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Al-Suadi, Soham (2015). Magie und Apokalyptik im Zentrum lukanischer Geschichtsschreibung – Historizität am Beispiel von Apg 13.6–12. New Testament studies, 61(4), pp. 482-504. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0028688515000193
Al-Suadi, Soham (2013). Petrus im Spiegel des Antiochenischen Konflikts im Lukanisehen Doppelwerk. Theologische Zeitschrift ThZ, 4(69), pp. 24-52. Reinhardt
Al-Suadi, Soham (2013). Jörg Frey und Dorothea Sattler (Hrsg.), Heiliger Geist. In: Jahrbuch für biblische Theologie 24 (2009). Neukirchen-Vluyn, Neukirchener Verlagsanstalt, 2011 (Rezension). Religious studies review, 3(39), p. 180. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/rsr.12058_19
Al-Suadi, Soham (2012). Yinger, Kent L.: The New Perspective on Paul [Rezension]. Religious studies review, 38(1), p. 20. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell
Al-Suadi, Soham (2012). Stegemann, Wolfgang: Jesus und seine Zeit. Religious studies review, 38(1), p. 17. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1748-0922.2011.01578_4.x
Al-Suadi, Soham (2014). Even before his birth he will be filled with the Holy Spirit - Lk 1:15 in the spectrum of theological and medical discourses of Early Christianity. In: Frey, Jörg; Levison, John R. (eds.) The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity. Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Vol. 5 (pp. 95-118). de Gruyter
Al-Suadi, Soham (2013). Eating and Drinking in the New Testament. In: Fuhrmann, Sebastian; Helft, Gary S. (eds.) Dress - Essene Gate. Encyclopedia of the Bible and its reception (EBR): Vol. 7 (pp. 221-222). Berlin: De Gruyter
Al-Suadi, Soham (2013). Dining Social Alternatives: Paul’s Dealing with the emotional diversity of the Hellenistic Meal. In: Ross, Sarah; Levy, Gabriel; Al-Suadi, Soham (eds.) Judaism and Emotion - Texts, Performance, Experience. Studies in Judaism: Vol. 7 (pp. 21-42). New York: Peter Lang
Al-Suadi, Soham (2013). Introduction to Text Section. In: Ross, Sarah; Levy, Gabriel; Al-Suadi, Soham (eds.) Judaism and Emotion - Texts, Performance, Experience. Studies in Judaism: Vol. 7 (pp. 17-20). New York: Peter Lang
Ross, Sarah (2013). General Introduction: Reflections on Judaism and Emotion. In: Ross, Sarah; Al-Suadi, Soham; Levy, Gabriel (eds.) Judaism and Emotion: Texts, Performance, Experience. Studies in Judaism: Vol. 7 (pp. 1-13). New York: Peter Lang New York
Ross, Sarah (2013). Introduction to Performance Section. In: Levy, Gabriel; Ross, Sarah; Al-Suadi, Soham (eds.) Judaism and Emotion: Texts, Performance, Experience. Studies in Judaism: Vol. 7 (pp. 63-65). New York: Peter Lang
Ross, Sarah; Levy, Gabriel (2013). Emotional and Cognitive Rhythms in Jewish Ritual Music. In: Ross, Sarah; Al-Suadi, Soham; Levy, Gabriel (eds.) Judaism and Emotion. Texts, Performance, Experience. Studies in Judaism: Vol. 7 (pp. 99-118). New York: Peter Lang
Al-Suadi, Soham (2012). Methodenvielfalt der neutestamentlichen Mahlforschung. Erträge und Herausforderungen. In: Klinghardt, Matthias; Taussig, Hal (eds.) Mahl und religiöse Identität im frühen Christentum / Meals and Religious Identity in Early Christianity (pp. 41-56). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto
Al-Suadi, Soham (2012). The Power of an Invitation. The Lord's Supper in its Cultural Context. In: MacDonald, Nathan; Ehrensperger, Kathy; Sutter Rehmann, Luzia (eds.) Decisive Meals. Table Politics in Biblical Literature. Library of New Testament Studies (pp. 134-150). London & New York: T. and T. Clark
Al-Suadi, Soham; Smit, Peter-Ben (eds.) (2019). T&T Clark Handbook to Early Christian Meals in the Greco-Roman World. London: Bloomsbury
Ross, Sarah; Levy, Gabriel; Al-Suadi, Soham (eds.) (2013). Judaism and Emotion - Texts, Performance, Experience. Studies in Judaism: Vol. 7. New York: Peter Lang
Al-Suadi, Soham (September 2014). Acta Thaddaei (Unpublished). In: Sommerwerkstatt zu den Apokryphen Apostelakten. Seminarhotel Leuenberg, Hölstein. 04. – 06.09.2014.
Al-Suadi, Soham (March 2014). The Motif of inspired speech in the Gospel of Luke (Unpublished). In: Lucaswerkplaats. Utrecht. März 2014.
Al-Suadi, Soham (23 November 2013). Imperial negotiations in Luke and Lucan (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting SBL. Baltimore.
Al-Suadi, Soham (24 August 2013). Corpus Hermeticum XII (Unpublished). In: Sommerwerkstatt 2013 „Corpus Hermeticum“. Hildesheim, Deutschland.
Al-Suadi, Soham (January 2013). Theologische Prophetie bei Lukas und Lukan – Kommunikation einer Gotteslehre (Unpublished). In: Theologische Fakultät Kopenhagen. Kopenhagen.