Gonçalves, Kellie

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Number of items: 55.

Journal Article

Gonçalves, Kellie (2023). Investigating the discourses of lifestyle migration, lifestyle mobilities and multilingualism within a Norwegian context. AILA Review, 36(2), pp. 300-322.

Gonçalves, Kellie (2022). Street art as “street fetish” – a new signifier of social class? The case of Brazil’s “Beverley Hills”. Social semiotics, 32(4), pp. 525-544. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10350330.2022.2114729

Gonçalves, Kellie; Milani, Tommaso M. (2022). Street art/art in the street – semiotics, politics, economy. Social semiotics, 32(4), pp. 425-443. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10350330.2022.2114724

Gonçalves, Kellie (2022). “I think I need her more than she needs me”: An Intersectional Approach to Privilege, Marginalization and Power Asymmetries within a Brazilian Domestic Labor Context. Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics, 7, pp. 13-31.

Gonçalves, Kellie (2021). Narrating Migration: Intimacies of Exclusion in Northern Italy , Perrino, Sabina , New York: Routledge, 2020. vi + 170 pp. The Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 32(1), pp. 250-251. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jola.12316

Gonçalves, Kellie; Schluter, Anne (2020). Introduction: Language, inequality and global care work. International journal of the sociology of language, 2020(262), pp. 1-15. Mouton de Gruyter 10.1515/ijsl-2019-2067

Gonçalves, Kellie (2020). Managing people with language: language policy, planning and practice in multilingual blue-collar workplaces. Language policy, 19(3), pp. 327-338. New York: Springer 10.1007/s10993-020-09553-1

Gonçalves, Kellie (2020). “What the fuck is this for a language, this cannot be Deutsch?” language ideologies, policies, and semiotic practices of a kitchen crew in a hotel restaurant. Language policy, 19(3), pp. 417-441. New York: Springer 10.1007/s10993-020-09558-w

Thurlow, Crispin; Gonçalves, Kellie (2019). Introduction: X-SCAPES: New horizons in linguistic landscapes. Linguistic landscape, 5(2), pp. 111-114. Benjamins

Gonçalves, Kellie (2018). YO! or OY? - say what? Creative place-making through a metrolingual artifact in Dumbo, Brooklyn. International Journal of Multilingualism, 16(1), pp. 42-58. Routledge 10.1080/14790718.2018.1500259

Gonçalves, Kellie; Schluter, Anne (2017). “I don’t know if it’s the American dream because I work like hell”: Policy, power, and language brokering in a multilingual workplace. Language policy, 16(3), pp. 241-265. Springer

Gonçalves, Kellie; Schluter, A (2017). Live-in and live-out domestics: a case study of Brazilian return migrants (In Press). International journal of the sociology of language Mouton de Gruyter

Gonçalves, Kellie; Schluter, Anne (2017). “Please do not leave any notes for the cleaning lady, as many do not speak English fluently”: policy, power and language brokering in a multilingual workplace. Language policy, 16(3), pp. 241-265. Springer 10.1007/s10993-016-9406-2

Gonçalves, Kellie (2013). ‘Cooking lunch, that’s Swiss’: Constructing hybrid identities based on socio-cultural practices. Multilingua - journal of cross-cultural and interlanguage communication, 32(4), pp. 527-547. Walter de Gruyter 10.1515/multi-2013-0026

Book Section

Gonçalves, Kellie (2022). Urban Variationist Sociolinguistics. In: Busse, Beatrix; Warnke, Ingo H. (eds.) Handbuch Sprache Im Urbanen Raum. Handbücher Sprachwissen (HSW): Vol. 20 (pp. 33-51). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 10.1515/9783110296334-002

Gonçalves, Kellie (2021). Grassroots diffusion of English in a ‘blue-collar’ workplace: the case of a multilingual cleaning company in New Jersey, USA. In: Meierkord, Christiane; Schneider, Edgar W. (eds.) The Global Growth of English at the Grassroots. Edinburgh scholarship online (pp. 186-208). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press

Hess, Dominique Beatrice (2021). “The Filipinos, they can do it” – Privileging migrant workers in Saipan: A case study of the language practice in a multilingual water manufacturing company. In: Gonçalves, Kellie; Kelly-Holmes, Helen (eds.) Language, Global Mobilities, Blue-Collar Workers and Blue-collar Workplaces. London: Routledge

