandana; Anton, Lorena; Zane, Rodica; Lems, Annika; Khosravi, Shahram; Sariaslan, Zeynep; Salazar, Noel B.; Montoya, Ainhoa; Peréz, Marta; Kovac, Uros; Tilche, Alice; Loperfido, Giacomo; Matos, Patricia; ... (2019). On politics and precarity in academia. Social Anthropology, 27(S2), pp. 97-117. Wiley 10.1111/1469-8676.12695
Santer, Kiri Olivia (2019). Governing the Central Mediterranean through Indirect Rule: Tracing the Effects of the Recognition of Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Tripoli. European Journal of Migration and Law, 21(2), pp. 141-165. Brill 10.1163/15718166-12340045
Santer, Kiri Olivia; Wriedt, Vera (2017). (De-)Constructing Borders: Contestations in and around the Balkan Corridor in 2015/16. Movements : journal for critical migration and border regime studies, 3(1), pp. 141-150. Transcript
Santer, Kiri (2022). Les Foulards Violets : lutter contre l’islamophobie à travers un féminisme inclusif (Entretien: Kiri Santer). Questions au féminin, pp. 54-56. Commission fédérale pour les questions féminines, CFQF
Santer, Kiri (29 March 2021). Migrants refoulés en Libye, le naufrage européen. Orientxxi.info Association Orient XXI
Santer, Kiri (June 2019). Villes refuges | Exclusions d’État versus inclusions urbaines. Revue Vivre Ensemble. Bulletin de liaison pour la défense du droit d’asile, 173
Santer, Kiri Olivia (15 August 2018). The Case of the Sarost 5: black holes of responsibility in the central Mediterranean. Open Democracy OpenDemocracy
Santer, Kiri Olivia (February 2018). Expulsions aux frontières de l'Europe: Lueur d'espoir à la CEDH. Revue Vivre Ensemble(166), pp. 22-25.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (13 December 2017). The Precariat fights back. A Conversation with Dan Hirslund and Carrie Benjamin. Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Santer, Kiri Olivia (2024). Reassembling Transnational Legal Conflicts across Global Institutions: Ethnographic Perspectives on Claims of Authority over the Mediterranean Sea (Submitted). In: Ways of Seeing International Organizations: New Perspectives for International Institutional Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Santer, Kiri Olivia (2023). Eine Infrastruktur der Abschreckung. In: Saner, Fabian (ed.) Almanach Entwicklungspolitik: Gehen müssen, bleiben können. Infrastrukturen der globalen Migration (pp. 107-118). Luzern: Caritas-Verlag
Santer, Kiri; Dendena, Francesco (2020). A Garden to be Reinvented/Against the Aesthetics of the Garden. In: Orto (pp. 86-107). Roma: Nero
Santer, Kiri Olivia (2024). Décarboner les réseaux de production mondiaux : résistance et changement dans le secteur de l'aluminium au Mozambique et en Afrique du Sud (Unpublished). In: Research seminar of the department of social anthropology. University of Lausanne. 7 March 2024.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (2023). EU Border Externalisation and the Role of Frontex (Unpublished). In: Asylex Academy. Basel. 6 May 2023.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (2023). The Swiss National Science Foundation: structure, funding schemes and experiences (Unpublished). In: “Ideare, progettare, realizzare: L’organizzazione del progetto scientifico nelle aree umanistiche”. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy. 19 May 2023.
Santer, Kiri (2023). Cooperative interdiction in the Central Mediterranean: Law, externalization and the fragmentation of responsibility in migration control (Unpublished). In: Oberseminar - Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Ethnologie. Institut für Ethnologie LMU München, Deutschland. 4 December 2023.
Santer, Kiri; Gennari, Lucia (29 September 2022). The development of push back and pull back management in the Central Mediterranean and the consequent modification of the prospects for litigation. (Unpublished). In: International conference: Freedom of movement in West Africa and from the sub-region to Europe. What remains of the right to leave any country, including his own, after externalization policies?. Rome. 29.09.2022.
