Claviez, Thomas

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Claviez, Thomas (8 November 2022). The Relevance of the Irrelevant: The Anecdote and Walter Benjamin (Unpublished). In: Whose Telling Your Story: SANAS biennial conference 2022. Université de Fribourg. 8.-9. November.

Claviez, Thomas (25 May 2022). Introduction (Unpublished). In: Identity Politics and the Study of Literature. University of Bern. 25.-26. May.

Claviez, Thomas (2022). Neorealism, Metonymy, and the Question of Contingency. In: Mathieson, Jolene; Henderson, Marius; Lange, Julia (eds.) The Public Mind and the Politics of Postmillenial U.S.-American Writing. Anglia Book Series: Vol. 79 (pp. 129-146). Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110771350-009

Claviez, Thomas; Marchi, Viola (eds.) (2021). Throwing the Moral Dice. Ethics and the Problem of Contingency. New York: Fordham University Press

Claviez, Thomas; Marchi, Viola (2021). Introduction. Throwing the Moral Dice: Ethics 2.0, Contingency, and Dialectics. In: Claviez, Thomas; Marchi, Viola (eds.) Throwing the Moral Dice. Just Ideas (pp. 1-31). New York: Fordham University Press

Claviez, Thomas (2021). Cosmopolitan Ethics as an Ethics of Contingency: Toward a Metonymic Community. In: Claviez, Thomas; Marchi, Viola (eds.) Throwing the Moral Dice. Ethics and the Problem of Contingency. Just Ideas (pp. 45-68). New York: Fordham University Press

Claviez, Thomas (2021). The Road Not Taken: Environmental Ethics, Reciprocity, and Non-Negative Non-Agency. In: Claviez, Thomas; Marchi, Viola (eds.) Throwing the Moral Dice. Ethics and the Problem of Contingency. Just Ideas (pp. 206-228). New York: Fordham University Press

Marchi, Viola (2021). The Apophatic Community: Ethics, Contingency, Negation. In: Claviez, Thomas; Marchi, Viola (eds.) Throwing the Moral Dice: Ethics and the Problem of Contingency (pp. 94-126). New York: Fordham University Press

Claviez, Thomas (24 August 2021). "Towards a Poetics of Contingency: Some Remarks on the 'Metonymic Community'" (Unpublished). In: Arts in the Commons. Kopenhagen. 23. - 27. August 2021.

Claviez, Thomas (2020). Dead or alive: Blues and the question of authenticity. In: Blues in the 21st Century: Myth, Self-Expression and Trans-Culturalism. Series in Music (pp. 115-126). Wilmington, Del., USA: Vernon Press

Claviez, Thomas (2020). The Relevance of the Irrelevant: Wisdom and/of Contingency (In Press). In: Dorson, James; Sedlmeier, Florian; Snyder-Körber, MaryAnn; Wege, Birte (eds.) Anecdotal modernity : making and unmaking history. Anglia Book Series: Vol. 68 (pp. 169-180). Berlin: De Gruyter

Ruta, Marcello (2020). Ontology of Music and Authenticity - a Pragmatic Approach. In: Claviez, Thomas; Imesch, Kornelia; Sweers, Britta (eds.) Critique of Authenticity. Series in philosophy (pp. 159-182). Wilmington: Vernon Press

Marchi, Viola (2020). “The alienation of the common”: a look into the ‘authentic origin’ of community. In: Claviez, Thomas; Imesch, Kornelia; Sweers, Britta (eds.) Critique of authenticity. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press

Hagmann, Lea; Andres Morrissey, Franz (2020). Multiple Authenticities of Folk Songs. In: Claviez, Thomas; Imesch, Kornelia; Sweers, Britta (eds.) Critique of Authenticity (pp. 183-206). Wilmington: Vernon Press

Claviez, Thomas; Imesch, Kornelia; Sweers, Britta (eds.) (2020). Critique of Authenticity. Series in Philosophy. Wilmington: Vernon Press

Claviez, Thomas (2019). Neorealism, Contingency, and the Linguistic Turn. Humanities, 8(4), pp. 176-192. MDPI 10.3390/h8040176

Claviez, Thomas (29 October 2019). Is Art Resistant? Some Thoughts On/After Rancière (Unpublished). In: Aesthetics and Critique. Université de Fribourg. 29.-30. Oktober 2019.