Jaworski, Adam; Gonçalves, Kellie (2021). “High Culture at Street Level” Oslo's Ibsen Sitat and the Ethos of Egalitarian Nationalism. In: Blackwood, Robert; Røyneland, Unn (eds.) Spaces of Multilingualism (pp. 135-164). New York: Routledge 10.4324/9781003125839-11

Gonçalves, Kellie (2018). Young Adulthood (In Press). In: The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Gonçalves, Kellie (2018). Hypermobility and the new global economy within adventure tourism contexts. In: Bielenia-Grajewska, Magdalena; De los Rios, Enriqueta Cortes (eds.) Innovative Perspectives on Tourism Discourse. Advances in hospitality, tourism, and the services industry (AHTSI) book series. Hershey, PA: IGI Global

Gonçalves, Kellie (2017). Small town” or “small city”? Place-making activities in Queenstown, New Zealand. In: Busse, Beatrix; Warnke, Ingo H.; Smith, Jennifer (eds.) Place-Making in the Declarative City. Diskursmuster: Vol. 22 (pp. 33-54). Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter

Gonçalves, Kellie (2016). Urban Variational Sociolinguistics. In: Busse, Beatrix; Warnke, Ingo H. (eds.) The Handbook of Language in Urban Space / Sprache im urbanen Raum. Handbücher Sprachwissen: Vol. 20. Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter

Gonçalves, Kellie (2015). The Pedagogical Implications of ELF in A Domestic Migrant Workplace. In: Bowles, Hugo; Cogo, Alessia (eds.) International Perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca. Pedagogical Insights (pp. 136-158). New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Gonçalves, Kellie (2015). Multilingualism and adventure tourists ‘on the move’ (In Press). In: Intercultural Communication: new perspectives from ELF. Rome: Roma TrE-Press


Gonçalves, Kellie; Kelly-Holmes, Helen (eds.) (2020). Language, Global Mobilities, Blue-Collar Workers and Blue-collar Workplaces. Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism. London: Routledge

Gonçalves, Kellie; Schluter, A (2017). Domestics Talk: Language use and social practices in a multilingual workplace (In Press). Language at Work. Bristol: Multilingual Matters

Gonçalves, Kellie (2013). Conversations of intercultural couples. Diskursmuster: Vol. 4. Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter

Conference or Workshop Item

Gonçalves, Kellie (19 October 2023). “Armene over hodet” – an embodied sociolinguistic study of Bikram Yoga Oslo (Unpublished). In: MultiLing Closing Conference. University of Oslo, Norway. October 18-20, 2023.

Gonçalves, Kellie (18 October 2023). From High Culture of Ibsen Sitat to gentrified Grünerløkka: investigating signage in different Oslo neighborhoods (Unpublished). In: MultiLing Closing Conference. University of Oslo, Norway. October 18-20, 2023.

Gonçalves, Kellie (7 September 2023). Disputed urban territories: linguistic and discursive materializations of dystopia and utopia: Discussion (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape Conference. University of Madrid, Spain. September 6-9 2023.

Gonçalves, Kellie (6 September 2023). Investigating economic utopia and dystopia through mobile stickers and their functions (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape Conference. University of Madrid, Spain. September 6-9 2023.

Gonçalves, Kellie (6 September 2023). Anthropocentic Landscapes: Discussion (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape Conference. University of Madrid, Spain. September 6-9 2023.

Gonçalves, Kellie (18 April 2023). Multilingual Work (Unpublished). In: MultiLing. University of Oslo, Norway (Zoom).

Gonçalves, Kellie (29 March 2023). Sociolinguistics, Gender & Historians? (Unpublished). In: Invited Talk. University of Zurich, Switzerland (Zoom).

Gonçalves, Kellie (15 March 2023). Eye-tracking with Pupil Core (Unpublished). In: Invited Talk. CSLS, University of Bern, Switzerland (Zoom).

Gonçalves, Kellie (5 January 2023). Embodied Sociolinguistics: the case of Bikram yoga (Unpublished). In: Invited Talk. Tel Aviv University, Israel (Zoom).

