Berger, S

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Schaer, M; Schober, M; Berger, S; Boileau, P; Zumstein, M A (2012). Biologically based strategies to augment rotator cuff tears. International journal of shoulder surgery, 6(2), pp. 51-60. Mumbai: Medknow Publications 10.4103/0973-6042.96995

Bender, H.U.; Berger, S; Oesch, V; Nelle, M; Schäfer, S.C.; Stranzinger, E; McDougall, J (2011). Neonatal appendicitis: a short report of a favorable course Swiss Scoiety of Neonatology

Berger, S (2011). Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. In: Dietz H.G., Illing P. (ed.) Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie (pp. 117-138). Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Slongo, Th; Audige, L; Hunter, J; Berger, S (2011). Clinical evaluation of end caps in elastic stable intramedullary nailing of femoral and tibial shaft fractures in children. European journal of trauma and emergency surgery, 37(3), pp. 305-312. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00068-011-0091-8

Berger, S; Dietz, ; Schmittenbecher, ; Slongo, Th (2011). Schädelhirntrauma im Kindesalter. In: , (ed.) Praktische Kindertraumatologie. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Berger, S (2011). Kapitel Kinderchirurgie. In: , (ed.) Pädiatrische Pneumologie. Frey und v. Mutius

Grau, T; Berger, S; Kessler, U; Cholewa, D (2010). Protophorphyrin IX production on neuroblastoma with 5 aminolevulinic acid and its hexylester. In: 11th European Congress of Pediatric Surgery. Bern, Switzerland. June 2nd - 5th, 2010.

Berger, S; Oesch, V (2009). Special Situations. In: , (ed.) Pediatric Surgery Digest (pp. 165-177). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Heusser, Peter; Berger, S; Stutz, M; Hüsler, A; Häberli, André; Wolf, Ursula (2009). Efficacy of homeopathically potentized antimony on blood coagulation. A randomized placebo controlled crossover trial. Forschende Komplementärmedizin, 16(1), pp. 14-18. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000196974

Berger, S; Wagner, B; Raio, L; Nelle, M; Zachariou, Z (2008). Delayed closure of large ompahloceles after external compression of the ompahlocele sac. Päd - praktische Pädiatrie OmniMed-Verl.-Ges.

Joeris, A; Berger, S; Grütter, T; Slongo, Th (2008). Pediatric Trauma Brain Injuries - Review and single centre experiences. In: 4 th International Meeting on Mild Trauma Brain Injuries in Sports, March 10th to 15t 2008. St. Moritz, Switzerland.

Cholewa, D; Berger, S; Wolf, R; Exadaktylos, A; Zachariou, Z (2008). Low Dosis Digitales Ganzkörperröntgen (LODOX) beim mehrfach verletzten Kind. Berliner Journal für Soziologie(April), pp. 22-25. Berlin: Akademie Verlag

Fluri, S; Neuhäuser, C; Daetwyler, K; Berger, S; Aebi, C; Wagner, B (2008). When staphylococcus aureus infection needs rescue therapy: successful treatment of septic shock and purpura fulminans with vasopressin and protein c. Swiss medical weekly(138), p. 37. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag

Schlapbach, LJ; Aebi, C; Nelle, M; Ammann, RA; Berger, S; Kessler, U (2008). Elevated cord blood levels of mannose-binding lectin associated serine prtease-2 in infants with necrotizing enterocolitis a case control study. Swiss medical weekly(138), p. 6. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag

Berger, S (2008). Congenital pancreatic cysts. In: EUPSA. Türkei.

Berger, S (2008). Nailing in the femur: clinical experience and problems. In: 3rd AO IM-nailing experts symposium.. Mainz.

Berger, S (2008). Nailing in the tibia: clinical experience and problems. In: 3rd AO IM-nailing experts symposium.. Mainz.

Berger, S (2008). Chirurgische Therapie der Obstipation. In: Fortbildung der Kinderchirurgischen Klinik Inselspital Bern.. Bern.

Klimek, P; Kessler, U; Schibli, S; Berger, S; Zachariou, Z (2008). Gallensteine bei Kindern. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS Basel: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Berger, S; Schweizer, M; Schweizer, P (2007). Surgical anatomy of the pelvis as a basis for pull-through procedures in Hirschsprung's disease. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 3(2), pp. 134-139. Hangzhou: Institute of Pediatrics

Schweizer, P; Berger, S; Schweizer, M; Holschneider, AM; Beck, O (2007). Repeat pull-through surgery for complicated Hirschsprung's disease - principles derived from clinical experience. Journal of pediatric surgery, 42(3), 536 - 43. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2006.10.058

Stern, R; Berger, S; Casaulta, C; Raio, L; Abderhalden, S; Zachariou, Z (2007). Bilateral intralobar pulmonary sequestration in a newborn, case report and review of the literature on bilateral intralobar pulmonary sequestrations. Journal of pediatric surgery, 42(4), e19-e23. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2007.01.054

Waldschmidt, U; Berger, S; Zachariou, Z (2007). Die Behandlung von Hämangiomen im Kindesalter. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS(7), 613 - 620. Basel: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Kessler, U; Mungnirandr, A; Nelle, M; Nimmo, A F; Zachariou, Z; Berger, S (2006). A simple presurgical necrotizing enterocolitis-mortality scoring system. Journal of perinatology, 26(12), pp. 764-8. New York, N.Y.: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/

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