Claviez, Thomas (2019). Where Are Jacques and Ernesto When You Need Them? Rancière and Laclau on Populism, Experts and Contingency. Philosophy & social criticism, 45(9-10), pp. 1132-1143. Sage 10.1177/0191453719872295

Claviez, Thomas; Imesch, Kornelia; Sweers, Britta (2019). Introduction. In: Critique of Authenticity. Vernon Series in Philosophy (pp. 7-14). Wilmington: Vernon Press

Claviez, Thomas (2019). The dual paradox of authenticity in the 21st century: a response to Alessandro Ferrara. In: Critique of Authenticity. Vernon Series in Philosophy (pp. 19-30). Wilmington: Vernon Press

Claviez, Thomas (2019). A Critique of Authenticity and Recognition. In: Critique of Authenticity. Vernon Series in Philosophy (pp. 43-57). Wilmington: Vernon Press

Claviez, Thomas (2019). Melville, Whitman, and metonymy: towards a new poetics of community. Textual Practice, 33(10), pp. 1767-1785. Taylor and Francis 10.1080/0950236X.2019.1665927

Suter, Patrick; Claviez, Thomas (29 May 2019). Über einige Motive bei Baudelaire (Unpublished). In: Benjamin lesen. Interdisziplinäres Ringseminar.. Bern, Schweiz. 29. Mai 2019.

Claviez, Thomas (10 May 2019). Some remarks on the Metonymic Society (Unpublished). In: Constructing and Contesting Community. Universität Bern. 9. - 10. Mai 2019.

Rota, Andrea; Claviez, Thomas; Büschges, Christian (9 May 2019). Introductory Remarks to "Constructing and Contesting Community" (Unpublished). In: International Workshop Constructing and Contesting Community. Center for Global Studies, Universität Bern. 09. - 10.05.2019.

Claviez, Thomas (2019). Walt Whitman: Metonymy, Contingency, and the Democracy of it All. In: Walt Whitman Revisited: On the Occasion of his 200th Birthday. Mainzer Studien zur Amerikanistik: Vol. 73 (pp. 139-162). Berlin: Peter Lang

Claviez, Thomas (8 December 2018). Alterity, Contingency, and the Difference of it All (Unpublished). In: Alterity Revisited. Universität Luzern, Schweiz. 8.-9. Dezember 2018.

Claviez, Thomas (24 November 2018). Dead or Alive? Blues and the Question of Authenticity (Unpublished). In: Blues in the 21st Century. University of Catania, Italien. 23.-24. November 2018.

Claviez, Thomas (6 July 2018). Realism, Metonymy, and the Contingency of it all (Unpublished). In: Konferenz Realisms. Universität Göttingen. 5.-6. Juli 2018.

Claviez, Thomas (22 June 2018). Neo-Realism and the Problem of Recognition (Unpublished). In: Current Tendencies in Contempoary American Fiction. Warburg Haus, Hamburg. 22.-23. Juni 2018.

Claviez, Thomas (19 June 2018). The Road Not Taken: Ethics, Reciprocity, and Non-Negative Non-Agency (Unpublished). In: GCSC Keynote Lectures. Giessen. Justus-Liebig Universität, GCSC.

Claviez, Thomas (15 May 2018). Where Is Jacques When You Need Him? Rancière, Populism, and the Demos (Unpublished). In: Konferenz "Philosophy and Social Science". Prag, Tschechien. 16.-20. Mai 2018.

Claviez, Thomas (13 April 2018). Grey Metonymy: Contingency and Community in Agamben and Esposito (Unpublished). In: Colloquium Philosophy Center. De Paul University Chicago. 13. April 2018.

Claviez, Thomas (10 April 2018). "Contingency in Agamben and Esposito" (Unpublished). In: Italian Studies Colloquium. Cornell University, New York. 10.04.2018.

Claviez, Thomas (26 February 2018). The Metonymic Community (Unpublished). In: CGS Forum "Community". Universität Bern, Schweiz. 26.02.2018.

Claviez, Thomas (2 February 2018). Anecdote and Contingency: The Relevance of the Irrelevant (Unpublished). In: Exemplary Singularity: Fault Lines of the Anecdotal. John F. Kennedy Institut Berlin. 1.-3. Feburuar 2018.