Santer, Kiri (16 September 2022). Multi-pronged approaches to accountability for human rights violations in migration control: litigating border violence and the displacement of the rights-bearing subject. (Unpublished). In: Inaugural conference of the Swiss Network for Law and Society: Voices of Law. University of Lausanne. 15-16 September 2022.
Santer, Kiri (8 September 2022). Negotiating the EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism: economic competitivity and regulatory constraints in an era of global heating (Unpublished). In: International workshop on Environmental Justice, EnJust. University of Bern. 7-9 September 2022.
Santer, Kiri (29 July 2022). Politics of naming, cooperative deterrence and the de facto suspension of the right to asylum. (Unpublished). In: EASA 2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons. University of Belfast. 26-29 July, 2022.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (19 November 2021). Legal scaffoldings of interdiction in the Central Mediterranean: a socio-legal approach to the emergence of the Libyan Search and Rescue Region. (Unpublished). In: Interdisciplinary conference: Maritime Conflicts and Promises in History and Present.. Online conference hosted by the TU Darmstadt. 19-20 November 2021.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (14 October 2021). Assembling Cooperative Interdiction at the EU’s external border: Law and Policy in Practice. (Unpublished). In: International Conference: Alternative Approaches to International Organizations in International Law: Potentials, Complexities, and Pitfalls.. Graduate Institute, Geneva.. 14-15 October 2021.
Santer, Kiri (7 September 2021). Reconceptualising access to territory as a redistributive issue in and around the central Mediterranean. (Unpublished). In: Against structural postponement On the legitimacy and possibilities of new institutions of sharing. Schloss Münchenwiler, Murten. 5–8 September 2021.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (17 July 2021). Limits and possibilities offered by Walter Benjamin’s Critique of Violence for understanding the EU’s contemporary regime of maritime interdiction in the Central Mediterranean Sea (Unpublished). In: Working with Benjamin on Law.. ZfL Berlin. 15-17 July 2021.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (2 April 2021). Causing versus enabling: the juridification of struggles against border externalization in the Central Mediterranean. (Unpublished). In: ASA conference on Responsibility. University of St Andrews. 29 March - 2 April 2021.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (24 February 2021). Governance assemblages in cooperative deterrence: the case of the Libyan Coast Guard (Unpublished). In: Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies. University of Oxford. 23-25 February 2021.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (8 September 2020). Introduction: The EU & Italy in Libya. Discussing the politics of complicity in border externalisation (Unpublished). In: The EU & Italy in Libya. Discussing the politics of complicity in border externalisation. Istituto Svizzero di Roma. 08.09.2020.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (2020). Indirect Rule and the Politics of Fragmented Responsibility in the Central Mediterranean (Unpublished). In: Institutskolloquium, Institut für Sozialanthropologie. Universität Bern.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (8 November 2019). Rescue under pressure: criminalisation and the shifting meanings of humanitarianism in the Central Mediterranea (Unpublished). In: The Global as Method: Ethnographic Scales in the 21st century. Geneva. 08. - 09.11.2019.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (24 May 2019). ‘Ownership’ in Contentious Reforms: The Issue of Responsibility in Tunisia’s Security Sector Reform (Unpublished). In: EASA Lawnet Workshop: Concepts, paradigms and slogans: From human rights to human dignity and sustainability. University of Helsinki. 24. May 2019.
Santer, Kiri Olivia (25 April 2019). The Politics of Security Sector Reform: ‘Ownership’ Between The EU And Tunisia (Unpublished). In: Workshop: Security, Borders and International Development: Intersections, Convergence and Challenges.. University of Warwick. 25. - 26.04.2019.
Santer, Kiri (2021). Bordering Responsibility. The Unaccountable Politics of Migration Control in the Central Mediterranean (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Sozial Anthropologie, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)
Santer, Kiri Olivia (2024). What a socio-legal approach to the accountability gap in migration control can tell us about contemporary governance?
Santer, Kiri (December 2020). On empty streets and fieldwork limitations. In: Anthro Blog. Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern: Universität Bern
Santer, Kiri (30 January 2020). À Rome, le regard porté sur la Méditerranée.