Budde, Henning

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Number of items: 22.

Budde, Henning; Schwarz, Rolf; Velasques, Bruna; Ribeiro, Pedro; Holzweg, Martin; Machado, Sergio; Brazaitas, M.; Staack, F.; Wegner, Mirko (2016). The need for differentiating between exercise, physical activity, and training. Autoimmunity reviews, 15(1), pp. 110-111. Elsevier 10.1016/j.autrev.2015.09.004

Budde, Henning; Velasques, Bruna; Ribeiro, Pedro; Emeljanova, A.; Machado, Sergio; Wegner, Mirko (2016). How does acute exercise influence cognition? Journal of applied physiology, 120(6), pp. 659-660. American Physiological Society

Budde, Henning; Machado, Sergio; Ribeiro, Pedro; Wegner, Mirko (2015). The cortisol response to exercise in young adults. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 9, p. 13. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00013

Mura, Gioia; Rocha, Nuna B. F.; Helmich, Ingo; Budde, Henning; Machado, Sergio; Wegner, Mirko; Nardi, Antonio Egidio; Arias-Carrión, Oscar; Vellante, Marcello; Baum, Antonia; Guicciardi, Marco; Patten, Scott B.; Carta, Mauro Giovanni (2015). Physical activity interventions in schools for improving lifestyle in European countries. Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health, 11(Suppl. 1: M5), pp. 77-101.

Machado, Sergio; Lattari, Eduardo; Souza de Sá, Alberto; Rocha, Nuno B. F.; Yuan, Ti-Fei; Paes, Flávia; Wegner, Mirko; Budde, Henning; Nardi, Antonio Egidio; Arias-Carrión, Oscar (2015). Is mental practice an effective adjunct therapeutic strategy for upper limb motor restoration after stroke? CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 14(5), pp. 567-575. Bentham Science Publishers

Souza de Sa, A.; de Souza Moura, A. M.; Lamego, M. K.; Rocha, N. B. F.; Paes, F.; Oliveira, A. C.; Lattari, E.; Rimes, R.; Manocchio, J.; Budde, Henning; Wegner, Mirko; Mura, G.; Arias-Carrion, O.; Cheniaux, E.; Yuan, T.-F.; Nardi, A. E.; Machado, S. (2015). Potential therapeutic effects of physical exercise for bipolar disorder. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 14(10), pp. 1255-1259. Bentham Science Publishers

Rimes, R.; de Souza Moura, A. M.; Lamego, M. K.; Souza de Sa, A.; Manocchio, J.; Paes, F.; Carta, M. G.; Mura, G.; Wegner, Mirko; Budde, Henning; Rocha, N. B. F.; Rocha, K.; Tavares, J.; Arias-Carrion, O.; Nardi, A. E.; Yuan, T.-F.; Machado, Sergio (2015). Effects of exercise on physical and mental health, cognitive and brain functions in schizophrenia: Clinical and experimental evidence. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 14(10), pp. 1244-1254. Bentham Science Publishers

de Souza Moura, A. M.; Lamego, M. K.; Paes, F.; Rocha, N. B. F.; Simoes-Silva, V.; Rocha, S. A.; Souza de Sa, A.; Rimes, R.; Manocchio, J.; Budde, Henning; Wegner, Mirko; Mura, G.; Arias-Carrion, O.; Yuan, T.-F.; Nardi, A. E.; Machado, S. (2015). Comparison among aerobic exercise and other types of interventions to treat depression: A systematic review. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 14(9), pp. 1171-1183. Bentham Science Publishers

Manocchio, J.; Lattari, E.; Mello Portugal, E. M.; Sobral Monteiro-Junior, R.; Paes, F.; Budde, Henning; Farinatti, P. T. V.; Arias-Carrion, O.; Wegner, Mirko; Carta, M. G.; Mura, G.; Rocha, N. B. F.; Almada, L. F.; Nardi, E. N.; Machado, Sergio (2015). From mind to body: Is mental practice effective on strength gains? A meta-analysis. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 14(9), pp. 1145-1151. Bentham Science Publishers