Claviez, Thomas (2018). Dramen der An(v)erkennung: Kritische Theorie als Literaturgeschichte. In: Festl, Michael G.; Schweighauser, Philipp (eds.) Literatur und Philosophie: Subjektivität, Fremdheit, Demokratie (pp. 21-50). Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink

Claviez, Thomas (July 2017). Cosmopolitanism and World Literature (Unpublished). In: IWL Institute of World Literature. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 3-26 July.

Claviez, Thomas (2017). The assemblage as Metonymic Community (Unpublished). In: American Philosophical Forum. Louisiana State University.

Claviez, Thomas (2017). Dramas of Misrecognition: Critical Theory and Literary History (Unpublished). In: Sociology and Political Philosophy. Charles University, Prague.

Claviez, Thomas (7 November 2016). A Critique of Authenticity (Unpublished). In: Theory and Practice of Authenticity in Global Cultural Production. Bern, Schweiz. 05.-07.11.2016.

Claviez, Thomas (11 April 2016). Reading the American Assemblage as Metonymic Community (Unpublished). In: American Philosophical Forum. Key West. 11.04.2016.

Claviez, Thomas (5 April 2016). The Road not Taken: Environmental Ethics, Reciprocity, and Non-Negative Non-Agency (Unpublished). In: Colloquium. Rice University, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.. 05.04.2016.

Claviez, Thomas; Wetzel, Dietmar J. (2016). Zur Aktualität von Jacques Rancière. Einleitung in sein Werk. Aktuelle und klassische Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaftler innen. Darmstadt: VS Verlag 10.1007/978-3-531-18890-4

Claviez, Thomas (25 February 2016). The Road not Taken: Environmental Ethics, Reciprocity, and Non-Negative Non-Agency (Unpublished). In: Philosophisches Colloquium. University of Bern. 25.02.2016.

Claviez, Thomas (ed.) (2016). The Common Growl: Toward a Poetics of Precarious Community. Commonalities. New York: Fordham University Press

Claviez, Thomas (2016). Introduction. In: Claviez, Thomas (ed.) The Common Growl: Toward a Poetics of Precarious Community. Commonalities (pp. 1-14). New York: Fordham University Press

Claviez, Thomas (2016). A Metonymic Community? Toward a Poetics of Contingency. In: Claviez, Thomas (ed.) The Common Growl: Toward a Poetics of Precarious Community (pp. 39-56). New York: Fordham University Press

Claviez, Thomas (November 2015). A Critique of Authenticity and Recognition (Unpublished). In: Authenticity and Cultural Translation in the Global City and Community. Universität Lausanne. 12.-14.11.2015.

Claviez, Thomas (16 October 2015). Dramas of Recognition: Philosophy as Literary History (Unpublished). In: Literature and Philosophy. International Workshop at the University of St. Gallen. St. Gallen, Schweiz. 16.-17.10.2015.

Claviez, Thomas (May 2015). Dramas of Recognition: Philosophy as Literary History (Unpublished). In: Philosophy and Social Criticism. Prag. 27.-29.05.2015.

Claviez, Thomas (2015). Krise, Kritik, Kontingenz: Prolegomena zu einer neuen Poetik der Gemeinschaft. In: Friedrich, Janette; Thomä, Dieter; Festl, Michael; Grosser, Florian; Hügli, Anton (eds.) Über Krise und Kritik – Crise et critique. Studia philosophica. Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Philosophischen Gesellschaft. Annuaire de la société suisse de philosophie: Vol. 74 (pp. 107-120). Basel: Schwabe AG

Claviez, Thomas (2015). Environmental Ethics, Responsibility, and the Problem of Agency (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium. Universität Düsseldorf.

Claviez, Thomas (2015). Presentation of Terence Cave. In: Cave, Terence (ed.) Far Other Worlds, and Other Seas. The Annual Balzan Lecture: Vol. 6 (pp. 15-21). Florenz: Leo. S. Olschki

Claviez, Thomas (13 November 2014). Authenticity, Community, Being-With: Heidegger, Arendt and Levinas (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. Penn State University, Pennsylvania. 13.11.2014.

Claviez, Thomas (9 November 2014). The Metonymic Community: Walt Whitman and Herman Melville (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. University of Southern California, Los Angeles. 09.11.2014.