Gonçalves, Kellie (November 2022). The Discourse of Van Life: A Multimodal Analysis. (Unpublished). In: Urbane und rurale Räume: Ein transphilologischer Dialog. University of Bern.

Gonçalves, Kellie; Lanza, Elizabeth (September 2022). Expanding the LL: Familyscapes, multilingualism, and family language policy (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape Workshop. University of Hamburg. 7-9 September.

Gonçalves, Kellie (June 2022). Multilingual writing and social class: a case study of supermarket products in Switzerland June 2022 (Unpublished). In: Multilingual Writing. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik.

Gonçalves, Kellie (March 2022). Yogascapes (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Seminar Series. University of Reading, England (Zoom).

Gonçalves, Kellie (February 2022). From Economic Migration to Lifestyle Mobilities: exploring the discourses of movement. (Unpublished). In: Migration Linguistics Winter School. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Zoom).

Gonçalves, Kellie (7 September 2021). The political economy of place - Investigating how 'artistic dividends' and 'USPs' are used in gentrification processes: case studies from Brooklyn (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape: The Political Economy of Language and Space (PhD Workshop). The University of Göthenburg, Sweden (Online). 6.-8. September 2021.

Gonçalves, Kellie (2 September 2021). Yogascapes: Embodied Practice and the Political Economy of Place (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape. The University of Göthenburg, Sweden (Online). 1. - 3. September 2021.

Gonçalves, Kellie (8 June 2021). Namaste: investigating the stylization of bikram yoga as a contemporary global practice (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Symposium 23: Social semiotics of style: Unsettling oral, written & visual discourse. The University of Hong Kong, China (Online). 07.-10.06.2021.

Gonçalves, Kellie (June 2016). “Stay and Play”: investigating the semiotic landscapes of DUMBO, Brooklyn (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 21 Panel: Creativity and play in the multilingual/multimodal semiotic landscape. Murcia, Spain. 15.06.2016.

Gonçalves, Kellie (November 2015). Global tourists, transient ‘locals’ and mobile ‘voices’ in Queenstown, New Zealand: Contesting official language policies through semiotic landscapes and the commodification of place (Unpublished). In: Communication in the Country of Babel: Language ideological Debates and Contact Varieties. University of Bern. 11.-12.11.2015.

Gonçalves, Kellie; Schluter, A (October 2015). Bridging Cultures through Polycentricity in a U.S.-Based Cleaning Company. (Unpublished). In: The International Association of World Englishes. Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. 08.-10.10.2015.

Gonçalves, Kellie (October 2015). Hispanics speak! Translanguaging and other transcultural practices in navigating Newark’s urban landscape among Portuguese, Brazilian and Spanish-speaking domestics (Unpublished). In: Transcultural Urban Spaces: Where language meets geography. University of Bern. 16.-17.10.2015.

Gonçalves, Kellie; Schluter, A (June 2015). Polycentricity and the Prestige of Portuguese among Migrant Workers in a New Jersey, U.S.-Based Cleaning Company (Unpublished). In: The Sociolinguistics of Globalization Conference. Hong Kong, China. 03.-06.06.2015.

Gonçalves, Kellie; Schluter, A (May 2015). Portuguese as a Lingua Franca in a New Jersey-Based Cleaning Company (Unpublished). In: 10th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. 20-24.05.2015.

Kern-Stähler, Annette; Britain, David; Gonçalves, Kellie; Nyffenegger, Nicole (2011). Conference organisation (Unpublished). In: On the Move: Mobilities in English Language and Literature, SAUTE conference. Universität Bern. 2011.

Journal or Series

Gonçalves, Kellie; Milani, Tommaso M. (eds.) (2022). Social Semiotics, 32(4). Taylor & Francis

Gonçalves, Kellie (ed.) (2020). Language Policy, 19(3). Springer

Thurlow, Crispin; Gonçalves, Kellie (eds.) (2019). X-Scapes. New horizons in Linguistic Landscapes, 5(2). John Benjamins

Gonçalves, Kellie; Schluter, A (eds.) (2017). International Journal of the Sociology of Language (in press), 2017. de Gruyter

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