Lamego, M. K.; de Souza Moura, A. M.; Paes, F.; Rocha, N. B. F.; Souza de Sa, A.; Lattari, E.; Rimes, R.; Manocchio, J.; Budde, Henning; Wegner, Mirko; Mura, G.; Arias-Carrion, O.; Yuan, T.-F.; Nardi, A. E.; Machado, Sergio (2015). Aerobic exercise does not predict brain derived neurotrophic factor and cortisol alterations in depressed patients. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 14(9), pp. 1116-1128. Bentham Science Publishers

Wegner, Mirko; Schüler, Julia; Scheuermann, Katharina S.; Machado, Sergio; Budde, Henning (2015). The implicit power motive and adolescents’ salivary cortisol in response to acute psychosocial stress and exercise in school. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 14(9), pp. 1219-1224. Bentham Science Publishers

Wegner, Mirko; Niemann, Claudia; Budde, Henning (2015). Physiological and psychological associations of testosterone in sports and exercise with due regard to adolescents. In: Neurobiology of men's mental health (pp. 67-82). New York: Nova Publishers

Wegner, Mirko; Schüler, Julia; Budde, Henning (2014). The implicit affiliation motive moderates cortisol responses to acute psychosocial stress in high school students. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 48(48), pp. 162-168. Elsevier 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2014.06.013

Wegner, Mirko; Koedijker, Johan M.; Budde, Henning (2014). The effect of acute exercise and psychosocial stress on fine motor skills and testosterone concentration in the saliva of high school students. PLoS ONE, 9(3), e92953. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0092953

Wegner, Mirko; Helmich, Ingo; Machado, Sergio; Arias-Carrión, Oscar; Budde, Henning (2014). Effects of exercise on anxiety and depression disorders: Review of meta-analyses and neurobiological mechanisms. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 13(6), pp. 1002-1014. Bentham Science Publishers 10.2174/1871527313666140612102841

Wegner, Mirko; Müller-Alcazar, Anett; Jäger, Anika; Machado, Sergio; Arias-Carrión, Oscar; Budde, Henning (2014). Effects of physical and psychological stressors on adolescents’ cortisol levels and self-perceived stress in school. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 13(6), pp. 1015-1020. Bentham Science Publishers 10.2174/1871527313666140612103425

Budde, Henning; Wegner, Mirko (2014). Effects of exercise on anxiety and depression disorders (Unpublished). In: 43rd Conference of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego (USA). 9.-11.11. 2013.

Wegner, Mirko; Schüler, Julia; Budde, Henning (2014). The implicit affiliation motive moderates cortisol responses to acute psychological stress in high school students. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 48, pp. 162-168. Elsevier

Niemann, Claudia; Wegner, Mirko; Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia; Holzweg, Martin; Arafat, Ayman M.; Budde, Henning (2013). Influence of physical activity and acute exercise on cognitive performance and saliva testosterone in preadolescent school children. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 6(3), pp. 197-204. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.mhpa.2013.08.002

Budde, Henning; Wegner, Mirko (September 2013). Veränderungen im d2-Aufmerksamkeitstest und in der Handgeschicklichkeit von Schülern nach körperlicher oder psychischer Belastung (Unpublished). In: 21. Sportwissenschaftlichen Hochschultag der DVS. Konstanz. 25.-27.09.2013.

Wegner, Mirko; Budde, Henning (May 2013). Implizites vs. explizites Machtmotiv beeinflussen Cortisolwerte und Zustandsangst als Reaktion auf physische und psychische Stressoren (Unpublished). In: 45. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sportpsychologie (ASP). Halle (Saale), Deutschland. 9.-11.05.2013.

Wegner, Mirko; Windisch, Claudia; Budde, Henning (February 2013). Dissociative effects of implicit vs. explicit power motivation: Effects on cortisol and state anxiety levels in response to physical and psychological stress (Unpublished). In: 5. Jahrestagung der Sportwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft der Schweiz (SGS). Basel. 14.02.2013.

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