Claviez, Thomas (4 November 2014). Authenticity, Community, Being-With: Heidegger, Arendt and Levinas (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. Darmouth College, USA. 04.11.2014.

Claviez, Thomas (June 2014). The Metonymic Community (Unpublished). In: Symposium der Schweizerischen Philosophischen Gesellschaft. Universität St. Gallen. 05.-07.06.2014.

Claviez, Thomas (May 2014). Being-With: Authenticity, the "They", and Community in Heidegger's Being and Time (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference Philosophy and Social Sciences. Prague. 22.-25.05.2014.

Claviez, Thomas (April 2014). The Sublime - A Critical Reassessment (Unpublished). In: Theory Workshop. University of Geneva. April 2014.

Claviez, Thomas (March 2014). Authenticity and its Discontents (Unpublished). In: Launching Conference of the Sinergia Project "Theory and Practice of Authenticity in Global Cultural Production. Bern. 14.-15.03.2014.

Claviez, Thomas (2014). Traces of a Metonymic Society in American Literary History. In: Fluck, Winfried; Redling, Erik; Sielke, Sabine; Zapf, Hubert (eds.) American Studies Today. New Research Agendas. American Studies – A Monograph Series: Vol. 230 (pp. 290-299). Heidelberg: Winter

Cottier Bucher, Annie Madeleine (2014). Rewriting Histories and Geographies: Cosmopolitan Moments in Contemporary Indian Writing in English. (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Humanities)

Claviez, Thomas (2013). Done and Over With - Finally? Otherness, Metonymy, and the Ethics of Comparison. PMLA, 128(3), pp. 608-614. Modern Language Association of America

Claviez, Thomas (ed.) (2013). The Conditions of Hospitality: Ethics, Politics and the Aesthetics on the Threshold of the Possible. New York: Fordham University Press

Claviez, Thomas (2013). Introduction: 'Taking Place' - Conditional/Unconditional Hospitality. In: Claviez, Thomas (ed.) The Conditions of Hospitality: Ethics, Politics, and Aesthetics on the Threshold of the Possible (pp. 1-11). New York: Fordham University Press

Claviez, Thomas (2013). Transcending Transcendence, or: Transcen differances. Limping toward a Radical Concept of Hospitality. In: Claviez, Thomas (ed.) The Conditions of Hospitality: Ethics, Politics, and Aesthetics on the Threshold of the Possible (pp. 24-41). New York: Fordham University Press

Claviez, Thomas (2013). Post-Subjectivity, Contingency, and Community (Unpublished). In: Conference "Extra-Subjectivity: New Concepts in Post-Identitarian Thought.". Bern. 01.-02.12.2013.

Escherle, Nora Anna (2013). 'Our work to Cry: Your Work to Listen.' Religious Alterity and Violence in Contemporary Anglophone Novels on Partition and Communalism by Pakistani and Indian Writers. (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of English Languages and Literatures)

Claviez, Thomas (2013). Aleida Assmann. Introduction to Cultural Studies: Topics, Concepts, Issues. Anglia - journal of English philology / Zeitschrift für englische Philologie, 131(2-3), pp. 385-388. De Gruyter 10.1515/anglia-2013-0040

Claviez, Thomas (2012). Giorgio Agamben. In: Betzler, Monika; Nida-Rümelin, Julian (eds.) Ästhetik und Kunstphilosophie. Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen (pp. 16-23). Stuttgart: Kröner

Claviez, Thomas (2012). Time, Alterity, Hybridity and 'Exemplary Universality': Some Remarks on Alessandro Ferrara's Concept of 'Reflective Authenticity'. In: Straub, Julia (ed.) Paradoxes of Authenticity. Studies on a Critical Concept. Cultural and media studies (pp. 77-94). Bielefeld: Transcript

Claviez, Thomas (2012). Jamming What Exactly? Some Notes on the 'Anthropological Machine' and Ethics in Derrida, Agamben, Calarco, and Latour. In: Müller, Timo; Sauter, Michael (eds.) Literature, Ecology, Ethics. Recent Trends in Ecocriticism. Anglistische Forschungen: Vol. 432 (pp. 69-80). Heidelberg: Winter

Claviez, Thomas (2012). Die Rückkehr des Mythos - am Ende der Aufklärung? Überlegungen zu einer metonymischen Gesellschaft. In: Wetzel, Dietmar J. (ed.) Perspektiven der Aufklärung. Zwischen Mythos und Realität. Laboratorium Aufklärung: Vol. 12 (pp. 43-56). München: Fink

Claviez, Thomas (2012). A Reply to Stewart Martin and Steven Shapiro (Unpublished). In: CUSO-Workshop "New Aesthetic Paradigms". Brienz. September 2012.

Claviez, Thomas (2012). The Limits of Recognition (Unpublished). In: Workshop "Authenticity Today". Universität Bern. September 2012.

Claviez, Thomas (2012). Politicizing the Game: Rancière, Schiller, and Free Play (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium "Literatur und Spiel". Bern. Juli 2012.

Claviez, Thomas (2012). Hybridity Between Contingency and Threat (Unpublished). In: EAAS Conference. Izmir. Juni 2012.

Claviez, Thomas (2012). Rancière, Schiller, and 'Free Play': Politicizing the Game. Colloquium Helveticum, 43, pp. 147-159. Academic Press

Claviez, Thomas (2011). Jamming What Exactly? Some Notes on the Anthropological Machine and Ethics in Derrida, Agamben, Calarco, and Latour, Universität Augsburg, Konferenz Literature, Ecology, Ethics, Feb. 2011.

Claviez, Thomas (2011). Bartleby's Second Career: Deleuze, Agamben, Zizek, Rome, Biennial Conference of the Melville Society, Juni 2011.

Claviez, Thomas (2011). Bartleby's Second Career: Deleuze, Agamben, Zizek, Rio de Janeiro, EAAS Conference, Juli 2011.

Claviez, Thomas (2011). Whitman and Melville Reassessed: Prolegomena for a Metonymic Society, Berlin, Conference American Studies Today, Okt. 2011.

Claviez, Thomas (2011). Modernist Short Stories Between the Regional and the Universal: William Faulkner's "Dry September" and Eudora Welty's "Petrified Man". In: Basseler, Michael; Nünning, Ansgar (eds.) A History of the American Short Story. Genres - Classics - Model Interpretations. WVT-Handbücher zum Literatur-Wissenschaftlichen Studium: Vol. 14 (pp. 219-238). Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier

Claviez, Thomas (2011). Antje Kley, Ethik medialer Repräsentation im britischen und US-amerikanischen Roman, 1741-2000 [Rezension]. Anglia - journal of English philology / Zeitschrift für englische Philologie, 128(3), pp. 533-536. Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/angl.2010.071

Claviez, Thomas (2010). Democracy: A Dieu, a Venir or Au Revoir? Annals of scholarship, 19(3), pp. 108-125. Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State Univ. Pr.

Claviez, Thomas (2010). Discipline and (Non-)Conformity: European American Studies as Non-American Studies. In: Christ, Birte; Kloeckner, Christian; Schäfer-Wünsche, Elisabeth; Butter, Michael (eds.) American Studies/Shifting Gears. A Publication of the DFG Research Network "The Futures of (European) American Studies". American Studies - A Monograph Series: Vol. 185 (pp. 23-38). Heidelberg: Winter

Claviez, Thomas (2010). Die Rückkehr des Mythos - das Ende der Aufklärung? Konferenz "Das Ende der Aufklärung?", Bern, September 2010.

Claviez, Thomas (2009). The Southern Demiurge at Work: Modernism, Literary Theory and William Faulkner's Dry September. Journal of modern literature JML, 32(4), pp. 22-33. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press 10.1353/jml.0.0064

Claviez, Thomas (2009). Pragmatic Transcendence: 'Power and Weakness' and the Solar System According to Robert Kagan. Philologie im Netz Phin(47), pp. 85-97. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Romanische Philologie

Claviez, Thomas (2009). Vom (White) American Adam zur (Black) American Eve: Identitäten und Utopien in Toni Morrisons Paradise. In: Benthien, Claudia; Gerlof, Manuela (eds.) Paradies. Topografien der Sehnsucht. Literatur, Kultur, Geschlecht. Kleine Reihe: Vol. 27 (pp. 135-154). Köln: Böhlau

Claviez, Thomas (2009). What is a European? Letters from a European Americanist. In: D'haen, Theo; Goerlandt, Iannis (eds.) Literature for Europe? (pp. 79-100). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi

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